
Sven_vBI'd like tmux to simulate screen as closely as possible (except for the inability to remotely query windowlist -b). what would I need to change in addition to the the meta key?00:01
whytrytoflywhat are ypou using instead of skype00:03
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mjrosenbpragmaticenigma: yeah, gnome-settings-daemon, and specifically gsd-locate-pointer: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-settings-daemon/issues/4700:09
pragmaticenigmamjrosenb: I'm not sure what you are referring to00:31
D_A_NDoes the Ubuntu installer know how much swap to use if I use the auto install from the bootable media?00:33
D_A_NDoes it have a way of gauging how much ram my system has?00:33
pragmaticenigmamjrosenb: you would need to read through release notes for the package to know if an update was applied based on a bug report like that00:33
D_A_NOr does it use a preset amount of swap for every system00:33
pragmaticenigmaD_A_N: in the latest version of Ubuntu, Ubuntu now uses a swap file that can have its size dynamically changed. It is no longer a fixed partition on the harddrive00:34
pragmaticenigmaD_A_N: Unless manually configured, Ubuntu generally creates a swap file equal to the amount of RAM present in the system00:34
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matjampragmaticenigma: I think it limits it to like, 4gb or something these days00:52
matjamI can't remember, I never set it that high on a desktop00:52
matjamit just gives you more room to hang yourself when your processes are death spiralling out of control00:53
metrumHi guys! I finally managed how to boot ubuntu. I installed 16.04 LTS and i dont want to update it for a newer version. Which option should I disable in Software & Updates?00:54
pragmaticenigmamatjam: personal preference, only the end user can really determine what will work best for them. I use 16GB swap on my 16GB RAM00:55
pragmaticenigmametrum: for now, you won't receive an update request until 18.04.1 is released in July. Otherwise in software updater there is a button for settings, in there you can decide when to be alerted for newer version00:57
mark76I reinstalled 17.04 but I've somehow lost Synaptic and I can't seem to install anything using apt00:58
tgm4883mark76: 17.04 is EOL, you really shouldn't be running it00:58
pragmaticenigma17.04 is no longer supported mark7600:59
bazhangit's endof life mark7600:59
metrumpragmaticenigma: Yes, but in the software updater there is an Ubuntu base, can I install that? Again, I can only use 16.04, so this is why is it important for me not to get a newer version00:59
mark76Well I can't install 17.10 because I can't burn the iso to a USB stick00:59
guivercmark76, when a release goes EOL, its repos are moved from archive.ubuntu.com (why you can't install software from it as installed), moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com -- install a supported release00:59
pragmaticenigmametrum: It will ask before updating to a newer version of Ubuntu. A very specific screen will ask if you want to move to a new version01:00
pragmaticenigmametrum: You want to install all updates presented by the software update tool. Example: Firefox will not show up under Ubuntu Core, yet you do not want to skip those updates, as they contain important security patches01:01
metrumok, thank you for your help01:01
mark76What do I do?01:01
mark76I can't see startup disk creator anywhere on my system01:02
bazhangread the end of life upgrades link mark7601:02
mark76How I do I create a bootable 17.10 on my USB stick?01:02
bazhang!eolupgrades | mark7601:02
ubottumark76: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:02
mark76I don't want to upgrade to 18.04.  It doesn't work on my computer01:03
mark76I want to install 17.1001:03
pragmaticenigmamark76: 18.04 is the currently released version you should be installing. 17.10 is going to be EOL very soon01:03
bazhangmark76, what are you on now01:03
guivercmark76, then your main alternative is 16.04LTS (or 14.04 LTS but it reaches EOL too next year)01:03
matjammark76: why doesn't 18.04 work?01:04
mark7618.04 does not work with old AMD64 chipsets01:04
matjamusb-creator-gtk is the name of the usb creator package01:05
matjamwhat chipset do you have?01:05
pragmaticenigmamark76: That cannot be true, do you have documentation of that? One of Linux's great stengths is its ability to run on older hardware01:05
mark76I can't remember01:05
bazhangmark76, are you ABLE to access that computer now01:06
bazhanglspci in the terminal and tell us the one line for it01:07
bazhangor a pastebin if you are not sure01:07
mark76Athlon 6401:08
matjammark76: what version of ubuntu are you running right now?01:08
bazhanggpu not cpu01:09
mark76It was the only one I had available after the 18.04 upgrade failed01:09
matjammark76: can you run "sudo apt install inxi" and then run "sudo inxi -tcm10 -v7 -z -c0 -r apt | pastebinit"01:10
matjamthat tool will generate a report of your system so we can take a look at what you have exactly01:10
bazhangmatjam, he's on an eol machine01:10
matjamjust paste the URL in the channel that you get back from the second command01:10
bazhangso he cannot install that01:11
matjamno repo01:11
bazhangbut he has the machine and just gave us the cpu, but not the gpu01:11
matjamlspci | pastebinit01:11
bazhangneeds to install pastebinit01:12
bazhangmark76, we just need the gpu, not the cpu name01:12
mark76I don't know what the GPU is called01:13
tgm4883lscpi | nc termbin.com 999901:13
bazhangmark76, thats what lspci will tell us01:13
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matjamcan you go to pastebin.org and just paste the complete output there and give us the link to it?01:13
matjamthe output to lspci01:13
mark76What's a GPU?01:13
bazhangthe video card01:14
guivercmark76 - you may be able to upgrade to 18.04, but can't install it.  Lubuntu & some of the distros do have 32bit support, but even then some functions are a problem due to that cpus age.  I'd recommend an older ubuntu (16.04 LTS or 14.04 LTS)01:14
JMichaelXi am trying to install the proprietary nvidia drivers in 18.04, and am seeing this: https://pastebin.com/WmxJBp4t01:14
mark76Ah, that's an Nvidia chip01:14
JMichaelXany have a suggestion?01:14
mark7600:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)01:15
tgm4883mark76: why don't you think 18.04 doesn't support your system01:16
mark76Because when I rebooted all I got was a black screen01:16
tgm4883mark76: that just sounds like you need nomodeset01:17
mark76Tried that.  No terminals available either01:18
tgm4883you don't do that from a terminal01:18
mark76I edited grub and added nomodeset and still got a black screen01:18
matjamtry adding text to the line as well01:25
matjamwell you don't have 18.04 so01:26
mark76I'm upgrading to 17.1001:26
matjamgood luck with that01:26
Two_Dogsmark76: via bios can you disable either graphics?01:26
Two_Dogsmark76: from blackscreen can you get to tty2?01:29
Two_Dogsmark76: see grub on boot?01:30
mark76Only if I press the ESC key over and over again01:30
Two_Dogsmark76: tried recovery mode from grub?01:31
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mark76It got stuck01:31
mark76I can't remember what it said01:32
hmcabHello everyone01:32
hmcabI need help with fatal error, stupid error01:32
mark76I took a screenshot with my camera but I can't seem to open the file01:32
hmcabI delete the /dev directory with sudo rm -rf01:32
hmcab¿Exist any way to recover of that?01:33
ph88is there still a flavor of ubuntu with the original gnome? not the gnome that looks like unity01:34
mark76Which idiot told you to sudo rn -rf?01:34
mark76rm -rf01:34
hmcabIm that idiot, if you looking that01:35
Two_Dogshmcab: have home in a partition?01:36
tgm4883hmcab: I would think you could just reboot to fix /dev01:37
p!Ook Omar Tyree - Flyy Girl (v5.0) (epub).rar01:40
ubottup: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:40
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hmcabI leave my laptop turn on with last winscp and x2go connection, because I cant access via ssh or web01:41
hmcabI dont know if restart the server, him (SO) can fix that damage, I could try01:43
tgm4883hmcab: I'd reboot. If that doesn't fix it you'll have to reinstall anyway.01:43
BerenErchamionCan you run Ubuntu within Windows 10 using PowerShell without dual booting and without running a virtual machine?01:44
hmcabit's true01:44
tgm4883BerenErchamion: you could run the windows subsystem for linux01:45
hmcabTwo Dogs: I have access to home partition via winscp01:45
tgm4883BerenErchamion: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win1001:46
BerenErchamionthanks tgm488301:49
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Sven_vBis the WSL comparable to wine in its approach?01:53
hmcabthanks tgm488301:54
BerenErchamionIf you run Ubuntu within Window 10's system drive via the PowerShell, doesn't that mean you're going to be using up a lot more system memory, and is that memory use temporary or permanent?01:56
spikebikeBerenErchamion: that permanment use of memory this is for a virtual machine running a linux kernel and allocating ram to itself01:57
spikebikeThe ubuntu within windows 10 thing is very efficient and only uses memory for what you actually run.01:58
spikebikeSo you run bash, it takes a bit of memory, but doesn't waste anything else.01:58
spikebikeNo linux kernel is involved01:58
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BerenErchamionSo, what are the main benefits of running Ubuntu within the Windows 10 system drive via PowerShell?02:00
tgm4883BerenErchamion: If you're more comfortable in Windows you don't have to run a Linux VM to develop for Linux02:01
matjamBerenErchamion: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win1002:03
matjamoh tgm4883 already sent you that02:04
matjamI use it, it works well.02:04
matjamit's a linux container inside windows. So it's not at all related to powershell02:04
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LtLefseafter I upgraded to 18.04 gdm didn't start on boot03:07
LtLefse"systemctl start gdm" and it started fine03:07
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LtLefsehowever, "systemctl enable gdm" tells me it's the wrong way to enable gdm on boot. so, what's the right way to enable gdm on boot?03:08
virmaha_Hello. Not sure if this is right channel but here goes. I've a file with lots of lines as myid=4 or myid=7 etc. How do I get all values of myid using sed/awk utility?03:19
LtLefsevirmaha_: cat filename | sed 's/myid=//' > newfile03:23
virmaha_LtLefse: possible to use only sed, without cat ?03:25
cluelesspersonVLC cannot seem to play content from a CIFS mount03:26
cluelesspersonrhythymbox can03:26
cluelesspersonodd issue03:26
LtLefsevirmaha_: yes, it's possible. why do you ask?03:27
virmaha_LtLefse: I want to avoid pipe operators03:27
virmaha_LtLefse: your command works. But it prints entire line having myid=603:28
virmaha_I just want to find out what are the values for myid in the given file03:28
LtLefsemaybe more like sed 's/myid=\([0-9]*\).*/\1/'03:30
virmaha_still prints entire line:/03:32
LtLefseoh, I was assuming the line starts with myid03:34
LtLefsesed 's/.*myid=\([0-9]*\).*/\1/'03:34
mike_yo guys whats up03:34
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LtLefseyou'll just have to hack on the regex until it works with your data. gotta go03:34
Guest35754whats up03:35
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Guest35754whats up guys?03:35
gogetaGuest35754: pylons03:36
virmaha_LtLefse: still no luck. It's printing entire line!03:37
tgm4883virmaha_: you could do that pretty easily using the cut command03:39
virmaha_tgm4883: LtLefse : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MJJBbb3nzV/ is sample input file03:40
virmaha_and I want output to be either sockId=6\nsockId=7 or 6\n703:40
Guest35754im sorry to ask but whats a good local password manager?03:47
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jordinohi guys04:16
jordinohow are you?04:16
jordinoanybody here?04:16
jordinoany linux ssh guru?04:16
jordinoim looking for help04:17
jordinoim looking for guidance04:17
Bashing-om!details | jordino04:19
ubottujordino: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.04:19
jordinoTesting to learn: SSH no password request. i already generate the keys and uploaded to the destiny... im able to use it BUT it stills requesting  me password if i try to connect not using sudo. if use sudo it connects just fine no pawwd requesting04:21
jordinowhy? is about permissions ? both key files have 60004:22
