
=== hyperreal_ is now known as hyperreal
=== JanC is now known as Guest69049
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Pwnnais there a way to build an ubuntu core image without a snapcraft account04:58
zygagood morning05:05
* zyga feels more or less normal now, let's hope it will stay that way :)05:07
mborzeckizyga: hey05:08
cachio_zyga, hey05:08
cachio_mborzecki, you start early05:22
mborzeckicachio_: yup, always like this, leaves more day to attend kids & other things05:22
mborzeckicachio_: what time is at your place now? midnight?05:22
cachio_mborzecki, 2 am05:22
cachio_I am almost done05:23
mborzeckicachio_: wow ;) insomnia?05:23
cachio_mborzecki, no, fixing the images05:23
mborzeckicachio_: ayy05:23
cachio_all the builds were failing with the 16.04-32 and fedora-2705:23
mborzeckicachio_: was that a no space left thing?05:24
cachio_mborzecki, no, Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'updates'05:25
cachio_installing, or updating with dnf05:25
mborzeckimaybe  high load on fedora mirrors, people updating their systems05:26
cachio_mborzecki, yes, it could be, I regerenated the image many times with different changes and it didin't work05:27
mborzeckididn't the same happen when 27 was released?05:27
mborzeckiiirc we switched fedora to manual then05:27
cachio_mborzecki, yes, something similar, but as yesterday I updated this iamge I thought that perhaps something new was causing this05:29
cachio_mborzecki, I'll create a PR to set fedora as manual until it is fixed05:31
mborzeckicachio_: have you looked into preparing f28 image by any chance?05:32
cachio_mborzecki, no, should I?05:32
cachio_mborzecki, I mean, are we going to support it?05:32
mborzeckicachio_: yeah, it'd be great05:33
cachio_mborzecki, is it already released?05:33
cachio_or it is comming soon?05:33
mborzeckicachio_: it's released (that's probably why the high load on the mirrors)05:34
cachio_mborzecki, ah, ok05:37
cachio_mborzecki, I am runnin a script to create the google image05:37
cachio_mborzecki, not sure if it is gonna work05:37
mborzeckicachio_: no need to do it now, it's already late for you anyway05:38
cachio_mborzecki, I jut changed few 7 for 805:38
cachio_mborzecki, not big deal :)05:38
mborzeckicachio_: hah ;)05:38
cachio_mborzecki, failed, google packages not ready for 2805:41
cachio_mborzecki, I'll try in few days05:41
zygacachio_: what does it mean "google packages not ready for 28"?05:49
cachio_zyga, things like this package google-compute-engine-init-2.1.2-0.1488484921.el7.x86_64 requires google-compute-engine, but none of the providers can be installed05:56
cachio_nothing provides libjson-c.so.2()(64bit) needed by google-compute-engine-oslogin-1.3.0-1.el7.x86_6405:56
zygaand we cannot use fedora 28 without that package?05:56
cachio_zyga, not in google05:57
cachio_it is required05:57
zygaSon_Goku: hey, do you know if f28 support in google compute engine is something that fedora is doing or is that google themselves?05:57
Son_Gokuthat's probably something the fedora server WG would know05:58
Son_Gokubut I would not be shocked if it's a bit of both05:58
Son_Gokubut libjson-c.so.2()(64bit) is missing, which means json-c was upgraded05:58
Son_Gokucachio_, where do you get gce-oslogin?05:59
cachio_Son_Goku, so far from here https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/repos/google-cloud-compute-el7-x86_6405:59
Son_Gokuthen f28 images are definitely all google06:00
cachio_for fedora 26 and 2706:00
Son_Gokubecause fedora would have required these packages to be available in fedora itself06:00
zygayeah, that's what I thought too06:00
mupPR snapd#5152 opened: tests: move fedora 27 to manual <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5152>06:00
mborzeckicachio_: could we do the same as for arch?06:00
Son_Gokucachio_, it's definitely fixable though06:01
Son_Gokuit'd be trivial to make a compat package for it to work06:01
cachio_mborzecki, for arch I download the image which already has that package06:01
cachio_mborzecki, there is not any fedora image for gce afaik06:02
mborzeckicachio_: i mean build the google services form source for the time being06:02
cachio_mborzecki, well yes06:02
Son_GokuI mean, the spec files for building the gce stuff is available06:02
Son_Gokuso we could just _build_ them to Fedora06:02
zygacopr :)06:03
cachio_Son_Goku, perfet06:03
Son_Gokuthe packaging is actually slightly wrong :(06:04
* Son_Goku fixes06:06
* cachio_ EOD06:12
=== cachio_ is now known as cachio
Son_Gokucachio, zyga, I need sleep so I'll deal with it in the morning06:16
zygaSon_Goku: ack, good night!06:16
zygathank you both06:16
mborzeckistill at 50 PRs06:44
kjackalhello, is there a way to edit an apparmor profile and reload the profiles from a hook?06:47
kjackalI am probably thinking it wrong..06:48
kjackalI should be creating an interface or something, right?06:48
jameshmborzecki: we should be able to improve the file pickers once portals lands06:51
mborzeckijamesh: looking forward to it ;)06:52
jameshthat's assuming Gimp uses the FileChooserNative APIs06:53
jameshwhich is not guaranteed06:53
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:09
