
tsimonq2wxl: While I'm at it, I might throw in a desktop icon too.00:05
tsimonq2wxl: Calamares settings upload> .00:18
tsimonq2wxl: . is Debianspeak for "done"00:19
wxlwatcha changing about the settings?00:19
wxlyou don't need to change the settings fool!00:19
tsimonq2YES I do.00:19
wxlyou just need to make sure we have squashfs-tools!!00:19
tsimonq2Make the settings hard dep on squashfs-tools!00:19
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [calamares-settings-ubuntu] tsimonq2 force-pushed master from 0020464 to 4cc781d: https://git.io/vAt2300:19
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- calamares-settings-ubuntu/master bde86fa Simon Quigley: Add a .gitignore file for debian/files.00:19
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- calamares-settings-ubuntu/master 1871e82 Simon Quigley: Remove lubuntu-qt-desktop from Suggests.00:19
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- calamares-settings-ubuntu/master d20618e Simon Quigley: Lubuntu.me is HTTPS now.00:19
tsimonq2That ^00:19
wxlok that works00:20
wxlso you should change the bug from ubuntu-seeds to calamares-settings-ubuntu00:20
tsimonq2wxl: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/200:20
wxlnot it no tag backs bye00:20
tsimonq2I did.00:20
wxlok :)00:20
wxlso now the other thing00:20
wxlInstall Lubuntu boots desktop00:20
wxlfix that00:20
tsimonq2ah shoot00:21
tsimonq2that's caspar00:21
tsimonq2I got it :)00:21
lyn||ianyes er00:21
wxlor grub?00:21
tsimonq2wxl: debian-cd in the tooling00:21
tsimonq2Ask {vorlon,infinity,cjwatson}00:21
tsimonq2Although arguably we should just be like Kubuntu in that respect.00:22
wxl"boot=casper only-ubiquity" etc00:22
wxlit's the "only-ubiquity" that's failing obviously!00:22
* tsimonq2 nods00:22
wxl't seem to be casper actually00:24
wxlnot in the manpage at least00:25
lubot<tsimonq2> That's what I said00:25
lubot<tsimonq2> It's in debian-cd00:25
wxlok well JFDI then :)00:26
wxli'm confused because all i'm seeing in debian-cd where only-ubiquity is mentioned is setting the kernel params00:31
tsimonq2wxl: ooh https://packaging.neon.kde.org/neon/calamares-settings-pinebook.git/tree/lib/live/config/1200-calamares?h=Neon/unstable01:10
tsimonq2wxl: Could you dig into that? Perhaps we can use that to our advantage.01:11
tsimonq2wxl: One more thing that needs to be looked at is making sure that the installed system doesn't have any cruft from the live image. The live wildcard plus the kernel hackery is here: https://github.com/lubuntu-team/calamares-settings-ubuntu/blob/master/lubuntu/modules/packages.conf01:12
tsimonq2wxl: If you have the time, digging into making sure everything is properly removed would be great.01:13
tsimonq2Otherwise I can do all of this, just let me know. :)01:13
lubot<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne Would you please be able to take the time to reorganize the default settings package a bit?01:51
lubot<tsimonq2> Perhaps we should move the obsolete files elsewhere, so we have a clean source package (maybe just another branch in Git) :)01:52
lubot<tsimonq2> I'm taking care of the metapackage now01:52
lubot<tsimonq2> I'm incrementing the version to 1.0, and I set proper Conflicts/Replaces on the old packages for upgrades.01:53
=== CosmicMac is now known as BionicMac
wxl@tsimonq2: re: phab Authentication provider ("GitHub") encountered an error while attempting to log in. The OAuth provider returned an error: redirect_uri_mismatch15:58
gQuigsI'm wondering how much of the download difference (i386 vs amd64) in direct downloads is just do to download page design 18:14
gQuigscompare https://lubuntu.me/downloads/ (i386 actually promoted to those unsure and top/left positional in many countries) to  https://xubuntu.org/download (slight highlight on 64-bit version)18:15
lubot<tsimonq2> @gQuigs, I would encourage you to join the new #ubuntu-flavors channel and repeat what you just said.18:33
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-seeds] lubuntu-lugito pushed 1 new commit to cosmic: https://git.io/vpyiJ20:25
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-seeds/cosmic 3a3dbeb Adam Conrad: Fix up some lubuntu-qt -> lubuntu misses.20:25
wxl^^^ let's rewrite that to encourage amd6420:43
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-seeds] lubuntu-lugito pushed 2 new commits to cosmic: https://git.io/vpy1v20:55
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-seeds/cosmic 53deffc Adam Conrad: Move core into desktop and use desktop-common now that we follow recommends.20:55
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-seeds/cosmic a91c70b Adam Conrad: Fix one remaining occurrence of core in STRUCTURE.20:55

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