jordinoany ssh guru?04:29
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pavlushkais it possible to create a initrd image on a chroot env?04:32
pavlushkawhich will work04:32
Guest82955hi, running 18.04 and 'service' call to start client is gone.   How to start stop restart a client now?04:32
Bashing-omGuest82955: ' systemctl start <service>04:36
jordinocan anybody please help me?04:39
jordinois there any?04:39
Radkoshello is there a way i can create folder in smb shared dir and change it's ownership thru the share (from the remote connection)04:44
Radkoslets say i have myshare and create newdir and it looks like myshare/newdir and i want to give john an ownership on newdir04:45
Radkoscan i make it possible to execute chown -R john newdir from the remote connection04:45
jordino_sshwhy is this happening ?? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/25Z9VBrZM7/04:47
jordino_sshi only can connect via ssh with no password request using sudo04:47
crippledmonkI have a fresh install 18.04 and I get no sound uless i go into alsamixer and change headphone. if I reboot, it must be repeated.04:48
R13oseI get this message everytime in text mode.  Systemd-journald failed to write entry ignoring read-only file system.  How do I fix this?04:53
Bashing-omR13ose: A better question, why is the system mounting "read only" ? What have you done ?04:58
guivercjordino_ssh, do you have valid key(s) in /home/sshiork/.ssh/ for verification?  or only /root/.ssh/04:58
R13oseBashing-om: how do I know?04:59
jordino_sshguiverc: yes i already did that step04:59
Bashing-omR13ose: If you do not presently have an idea of what might have caused the system to go into protection mode, will be a pain to go looking at logs and through logs . Maybe see what a file system check does ?05:02
R13oseBashing-om: how do I check that?05:03
guivercjordino_ssh, do they match your user id's key (user & root's) ie. correct key in each of the two .ssh/ directory - I would suggest checking each..05:05
Bashing-omR13ose: The best means is from a live environment . Still have the installer on hand ? and show us what we are working with . try and run ' sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 ' the result is a URL back on terminal, pass that link back here .05:06
jordino_sshguiverc:  yes https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tJ2zzXNWDR/05:07
R13oseBashing-om: http://termbin.com/lw3105:09
jordino_sshguiverc:  "Load key "iorkey": Permission denied"05:09
jordino_sshi did permissions 77705:10
jordino_sshi thought 600 would be enough05:10
jordino_sshif anyone can please guide me:the only thinkg left is how do i use ssh and rsync 2gether (using my priovate keys for no password request)05:13
Bashing-omR13ose: LVM - out of my experience range, others here will have to advise on how to check file systems in Logical Volume Management :(05:13
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R13oseBashing-om: check fo05:14
guivercjordino_ssh, since you can login to machine, do it & look for reason in log after attempt (/var/log/auth.log) . also use -v (verbose) on ssh login attempt (it may provide clues).   also where does your ~/.ssh/config point to??  (on client)05:15
Bashing-omR13ose: In any instance of 'read-only' when the cause is not known, the very 1st thing is to run a file system check/repair . On LVM I do not know how .05:16
jordino_sshguiverc: as u can see when i tried it 2gether requests me password https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fjYf9bvRJQ/05:17
jordino_sshand that does not happen when i just ssh05:18
R13oseBashing-om: I am doing sudo fsck -f /05:20
GigabittenI've been trying to get Lubuntu dual-booted with Windows 10, but I can't get grub to show on boot. Or show at all. I can boot off a USB, and if I do os-prober, it shows both Windows and Linux on there. boot-repair seems to have done nothing; taking its suggestion and doing bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi doesn't do anything, but at least it doesn't throw an error I guess. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5vg8FQFwcZ/05:23
GigabittenI can't get Lubuntu to show up in boot options either; my boot options are, in fact, unchanged from when I started.05:24
Bashing-omR13ose: Good luck .. I know nothing :D05:24
R13oseBashing-om: thanks05:25
Bashing-omR13ose: Me, not done much . await those who have the knowledge .05:26
guivercjordino_ssh, i don't know if this matters, but what is the $UID of your client, and sshiork@*.1.10 ? - this is just a thought  (and it may make no difference)05:26
jordino_sshgot it using this example: You can specify the exact ssh command via the '-e' option:  rsync -Pav -e "ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/somekey" username@hostname:/from/dir/ /to/dir/05:27
jordino_ssh>> if i want to keep 2 folders synced using rsync is it better to have a script running every 1 minute or a daemon!? or any other?05:31
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=== Tempesta_ is now known as Tempesta
tigefahello all05:47
tigefawhy i have this, after upgrade05:47
tigefarun-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal 4.4.0-124-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-124-generic05:47
tigefarun-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms 4.4.0-124-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-124-generic05:47
tigefa: Unable to find an initial ram disk that I know how to handle.05:47
tigefaWill not try to make an initrd.05:47
tigefaautoremove have this again05:48
tigefarun-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal 4.4.0-21-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-21-generic05:48
tigefarun-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms 4.4.0-21-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-21-generic05:48
tigefaError! Your kernel headers for kernel 4.4.0-21-generic cannot be found.05:48
tigefaPlease install the linux-headers-4.4.0-21-generic package,05:48
tigefaor use the --kernelsourcedir option to tell DKMS where it's located05:48
Bashing-omtigefa: So, what happens when you follow the system's advise ' sudo apt install linux-headers-4.4.0-21-generic ' ?05:51
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic xenial05:52
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB05:52
_KaszpiR_it will ask you for sudo password and then execute a command to install package and it's dependencies, AFAIR should wait for confirmation05:52
tigefaback on the upgrade message Bashing-om05:53
_KaszpiR_derp, looks like I haven't notice it was directed to other person05:53
_KaszpiR_still sleeping (ignore me)05:53
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Bashing-omtigefa: What kernel is booting at this time ' uname -r ' ?05:57
Bashing-omtigefa: Try: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ; sudo apt install linux-image-generic ' .06:00
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tigefathis is full log my terminal. http://termbin.com/qayb06:05
GigabittenI've been trying to get Lubuntu dual-booted with Windows 10, but I can't get grub to show on boot. Or show at all. I can boot off a USB, and if I do os-prober, it shows both Windows and Linux on there. boot-repair seems to have done nothing; taking its suggestion and doing bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi doesn't do anything, but at least it doesn't throw an error I guess. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5vg8FQFwcZ/06:05
GigabittenI can't get Lubuntu to show up in boot options either; my boot options are, in fact, unchanged from when I started.06:05
tigefaBashing-om no result for download06:07
GigabittenI guess it's good form to state exactly what my question is: what else can I try to get grub up and running correctly?06:07
Bashing-omtigefa: If the result of update is not " All packages are up to date. " then you have work ahead of you .06:08
EriC^^Gigabitten: what pc model is it?06:08
tigefaBashing-om ok, i will reboot, or how to not ugrade that again for next future?06:09
Bashing-omtigefa: You are not clear of the present situation . You have some how brike the package anager .. Need to make the package manager happy - somehow - before re-booting !06:12
GigabittenEriC^^: it's an acer aspire v nitro vn7-571g with a 1 tb hdd and a 128 gb ssd. I've got Windows and Lubuntu on said ssd. In particular, I'm using the newest stable Lubuntu build (unless one's come out in the last few hours) and I'm using Windows 10. uefi is definitely used by default, but I think there's a legacy option in boot settings06:14
tigefaBashing-om this my full terminal log https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BsMfPjCftp/ checking update and upgrade06:15
EriC^^Gigabitten: set the admin password in the bios, then you should get an option to 'trust' efi files, choose the lubuntu efi and set it first in the boot order06:22
Gigabittenah, okay, it makes sense that those options wouldn't be available without "making an admin account" as a manner of speaking06:24
Gigabittendidn't think of that though06:24
GigabittenI'll go try that, ty06:24
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
Bashing-omtigefa: pastebin ' dpkg -l | grep linux-06:30
Bashing-om' see what we have to do to remove the -21 kernel .06:30
GigabittenEriC^^: There are four passwords I can change: the supervisor password, the user password, and the HDD0/HDD1 passwords. Even if I define a password for each of these, save changes, and restart, the option is still greyed out.06:33
tigefaresult http://termbin.com/vh4306:33
Bashing-omtigefa: ' sudo apt install linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic ; linux-image-extra-4.4.0-21-generic ' .06:36
EriC^^Gigabitten: hmm it should be supervisor password i guess06:38
EriC^^Gigabitten: if all else fails you can trick the bios into booting the ubuntu efi by switching the files06:38
Gigabittenuh, hmm06:38
Gigabittenwill that boot into grub or straight into ubuntu?06:39
Gigabittenand from Grub I can go to either then?06:39
Gigabittenwould that seriously work? uh, hmm06:39
Gigabittenwhere are those files located?06:39
EriC^^are you in a live usb right now?06:39
Gigabittennope. I'm just on the Windows part. I *can* be on a live USB and back here in like, 2 minutes.06:40
Gigabittenif that's where I should be06:40
EriC^^yeah please do06:40
Gigabittenk brb <306:40
GigabittenOkay, I've got that sorted, although it took slightly more than two minutes06:48
GigabittenSomething completely unrelated cropped up.06:49
GigabittenWhat now?06:49
EriC^^Gigabitten: type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termview.me 9999' share the link here06:49
GigabittenAw great. One moment. This is the last interruption I swear (or at least I'm pretty sure, and I hope)06:50
Bashing-omtigefa: Status ? As it is past my bed time .. and I do intend to make that acquaintence.06:54
Gigabitten_Okay! Got it. My roommate is a huge security nut and the wifi password is really long and obscure. Windows knows it, but not the USB!06:56
Gigabitten_had to dig up a piece of paper06:56
Gigabitten_anyway, the thing06:56
EriC^^Gigabitten_: no worries06:56
EriC^^Gigabitten: type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termview.me 9999' share the link here06:56
tigefaBashing-om: this ok now? http://termbin.com/bp4407:01
Newbie0012Anyone can explain the line for me07:03
ikoniait makes directories out of an array07:03
ikonia(the channel)07:03
ikonianext time please try #bash07:03
EriC^Gigabitten: sorry i got disconnected07:04
Newbie0012<ikonia>: replace sh with bash?07:04
Bashing-omtigefa: Yeah looks good . what does the package manager now think ' sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' ?07:04
Gigabitten_hey you lost an ^07:04
EriC^Gigabitten_: lol07:04
EriC^Gigabitten_: those are my internet lives07:04
EriC^Gigabitten_: type 'sudo mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt'07:05
ikoniaNewbie0012: no, use the #bash channel to ask for help with bash scripts/commands07:05
Gigabitten_anyway, it's fine. I've got time for days. I mean, not actually; in fact I'd prefer to have this done by the end of the next hour.07:05
Gigabitten_yeah, off to do that07:05
Gigabitten_yup, that worked07:05
Gigabitten_at least there was no output piped to the terminal so I assume it worked07:05
tigefaBashing-om: result ok, http://termbin.com/h7g507:07
EriC^Gigabitten_: type 'for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done'07:07
