[05:37] Himanshu was added by: Himanshu [05:38] Can I install Ubuntu touch on Asus zenfone 5 A501CG ? [06:17] no, it needs to be ported for each specific device [06:17] @Himanshu, No, at least for now. This is the list of supported devices [06:17] Oh, hi NeKit :) [06:18] https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/ [06:36] @Himanshu, and I believe that phone has a notch....I don't think UT can handle that already 😂 === doniks_ is now known as doniks [07:54] @Javacookies, I have a 2014 model..the first zenfone 5 [07:56] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/mJd4aLYN.png [07:58] oh okay...when 5 means the screen size....my bad [09:16] i think there's a halium port for it, but ilya is more focused on KDE then UBports === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [09:38] Also since this device uses an x86 processor, I don't think there is a suitable Ubuntu Touch rootfs for it at all. === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [10:04] obiken was added by: obiken [10:08] @obiken, Hi Сёма, welcome. Check out https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you started [10:15] Welcome @gcjordi !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available. [10:38] Rajiv Prasad was added by: Rajiv Prasad [10:39] Hi guys, I am trying to install Ubuntu Touch using the UBPorts Installer on my Nexus 5. I am not able move beyond the Bootloader page. Any help? [10:40] Hi Rajiv , welcome. Check out https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you started [10:41] Thanks Vijay. [10:41] I need help installing Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 5 phone. [10:43] I am not able to get the installation process beyond the BootLoader page after pressing the Power Button and Volume Down Button. [10:44] Also, I see SECURE BOOT - enabled & LOCK STATE - locked. Do you think this could be stopping the ubport installer from going past that screen? [11:10] @Rajiv Prasad, Hi Rajiv, come to the Welcome & Install group to get help https://t.me/WelcomePlus [11:11] Rajiv That's an official UBports channel [11:48] Hello @all … I want to change one of my devices to 16.04 … Is dekko2 currently working under 16.04 ? [11:50] @DanChapman can tell you for sure bu last thing I heard it's keep trying to start indefinitely [11:50] [Edit] @DanChapman can tell you for sure but last thing I heard it's keep trying to start indefinitely [11:51] It runs but there's issues with the mime parser. Something has changed in Qt5.9 and broken it. [11:51] So some messages are not displaying the message body and attachments [11:52] @advocatux, That's because whoever tried is using the vivid click 😉 [11:52] @DanChapman, Ah, perfect [11:52] [Edit] So some (well most actuallY) messages are not displaying the message body and attachments [11:53] @DanChapman thanks [11:56] Now that I have your attention on Dekko 😜👍 … http://www.dekkoproject.org/get-involved/ … http://www.dekkoproject.org/donate/ [11:58] @Bolly, 😂 [12:04] I'm trying to port ubports to my galaxy s4, I finally managed to compile everything and telnet into it with hybris-boot.img [12:04] just took me 4 days of work :P [12:05] I guess it's easier if you know how everything works [12:06] @DanChapman Is Dekko only for UT devices or is it also for desktop Ubuntu? [12:09] @Alex, You can get help in the Halium, and in the porting groups. I assume you've checked this already … https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues/62 … https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues/59 [12:19] <Павел Алексеев> Fwd from Ubuntu/Ubuntu Touch: Марк Ша́ттлворт — основатель Canonical, руководит разработкой Ubuntu. Также он - второй космический турист. Его состояние составляет 150 миллионов фунтов стерлингов. … #Ubuntufacts … #UbuntuTouchfacts [12:19] <Павел Алексеев> Fwd from Ubuntu/Ubuntu Touch: Mark Shuttleworth is the founder of Canonical, directs the development of Ubuntu. He is also the second space tourist. His fortune is 150 million pounds sterling. … #Ubuntufacts … #UbuntuTouchfacts [12:19] <Павел Алексеев> (Photo, 267x379) https://irc.ubports.com/Rv0zJ4cH.png [12:19] <Павел Алексеев> Fwd from Ubuntu/Ubuntu Touch: 25 апреля 2002 года Марк вышел в космос на борту космического корабля Союз ТМ 34. За путешествие Шаттлворт заплатил 20 миллионов долларов. … #Ubuntufacts … #UbuntuTouchfacts [12:19] <Павел Алексеев> Fwd from Ubuntu/Ubuntu Touch: April 25, 2002 Mark went into space aboard the Soyuz TM spacecraft 34. During the trip, Shuttleworth paid $ 20 million. … #Ubuntufacts … #UbuntuTouchfacts [12:19] <Павел Алексеев> Fwd from Ubuntu/Ubuntu Touch: Космический корабль был запущен с космодрома Байконур, расположенного в Казахстане. … The spacecraft was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome, located in Kazakhstan. … #Ubuntufacts … #UbuntuTouchfacts [12:19] <Павел Алексеев> (Photo, 1280x1038) https://irc.ubports.com/rn5uV6wp.png [12:19] <Павел Алексеев> (Photo, 930x524) https://irc.ubports.com/duhX1YZY.png [12:20] @UniversalSuperBox @wayneoutthere @advocatux spam [12:22] Done [12:43] Yes I've checked ! [12:43] I'm not there yet enough to contribute [12:44] I hacked a lot of things [12:44] Biggest issue was I needed g++6 instead of 7 to reduce a lot of the errors [12:44] But I still editted a few files manually [12:51] Also some sailfish os wiki helped me a lot [12:54] Also because I'm dumb, I was trying to use the i9500 instead of the international version I have so I had to redo everything :p [12:56] @Alex, Every device is different. Thats what many ppl dont believe but they will learn 😆 [12:56] Yes indeed, learn