mborzeckiafk for ~2h, need to go to the car shop, start the claims process07:12
zygahey john08:13
zygaI was thinking08:13
zygaabout that seeding issue08:13
zygait would be interesting if snapd could model being online or offline08:13
zygabecause then we could be smarter about many decisions08:13
zygae.g.: refreshing snap foo will make us offline temporarily08:13
zygaor stopping it will make us offline08:13
zygaor we are offline/online and a system package (not snap) is managing that08:14
Chipacazyga: i'm wary of adding dimensions to our state08:15
Chipacazyga: also, http://www.linusakesson.net/programming/pipelogic/index.php08:16
Chipacaogra_: you might enjoy it too ^ :-)08:16
jameshzyga: I think https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5115 should be complete now.  Everything is passing except the fedora 27 issue (which in theory is down to load caused by the fedora 28 release)09:24
mupPR #5115: interfaces: add xdg-document-portal support to desktop interface <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5115>09:24
* zyga looks09:24
jameshzyga: I've also put together some instructions on testing the current state of the code at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-support-for-xdg-desktop-portal/161/9?u=jamesh09:25
jameshone thing that may be controversial is getting "snap run" to try and launch various D-Bus session services before transferring control to snap-confine09:26
jameshwe can't very well rely on service activation for the mount point.09:26
zygajamesh: what normally starts the document portal?09:27
zygais it run by the session09:27
zygaor is that run by snap/flatpak as needed09:27
jameshzyga: it doesn't auto-start with the session on Ubuntu.  I suspect flatpak just activates it via dbus.  Let me check09:28
zygajamesh: if snap run would need to start the document portal, how would it know09:31
jameshzyga: yep.  It's relying on D-Bus service activation, doing a synchronous method call: https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/blob/master/common/flatpak-run.c#L168209:31
zygajamesh: the desktop interface in one of the plugs09:31
zygajamesh: even if so, we don't know if it is connected09:31
zygalooking at that code the nice thing is that it doesn't seem to be specific to an app09:32
zygaso we could even start it from snapd userd09:32
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jameshzyga: is that any better?  Isn't userd a dbus activated service too, and not generally run until you use xdg-open?09:33
zygauserd has an auto-start feature now09:34
zygathough it still feels racy09:34
zygamy point is that I don't know what would be the condition that would make 'snap run' start the portal09:34
jameshI think at some point we will want a long running session service, and niemeyer seemed to think userd shouldn't do that09:35
zygaand if we had that?09:35
zygaI'm still trying to piece together how it is expected to work in the end09:35
jamesh(i.e. he wanted userd to be able to restart at any point)09:35
jameshif "snap run" is going to ensure userd is running, then having userd try to activate xdg-document-portal should be fine09:36
zygahow would that work in a headless system without sessions09:37
jameshif there is no session bus, then there's no portals09:38
jameshand we'd continue without it09:38
jameshThe safe scenarios are (1) document-portal starts before confined app, and (2) document-portal is never started while confined app is running09:39
jameshunsafe is "document-portal started while confined app is running"09:39
jameshFor flatpak, this last scenario is safe because the entire /run/user/$uid tree is private09:40
newbeewhen i try to execute snapcraft prime or  snapcraft pull or snapcraft build , we are getting the error message in Linux mint 18.1 64 bit   "Native builds aren't supported on Linux Mint. You can however use 'snapcraft cleanbuild' with a container".09:50
zyganewbee: that's right09:52
newbee@zyga : also getting error for snapcraft cleanbuild "The container you are starting doesn't have any network attached to it."  what it means..09:54
zyganewbee: it means the container doesn't have a network interface (probably)09:54
zygaperhaps kalikiana can help you, I'm not an expert on snapcraft09:54
mborzeckisomething wrong with local lxc/lxd installation?09:56
mborzeckieg. on arch you have to tweak the configuration shipped with distro package09:57
mborzeckiotherwise the containers that are started have no network interfaces09:57
newbee@mborzecki / @zyga :  please tell us, can i run snapcraft in linux mint.. also give a clue to configure the network interface to lxc10:00
zyganewbee: I don't know how to setup lxc in linux mint10:01
zygayou can run snapcraft (I suspect) but I don't know how to set it up for you10:01
ogra_Chipaca, mosfets !!! now it just needs to play music !10:33
ogra_(lovely article indeed)10:33
mupPR snapd#5148 closed: boot: clear "snap_mode" when needed (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5148>10:34
mupPR snapd#5150 closed:  snapd.core-fixup.sh: add workaround for corrupted uboot.env (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5150>10:43