Gigabitten_this feels familiar; I tried something similar to this a few hours ago but it didn't work out.07:08
Gigabitten_yet for the modifications you've given me, it seems to work fine, so that's good07:08
tsarompyanybody up?07:08
Gigabitten_yeah it's real isopod hours up in here07:08
tsarompyi just had a quick question07:09
tsarompyhow can i get caja/nemo to not draw the desktop in mate?07:09
tsarompylmfao never mind07:10
tsarompyi did it with gsettings07:10
tsarompythanks anyway #ubuntu <3307:10
EriC^Gigabitten: alright, type 'sudo chroot /mnt'07:10
Bashing-omtigefa: :) .. all is good ,, verify what is set to boot ' ls -al /vmlinuz* /initrd.img* ' .07:10
Gigabitten_ok I definitely typed that exact thing earlier and it didn't work. if this does work you're a wizard.07:11
Gigabitten_yup, it's done something07:11
spikebikewow, comfy, unity on 18.04 is nice07:11
Jhawkhas anyone installed unity 8 preview yet ??07:12
EriC^Gigabitten_: type 'mount -a'07:12
EriC^Gigabitten_: now for the fun part07:12
Gigabitten_oh good07:12
EriC^Gigabitten_: type 'cp /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi{,.backup}'07:13
EriC^Gigabitten_: type 'cp /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi{,.backup}'07:13
tigefaBashing-om: result is 124 not 21 http://termbin.com/spyb07:13
Gigabitten_uh, do you mean for me to type the second one?07:13
Gigabitten_or both07:13
JimBuntuGigabitten_, do not fear them, for they are good wizards.07:14
Gigabitten_how did you learn all this stuff anyway lol07:14
EriC^my pc had the same problem, google saved the day07:15
Gigabitten_your Googling skills must also be that of a wizard compared to mine07:15
Gigabitten_did you have to go to...07:15
Gigabitten_page two?07:15
Gigabitten_*the crowd gasps*07:15
EriC^Gigabitten_: lol nah, i was on my smartphone, it was fate and luck07:16
Gigabitten_anyway is there anything else or does that do it07:16
EriC^not yet07:16
Bashing-omtigefa: No /vmlinuz.old or /initrd.img.old ? sorta expected that. If they do not exist we can make up the symbolic links for that back up kermel ( back up is all that is ) .07:16
EriC^confirm you have 2 backups with "ls -lR /boot/efi | grep backup"07:17
Gigabitten_it would seem that I do. two lines, each with a whole load of permission flags at the beginning and a .backup at the end07:17
EriC^Gigabitten_: alright, cool, type "cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi"07:18
Gigabitten_yeah I'm not typing that, I'm pasting that07:18
EriC^Gigabitten_: also type "cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/shimx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi"07:18
EriC^all the better :D07:18
Gigabitten_okay, done07:19
Gigabitten_You're just copying things right? This seems relatively straightforwards, so why isn't it the default implementation of Linux dual boots?07:20
Gigabitten_or I guess I'm copying things, really07:20
EriC^Gigabitten_: i'm not really copying stuff, it's not default because we're basically working around bad uefi implementations right now07:21
Gigabitten_ah I see07:21
EriC^Gigabitten_: type sed -i 's/bootmgfw.efi/bootmgfw.efi.backup/' /usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/efi/20microsoft07:21
Gigabitten_well no what I mean is, cp is just copying right? most of what we've done is just mounting and copying? although sed is a bit more interesting07:21
EriC^then type 'update-grub' it should mention picking up windows07:21
EriC^Gigabitten_: i see what you mean, there is actually a software that does this, boot-repair, tbh i've noticed it doesnt work most of the time07:22
Gigabitten_yeah it says it found the Windows boot manager07:22
EriC^it does have the abilty to switch the files though07:22
Gigabitten_yeah I in fact did try that and it did approximately nothing from my perspective07:23
EriC^ah cool, you should be good, try rebooting07:23
Gigabitten_neat. I'll let you know if it works!07:23
EriC^ok cool07:23
tigefaBashing-om: doing with cp http://termbin.com/prt207:26
Gigabitten__okay, yeah, that seems to have worked fine.07:26
EriC^Gigabitten__: cool07:26
Gigabitten__although I'm not actually sure which of the dozen or so different options loads Windows07:26
TheEagerPadawanO/, Which setting should i change so my box goes in sleep/suspend mode instead of shutting down when i close the lid (laptop)07:26
Gigabitten__I noticed there's one to load the Windows bootloader but isn't that grub now? can I load grub from grub?07:27
EriC^Gigabitten__: that would be boot-repair's work, i've seen it make numerous entries for windows using some added file in /etc/grub.d/07:27
Gigabitten__aw geez. can I undo that?07:27
EriC^Gigabitten__: type 'cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termview.me 9999'07:27
Gigabitten__yeah one sec then07:27
Gigabitten__cool, it has my laptop model right there at the terminal! now I can just ctrl+alt+t instead of looking at the back of my laptop07:28
Gigabitten__(seriously though I should name my laptop probably)07:28
Bashing-omtigefa: NO, need to make then up as symbolic links to /boot . remove what you have copied. and we make up the links .07:29
Gigabitten__it took Linux getting it right for me to realize touchpad scrolling was inverted in Windows07:30
EriC^Gigabitten__: type 'sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/25_custom'07:31
EriC^then sudo update-grub07:31
EriC^Gigabitten__: amen to that07:31
Gigabitten__that sure looked a lot like the last update-grub07:31
Gigabitten__the last one was on the USB drive I guess07:32
Gigabitten__wait no not even07:32
Gigabitten__uh idk07:32
EriC^Gigabitten__: type 'cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termview.me 9999'07:33
EriC^it'll show the new grub and if they're still there07:34
EriC^Gigabitten__: yup all good, try rebooting07:37
Gigabitten__good! brb again07:37
Gigabitten_Yup! It's down to four and they all make sense.07:39
Gigabitten_Thank you for your radical wizard powers07:39
tigefaBashing-om: http://termbin.com/ypbg ok07:40
AndroUserHas anyone been using sssd and Ubuntu to connect to active directory?07:40
Gigabitten_I also took a moment to make sure Windows can be launched from grub perfectly well, and yeah, it's fine.07:40
Bashing-omtigefa: close but no, you want that to be the -4.4.0-122 kernel .07:41
WulfAndroUser: I don't use sssd (Tried, gave me trouble)07:41
EriC^Gigabitten_: cool great, no problem07:41
WulfAndroUser: But I connect to AD by other means07:42
Gigabitten_oh cool it's adding underscores because older logins haven't timed out yet07:42
AndroUserWell I need to know about sssd and how it used with ad07:42
Gigabitten_Yeah, I very much appreciate your helpfulness. This was pretty much the only major road block to me using linux on this computer; I've dealt with this before, I know what to do from here for the most part. I just had to get over that initial, obscure bump07:43
AndroUserI'm able to join the domain and create computer objects but ssh logins seem to be an issue.07:43
Gigabitten_I've got to sleep, now! It's late! Ha.07:44
AndroUserI presume its a permission issue with Ad.07:44
Gigabitten_Bye, and one more thank you for the road.07:44
WulfAndroUser: AD doesn't know what ssh is.07:45
EriC^Gigabitten_: glad you made it, hope you have a good time with linux, good night and you're welcome07:45
AndroUserI'm aware of that but pan authentication does.07:46
AndroUserPAM does I meant07:47
Sadeghhi boys07:51
Sadeghi want to change time on armbian but i dont ...07:52
Sadeghwho can help me?07:52
WulfSadegh: what's an armbian and what don't?07:52
SadeghWulf:change time and date method07:53
WulfSadegh: man date07:53
_cccan't you use "date" command to set the time and datE?07:53
Wulf       date [-u|--utc|--universal] [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]]07:54
Sadeghthanks . i going to test it now07:54
ducasseSadegh: next time try armbian's own support forums, it's not supported here07:55
Sadeghducasse: ok07:55
Bashing-omtigefa: ' will need to re-install the -122 kernel .07:57
anddamhello, is it normal for grub-install to ignore --bootloader-id unless the argument is in capital letters?08:00
SadeghWulf: can you give me a example with command "date -u" ?08:02
WulfSadegh: nope08:03
ducasseSadegh: as i just told you, try armbian's support forums - it's not ubuntu, so not supported here08:06
Sadeghducasse: but in armbian's form not a online support08:08
ducasseSadegh: check their website for where they offer support08:09
crmlti'm still unable to start X with nouveau on my machine. Live CD session doesn't work too.08:24
stationneed arduino 1.6.4 but in the instructions after unzipping sudo rm -r arduino-1.6.4-linux64.tar.gz i cant find an install.sh08:27
stationhow do I install arduino 1.6.4  on U 18.0408:30
stationall tut mention these comands08:30
station$ cd ~/Downloads08:30
station$ tar -xvf arduino-1.8.5-*.tar.xz08:30
station$ sudo mv arduino-1.8.5 /opt08:30
station$ cd /opt/arduino-1.8.5/08:30
station$ chmod +x install.sh08:30
JimBuntustation, can you give me a link to the xz you downloaded?08:31
JimBuntustation, *downloading*08:32
stationall toots mention these comands https://howto-ubuntunew.blogspot.ro/2017/10/how-to-install-arduino-ide-185-on.html     with apropriate version changes to 1.6.408:32
stationtutorial but with apropriate version changes to 1.6.4   https://howto-ubuntunew.blogspot.ro/2017/10/how-to-install-arduino-ide-185-on.html08:33
stationtutorial but with apropriate version changes to 1.6.408:33
JimBuntuI don't see any .sh either. looking...08:34
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JimBuntuThis seems to be an old version, btw08:34
stationy with Arduino you constantly have to switch versions if trzing examples08:35
JimBuntustation, please try https://www.arduino.cc/download_handler.php which does have an install script08:36
sliddisHow do I disconnect from a wifi network?08:36
JimBuntustation, arduino-1.8.5 is current08:37
JimBuntusliddis, from GUI, you can click the network icon in the top right (=< 16.04) and click on disconnect or turn off wifi08:37
shunceyI can't get my ES8316 Sound Card to work08:45
shunceyCan you help me?08:45
JimBuntushuncey, The only thing I can say is that there is a known issue with 18.04 and the ES8316. I don't have any solution. Hopefully someone else will see this who does.08:47
shunceyI've heard it's already working in kernel 4.1308:47
shunceyand I'm on 4.1508:47
jcduttonshuncey, try the #alsa08:48
shunceyi just started using linux 12 Hours ago08:48
jcduttonChannel #alsa in IRC. That is the people who write the sound driver for Linux08:48
JimBuntushuncey, they mean /join #alsa08:48
shunceyOh god thanks guys gotta try it out08:49
journeyIThello guys:)08:49
shunceyso i found this site ->https://github.com/yangxiaohua1977/sound and he said this I have uploaded es8316.c, es8316.h and cht_bsw_es8316.c, and updated sst_acpi.c, Makefile and Kconfig for es8316. you can find this files in my github.08:52
sliddisJimBuntu: there is no disconnect button. ubuntu 1804 (gnome)08:52
shunceyHow do i compile it08:52
sliddisonly turn off, which I dont want.08:52
JimBuntusliddis, I can't help with >16.04. Sorry08:52
Noruxsliddis: usually, just use `make` if there's a makefile present08:53
Noruxwoops, i meant shuncey08:53
shunceythere's two makefiles and two kconfig's08:53
JimBuntushuncey, "In order to build the documentation, use ``make htmldocs`` or``make pdfdocs``"08:53
Gargravarrhi all, does anyone know of a way to chromecast an Ubuntu desktop, without using Chrome? i know Chrome is the 'proper' way to cast a whole screen, but i don't want to use it for $reasons (don't and won't have it installed on my laptop at all)08:54
journeyITWhat's your lot address08:54
shunceybut there's two makefile's and kconfig's do i put them in the same directory?08:54
journeyITWhat's your github address08:55
JimBuntuGargravarr, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/05/mkchromecast-cast-video-from-ubuntu08:56
shunceywhen i try to use the "make" i get an error 12708:56
journeyITHow can i do install metasploit in ubuntu08:56
JimBuntushuncey, did you try 'make htmldocs' yet?08:56
GargravarrJimBuntu: yeah, i saw mkchromecast, but as best i can tell, it's for streaming media files. i would like to stream the whole desktop08:56
shunceyyeah i get error 12708:57
Gargravarri can borrow a different machine to use Chrome if i have to, i was just wondering if it's possible without it08:58
journeyITi want to install metasploit in my ubuntu system08:58
Gargravarr!patience | journeyIT08:58
ubottujourneyIT: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/08:58
