
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:10
dufluHi oSoMoN06:16
oSoMoNhey duflu06:39
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willcookemorning all07:56
willcookeis anyone specifically looking at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/128525807:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1285258 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "sometimes GNOME screen lock fails to unlock after password entered" [High,Triaged]07:58
dufluwillcooke, that looks like trusty. There are probably more relevant/current bugs in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bugs?field.tag=unlock08:00
dufluMorning willcooke08:01
willcookehi duflu!  I dont see anything specific about that same issue in there, other than the bug I linked too08:01
willcookelike, nothing newer08:01
dufluwillcooke, I guess my real question is whether you or someone is seeing it on bionic? I think we might have other newer password entry bugs open right now that would be more relevant08:02
dufluJust not tagged08:02
willcookeah, right08:02
willcookesomeone pinged me on twitter to say they're seeing it08:03
willcookeI'll get them to log a new bug08:03
dufluwillcooke, yeah, thanks. We do have a constant trickle of such reports and have been able to deduplicate most08:03
willcookehold on08:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1765261 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "[regression] Ubuntu 18.04 login screen rejects a valid password on first attempt. Usually works on the second attempt" [High,In progress]08:05
dufluI was thinking that but would wait for their bug report to verify08:06
dufluAlso I haven't verified the 3.28.2 fix. It just sounds very much like it08:06
willcookekk, I've targetted that one08:07
dufluParticularly for passwords that start with Shift ;)08:07
dufluSo in bionic you had a hard time if your screen was QHD or higher, or your password starts with a Shift combo. Weird but we got there...08:08
willcookeStill not as good as "can't print on Tuesday"]08:08
willcookeor was it Thursday08:08
dufluwillcooke, that covers two of the three notable bionic regressions I reported a couple of weeks ago. The third one applies to old Intel GPUs (2007-2010)08:09
dufluAny older than 2007 and Mesa won't support you any more :(08:10
dufluAlso 64-bit08:10
willcookeuh :(08:10
dufluwillcooke, just see my email from 1 May08:11
tjaaltonduflu: where?09:02
tjaaltonthe email09:02
duflutjaalton, a private email09:02
duflutjaalton, in your inbox09:03
tjaaltongen3 doesn't support native ogl2.x I think09:10
duflutjaalton, re bug 1727356, I think it's a simpler problem than that. GL works - you just need to be using Xorg, not Wayland09:17
ubot5bug 1727356 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Wayland sessions (including the login screen itself) don't start up on older Intel GPUs." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172735609:17
tjaaltonah right, wayland.. still weird that it wouldn't work09:17
duflutjaalton, I have the hardware, just not yet the patience to set up such a slow machine for debugging09:18
dufluStill, it will bubble to the top of my list soonish09:19
willcookeTrevinho, I see you're working on this upstream: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/176613709:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1766137 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "[regression] Password accepted but login fails (blank purple screen and mouse pointer only)" [High,In progress]09:22
willcookecan I assign that LP bug to you>?09:22
dufluwillcooke, yeah I assumed it was mine :)09:22
dufluOops, wrong bug09:23
dufluwillcooke, the password one is just waiting for gnome 3.28.2, so Jeremy09:23
willcookeWell, is it though?  Are they the same root cause?09:23
tjaaltongen4 is oldest I have09:23
dufluwillcooke, sorry, wrong bug again. 1766137 was in progress with Laney...?09:24
dufluLaney was working on it in gitlab before it moved into bugzilla09:25
Laneyit's being worked on09:27
Laneyif that's 227 /  the new gnome bug for it09:28
dufluIn other news, if you have to jump to source code like 17607, there's probably something wrong09:28
duflu-like +line09:28
dufluwillcooke, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/22709:30
ubot5-ngGNOME bug 227 in gnome-shell "Login fails when preceded by incorrect password" (comments: 22) [Closed]09:30
ubot5Error: Gnome bug 227 could not be found09:30
oSoMoNchrisccoulson, hey are you around? the chromium-browser update to 66.0.3359.139 is ready in ppa:canonical-chromium-builds/stage (for xenial, artful and bionic)10:13
Trevinhowillcooke: hey, also Laney was doing it, so not assigned to me as was for both :-)10:54
willcookeTrevinho, kk11:02
willcookeTrevinho, I've targetted it for B so (hopefully) we will pick it up next week11:03
Trevinhowillcooke: yeah, the fix is there, just waiting for upstream11:04