threshhello there10:46
threshwould anyone accept a bribe to get https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2119 merged?10:46
mupPR snapcraft#2119: repo: automatically prune unneeded stage-packages <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2119>10:46
Chipacathresh: I hear kyrofa likes craft beer10:48
threshI doubt he has powers to do self-review and merges :-)10:50
Chipacathresh: sergiusens might be needing a new aikido outfit, a slimmer one\10:51
sergiusensChipaca, thresh: so on that one, mvo was going to review this week, but apparently some issues showed up and he got put on the hook for them10:52
sergiusensthese resolver ones can have tricky side effects not viewable at plain sight and his input is really welcomed on it10:53
threshwe can ship one of these nice costumes: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DVMNuAoX0AU7gKS.jpg:large10:53
Chipacathresh: mvo would rock hockey in one of those10:54
threshsergiusens, ah, good to know.  It kinda looked abandoned since no reviewers set etc, so I thought to nudge here. Thanks!10:54
Chipacathresh: (mvo spent most of his week hunting down a bug in the interplay of uboot and linux's FAT implementations10:54
threshthe horrors10:55
mvosergiusens: yeah, this week was slightly bad, just go ahead with the PR it looks good and I can do a proper indepth PR next week when things are a bit more calm10:56
sergiusensmvo: why are you here at all! :-)10:57
Chipacamvo: get out of here10:57
Chipacamvo: shoo!10:57
mvosergiusens: because this update is not released yet that we promised for tihs week10:58
mvoChipaca: yeah, I know :/10:58
sergiusensoh, :-(10:58
Chipacamvo: what's missing?10:59
mvoChipaca: one test is still running, once that is in I will do .7 and run away11:00
mvoChipaca: i.e. 2.32.7, sru to bionic (that is what we promised) and push to beta for screenly to test11:00
sergiusensthresh: btw, I am a happy user of the vlc snap, everyday user here :-)11:05
threshsweet :-)11:07
mupPR snapd#5149 closed: many: add wait command and seeded target (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5149>11:08
* cachio afk11:51
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
zygammm, good idea11:57
zygamvo: ppc failed on tests11:57
zygaFAIL: devicestate_test.go:478: TestFullDeviceRegistrationHappyClassicFallback.pN66_github_com_snapcore_snapd_overlord_devicestate_test.deviceMgrSuite11:58
mvozyga: hm, I think this is just flaky on gccgo12:14
zygais it an issue for the release?12:14
mvozyga: this one is not (if its transient) but https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5147/commits/f73fa6f48687aeae69a26c95951b72fcc9404e03 is12:15
mupPR #5147: snapd.core-fixup.sh: add workaround for corrupted uboot.env <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5147>12:15
mvozyga: 5147 has a proper test now (yay) but it shows an issue with the fixup (meh) so I think I need .8 :/12:16
mvozyga: yeah12:16
* zyga hugs mvo12:16
mvozyga: could be worse, at least we have a real test and real fix this way :)12:16
mvozyga: a re-review of that pr would be great, tests are running locally (and in spread) right now12:18
mvozyga: fwiw, the binary file with the partition image is 200kb which I think is acceptable given the importance of the bug12:22
zygamvo: done12:25
mupPR snapd#5153 opened:  snapd.core-fixup.sh: add workaround for corrupted uboot.env (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5153>12:26
mvozyga: \o/ thank you12:26
mborzeckimvo: i was looking into writing something to generate that 'semi-corrupted' vfat in python12:26
niemeyerpstolowski|lunch: Replied on #5120.. btw, the PR summary isn't following the usual pattern12:27
mupPR #5120: interfaces: interface hooks for refresh <Critical> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5120>12:27
mvomborzecki: yeah, I think that would be good, in the meantime I took the original corrupted image, cleaned it, zeroed all unused blocks and this means its compressed small enough to put into the tree12:27
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niemeyerpstolowski|lunch: I've slightly adjusted it, but still needs further tweaking to reflect what's in the PR12:27
pstolowskiniemeyer: thanks, looking12:27
zygamvo: as for the partition image, yeah, no doubt it is useful12:28
pstolowskiniemeyer: updated the summary. re the methods with identicals args, do you want me to change to a single method?12:38
ChipacaI need to go to the school. Will miss the standup today.... ttfn12:40
mborzeckibumped arch package to 2.32.712:46
zygamborzecki: .8 is coming :(12:47
zygamborzecki: I will update opensuse after lunch/standup12:47
niemeyerI'm also going to be a bit late as I have a conflicting meeting today13:02
niemeyer(in theory, low on attendance atm)13:02
zygaAnaValencia: hey13:04
zyganiemeyer: we all went (including mvo) so I think that's it for today13:22
zyganiemeyer: apart from .8 release nothing major to report13:22
mvoniemeyer, zyga: yeah, just waiting for tests on this one13:23
niemeyerzyga, mvo: Cool, sorry for being late.. should have rescheduled it13:23