ledenishuncey, can you give us --> lspci | grep Audio | nc termbin.com 999908:58
shunceysure wait a minute08:58
shunceythere seems to be no output08:59
ledenishuncey, can you give us --> lspci | nc termbin.com 999909:01
linux_noobianjourneyIT: install it and hax, hero09:01
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shunceyit outputs this -> http://termbin.com/cap909:02
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JimBuntujourneyIT, perhaps this set of instructions will help you - https://www.darkoperator.com/installing-metasploit-in-ubunt/09:03
journeyITlspci | nc termbin.com 9999 --> http://termbin.com/lsols09:04
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SegFault1Hi, there. I have an exam in about half an hour. I have this question but I know where to ask where I'll get a answer fast. If you are hanging here please help.09:29
SegFault1Assuming *A and *L (of length n) are int, why does "for(i=0;i<n;++i) *(L+i)=*(A+l+i);" work but "memcpy(L, A+l, n1*sizeof(int));" not work?09:29
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lesshasteit seems I can make my system spontaneously reboot when it shouldn't.. how can I start diagnosing what is going in?09:42
lesshasteis there a log file to check?09:42
jcduttonwhat triggers the reboot?09:43
lesshastejcdutton, running a piece of python code09:43
leshastejcdutton, it just did it again :)09:45
Gargravarrleshaste: does the code contain os.exec('shutdown -r now') ?09:49
leshasteGargravarr, no :)09:49
leshasteGargravarr, it's actually just running the scipy test suite09:49
leshasteif that means anything to you09:49
leshasteand it's running as a normal user in any case09:50
Gargravarrokay, that's bizarre. does it do a normal reboot, or just die and hard-reset?09:50
leshastean instant reboot09:51
leshasteit's clearly a bug09:51
leshastewhich is why I want to diagnose it09:51
Gargravarryeah, that's very odd. only things that /should/ be capable of causing that are kernel panics, but running a test suite? i have no idea where to start, sorry09:52
leshastesomething in /var/log maybe?09:52
Gargravarrhave you already checked through /var/log/syslog?09:52
jcduttonleshaste, set up kernel netcat.  At least then you might see some messages before it dies09:53
Triffid_Hunterleshaste: definitely a bug if userspace code can trigger a spontaneous reboot09:53
Triffid_Hunterleshaste: could it be a hardware bug though?09:54
jcduttonI have seen it happen with bugs in graphics drivers. Which graphics driver are you using?09:54
leshasteTriffid_Hunter, it's all possible09:54
leshasteGargravarr,  I am looking there09:54
leshastejcdutton, 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS880 [Radeon HD 4250]09:55
jcduttonan instant reboot will not have time to save to local disk. That is why netcat might help09:55
leshastejcdutton, how do I set that up?09:55
[twisti]can i make a grep expression that says '"bla" but only if "bla" is not preceeded by \s*//\s*'09:55
Triffid_Hunterleshaste: see /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking/netconsole.txt09:56
leshasteTriffid_Hunter, thanks09:56
jcduttonleshaste, Google "linux kernel netcat console" to find out how to set it up.  You will need a separate machine to receive the messages09:57
leshastejcdutton, ok so that won't work09:57
leshasteI think the virtual machine has to be the way09:58
Gargravarr[twisti]: '[^\s]*[^/][^\s]*blah'09:58
Gargravarr(i think, i haven't tested this)09:58
jcduttonis the problem machine a VM ?09:58
leshastejcdutton, no10:00
[twisti]thanks Gargravarr, ill try that10:07
Harishello all10:12
Harisis it possible to have new mongodb drivers for php on 14.04 ?10:12
antarez77_hello haris10:12
HarisI have the latest mongo (i.e., 3.6.4) implemented no a separate machine10:13
abdelhakhello I have a partition table that I need to change so I can expend size but I can't because the System reserved partition is in the middle between 2 big partition10:13
Harislegacy mongo driver for php is available. but the other is not. how to make it available on 14.04 ? will 14.04 accept the pecl compiled relatively new mongodb php driver ?10:15
abdelhakis there any suggestions for my case10:16
rorroI just updated from 16.04 to 18.04 and now the terminal won't open. I am on GNOME.10:18
rorroSearching gave me something about /etc/default/locale to be changed but I already have it theh way the fix suggested.10:18
Harisupdate path for 16.x to 18.x is not ready for production yet10:19
jattrorro: open xterm and there type gnome-terminal10:19
jattrorro: maybe you will get some output to see what's happening10:20
rorro# Error constructing proxy for org.gnome.Terminal:/org/gnome/Terminal/Factory0: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gnome.Terminal: Timeout was reached.10:30
rorroHmm. If I run it a roon it works.10:36
jcduttonabdelhak, if the partitions are LVM, you can use LVM to join them.10:38
TaZeRis there a graphical partition manager that can create and manage lvm volumes?10:40
abdelhakthank you for answering how do I check if my partitions are LVM10:42
jake_Hello all. Recently switched to 18.04 and I can't get my *.local domains to resolve. I used to have to turn off avahi but this doesn't seem to do the job this time round. My limited knowledge has pointed me toward systemd... but I really don't know where to go from here.10:43
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strangeqargohi there11:14
guivercHi newer people to the room, if you have Ubuntu support questions, please just ask them. Try and keep to a single line, and give people time to answer them (they do other things too)11:16
The-Mormonsomeone speak to me11:17
RSplietI would like some help with correct assignment of bug 1770617, one I just filed against the (nearly unmaintained) Gnome dia.11:17
ubottubug 1770617 in dia (Ubuntu) "Dia-normal crashes when attempting to print using network printer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177061711:17
guivercThe-Mormon, I'd meant the (prior) 'hi' to you and a later entry...11:18
metanoviii need help. I change access to dir /srv (770), but after reboot i have 755. What i do wrong ?11:18
RSplietThank you ;-). Problem is that the same behaviour also occurs in the Gimp... which makes me feel like this is not a problem in Dia perse, but rather in some part of the shared back-end (GTK3, Cups... avahi) they both use.11:19
RSplietNow... it seems a bit pointless filing another bug just for the Gimp. And for GTK2 libraries... but at the same time I would want to avoid this bug dropping into oblivion because Dia is just a tad to obscure for people to look at its bugs proper.11:20
The-Mormonhello RSplit11:20
JimBuntumetanovii, You may need to edit the `/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/home.conf` file... which is called at boot, to change the '/srv 0755 - - -` line to use 077011:28
metanoviiJimBuntu thank u11:29
JimBuntumetanovii, yw11:29
metanoviithat only in ubuntu? what about debian?11:30
Hariswhere does the pecl mod for mongodb get installed on 14.04 ?11:30
apsknightI have uninstalled conda but if I type conda in terminal, I get this message11:30
apsknightbash: /home/knight/anaconda3/bin/conda: No such file or directory11:30
apsknightHow I can remove this path?11:30
JimBuntumetanovii, I don't think it's unique to Ubuntu, although I know this method started between the 14.04 and 16.04 releases11:30
metanoviii understand, that come with systemd , systemd-tmpfiles11:31
guivercapsknight, i would type 'whereis conda' to see if you have any links left11:32
JimBuntuapsknight, I would expect an `apt-get purge` should completely uninstall conda, but perhaps it's simply an alias/etc. Check your ~/.bashrc or it could be that the path to the bin is remembered in the cache11:32
JimBuntuapsknight, you may want to try 'hash -r' to reset the cache11:33
JimBuntuGood morning guiverc  o/11:34
apsknightJimBuntu: Thank you, it worked :)11:34
JimBuntuapsknight, yw, enjoy11:34
jake_Hello all. Recently switched to 18.04 and I can't get my *.local domains to resolve. I used to have to turn off avahi but this doesn't seem to do the job this time round. My limited knowledge has pointed me toward systemd... but I really don't know where to go from here.11:38
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blackflowjake_: iirc, systemd-resolved has its own opinions about .local and treats it differently. one of the reasons I disable systemd-resolved on every new installation.11:44
jake_Oh if I can just turn it off... I will do that!11:45
blackflowjake_: it's not that simple, you have to mask it and then instruct NetworkManager to deal with dns differently. In my case, I use dns=none in NetworkManager.conf and use a static resolv.conf11:45
blackflowbut it should be doable with simple dhclient setups, avoiding systemd-resolved altogether.11:46
jake_Ok, when I used systemctl disable on the systemd-resolved service, it's removed files from /etc/systemd... now I know that's not resolved the issue, how do I get those things back?11:47
blackflowjake_: if not, install unbound as a local resolver and NetworkManager can be instructed to use that instead.11:47
kiokomandnsmasq, and at the end of /etc/dnsmasq.conf add a line address=/your-custom-local-domain/ ?11:48
jake_I have to confess, when it comes to all this networking stuff, I don't know what I am doing at all. Is this considered a bug or .local is just something they don't expect people to use?11:48
blackflowjake_: you can "disable" it but it comes back online, because something else pulls it in, NetworkManager I think. To really disable it, oyu have to "mask" it.11:48
rorroIs there a way to customize the top bar in Ubuntu 18.04 running Gnome?11:48
rorroI only managed to find the configs for the dock in dconf editor11:49
blackflowjake_: it's a bug that systemd-resolved has opinions about TLDs, one that'll probably never be fixed.11:49
jake_Ok, so the simplest solution for someone like me sounds like the installation of unbound11:50
apsknightI am the only user on my system. What is better to install a package, sudo or --user ?11:50
jake_blackflow, any pointers on telling network manager to use unbound11:52
kiokoman to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf11:53
jake_Does that need to go in a specific section?11:53
jake_And any service restarts to pick that up?11:54
kiokomansudo service network-manager restart11:55
jake_Switching over to dns=unbound just stopped everything working11:58
jake_So I've reverted that, and I can at least use non .local addresses for now11:59
blackflowjake_: have you installed  unbound first?11:59
jake_blackflow, yes11:59
jake_blackflow, /usr/sbin/unbound -d is running12:00
blackflowjake_: what's in /etc/resolv.conf ?12:01
jake_nameserver \n search corp.local lan12:02
blackflowis unbound listening on  I think that's still systemd-resolved12:02
jake_blackflow, how do I check the port it's listening on?12:05
simon_I forgot and reset my user password, how do I generate a new encrypted home?12:05
simon_I know the data is gone and thats perfectly fine I just want to restore this user to a working state :)12:06
kiokomanjake_: check /etc/unbound/unbound.conf  also if it'c onfigured for
kernelpanicHello! I'm looking for an example systemd 229 (ubuntu 16.04) service file that runs a command only before shutdown/halt (not reboot) and before the network goes down. There's an incredible amount of noise, bashscripts and guessing on google and SO, and I'm hoping to find a reliable solution.12:07
jake_netstat -p -any | grep unbound shows that it is listening on port 5312:07
kiokomansimon_: sudo ecryptfs-migrate-home -u user maybe?12:09
simon_kiokoman: it thinks that it is already encrypted12:10
jake_kiokoman, it was configured for port 53. I have changed it to a few different ports, and restarted networking to see if it kicks into gear but still no dice12:11
kiokomanjake_ unbound.conf -> interface: ?12:18
jake_kiokoman, oh it does not like that12:19
jake_Not resolving anything again12:19
jake_Ok, I'm a little worried with the mess I have got this machine into, setting up network things and leaving a trail of disaster as I hammer through this. It's a new setup... I'm going to reinstall and make notes on the  things I am changing so that I can stop leaving crap behind.12:21
MouzzJust installed Ubuntu server 18.04 (from iso) and I'm wondering what the best way is to set up a static IP. I come across a load of different ways to configure this, but none seem to mention the file /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml. Am I supposed to modify /etc/cloud/... and add "network: {config: disabled}" and then add a new config file under /etc/netplan/ ?12:21
