
bluesabreI don't think anything does by default, unless you choose system default00:23
bluesabre... in the related app00:23
bluesabreah, mousepad seems to not be working with that... wonder if the bug is in -settings or mousepad00:26
bluesabreUnit193: done tidying up bzr branches for catfish, lightdm-gtk-greeter, lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings, menulibre, mugshot, sgt-launcher, and xfpanel-switch00:28
Unit193Uh, OK?00:29
bluesabrePart 2 of that statement :D, what's the best way to convert those to git? is it https://github.com/mnauw/git-remote-bzr ?00:31
Unit193!info bzr-fastimport-plugin00:32
ubottuPackage bzr-fastimport-plugin does not exist in bionic00:32
Unit193bluesabre: I already did the lightdm-gtk-greeter conversion for you!00:32
bluesabreUnit193: indeed, but it was out of date last I checked :D00:32
Unit193Just remember to convert all branches.00:33
bluesabreah, so fast-export from bzr and fast-import into git00:36
Unit193--plain --rewrite-whatever-this-tag-is-that-i-cant-remember-right-now --git-branch=artful00:37
ali1234bluesabre: no, that's the problem. choosing "system default" causes the app to look at a completely different place than where xfce stores that setting...00:38
ali1234mousepad has an unrelated bug... if you choose "system default" it uses the system default font but not the system default size00:39
bluesabreali1234: gotcha00:39
bluesabreso it's a nice mess of things :)00:39
ali1234also if you choose "system default" in mousepad, it just uses "monospace"00:43
ali1234there "system default" means "fontconfig default" ("monospace" being an alias)00:43
ali1234on top of that you have the problem where fonts are about 1 pixel bigger using libfreetype from 18.0400:47
ali1234i have to set my font to 9.5 pt to make it look right00:47
ali1234pidgin is a complete mess because it seem to use both font settings at the same time in the conversation window, so by default on xubuntu 18.04, normal text uses the xfce default font and any bold text appears in cantrell 11pt. which looks incredibly weird.00:51
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.04 - i386 - i386 built.01:11
bluesabrelp is lacking git support for most of their project settings01:24
bluesabrecan configure a git branch for the project, but can't connect it to a series or automatic translations without a bzr import01:24
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 18.04 - amd64 - amd64 built.01:36
bluesabrehttps://launchpad.net/sgt-launcher is all hooked up with it's git repo and bzr import for auto translations01:42
Unit193Those builds work around the issue in Ubiquity.02:21
Unit193Ubiquity, or wherever the *actual* problem is.02:21
flocculantyou want for it to get tested?04:09
Unit193If you wouldn't mind, I ran i386 and it had no issue.04:10
flocculantok - I'll go grab it then 04:10
Unit193I'm waiting for the all clear from you and emery before I release and seed.04:11
flocculantokey doke04:12
flocculantflashing usb now - longest part of this job ...04:15
flocculantUnit193: live worked, install worked, reboot worked, login worked, couple of things I used worked, shutdown worked :)04:33
Unit193Good enough for me!  32 or 64?04:33
flocculantquick question - in the favourites for whisker - we have web browser and mail reader - why?04:33
flocculant64 bit as you did 32 bit 04:33
Unit193Because we love them?04:33
flocculantbut not enough to install them?04:34
Unit193Not in Core, in Desktop we do.  x-d-s is the same.04:34
flocculantseems a bit odd to have them in the menu if they're not installed04:34
flocculantanyway - seems to work ok :)04:35
flocculantdamn friendly recovery isn't working for me again04:36
flocculanthad to login here to update grub04:36
=== SwissBot_ is now known as SwissBot
bluesabreAlso got the daily packaging moved over for sgt-launcher and the daily builds working. Happy with the migration now. https://code.launchpad.net/sgt-launcher/+git :-)10:32
bluesabreSomething that might be fun for this cycle would be investigating snap/flatpak packaging... figure it out once and backports become a piece of cake11:20
bluesabreali1234: regarding system mono fonts, we can definitely fix the terminal and mousepad (and settings if something else needs set) and report lots of other bugs, happy to help with moving that along11:35
bluesabremy main goal this cycle is fix bugs and get them back into bionic11:37
ali1234bluesabre: i am not sure how to fix it though, tbh13:04
ali1234it seems to me that there is no cross-platform concept of "system default monospace font"13:04
ali1234the setting which everything reads is supposed to be private to GNOME13:04
ali1234i updated the bug description13:39
flocculantochosi: I have this really distracting issue - not sure how to replicate it as it just happens - clock/date randomly leaves the date wherever the mouse cursor is - highlights the plugin on the panel and hangs around until I mouseover the clock plugin19:05
flocculantany ideas?19:05
flocculantother than removing the thing19:06
