
=== chmurifree is now known as chmuri
ssarahHi everyone. I installed the newest xubuntu and couldn't find the option to encrypt my /home12:25
ssarahthey removed it?12:25
Javabeanuse the full disk encryption option12:30
ssarahdon't wnat to12:38
ssarahthat's slow, Javabean12:38
ssarahi just wanted my home encrypted12:38
Javabeani can't remember if it was ubuntu's release notes or xubuntu's but the option was removed in favor of full disk encryption.12:40
Javabeani mean, you could still setup an encrypted home. but it would be the "old-skool" manual setup12:40
ssarahit's not really nice to have an ssd and a fully encrypted linux12:41
Javabeandon't shoot the messenger, i am just some random that knew the answer12:41
ssarahJavabean, tyvm Javabean :)12:41
Javabeanyour welcome, and honestly... i should probably be leaving for work soon12:43
ssarahgo go, im already at work. But my machine feels a bit messed up, I think because I have an encrypted home and did a do-release-upgrade.12:45
ssarahat least i get a bunch of related errors on boot12:45
ssarahi'll just backup and format12:45
=== chmurifree is now known as chmuri
ssarahAnd how come you ubuntu went back to x? Wayland seemed pretty cool13:56
ssarahthis i didnt "feel" i just read about13:56
ssarahah.. because it's a LTS ?14:02
SpassI think Wayland is not ready to be default in the LTS release, it has some issues with NVIDIA drivers iirc14:04
KorbakHi there :) !17:53
KorbakHope you'll save my digital life, I am definitely stuck here17:53
KorbakI upgraded my laptop from Xubuntu 17.10 to Xubuntu 18.0417:53
KorbakEverything went fine, but now, whenever I boot, I see the splashscreen and then get a frozen prompt black screen. I have an access to the tty, but I can't get the thing back to work. Can someone help me :) ?17:54
bluepain_did you install any third party GPU driver?17:55
Korbakbluepain_: I don't think so, but I am not sure to understand, can you explain this point to me ?17:56
KorbakOr, of course, tell me where to seek ^^17:57
bluepain_Did you install any propriety drivers in "Settings->Additional Drivers" s17:57
KorbakI think I did, when I was on 17.1017:58
bluepain_is your gpu amd or nvidia?17:58
Korbak(A GT 630M to be exact)17:58
bluepain_maybe you can try this17:58
bluepain_go to tty1 by pressing CTRL + ALT + F117:59
KorbakAlready in :)17:59
bluepain_then run this command: "sudo apt-get --purge autoremove nvidia*"17:59
bluepain_don't forget * symbol at the end17:59
bluepain_and then reboot the device17:59
Korbak« zsh: no matches found: nvidia* »17:59
KorbakGuess my previous « autoremove » actually got the work done :(18:00
bluepain_maybe you can try removing Xorg configuration by running " sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf "18:02
Korbakisn't that risky ?18:03
bluepain_xorg is pretty good at finding proper configuration according to your hardware without a need of xorg.conf file18:04
bluepain_you can move it18:04
KorbakGotta move it, seems fair :)18:04
bluepain_like mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /home/<username>/18:04
bluepain_then reboot your device18:05
KorbakDone, I reboot and let you know18:05
bluepain_yep yep18:05
KorbakOkay, for now the splash screen is always here18:06
KorbakHere comes the bad part... #suspense :)18:06
KorbakIt worked \o/18:07
KorbakThanks sooooo much \o/18:07
bluepain_Korbak, sorry I didn't see, I was away. You're welcome.18:22
krytarikNow you've missed the one minute suspense. :(18:23
CrazyTuxhello, can I install Xubuntu Desktop on Ubuntu Mate 18.04? will it create any conflicts and inconsistencies?18:31
bluepain_Korbak, yea :D18:33
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=== bluepain_ is now known as bluepain

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