Laneyright it's already picked up11:08
Laneyone day I'll make that p11-kit bug happen :(11:23
popeyHm, I'm seeing a reall odd lag issue with the firefox snap in stable.11:36
popeySwitching tabs sometimes gives me a spinner in the middle of  a blank tab, and trying to highlight text just doesn't work, like it's blocked.11:37
popeybut a few seconds later it works.11:37
popeyDoes anyone here use the firefox snap in anger?11:38
popey(no other app does it)11:38
willcookepopey, kenvandine does he'll be on in a couple of hours11:55
kenvandinepopey, yo12:14
kenvandinepopey, i've never seen that issue12:16
willcookebah, I need to create some routing rules to stop passing everything over the VPN13:06
[Kid]is there a way in 18.04 to have Skype flash on new message like in Unity?13:22
popeyDo you not get a little blob in the skype icon in the indicator area?13:23
[Kid]i do, so maybe that is what i have to get used to13:28
[Kid]i am used to unity flashing the icon on the dock13:29
popeyoh i see, yes.13:44
kenvandineoSoMoN, can you try to run gnome-contacts from the candidate channel?14:18
kenvandineoSoMoN, specifically any idea why every executable we try to run in desktop-launch set faults... but the snap actually works :)14:18
kenvandineoSoMoN, something's up with our classic snaps14:19
oSoMoNkenvandine, sorry I missed your messages (but got a notification on telegram), my internet went down14:47
kenvandineoSoMoN, no worries14:47
kenvandineit's weird though, things like mkdir are segfaulting14:47
kenvandinejust for the classic snap14:48
kenvandinei'm thinking it's probably related to the preload14:48
kenvandinenot playing well with a classic snap14:48
kenvandineoSoMoN, but wanted your insight :)14:48
oSoMoNkenvandine, the snap to test is gnome-contacts, right?14:49
kenvandineoSoMoN, ln also segfaults14:49
kenvandinecandidate channel14:49
oSoMoNtrying now14:49
oSoMoNwow, it looks like every single command in the desktop-launch script segfaults14:50
oSoMoNkenvandine, we can easily check whether the preload thing is causing the problem, by rebuilding the snap without it14:53
LaneyoSoMoN: you can copy the desktop-launch script somewhere and then bind mount it over the one in the snap14:56
Laneythen it's editable14:56
oSoMoNah, that's an elegant alternative to using the rebuild-snap big hammer14:57
oSoMoNkenvandine, confirmed, the app runs when bindtextdomain.so is not in the snap14:58
Laneylaney@nightingale> SNAP=/snap/gnome-contacts/39/ LD_PRELOAD=/snap/gnome-contacts/39/bindtextdomain.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 mkdir /tmp/a                                           ~SNAP15:04
Laneymkdir: cannot create directory ‘/tmp/a’: File exists15:04
Laneylaney@nightingale> SNAP=/snap/gnome-contacts/39/ LD_PRELOAD=/snap/gnome-contacts/39/bindtextdomain.so:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 mkdir /tmp/a                                                                            ~SNAP15:04
Laney[1]    26689 segmentation fault (core dumped)  SNAP=/snap/gnome-contacts/39/ LD_PRELOAD= mkdir -v /tmp/a15:04
Laneysomething to do with the libdl in the snap anyway15:04
kenvandinethat's concerning, since all the libs should be coming from 16.04 in the snap and core rather than the host15:06
Laneythey do15:06
Laneybut in that commandline I tell it to use my host one and it starts working15:06
kenvandineright... it shouldn't though right?15:07
Laneyseems weird15:07
Laneyhow's this thing built?15:07
kenvandineor maybe it's just missing?15:07
kenvandineon LP15:07
Laneylink to the build?15:07
Laneythe .so is built each time?15:08
Laneywould be good if there were ddebs :<15:12
jbichaTrevinho: are you around today?16:12
Trevinhojbicha: yep16:12
jbichaTrevinho: I'm thinking about disabling the LP: #1764558 mutter patch for cosmic and bionic16:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 1764558 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Window buttons icon effect isn't applied to mutter decorations" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176455816:13
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Trevinhojbicha: let me look at it, I just wanted to find a proper way to reproduce16:21
jbichaok, I can wait :)16:22
willcookenight all17:05
hyperairhey does the gtk-color-scheme key in org.gnome.desktop.interface no longer work on gtk2 applications?17:56
hyperairi seem to hae lost my gtk2 color scheme customizations after upgrading from artful to bionic :/17:57
oSoMoNhave a good evening everyone18:04
robert_ancelljbicha, looks like the updated image didn't work in bug 176855723:50
ubot5bug 1768557 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu Bionic) "Update what's new graphic for Welcome to Ubuntu wizard" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176855723:50

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