bluepain_flocculant, I believe you're talking about the tool-tip which shows up when you hover on date/time plugin right?20:04
flocculantbluepain_: yea - which randomly appears where the cursor happens to be 20:05
flocculantalbinard: hey :)20:06
albinardI just tested the new XubuCore ISO and it passed with flying colors20:06
flocculantUnit193 will be pleased to see you say that :D20:07
flocculantI checked it this morning too20:07
Unit193albinard: Heya!  Was going to email you after I sent something off to the list.  Great!20:08
bluepain_flocculant, yea, I used to see that before migrating 17.1020:08
bluepain_what is your current xfce4-datetime-plugin version?20:08
bluepain_maybe this problem has been fixed in recent commits?20:08
bluepain_mine is Version: 0.7.0-1ubuntu120:09
Unit193xfce4-datetime-plugin doesn't really have a use considering the panel's clock has all the functionality.20:09
Unit193However, the version hasn't changed in Bionic from Artful.20:10
flocculantdatetime-plugin doesn't appear to be installed20:10
albinardIt is on mine20:10
flocculantI just have clock in the panel20:11
albinardBut I did install xfce4-goodies20:11
bluepain_is it possible to have date/clock info in the panel without xfce4-datetime-plugin?20:12
flocculantobviously is :)20:12
bluepain_now I started to being suspicious about my knowledge, so what does xfce4-datetime-plugin do in the panel?20:14
flocculantno idea - don't use it :D20:14
bluepain_so which application is providing this (https://ibb.co/j7SpmJ) information?20:16
flocculantClock here20:16
albinardGives date and time in permanent display, day of week if you mouse-over, calendar if you click20:16
flocculantthought that orage20:17
bluepain_i don't use orage20:17
bluepain_i don't have it installed actually20:17
Unit193Clock does all that which you say.20:18
flocculantanyway - I'm kind of expecting it to be some gtk3 chicanery from ppa20:19
albinardIt isn't new - been using it for years20:20
bluepain_I know this is off-topic but I'm not gonna be able to sleep if I can't find any answer this, why do I have installed xfce4-datetime-plugin in my PC :D?20:21
bluepain_I read the webpage (http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-datetime-plugin)20:21
bluepain_And couldn't found any plugin such as "DateTime" in the panel items20:22
flocculantclock on the left, date-time on the right https://i.imgur.com/udbv0lO.png20:27
Unit193albinard: Again, thanks!20:27
Unit193You have mail.20:27
bluepain_flocculant, weird, coz I don't have this plugin in panel items.20:28
bluepain_but it is installed 20:29
albinardUnit193: Got it, and thank you for the mention!20:29
Unit193Heh, of course!20:29
bluepain_Never had that :D 20:29
albinardNow I'm off to play with my new Core installation20:30
flocculantUnit193: I've added Core to the tracker - same as before, version is cosmic so it doesn't clear daily20:34
Unit193OK, sounds great.20:35
flocculantdo we still want the 2 tasksel options?20:35
flocculantif not I can disable them so we just have the iso one20:35
Unit193tasksel is the *official* way to install it, but...20:35
flocculantwe only seem to have people using the iso?20:36
flocculantI'd probably suggest just disabling them for the moment, if we get a built iso the official way we can easily enough revisit that20:37
flocculantand if we do want to keep the tasksel ones - the testcases need a good looking at ... 20:38
Unit193Heh, likely true, yeah.20:38
flocculantshall I disable them?20:39
Unit193I'm not sure I'm the right person to ask, but...Sure?20:39
flocculantok :)20:39
flocculantbluesabre: pondering pacvkage tracker again for 'some' cycles - got an opinion?20:41
flocculantUnit193: ok - done that now for better or worse20:41
flocculantup the wooden hill for me now - night all20:42
Unit193I may not have mentioned it, https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/xfce412.html has cosmic.20:42
ochosibluesabre: so you wanna focus on bugfixes for 18.10? (to some extent makes sense, i actually thought we were gonna focus on pushing as much xfce-gtk3 in as arguable)20:57
=== bluepain_ is now known as bluepain
bluesabreflocculant: not opposed23:44
bluesabreochosi: https://wiki.xubuntu.org/devel/xubuntu-18.10 is what I've contemplated so far23:45
bluesabrealso not opposed to shipping some more gtk3 bits23:46
Unit193Depends which ones.23:46
bluesabreUnit193: have a preference?23:50
Unit193I have a hard no to xfwm4, that's really hit and miss for people.  I have other opinions, but that one is a certain.23:51
bluesabreI'd agree with that23:52
Unit193I'm never fond of touching thunar, and thusly not so keen on xfdesktop, but I think otherwise...23:53
Unit193bluesabre: Oh, fix that xfsettingsd bug first.  Then that'll be fine. :P23:53
bluesabreUnit193: which one?23:54
Unit193Guy in -dev was talking about it.23:54
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14381 in Xfsettingsd "xfsettingsd --replace does not replace old daemon" [Normal,New]23:54
Unit193BUt I'm running everything in the ppa except for: thunar, xfce4-systemload-plugin, xfdesktop423:55

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