xirgjake_, always make backups of any changes on conf files12:22
xirgcp /etc/network.cf /etc/network.cf.back12:23
xirgi am ubuntu n0b take it with a grain of salt12:23
kiokomanwell if u reinstall don't use .local anymore12:26
fromouterspacewow 1677 people in here and nobody is talking? a little creepy.12:41
Apachezwhen using ubuntu and output of /proc/cpuinfo tells you "bugs : cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2"  does this mean that the ubuntu linux kernel have mitigated these hardware bugs or do I have to do something more (other than update kernel) to enable mitigations?12:41
omarvhi all, good morning. someone could help me with X11 configuration in Ubuntu 18.04 ?12:47
Noruxfromouterspace: many idlers and afkers in here. Also, !offtopic12:48
MouzzApachez, maybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/SpectreAndMeltdown will help?12:49
ohjeachananyone else having trouble installing from the netboot images today?12:51
Jooston the latest LTS, `nginx -t` no longer works,. tells me it's not found.. does this all have to go through systemctl now?12:51
BluesKajHowdy folks12:53
ohjeachanI've tried installing from the Latest LTS netboot at least 8 times today only for the packages to hang and fail, internet is not the issue\12:55
ApachezMouzz: thnx12:58
metrumHello! Does the 16.04 come with the 4.4 kernel, or I have to install it by myself?12:59
omarvHi all, could someone help me ? I have an issue with functions keys do not work (Brightness & volume) in Ubuntu 18.04. Is this the right channel to ask this question?13:02
StrykarIs this a major issue that calls for a reinstall, apt-get logging - '/sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libMagickWand-6.Q16.so.2.dpkg-tmp is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start.'13:06
rorroI upgraded from ubuntu 16.04 unity to ubuntu 18.04 gnome and now my bindings for things don't work. Such as shift+prt scr does not run the screenshot program etc. Is there a way for me to edit these key bindings?13:07
rorroSo that correct programs run?13:07
omarvjaja, ....completely ignored13:10
brainwashrorro: Keyboard > Shortcuts13:19
brainwashomarv: did it work before in a previous ubuntu release?13:19
metrumHello guys! I have to install the kernel headers, but the terminal only says: unable to locate package linux-header-4.13.0-41-generic13:23
mgedminit's -headers-, plural13:23
metrumoh, a typo.. tyvm13:24
john_rambo When I launch Firefox  with firejail pages are not loading ...Any ideas ?13:24
jk^hi all, in audacity i try to export an audio file in 3gp format but it says FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't find audio codec 0x12000.13:24
brainwashjohn_rambo: getting any terminal output?13:26
john_rambobrainwash, https://paste2.org/GEmmG8sm13:26
brainwashjohn_rambo: try "firejail --ignore=tracelog firefox"13:29
john_rambobrainwash, Same thing ...pages not loading13:30
jnewtI rebooted my desktop yesterday before I left because it seemed to be running slow.   This morning, it's 10x worse.   I don't even know where to start.   When I try to type something in firefox, it sometimes takes 3-4seconds to register th keypress.13:31
mgedmindo you know which resource is the bottleneck?  cpu/ram/disk?13:32
brainwashjohn_rambo: so, it's probably this https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/issues/184713:33
brainwashjohn_rambo: my previous suggestion was from https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/pull/193513:37
PsychoBoBGuys, How I can to disable a service13:38
brainwashsystemctl disable <service>13:38
mgedminor systemctl mask <service>, depending13:40
mgedminsee https://askubuntu.com/questions/816285/what-is-the-difference-between-systemctl-mask-and-systemctl-disable13:40
john_rambobrainwash, I give up ....Using Chromium instead13:40
brainwashjohn_rambo: you just have to update firejail13:40
brainwashjohn_rambo: or download the firefox profile manually13:41
brainwashideally, you should file a bug report13:42
john_rambobrainwash, Using Ubuntu 18.04 ... I did apt-get update and upgrade ....Didnt find any firejail updates13:42
brainwashon launchpad13:42
brainwash!info firejail bionic13:42
ubottufirejail (source: firejail): sandbox to restrict the application environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.52-2 (bionic), package size 251 kB, installed size 888 kB13:42
brainwashthe fixes need to be backported then13:44
john_rambobrainwash, I will just use Chromium until this is fixed.. Thanks13:45
brainwashlike I said before, you can easily update the firejail profiles by hands13:45
brainwashthose are just text files13:45
ash_workhow do you make the terminator terminal not move if you've scrolled to a position while output is still going to stdout?13:46
brainwashmaybe you could do it by passing parameters also13:46
JontaSimilar error to this one. What's the standard for this python line? The 2nd one mentioned in the question. Mine says "Depends: python:any (>= 2.7), python:any (<< 2.8)" - This is in Ubuntu 14.10. Hasn't received updates in a few years https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/236668/package-installation-dpkg-parse-error13:46
brainwashash_work: that should be configurable in the terminal settings13:47
ash_workyeah, I can't find it :(13:47
brainwash"Terminator: Right click on terminal screen, Preferences -> Profile -> (for each profile) -> Scrolling, uncheck Scroll on output"13:48
mgedminJonta: that's a perfectly valid Depends line for a dpkg that supports multiarch, but I don't remember when multiarch support was added to Ubuntu13:49
Jontamgedmin: I've seen "dpkg" and "arch" in the same file name here13:49
ash_workbrainwash: damn that was quick13:49
mgedminJonta: the sensible thing to do would be NOT TO USE UBUNTU 14.10, but you may try removing ":any" suffixes from that line and see if that helps13:49
Jontamgedmin: That's what I'm trying to move up from. Gotta get an internet connection first though. :) - Testing removal of the any-suffixes…13:50
JontaSeems to've worked. (Trying to "dpkg --get-selections"). It's gibing me a similar error (":" not allowed) for a line further down. There… there are almost 90k lines in this file. Let's hope there aren't that many colons13:53
jortrying to do-release-upgrade, but keep getting "E:Failed to fetch mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt/dists/bionic/InRelease 403 Forbidden"... any workaround to make it pick another mirror or force a specific server?13:54
JontaThink I'll do a global search/replace for this. Stepping through them one by one13:56
mgedminJonta: but how did the system get into this situation?13:57
Jontamgedmin: Distroupgrade, and probably a bunch of fiddling that I've forgotten and didn't write down13:58
mgedminif dpkg was upgraded to support multiarch, why is it complaining now?13:58
mgedminif dpkg wasn't upgraded, why did it write multiarch entries to /var/lib/dpkg/status?13:59
mgedminit's a mystery13:59
R13oseHow do I free space on /boot?  I can't upgrade distro without freeing more space13:59
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Jontamgedmin: The main problem seems to be "dpkg: error: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' for reading: No such file or directory" - Even though such a file *does* exist14:00
mgedminR13ose: remove old kernels14:00
mgedminR13ose: sudo apt-get autoremove should do that, but sometimes it misses some (especially very old kernels from before apt-get autoremove learned to remove the old ones)14:00
R13osemgedmin: I did that and nothing is there anymore.14:01
mgedminhow much free space do you have in /boot now?14:01
mgedminolder installers used to create smaller /boot partitions ...14:01
R13osemgedmin: 65M 71%14:02
R13osemgedmin: other thoughts?14:05
mgedminR13ose: how big is the /boot partition?14:07
mgedminabout 225 megs, if I got my math right?14:07
R13osemgedmin: 236M14:07
mgedminthat's pushing it ... one kernel on 18.04 takes about 72 megs14:08
mgedminhow many kernels do you currently see in /boot ?14:09
R13osemgedmin: three but I am using two gnu ones14:09
mgedminI think you'll either have to remove at least one and hope14:10
mgedminor repartition (which is a pain)14:10
R13osemgedmin: can I remove the Ubuntu kernels and only keep gnu ones?14:10
pokmoi'm trying to find the diff between 2 files, but i'm getting output like this https://dpaste.de/RRMZ14:11
pokmohow are these 2 lines different though?14:11
mgedminR13ose: I would not recommend it, but maybe?14:11
mgedminas long as you think you're qualified to fix the system if it breaks14:12
R13osemgedmin: I will look into this14:12
Jontapokmo: Seems to be telling you a change in where that line is14:12
mgedminin your place I would remove the gnu kernels, upgrade the system, then try to install alternative kernels14:12
pokmooh, so just a difference in line number14:13
R13osemgedmin: thanks14:13
Jontapokmo: Guessing the "d" is "deleted" and "a" is "added"14:16
pokmoJonta thanks14:17
Jontamgedmin: No more ":any"s left, so now we're back to "dpkg/available" being "non existant"14:19
JontaUtopic's Kafkaesque, I tell you! :p14:20
mgedminweird!  strace?14:24
chullhi! An entire directory of my husband's ubuntu 16.04 system vanished last night. there appears to be one or two files there, but the rest doesn't show at all.  What to do?14:27
jake_In 18.04, I cannot resolve *.local domain names. I have been told already that systemd is different and the "thing" it is doing with resolv.conf isn't going to be changed. I am not stuck trying to get *.local to resolve without trashing my networking. Can anyone help?14:28
compdocnot sure systemd is connected to resolv14:29
compdocwhat do you use to provide dns?14:29
mgedminhm, interesting -- I can resolve .local domains on 18.04, but my system is an upgrade rather than a fresh install14:30
leftyfbchull: restore from backup14:30
mgedmingrep hosts: /etc/nsswitch.conf -> hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname14:30
mgedminmdns4_minimal is the component that resolves *.local domains14:30
mgedminit's installed by the libnss-mdns package14:31
jake_mgedmin, hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns myhostname14:31
leftyfbchull: also, get a new hard drive, because the only way files just "vanish" is by a bad storage device. Maybe even the BUS the storage device is plugged into.14:31
leftyfbchull: or someone ran something that deleted the files14:32
Mouzzchull: A restore would be best of course, but if you had a backup, you wouldn't be here I assume. To maximize the chance of finding (parts of) files I would try to cause as little disk-writes as possible. Then I'd first figure out what happened14:33
Jontamgedmin: strace coming up. Gotta USB14:34
omarvbrainwash: yes , it was working fine in 18.04, but after I compiled tensorflow source lib functions keys didn work anymore , I think nvidia configuration or /etc/X11/xorg.cong was affected.I m not sure.14:34
janat08trying to install grub manually because efi is 32bit on 64 bit processor only14:35
janat08im told to mount efi paritition to boot/efi which says it's mounted there, and then to run grub install which tells me disk doesn't exist14:36
janat08it tries to fall back to wrong partition device14:38
janat08the partition im trying to use for efi is vfat format14:39
jake_So upgrades *to* 18.04 have no issues. My fresh install of 18.04 cannot resolve *.local addresses. I have no idea why.14:41
shunceyHi anyone on?14:43
shunceyi need help compiling soun drivers14:43
tgm4883jake_: avahi. IIRC, .local is a reserved TLD14:44
jake_That is the first thing I did, and it didn't work (this time)14:44
brainwashomarv: not sure how to help with that. nvidia is something I tend to avoid.14:44
jake_It's what I've always done in the past to get round that14:44
janat08jake_ what about me14:45
shunceyhow do i compile this https://www.koyst.com/manu/114.html ???14:45
janat08nm jake_14:46
jake_... changing avahi and restarting it (this time...) has just got it working14:47
EriC^^janat08: did you chroot to the install?14:47
jake_I am BEYOND confused as to what has happened with the previous two intallations where this has not worked.14:47
EriC^^janat08: are you installing the grub-efi-ia32 package?14:48
mpanaHi, Im using sury.org php7.1 ppa on xenial (16.04) with a strange issue: Ive installed php7.1-curl but it does not include libz support (looking at phpinfo). I am wondering if there is anything I can do to change this?14:51