* zyga needs to run an errand for CE, 13:37
* ogra_ grins about the forum ... 13:50
ogra_jdstrand, you need to implement an "open-giant-security-hole" interface that bind-mounts /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer into browser snaps ;)13:51
mupPR snapd#5153 closed:  snapd.core-fixup.sh: add workaround for corrupted uboot.env (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5153>14:01
kjackaley jdstrand, you are spot on the kill signal recieve issue of docker containers. I couldn't find a way to provide my own apparmor profile for each container the dockerd spawns, however I could add a single line in the docker-default apparmor profile and reload the profiles. This does not feel right though. Do you think the only option we have is to build our own dockerd and ship it?14:14
mupPR snapd#5147 closed: snapd.core-fixup.sh: add workaround for corrupted uboot.env <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5147>14:18
mupPR snapcraft#2130 opened: tests: remove obsolete env var <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2130>14:19
mupPR snapd#5154 opened: releases: merge 2.32.8 back into master <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5154>14:20
mupPR snapcraft#2129 closed: Swap FROM in Dockerfiles from 'xenial' to 'bionic' <Created by felicianotech> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2129>14:22
pstolowskianother store error on travis.. cannot get nonce from store: store server returned status 41814:37
mupPR snapcraft#2131 opened: No user site for snapcraft <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2131>14:49
mvocachio: could you please sru test 2.32.8 for bionic only? it contians an important customer fix14:53
mvocachio: and please ping apw on monday and ask for the release of .5 into -updates so that we can get .8 into proposed on all !bionic series :) thank you!14:54
kyrofazyga, snap run --shell doesn't seem to take stdin. Is there any way I can use it in a script?14:59
kyrofaWait I lied, shell script fail15:04
mvocachio: also 2.32.8 is in the beta channel now ready for validation15:04
* zyga delivered edge gateway to a colleague, needs water and will be hacking soon15:05
kyrofazyga, ubiquity? Did you switch to something else?15:06
zygakyrofa: hmm? :)15:06
zygakyrofa: I meant that I returned a borrowed dell edge gatweay15:06
zygakyrofa: to a colleague that lives nearby15:06
kyrofaToo much similar-sounding network hardware :P15:07
zygait's so hot today I could drink a river15:07
* ogra_ de-routes the rhine to warsaw to zyga's house15:07
* kyrofa is impressed with ogra_'s `route` foo15:08
ogra_route add ... blah15:08
* zyga breaks for some time15:29
mborzeckicurrently have this for manipulating FAT entries: https://gist.github.com/bboozzoo/e68254507eef4673dd8c6f9b82f65d9215:33
mupPR snapd#4588 closed: Snapshots! <Created by chipaca> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4588>15:36
pstolowskiniemeyer: would you like me to tweak these Reconnect/Autoconnect functions in #5120 or can I merge?15:38
mupPR #5120: interfaces: interface hooks for refresh <Critical> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5120>15:38
zygaNice :-)15:38
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niemeyerpstolowski|afk: Feel free to merge either way as this is a trivial point and easy to fix afterwards, but you do have two functions there which have exactly the same parameters and do exactly the same thing, apparently for no reason..16:20
niemeyerpstolowski|afk: No pressing need, but this is really a single function16:20
pstolowski|afkniemeyer: yes I get your point. the reason though is that I couldn't come up with a good single name. but i'm ok to change this in a followup16:37
mupPR snapd#5120 closed: interfaces: interface hooks for refresh <Critical> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5120>16:39
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Son_Gokuzyga, cachio: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ngompa/gce-oslogin/build/752832/19:06
Son_Gokuzyga, since I am waiting tor my flight boarding, I figured I'd just take care of this ;)19:06
Son_Gokuit covers F27, F28, and Rawhide (targeting F29)19:07
zygaThank you :-)19:14
Son_Gokuzyga, cachio: built successfully: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ngompa/gce-oslogin/build/752841/19:53
mupPR snapcraft#1769 closed: lxd: add an --image argument to cleanbuild <Created by mwhudson> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1769>20:04
mupPR snapcraft#1969 closed: Add a "--profile" parameter to cleanbuild <Created by chrisglass> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1969>20:04
mupPR snapcraft#2132 opened: errors: generic exception for common.run[_output] <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2132>21:01
mupPR snapcraft#2131 closed: No user site for snapcraft <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2131>21:31
mupIssue snapcraft#2133 opened: gradle plugin treats spaces as delimiter in gradle-options <Created by bsutton> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/2133>23:44

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