the hard way haha [12:56] They just both look very similar visually but have nothing related to each other [13:01] It's my first exposure to the android world and all of that is even more complex than I thought [13:01] @Alex, Its not made to be simple. Its a dirtry hack from 0 to 100 [13:01] Time to market is important, code quality, documentation etc is not [13:02] @dohbee, how do you insert code into the telegram chat? [13:03] visually it's practical [13:06] @Sconio, surround single line code with ` `test` … and muti-line with three ` … ```test``` [13:06] @Sconio, [Edit] surround single line code with test` … and muti-line with three ` … ```test``` [13:06] @Sconio, [Edit] surround single line code with ` `test` … and muti-line with three ` … ```test``` [13:07] (Photo, 125x147) https://irc.ubports.com/wUJ9AsD8.png [13:07] 'ok' [13:07] no, `, not ' [13:07] @Sconio, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grave_accent [13:08] [Edit] `ok` [13:08] `weird accent grave` [13:08] `ok good` [13:09] `On peut parler en Francais mais ne comprend pas le ponctuation` 😆 [13:10] `daccord, dans se cas c'est parfair [13:10] [Edit] `daccord, dans se cas c'est parfait` [13:10] 😆 [13:14] 豌豆 铜 was added by: 豌豆 铜 [13:15] Welcome 豌豆 !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you up to speed [13:20] <豌豆 铜> I can also in this group it? [13:25] @豌豆 铜, this group is for general discussion of ubports/ubuntu-touch. There's also @Ubports_Chinese if you'd like to join there [14:22] is there any mirror appart from jenkins for ubports-touch.rootfs-xenial-armhf.tar.gz ? :P it downloads at ~30KB/s and I have another 3 hours before it finishes :P [14:23] otherwise no big deal I'll wait [14:23] you could grab the rootfs off the system-image server instead maybe [14:29] Where is that ? Sorry I'm still a noob [14:35] ah, must be https://system-image.ubports.com/ I guess [14:36] yes, sorry [14:41] @Alex, also http://cdimage.ubports.com/rootfs/ is easier [14:41] ahhh perfect, thank you! [14:41] it looks much much faster than jenkins [15:34] howdy... just curious. i get an email sent to me with voice mail from my office phone. It's a .wav file. When I open it I can choose what software to open it with. I choose the media player but nothing plays. When I go to my ubuntu desktop it opens and plays no problem... any idea what's up with that? [16:11] Fwd from bhdouglass: Xenial support phase 1 now available on open-store.io! http://blog.bhdouglass.com/openstore/ubuntu-touch/2018/05/10/openstore-xenial-support.html === doniks_ is now known as doniks [16:23] @wayneoutthere, did it give you an error? granted, mediaplayer is designed to play video, not audio only. does it play other audio only files? [16:28] We are out with new Terminal app tutorial, we will announce in Channel new later, here the the link: https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-blog-1/post/terminal-chapter-4-125 [16:28] [Edit] We are out with new Terminal app tutorial, we will announce in Channel news later, here the link: https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-blog-1/post/terminal-chapter-4-125 [16:33] The UBwriters team would like also to ask you the community what next app tutorial would you like like to see, thanks for your feedback [16:33] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/OT33iYlp.webp [16:42] Nice 👍 [16:46] @milkor73 (and rest of the Team) good job! [16:47] Thx a lot, and very sorry for one day delay, last minute improvements, but thx also to Filippo Scognamiglio [16:48] he is not here but he is in other groups I will forward him your feedback [17:32] @dohbee, i... don't know. good point. let me test a bit more the way the entire UT handles audio. maybe it's a dekko2 issue [17:33] well, i would probably guess not a dekko issue if you can open the file in another app (though dekko could just play it inline if it had a feature to do so) [17:33] but if mediaplayer opens it should either play it or give an error dialog, i would think [17:34] and it's definitely not just a wav full of silence? [17:34] because it's totally awesome when people leave 2 minute long voice mails that are just silence [17:46] @dohbee, i agree with your guess... [17:46] @dohbee, hahaha. i totally thought that it was *until today*. before i assumed they were hangups but they weren't becasue today i knew it was a freight company and they always leave voice. Sure enough from PC i heard message. [17:48] (Sticker, 276x512) https://irc.ubports.com/aJQiDG59.webp === toddy is now known as _tux_ === _tux_ is now known as toddy [21:19] @dohbee https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/591 [21:21] ? [21:22] Trying to bring cups stuff to life [21:22] I already added a printer on my phone, but not more [21:23] For this we need some writable paths. You might know more about this? 😆 [21:24] `man writable-paths` [21:24] i mean, makes sense. cups config has to be stored somewhere [21:25] Ok so I can act on this ticket accordingly, and we just use the default paths its asking for [21:26] seems fine to start with. try to add printer, see what fails, fix it. :P [21:26] Printer added. Autodiscovered my hp 5800. Found a ppd (which I dont believe). Sounds awesome ^^ [21:27] Even the network discovery worked. amazing [21:28] well, it should be roughly the same as it is on default ubuntu insall [21:28] Which is pretty great tbh [21:32] yeah. Now failed with the printer app. But will fix it tomorrow [22:53] Do click webapps require something special to support copy/paste? [23:16] @dhasenan, Shouldn't if classic webapp anyway, don't know about the other style