janat08EriC^^ yes, installing that one, and yet I got it booted outside GUI14:52
EriC^^janat08: ok, so what's the issue14:53
janat08as in that's what i installed with apt-get, and using grub-install14:54
janat08I get error about it not finding disk not existing, and it trying to another partition which isn't found14:54
janat08*...trying to fall back to another partition...14:55
omarvbrainwash: I understood. My question is about how to work the functions keys brightness, volume, and touchpad mouse in 18.04 ?. need I to edit /etc/default/grub or /etc/X11/xorg.conf in order to configure it?14:55
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mgedminomarv: they should Just Work14:57
mgedminif they don't, well, some debugging is in order14:58
omarvbrainwash: when I migrate to 18.04 two weeks ago, brightness, volume keys and touchpad mouse was working fine ,  and something broke and now not working..14:59
EriC^^janat08: are you booted in the actual install right now or a live usb?15:00
janat08actual install15:01
omarvmgedmin:some guide to debug brightness, volume functions keys ?, and touchpad as well ?15:01
notaviableim have dualbooted15:01
EriC^^janat08: type 'mount | nc termview.me 9999'15:02
EriC^^paste the link here15:02
mgedminomarv: do these keys send key events you can see with xev?15:03
Sladecan anyone recommend a good package for doing kiosks?15:03
janat08lol, the wifi card isn't working15:03
ikoniaKDE has a kiosk mode15:03
EriC^^janat08: can you get a wired connection?15:03
omarvmgedmin:I can control brightness and volume manually with sliders in control panel15:03
janat08I got use the usb wifi card that currently connected to my desktop through which im chatting here15:03
janat08ill go brb?15:04
EriC^^janat08: ok15:04
janat08with trying to install the drives15:04
omarvmgedmin: ok, I will check xev15:04
Simonious_how do I redirect the output of a script to console?15:07
Simonious_I'm logged in via ssh and I want the output the of the script to be displayed on the monitor of the box I'm connected to on console (no gui involved)15:07
Simonious_I would prefer not to have to be logged in on console..15:08
mgedminif the script runs as root, it could write directly to /dev/console (or /dev/tty1, or /dev/tty12)15:09
ikoniathe default is stdout15:10
ikoniawhat's the problem with stdout ?15:10
ikoniarather than trying to hardcode a device, just let stdout manage it15:10
Simonious_ooo..  the script is not planned to have root access though that probably isn't a deal breaker here.15:10
ikoniayou don't need root access15:10
Simonious_ikonia: how would that look?15:10
ikoniaSimonious_: just execute the script15:11
ikoniastdout is "standard out"15:11
ikoniawhich is whatever you're running from, eg: console, an ssh session, whatever15:11
Simonious_ikonia: I'm confused..  I'm logged in via ssh and I want the output on the console..15:11
Simonious_that's the key part here15:11
ikoniaSimonious_: why do you not want it to output to the tty you're running it from ?15:11
Simonious_because the point is to be able to setup a display remotely15:12
ikoniado what ?15:12
Simonious_the remote machine is using 'fbi' to display images on the console15:12
Simonious_but at this time one must be logged into the console to make it work15:12
Simonious_which is unhandy15:12
ikoniaI'm not following,15:12
Simonious_ask a more specific question I guess15:12
ikoniawhat is the script you are running doing ?15:13
leftyfbSimonious_: ./script > /dev/tty1 2>&115:13
mgedminoh, framebuffer stuff rather than text output? hmm15:13
Simonious_displaying images on console using fbi15:13
janat08EriC^^: termview.me/tg4215:13
ikoniaok ? so if the script is displaying images on the console what's the problem ?15:13
ikoniaisn't that what you want ?15:13
R13oseI got this message: The upgrade has completed but there were errors during the upgrade process.  How do I fix that?15:13
Simonious_ikonia: it needs to be executed from an ssh session15:14
mgedminR13ose: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f15:14
Simonious_ikonia: which as you said outputs not to the console.15:14
leftyfbSimonious_: ./script > /dev/tty1 2>&115:14
Simonious_leftyfb: will try that15:14
ikoniathat won't work will it ? as thats expecting text output, not images onto the frambuffer overlay on the console ?15:14
pijama_boyHi guys, I've been having problems with my nvidia drivers, my nvidia x server is missing many settings tab, I don't have appear to have a xorg.conf and the drivers are not loaded : \15:14
leftyfbikonia: oh, not sure about the images15:15
EriC^^janat08: try 'dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termview.me 9999'15:15
pijama_boyI don't wanna mess my system, anybody knows how to go about solving the issue?15:15
Black_Pandawhois Black_Panda15:15
mgedminSimonious_: fbi -d /dev/fb015:15
ikoniaI don't think "console" is the problem here, I think it's the framebuffer interaction that needs to be solved15:15
leftyfbSimonious_: you would use the application called "fbi" to display images on the framebuffer15:15
ikoniamgedmin: is fb0 always the "display" console ?15:15
mgedminI dunno?  it's the only /dev/fb* that I have here15:16
janat08EriC^^: /6cp915:16
mgedminyou can probably sudo chvt 1 to bring the 1st virtual console to the front15:16
Simonious_what group is /dev/tty1 and /dev/fb0 in?15:16
EriC^^janat08: sudo apt-get purge grub-pc{,-bin}15:16
omarvmgedmin: keys work: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xzc5FC9FJd/15:17
ikoniaSimonious_: type ls against them and look15:17
mgedminrw-rw---- root:video /dev/fb0 here15:17
ikoniamgedmin: I'm curious now on framebuffer virtual device model,15:17
R13osemgedmin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GvdpWd7ThY/15:17
Simonious_./script > /dev/tty1 2>&1 got the text output, but not the image, trying the other..15:18
mgedminR13ose: this is the output of sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f ???15:19
leftyfbSimonious_: it might be fbi or fim, I forget which. You'll have to look them up15:19
R13osemgedmin: yep15:19
mgedminikonia: yeah, I last used the framebuffer console in 2000, don't remember much15:19
Simonious_leftyfb: ok..  I'll start with fbi, that is what I was using15:20
janat08EriC^^: grub-install --target=i386-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi responds with "unshare failed: operation not permitted" ... failed to get canonical path of '/boot/grub'15:20
EriC^^janat08: what does 'cat /etc/fstab | nc termview.me 9999' return?15:21
mgedminR13ose: try to untangle the deps one by one, like sudo apt install xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-legacy xserver-common --fix-missing; see what it says15:22
EriC^^janat08: not found15:22
mgedminR13ose: or you could try aptitude's interactive conflict resolution thingy, but personally it was more confusing to me than hammering apt-get with explicit package names15:23
crabyI'm on 16.4 Ubuntu. I can't find what to put in CPPFLAGS and15:24
jcduttoni find "upgrade-system" quite good at resolving problems15:24
EriC^^janat08: are you using sudo with grub-install ?15:24
janat08lol, i didn't. ty15:25
crabyFor LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS, what should use for openssl?15:25
crabyI'm on 16.415:25
R13osemgedmin: output is http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/93JPn43CW8/15:26
mgedmin"You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.", hey how is --fix-broken different from --fix-missing?15:27
mgedminbut anyway it's not complaining about xserver-common any more, so progress?15:28
crabyDoes anyone know where I can find "include" for openssl? I can't find it!15:28
mgedminnow let's see what sudo apt -f install libwayland-egl1-mesa libegl1 would say15:28
mgedmincraby: did you apt install libssl-dev15:28
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EriC^^janat08: all good?15:29
R13osemgedmin: all of this is creating more problems.15:30
mgedminthat's expected -- you're trying to figure out why apt can't compute an upgrade15:31
rorroHow do I enable natural scrolling sideways too? I can only find it up and down. Using Ubuntu 18.04 with Gnome15:31
mgedminwhat's the package (or packages) that conflict with everything else15:31
crabymgedmin: I just installed. Thanks15:31
jcduttonR13ose, have you tried "upgrade-system" ?15:31
R13osejcdutton: what is the final command?15:32
Pcost8300Hello everyone15:32
jcduttonthe command itself is "upgrade-system"  no params15:32
mgedminthere's apparently an "upgrade-system" package in universe that's meant for Debian upgrades?15:32
jcduttonmgedmin, It is really good at fixing dependancy problems, and works in ubuntu15:33
mgedmin"by default it's configured to purge all packages that are not listed as another package's dependency" interesting15:33
R13oseI don't see that15:34
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mgedminyou'd have to install it first, assuming your apt is capable of that15:34
mgedminR13ose: how did "sudo apt -f install libwayland-egl1-mesa libegl1" fail?15:35
Pcost8300Sorry for asking this, i got a problem on Ubuntu Server 14.04 64bits. There is a glassfish build 5 running there, after years of good job i entered through ssh to the server and found out that glassfish commands are executable anymore so i chmod them just to get line 52 java not found... why did java dissapeared? including VIM .. there is no vim anymore.15:36
R13osemgedmin: output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/23pmXx43Dv/15:36
naccPcost8300: glassfish in Ubuntu on 14.04 is 1:2.1.1-b31g-315:37
janat08EriC^^: when booting it loads terminal "with minimal bash..."15:37
naccPcost8300: so you built your own? Did you build other stuff?15:37
EriC^^janat08: does it mention anything before that?15:37
OolPcost8300: perhaps you can find some info into /var/log/apt/history.log ?15:37
naccOol: good idea, in case it was related to a package change15:37
mgedminR13ose: okay, could you check one more thing -- apt policy libegl1-mesa ?15:38
mgedminbecause 17.2.8-0ubuntu0~17.10.1 is the version from artful, and bionic has 18.0.0~rc5-1ubuntu1, and I want to know why apt doesn't just upgrade it15:39
janat08EriC^^: nothing, if choot in ther, what do i install?15:39
Pcost8300thanks for answering im going to serch var/log/apt/history.log, well i'm trying to help to fix this problem installing openjdk1.7 jre, after that asadmin appeared to work normally.15:39
EriC^^janat08: it usually mentions something before saying 'dropping to shell' can you see what it says?15:40
matjamhey peeps anyone here use NetworkManager-fortisslvpn ?15:40
crabymgedmin: now there is "include" directory but I don't have "lib". Do I need to install other package to get it? :)15:40
R13osemgedmin: output: paste.ubuntu.com/p/yxdzPMk2t8/15:40
mgedmincraby: are you looking for /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.a?15:40
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EriC^^janat08: just try to make sure everything in /etc/fstab is being found and maybe try to chroot then run "update-initramfs -u -k all" and "update-grub"15:41
mgedminR13ose: so the right version is available, and there must be a reason -- let's try sudo apt -f install libegl1-mesa15:42
mgedminor, actually, why go one by one15:42
mgedmininstall all the missing deps, see why apt doesn't want to15:42
R13osemgedmin: same messages15:43
mgedminsudo apt -f install gpgconf libegl1-mesa libegl-mesa0 libproxy1v5 qtbase-abi-5.9.4 xserver-common15:43
mgedminI misspelled the qtbase-abi package name15:43
mgedminit's a virtual package anyway15:44
mgedminlibqt5core5a provides it15:45
mustmodify_I'm struggling. vim is saying a file doesn't have any non-utf-8 characters, but Ruby says it does. enca says "Cannot determine (or understand) your language preferences." ... is there an authoritative way I can say "does this file fit entirely within UTF-8"?15:46
janat08EriC^^: root isn't found, im in initramfs, google isn't immidiately helpful15:47
jattmustmodify_: use file15:47
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R13osemgedmin: output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2QpBTTHXvz/15:48
mgedminthis is annoying :/15:50
mgedminwhy didn't 'sudo apt -f dist-upgrade' fix it?15:51
R13oseNot sure.15:51
jcduttonmgedmin, have you tried upgrade-system?15:51
Pcost8300Ool and nacc thank you for your help now i know what happened... I got to change password for root user ...15:51
mgedminjcdutton: it's R13ose's system that's broken, not mine15:52
jcduttonR13ose, have you tried editing sources.list to only include main and upgrades?15:52
