
=== corpus is now known as Guest87133
irgendwer4711hi, I try to unlock network settings dialog, but unlock button does not work.12:20
irgendwer4711It seem graphical su is missing in lubuntu 18.0412:27
diogenes_irgendwer4711, it's gksu12:28
irgendwer4711its not there12:28
diogenes_sudo apt install gksu12:28
irgendwer4711not working12:28
diogenes_what's not working?\12:28
irgendwer4711Package 'gksu' has no installation candidate12:29
diogenes_try beesu package12:29
irgendwer4711also no bessu12:29
diogenes_what lubuntu version?12:32
diogenes_irgendwer4711, this is what it's adviced to use instead: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man8/polkit.8.html12:33
irgendwer4711diogenes_: policykit-1?12:36
irgendwer4711or lxpolkit?12:36
diogenes_irgendwer4711, i don't use any of those so i can't tell you for sure12:36
dunpealHi. How well does latest Lubuntu (18.04) work with HiDPI laptops?13:45
=== CosmicMac is now known as BionicMac
=== marco is now known as Guest83812
TeggunHey, is anyone having issues with displaying .gif files with gpicview? It seems like .gif files are not playing at all, it only plays the first frame and the last.21:46
TeggunAny idea on how to fix this, if possible?21:47

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