[18:52] hey zaki o/ [18:52] hello [18:52] how are you doing? [19:02] pavlushka, ping [19:03] zaki: I am good, installed the ubuntumate1804, I love it. [19:03] wow [19:04] কেমন পারফর্মেন্স ? [19:06] zaki: আমার কাছে মনে হইসে কিছুটা xfce4 স্টাইলের কিন্তু চমৎকার, আর পারফর্মেন্সও চমৎকার [19:09] good [19:10] zaki: mate upstream এর চেয়ে ubuntumate অনেক বেশি innovative মনে হয় অামার [19:11] zaki: coz I use both [19:14] you talking about mate theme? [19:14] zaki: I am talking about mate DE [19:16] I am more oh [19:16] sorry [19:17] zaki: np [19:18] caja file manager [19:19] Brisk menu [19:19] zaki: yeah [19:19] zaki: Brisk menu is the best thing in mate1804 [19:20] hmm [19:20] zaki: I guess Brisk is a port from Solus (as it says) [19:21] mate look like mix up of everything [19:22] zaki: not mate but Ubuntumate 1804 [19:22] ha ha [19:22] zaki: mate is actually like gnome2 [19:22] now I'm happy with lubuntu [19:24] zaki: as I have an machine upgrade, I started liking things more graphical :p [19:24] s/an/a [19:24] pavlushka meant to say: zaki: as I have a machine upgrade, I started liking things more graphical :p [19:24] :O [19:25] go for KDE :P [19:27] I was working on CentOS minimal edition last one week [19:27] zaki: but sorry I tried KDE, it just has transparent and more animated desktop, not a whole different idea of a desktop [19:27] just dark screen :| [19:29] zaki: tried pantheon or deepin? they are not bad but.. [19:29] nah [19:31] পাইথন কেমন শিখলেন? কতদূর? :D [19:32] zaki: lol, dont ask, still c++ rev on going [19:32] zaki: দৌড়ের উপর থাকলে হয়না, বুঝছেন [19:33] ha ha