jcduttononce you get the dependancies fixed there, you can add other sources15:53
mustmodify_@jatt -- very helpful, thanks. Not sure how I hadn't heard of that one before.15:53
R13osejcdutton: the upgrade system is not installed and will not let me install.  Nope, I haven't.15:53
mgedminthe release upgrader should've already done that15:53
jcduttonmgedmin, the release upgrader is not very clever.15:55
jcduttonR13ose, after editing the sources.list and sources.list.d.  You need to do an "apt-get update"15:56
crabymgedmin: Never mind, I got it with just CPPFLAGS. I am compiling irssi from source but I got "openssl not found" error. With just CPPFLAGS, I got it working. I wanted to know what I should use for LDFLAGS but it seems I only needed to know CPPFLAGS.15:56
mgedmincraby: protip for the future -- sudo apt-get build-dep irssi will install any packages needed to build irssi (like libssl-dev)15:57
mgedminas for build flags, I like to apt-get source irssi and look into irssi-*/debian/rules to see what build flags are used by the ubuntu package15:58
crabyAh, thank you so much. I didn't know that.15:58
mgedminah, apt-get source needs deb-src lines in /etc/apt/sources.list, which are off by default -- probably pull-lp-source from ubuntu-dev-tools is more convenient15:58
mgedminor you can always look up the source package on packages.ubuntu.com and inspect the .debian.tar.gz15:59
crabythis is nice16:06
crabyThanks for the tips :)16:07
R13osejcdutton: I did those16:21
TacoGSAnyone else having issues with python-gnomekeyring on bionic/18.04?16:21
jcduttonR13ose, does the fix command work better now?16:22
R13osejcdutton: what is the full command? I didn't change anything16:22
`whoami`hello, how is it possible to switch from tab to tab in gnome terminal, using the keyboard ? ctrl+tab doesn't seem to work16:23
jcduttonR13ose, please post the output of "apt-get update" to pastebin16:23
Jonta`whoami`: Ctrl+Shift+PgUp?16:23
`whoami`oh thanks !16:23
R13osejcdutton: output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PwjH4mhfQm/16:24
`whoami`okay so witouth shift it's better. Shift moves the tab.16:25
JontaAh, was wondering about that. I'm a bit rusty16:26
jcduttonR13ose, you need to remove the opera one.16:26
jcduttonyou can add it back in later, once your current problem is fixed16:27
naccTacoGS: can you be more specific?16:29
R13osejcdutton: I don't see this in sources files.16:29
jcduttonwhat about /etc/apt/source.list.d16:29
jcduttonjust rename it so it does not end in a .list16:30
R13osejcdutton: okay trying16:30
R13osejcdutton: done but says ignoring files now.16:33
jcduttonok, good. try and "apt-get upgrade"16:34
R13osejcdutton: same messages as I posted before16:35
R13oseShould I just reboot or fix these errors now?16:37
jcduttonBest to try to fix the errors now. reboot might result in a non-booting system16:39
TacoGSnacc: Sorry, when I tried installing terminus it required a dependency that 17.10 had python-gnomekeyring and bionic does not have that package on their standard repos16:39
TacoGSnacc: I had to dpkg --ignore-depends=python-gnomekeyring --install terminus16:39
R13osejcdutton: what else do I try?16:39
TacoGSR13ose: Sorry, I came in after you started your issue conversation. Can you post it so I can see and try to assist?16:40
jcduttonapt-get  --auto-remove --fix-policy --purge --simulate install16:40
R13oseTacoGS: output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GvdpWd7ThY/16:41
jcduttonsee what that suggests16:41
TacoGSthanks R13ose16:41
crabyAre packages updated more quickly on 18.4 than 16.4?16:41
R13osejcdutton: suggests lots, do you want pastebin?16:42
R13osejcdutton: yes or no?16:42
TacoGSR13ose: what version?16:43
TacoGSOf ubuntu16:43
R13oseTacoGS: trying to go from 17.10 to 18.0416:43
jcduttonR13ose, yes16:43
TacoGSI see, I did that and had no issues. when did this string of dependency errors occur? what command where you using?16:44
R13oseTacoGS: dist upgrade16:44
crabySomeone said it is good to wait a bit before upgrading to 18.4. Is it stable enough now?16:44
nacccraby: what are you running now?16:44
TacoGSapt-get upgrade16:44
jcduttonalso:  apt-get --simulate --fix-broken --purge --show-upgraded dist-upgrade16:44
nacccraby: not really (as to how quickly packages get updated), only bugfixes in both16:45
crabynacc: 16.416:45
nacccraby: 16.04 will be offered the LTS upgrade when 18.04.1 comes out, around July.16:45
R13osejcdutton: output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WppSRsWHwQ/16:45
nacccraby: you should wait til then.16:45
crabyAh, thanks :)16:45
naccR13ose: how are you trying to upgrade? Did you do a manual edit of the sources.list file? or do-release-upgrade ?16:45
R13osejcdutton: output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qJpfn65Scj/16:47
R13osenacc: do release one16:48
TacoGSI have a generic sources.list for bionic, do you want that R13ose to check?16:48
R13oseTacoGS: will that help?16:48
jcduttonR13ose, OK. I think the fix for your problem will be the "apt-get  --auto-remove --fix-policy --purge --simulate install"  without the --simulate16:49
TacoGSIf you are doing a 17.10 to 18.04 I manually edited my 17.10 to change it to bionic, but you may be missing some. If what jcdutton said does not work I would suggest backup up your sources.list file in /etc/apt16:50
TacoGSand then I can pastebin my generic bionic16:50
TacoGSI would suggest trying an `apt-get upgrade' first however16:51
R13osejcdutton: how long should this take?16:51
naccTacoGS: manual editing is not a recommended upgrade path16:51
naccTacoGS: and often will leave systems in broken package states, fwiw16:52
TacoGSI never had any issues on the 3-4 systems I did that on16:52
jcduttonQuite a long time, it is changing 280 packages16:52
TacoGSbut you may have had experiences16:52
naccTacoGS: your experience does not equate to good advice in the support channel :)16:52
TacoGSso we can go with that16:52
R13osejcdutton: okay.  I shouldn't have pastebin this, oops16:52
jcduttona full upgrade is about 2000 packages, so less time than the full upgrade took16:52
naccTacoGS: reading back, sorry missed your ping16:53
naccTacoGS: terminus is not an ubuntu package16:53
TacoGSI am aware16:53
TacoGSbut python-gnomekeyring was in 17.10 and not 18.04, just curious as to whether this was by design or forgotten16:54
TacoGSeither way I ignored the dependency and it works fine from what I can tell16:54
TacoGSR13ose: what do your sources.list look like?16:54
R13oseTacoGS: already been through this16:54
jcduttonTacoGS, I asked him to remove everything except the main and upgrades.16:55
Guest142LLena Woodcock16:55
jcduttonR13ose, do you need espeak and orca ?16:55
R13osejcdutton: not sure what they are16:56
naccTacoGS: completely intentional: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-python-desktop/+publishinghistory16:57
jcduttonR13ose, used by people who wish the computer to tell them what is on the screen16:57
naccTacoGS: it's not really possible for packages to be 'accidentally' removed from the archive if other Ubuntu packages depend on them.16:57
R13osejcdutton: not sure.  I have a meeting now be back in an hour or so16:58
TacoGSmakes sense16:58
Budgii_Where can I find the settings to remove myself from being visible on the network?16:58
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TacoGSthat is what I thought and why I didn't presume it was broken first16:58
jcduttonR13ose, did you set the apt command going?16:58
R13osejcdutton: yes16:58
jcduttonR13ose, hopefully it will have finished by the time you get back17:00
R13osejcdutton: Pastebining was bad right?17:02
jcduttonR13ose, pastebin is fine.17:03
jcduttonR13ose, great for stuff we don't want pasted here17:03
R13osejcdutton: I mean the last command you asked me to do.  Is Pastebining that bad?17:04
JontaI had a USB-drive I could use to transfer files between macOS and Ubuntu. And then I reformatted it. Shouldn't've.17:09
jcduttonR13ose, do you know what caused your current problem. did the upgrade fail half way through?17:09
jcduttonJonta, why not?17:10
R13osejcdutton: after the upgrade said there was errors17:10
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Jontajcdutton: Have spent quite a while now to find a filesystem etc. to use on it, so they can both read and write to it17:11
jcduttonJonta, which fs did you choose?17:11
Jontajcdutton: Still reading up on it17:11
jcduttonJonta, which filesystem did the USB have on it before?17:12
JontaSome FAT-variant. I think. I'd forgotten how finicky this was.17:13
jcduttonuse exfat.  That is how most new USB drives come.17:13
JontaHm. Thought I'd tried that17:13
* Jonta tries17:13
JontaWell look who was reading a how-to from 201017:15
jcduttonJonta, does it work?17:15
JontaYour expectations of speed exceed my ability to meet them :)17:16
* jcdutton needs to finished the "Time machine" project. 17:19
JontaRight: That was it: No exfat-utils on this machine17:20
jcduttonyou can install them17:20
JontaI can't install them17:20
JontaI have no internet connection on that computer17:21
jcduttonAnother option is format it on macos, linux will be able to read it17:21
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JontaI did format it to exFAT on macOS17:21
Jontabut then "sudo mount -t … what?"17:21
jcduttonok, format it to hfs or fat3217:21
JontaWill do17:22
analyserMay I modify the stripe_cache_size and read ahead for an existing raid5 array (mdadm) and theirs disks without data loss?17:35
R13osejcdutton: back, meeting was short.  The command is still going as far as I see17:35
R13osejcdutton: I can't really tell since I did Pastebining17:36
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francisvI just upgraded from Ubuntu 17.10 to 18.04.  Is 18.04 using GNOME or KDE by default?  How can I check which one have I installed?17:37
JontaGNOME. I presume17:38
JontaUnless things have changed, drastically17:38
geniiUbuntu is nowing using Gnome as the default. Unless you installed Kubuntu by mistake17:39
Jontafrancisv: You should be able to select which one at login17:39
francisvok, but how can I check which one is running now?17:39
francisvany command?17:39
Jontaneofetch, if you've got that installed17:40
bobeo_does anyone have any experience with graylog?17:40
bobeo_Imhaving issues with mine. Its taking in data, but its not showing me anything in search, any ideas?17:41
francisvJonta: just installed neofetch, its output in ascii is so cool!  My upgrade installed GNOME 3.28.1\17:42
bobeo_Jonta: dang. I configured it to take in rsyslog from ubuntu servers, I did that right correct?17:42
naccfrancisv: you usually know obviously which you are using between KDE and GNOME. They are completey different ux17:42
francisvI was confused by some blogs I read17:43
francisvand wanted to double check in terminalk\17:43
grafi__I have a problem with my Thunderbird in Ubuntu, it shows the icos in the email headlines17:43
Jontabobeo_: I don't know. I said yes to get you to ask the question. :)17:43
jcduttonR13ose, do you have HDD or SSD ?17:43
bobeo_Jonta: LOOOL!17:44
shpingrldedoes this look like a correctly-written crontab entry? `0 6  *   *   *     /bin/systemctl --user stop resilio-sync`17:44
Jontalol: mkfs.ntfs ends its operation with "mkntfs completed successfully. Have a nice day."17:44
bobeo_Jonta: whats the best way for me to import syslog? Does ubuntu use syslog and rsyslog, or just rsyslog?17:45
JontaI do not know17:46
yeatsbobeo_: Ubuntu 16.04+ (at least) uses journalctl but you can enable rsyslog too17:47
bobeo_yeats: so journalctl, should I be importing that isntead of rsyslog?17:47
bobeo_yeats: im not seeing the level of logs im expecting17:47
yeatsbobeo_: apps still log to /var/log/ files and subdirs too - honestly it's kind of a mess imho17:48
bobeo_yeats: Whats the best way for me to forward those logs?17:49
yeatsbobeo_: not sure I understand - you're trying to do remote logging to a central server?17:49
bobeo_yeats: correct. im trying to forward the logs from all my ubuntu 16.04+ servers to graylog. It may very well be working, and im just not importing logs like I thought I was.17:50
yeatsI've not used graylog, but I manage an Ubuntu server cluster that logs via rsyslog to a remote rsyslog server17:51
bobeo_yeats: yea thast what im trying to do. use rsyslog to push the logs from the ubuntu servers to the graylog server17:52
yeatsbobeo_: each app should be logging to "syslog", then you can place files in /etc/rsyslog.d/ to do the filtering/redirection17:52
