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cpaelzergood morning04:52
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XpistosHello all. I was looking for some help. I have a script that runs a report and sends it to me over sftp, but I am not sure how to test if sftp is enabled on the local machine or if it is blocked. Any ideas on how to test for that?14:09
waveformXpistos, check /etc/ssh/sshd_config - usually there's a line something like "Subsystem sftp /some/path" near the end14:12
ahasenackis there a standard tool to detect if I'm im some kind of virtual machine or container?14:13
Xpistoswaveform: I will look14:13
ahasenacksystemd-detect-virt herhaps14:16
geniiahasenack: https://www.ostechnix.com/check-linux-system-physical-virtual-machine/ has some tips on how to figure this out14:45
geniiIf hardware passthrough is being used it gets somewhat more difficult14:45
hallynrbasak: (since i gather you're on the umb :) do you know the right person to contact about @ubuntu.com mail fwds?15:16
rbasakhallyn: I think it's done automatically through Launchpad. But #canonical-sysadmin I imagine for any issues or support with it.15:16
rbasak(or RT)15:17
hallynoh i thought that was on the internal irc server - thx15:18
jbichacould the Server Team look into bug 1630946 ? is there a team I should subscribe to bugs like that?19:33
ubottubug 1630946 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-server depends on open-iscsi and runs iscsid" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163094619:33
jbichaoh it's an old bug. I noticed because someone edited the bug today19:34
dpb1jbicha: looking19:37
dpb1we looked into this.19:37
dpb1it's a messy relationship between maas and early boot that led that to be put in there I think19:38
jbichaI understand that sometimes Depends are necessary. My ping was more of a request for the Team to make a decision on the request :)19:39
dpb1yes, I know19:40
dpb1I added to our backlog, thanks19:41
v0lksmanhttps://dpaste.de/vObR <- any ideas why I would see this?  df reporting the drive is 94% full but du only seeing 19G of usage?20:23
sarnoldcheck lsof or fuser to see if there's a bunch of files deleted but still in use20:24
v0lksmanI rebooted to ensure nothing was in use and that du output is run as root so lost+found would be checked too20:24
dpb1v0lksman: is anything eclipsing /media/sites?20:27
dpb1like /media/sites/submount20:27
dpb1ah, another good tip... mount -o bind /media/sites /mnt/foobar, then du -ms /mnt/foobar20:30
gartralhey all, I have a vm that's throwing fits, can someone make heads or tails of this? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gsY7WFV8c5/20:35
sarnoldgartral: wow that looks pretty creepy20:37
v0lksmandpb1: yeah that's what it was...gah20:37
gartralsarnold: creepy how? because the NX bit tripping?20:39
sarnoldgartral: yeah .. and the dropped caches ..20:40
gartralsarnold: I think I know *why* it's crashing, there's nothing directly malicious going on, there is however a substantially deficient daemon running that talks to another vm for command and control of my game servers on the crashing vm, I think that's my problem20:43
gartraleven if it were malicious, the attacker ain't getting anything except a bunch game stuff20:44

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