[00:08] would Kubuntu be interested in being a ".Org Sponsor" for South East Linux Fest (SELF) for only $50. http://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/?page_id=54 || http://www.southeastlinuxfest.org/pdfs/SELF-2018-Prospectus.pdf [00:09] it would be cool in general to support a Linux Fest but also they will put Kubuntu on the website and promote on social media. [00:09] That would be sweeeeeeeeeeet. [00:09] woot, MichaelTunnell is here! [00:09] :D [00:09] tsimonq2: are you interested in going to SELF? [00:09] the only caveat is the table allocation as we wouldn't have anyone to attend it [00:09] valorie: Flight and hotel are already booked... [00:10] ! [00:10] MONTHS ago. :) [00:10] I'm already going to SELF. [00:10] And MichaelTunnell knows this. :P [00:10] would you have time or energy to do a table though [00:10] indeed [00:10] mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [00:10] dunno [00:10] is there anyone else we could rope into helping? [00:10] Aaron will be there. [00:11] right, but he'll be super-busy [00:11] and working [00:11] we could possibly do it without a table. I dont know but we could ask [00:11] the promotion Kubuntu could do about sponsoring and the promotion from the fest about Kubuntu could be beneficial regardless [00:12] sure [00:13] I would have no problem spending the money personally [00:20] I'm going to contact them now to ask how to just send the money personally on behalf of Kubuntu [00:21] sounds good and also talk to them about the table issue [00:21] yes, mentioning that [17:39] valorie I'm going on my own so I won't man the system76 booth if there is one. [18:42] BTW I approve of the funds to send to SELF from the Kubuntu funds. [19:21] @MichaelTunnell, +1 We should do that [19:55] ahoneybun: ah! [19:55] so are you interested in tabling? [19:55] I can send the last of my stickers [19:56] we should buy some more [19:56] we have sticker? [19:56] s [19:56] I bought stickers last year and offered to send them to anyone who wanted some [19:56] hmm, maybe two years ago [19:57] I sent some to genii I think [19:57] and..... dunno [19:57] ovidiu maybe [19:57] the rest I've given away at fests [19:57] hmmm. now I have a vague memory...... [20:00] well, they just live in the closet most of the time [20:00] lol [20:00] valorie I could help out when needed. [20:01] so to catch you up, I've enquired as to how to pay for org sponsorship which gets us a place in the program [20:01] it also gets us a table but I said we probably wouldn't need one [20:02] but I can change my mind I suppose [20:02] MichaelTunnell will be there, and so will tsimonq2 [20:03] I suppose we could get a couple of conf.packs from Ubuntu [20:04] it's up to those of you who are going [20:04] I'd rather not. [20:10] it does pin you down [20:10] and otoh gaves you a base [20:12] @tsimonq2 rather not what? [20:13] valorie it may be a good idea to have one maybe? I mean with 3 people we can rotate around well enough. [20:13] between the three of you decide, and I'll see if they responded to me [20:20] I can't promise any time unfortunately. I am doing a talk on Saturday, helping Noah with Ask Noah Show sometime Saturday, potentially recording another a podcast or 2 on Sunday, potentially getting content for my channel. I can help out occasionally when applicable but unfortunately I wouldn't be available most of the time. [20:21] unless another kubuntu-ite is attending, sounds like not enough people [20:30] valorie just send some kubuntu stickers and shirts then lol [20:34] shirts? [20:34] the only kubuntu shirt I had, I gave to Scarlett [20:34] oh, I take that back [20:34] I have a buttondown [20:35] which.... I didn't even wear at LFNW, boo me [20:35] I can send you some stickers aaron if you will share them [20:35] I think tsimonq2 didn't take any with him [20:36] if you send stickers to ahoneybun then he can give me some to give out as well :) [20:37] Yes this is true. [20:41] exactly, MichaelTunnell [20:41] I'll dig them out of the closet in a bit and see how many are left [20:41] I'm find with sending them all and then re-ordering before SeaGL [21:44] Sounds like a plan valorie.