
flocculantnacc: I always forget that setting :p04:07
=== ledeni_ is now known as ledeni
BionicMacIs there a alternate installer image for Lubuntu Cosmic?18:54
flocculantBionicMac: if it's not there - I think my mempry of them not doing alternates is likely right18:56
BionicMacflocculant: I looked on the qa tracker, but no alternate installer in Cosmic. I do see it in stable releases though. Must be a way to do this though. Maybe boot the Bionic alternate and specify a Cosmic testing repos.19:07
flocculantI think they stopped doing them 19:16
flocculantand no idea - really not something I've got an interest in really19:16
Piciwe have minimal installers, but not alternates19:16
flocculantPici: do you know if they did stop?19:21
flocculantI'm convinced they did - but can't remember where I read it ... thought it was on the release list19:21
BionicMacPici: Minimal Installer image for Cosmic?19:21
geniiBetter off to just use a server install with just sshd and not the other LAMP things, then install <whatever>-desktop19:26
BionicMacOk, I will just use cosmic-base image and use tasksel. Actually I am booted to Cosmic Lubuntu image Live. Installed tasksel, and using it to choose the task. Thanks.19:26
BionicMacAll the choices I need are presented with tasksel. All good. =) 19:27
BionicMacPici: that would be a great choice also. Thanks! I will make note.19:28
BionicMacgenii: Thanks. flocculant Peace thanks and have a good one.19:29
flocculantflocculant: no problem :)19:29
flocculantftr - happy to help people - just never been that interested in alternates - tested them when I had to ;) 19:30
BionicMacInstall IP... I don't remember Calameres being in Lubuntu-Bionic. Must be a new default for Cosmic. 19:30
BionicMacflocculant: alternates work great for me on old hardware where I don't want X-installer of any kind. 19:31
RumenHello there -  I have a issue with missing icons in Bionic with Comminity Theme. In top bar in most of the cases Dropbox, Skype, Mega and Classic Menu Indicator missing. Sometimes the a loded, but very rearly19:32
RumenDoes anybody can help me fix that?19:32
flocculantRumen: we've gone Cosmic in here - you need #ubuntu for bionic19:34
* BionicMac goes galactic...19:58
* genii orders a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster20:01
* BionicMac dodges20:01
BionicMacgenii: check in #kubuntu-offtopic20:01
=== BionicMac is now known as CosmicMac
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er

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