Simonious_why would vim/elvis not be respecting .vimrc for color desert?17:52
bobeo_yeats: from what I understand, it should be similar. yea I did a forward in /etc/rsyslog.d17:53
Simonious_it's got the nasty deep blue that blends into my black background.. rather than adhere to the desert scheme..17:53
yeatsbobeo_: you should be able to test via the 'logger' command17:55
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bobeo_yeats: logger command? do you hvae a reference, or is there a help option for it?17:56
yeatsbobeo_: "man logger" for starters17:56
yeatsbobeo_: depending on your setup, the "-p" option is worth looking at17:57
bobeo_yeats: *.* @@graylog.example.org:514;RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format17:59
bobeo_thats the entry I made yeats , is it correct?17:59
bobeo_yeats: ok so I made some level 1 entries, should that do the trick you think?18:01
bobeo_yeats: priority 1 is critical right?18:01
yeatswell, there's facility (e.g., "local1") and there's priority (error, warn, info, etc.)18:02
yeatsbobeo_: are the logs on each sending server appearing in /var/log/syslog?18:03
TacoGSjesus, I forced the package to install and ignore the dependencies as it works without the python-gnomekeyring and now apt is all depressed and no longer works because that package is worried about its requirements18:03
yeatsTacoGS: can you pastebin what you're seeing?18:03
naccTacoGS: well, forcing a pacakge to install without its dependencies is not a smart thing to do18:03
naccTacoGS: and apt will be unable to proceed, as you've put the system in a weird state18:04
TacoGSWell, it works without it. Apt should be able to handle it.18:04
naccTacoGS: not if the package says it can't.18:04
naccTacoGS: hint, maybe just work with the package owner to fix their broken pacakge (it's obviously not actually intended to work on 18.04 yet)18:04
bobeo_yeats: im not sure. Yes, there is a ton of logs in /var/log/syslog18:05
bobeo_yeats: but only on the servers they are sending from. I dont know about sendnig to. i wouldnt knoww how to verify that18:05
TacoGSI will just break the VM18:05
yeatsTacoGS: nacc: also possible to download the src package and tinker with the deps that way18:05
naccyeats: yes, that is the same, although then you have to build it yourself (or use a PPA) and only benefit yourself18:06
yeatsbobeo_: is the goal to have it log both on the local server and the receiving server?18:06
yeatsnacc: yeah, just mentioning possible approaches :-)18:06
bobeo_yeats: for now yes. Once I understand logging better, I will want to log them only to one place.18:06
TacoGSyeats: I know, I could do that but to deal with the developer simply because python-gnomekeyrings is missing is not worth it for a VM I whipped up in about 20 minutes18:07
energizerI am trying to boot from a bootable persistent ubuntu usb. I think I made one with mkusb/dus. Now I am trying to boot. And my options are "Install ubuntu persistent live" and "Install to RAM". What do these mean?18:08
energizerI tried Install to RAM, but then i just got an sh prompt without any of the ubuntu utilities18:08
yeatsbobeo_: so three config files to contend with - /etc/rsyslog.conf on the sending servers, custom config in /etc/rsyslog.d, and the config of the receiving server (assuming something like /etc/graylog.conf)18:08
energizerI have a prompt that says Busybox built-in shell (ash); (initramfs)18:12
energizerwhat can I do with this to boot into ubuntu?18:12
yeatsbobeo_: also, as you have probably seen, they have pretty good docs (better than most out there for this kind of thing): http://docs.graylog.org/en/2.4/18:15
yeatsbobeo_: (including troubleshooting stuff - better than anything I can offer, honestly)18:16
JontaHuh. Not even getting write-permissions on the ext4-formatted USB I made in Ubuntu itself18:18
JontaI think this does it. Time to order an external HDD, get the important stuff off the computer, then install anew. If I can get the files off, that is18:23
energizercan i remove a live usb while runing "try ubuntu" with it?18:25
naccenergizer: in principle, maybe; why would you?18:28
energizernacc: i want to use it to copy an internal drive onto the usb i'm booted from18:29
bobeo_yeats: so I need to add *.* @@graylog.example.org:514;RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format to both /etc/rsyslog.conf and in /etc/rsyslog.d?18:29
naccenergizer: so you're not going to use ubuntu longterm?18:33
energizernacc: i need to dump the hard drive; that's my current goal18:33
naccenergizer: and you don't have a spare USB key other than your live one?18:34
energizernacc: i'll try and go looking for one if it doesnt work18:34
naccenergizer: i mean, you could try it, but it might crash; you should only be using your existing disk in readonly mode18:34
naccenergizer: so the impact of the crash should be relatively minimal18:34
energizerseems it doesnt want to mount the drive it's booted on as storage...cant say i blame it18:42
energizerfound another usb, trying that18:42
energizeri want to copy my whole sdd to usb so i can look at the files later. Looks like cp -r may be better than dd, is rsync gonna be better than cp?18:50
TacoGSnacc: seems they marked the package as unmaintained for years18:52
rorroHow can I change the order of my displays in Ubuntu 18.04 running Gnome? My second monitor is stuck on the right side.18:53
energizerrorro: go to displays and drag them around18:53
rorroIs it an app? Where can I find them?18:53
energizerrorro: open the menu and type displays iirc18:53
rorroHmm. I don't have it.18:54
energizerim not on gnome at the moment so i cant check, but its something like that18:54
rorroI know I had it in Unity.18:54
leftyfbenergizer: yes, rsync will be better18:55
energizerleftyfb: faster?18:55
leftyfbenergizer: probably not, but it'll resume properly and allow you to keep all the same ACL's18:55
jamie_1can you install Ubuntu on a atom processor in a 2in1 windows 10 device18:56
energizerleftyfb: should i use --compress?18:56
leftyfbjamie_1: yes, you can install Ubuntu on a device with an Atom processor. The fact that it's currently running Windows 10 is irrelevant.18:57
energizerif im reading this right, no https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/188737/does-compression-option-z-with-rsync-speed-up-backup18:58
leftyfbenergizer: rsync -av, if you want to compress you can toss a -z in there as well18:58
energizeryeah i think i want -av --progress19:00
jamie_1leftyfb: I just didn't know if it's widows 10 or 10 mobile as there is a big difference... didn't know if it also might affect processor setup...19:00
leftyfbjamie_1: again, the fact that ANY version of Windows is currently loaded on the device makes no difference. If it's got an Atom processor and you can install an OS on it normally, then it should work ... barring compatibility with the peripherals19:01
naccTacoGS: there you go :)19:02
leftyfbjamie_1: if this device isn't a typical PC, then you might have to jump through hoops to get anything loaded on it. But that's dependent on the device and how it was designed19:03
leftyfbjamie_1: but Ubuntu will install on an PC with an Atom processor.19:03
JontaRight. Just r/w-permissions on that USB. And downloaded something that's supposed to make ext4 work with macOS19:03
jamie_1leftyfb: thanks, it's a tablet with an atom processor but has usb so if the touch peripherals don't work I can install them with keyboard and mouse19:04
jamie_1trying to find a tablet I can run all the stuff I need on it... tired of Android minified everything apps19:05
kyrofaSo I installed 18.04 server, and then installed ubuntu-desktop19:09
kyrofaThings are mostly good, but there's one thing I can't figure out: nautilus isn't generating thumbnails19:09
kyrofaAnyone know what I'm missing?19:09
andrew09I accidentally deleted a text file from the Documents folder, is there anything I can do to recover the file?19:09
kyrofaandrew09, it should be in your trash unless you held down the Shift key when deleting19:09
kyrofa(unless you were using the terminal, in which case you're out of luck)19:10
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andrew09unfortunately, I did hold the shift button when deleting it.19:11
tgm4883!recover | andrew0919:11
ubottuandrew09: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery19:11
bobeo_anyone on got experience with graylog?19:13
jcduttonandrew09, did it go into the recycle bin?19:13
bobeo_i think ive got myself a mystery of vanishing config files19:14
andrew09jcdutton: No, it's empty.19:14
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hamburger74is on helb me19:16
jcduttonandrew09, which filesystem are you using?  btrfs ?19:16
andrew09jdcutton: ext419:17
pragmaticenigma!ask | hamburger7419:17
ubottuhamburger74: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:17
jcduttonandrew09, best thing is to switch off the PC, and then take the disk out and do disk recovery on it.19:18
pragmaticenigma!german | hamburger7419:19
ubottuhamburger74: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!19:19
andrew09jdcutton: I'll try that.19:19
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slingamnis the 18.04 minimal ISO still lacking UEFI support? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:27
geardheyo everyone, i have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 18.04(thank you for your hard work). I can't change my hostname after installation. I have done hostnamectl set-hostname change /etc/hostname but after a reboot the hostname is the same. I have checked the cloud.cfg file and preserve is set to false. Thanks in advance for your assistance19:31
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SimonNLslingamn: I'm reading the opposite there19:31
SimonNLslingamn: sorry I was wrong19:32
jcduttongeard, have you looked in /etc/hosts19:33
kostkonzyxx, hi19:33
matjamgeard: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2389098&page=2 seems to have a solution for you.19:34
matjamgeard: specifically the comment about  /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg  preserve_hostname19:35
bobeo_anyone have any ideas as to what would make an app no longer be on a system?19:38
leftyfbbobeo_: it got uninstalled/deleted19:39
leftyfbbobeo_: if that's not an adequate answer for you, you're going to need to provide more information19:40
bobeo_leftyfb: Ive got an entire service and its tools missing on my ubuntu 16.04 install, the system is graylog, install method was Juju. according to juju its up and running, according to juju config file, its configured, according to ubuntu, the graylog-ctl and the config files dont exist, but according to my web browser, the page loads, and transfers me to an api service19:41
bobeo_it all makes me really confused x...x19:42
bobeo_its stuck in a form of both is, and isnt. Its like rick and morty had a baby, and named it summer.19:42
geardjcdutton: yes there is nothing in there with the hostname19:47
jcduttongeard, add  "     hostname"    where hostname is the name you want19:54
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leftyfbbobeo_: so the application isn't "no longer on the system", it's installed a location you don't know since obviously it's running20:00
leftyfbbobeo_: you should try #juju though20:00
sonicwindDoes anyone know why libav-tools isn't available in 18.04 LTS so I can use avconv ?20:00
pragmaticenigmasonicwind: avconv was changed back to ffmpeg20:01
sonicwindlol figures... after I just learned about it a few months ago20:02
pragmaticenigmasonicwind: or rather ffmpeg is now installed by default instead of avconv20:02
sonicwindok so I need to figure out how to do the same command in ffmpeg20:02
sonicwindor is it similiar?20:02
geardjcdutton: thanks, the cloud.cfg file had to be set to true to change it via hostnamectl20:02
pragmaticenigmasonicwind: avconv was a fork of ffmpeg, they should have very similar parameters20:02
sonicwindwell it looks to me like you can't even install libav-tools now20:02
geniiSimilar syntIIRCaxes,20:02
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* genii slaps his crappy touchpad20:02
sonicwindok thank you prag20:02
geardmatjam: Thank you that article post seems odd and the comments above the false seems confusing or completely wrong20:03
sonicwindthe command I need in avconv was "avconv -i file.mkv -codec copy file.mp4" for example20:04
matjamgeard: yeah well; did the cloud.cfg change sort you out or no?20:04
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bg2032I have a PDP gamepad (xbox one clone) that is more or less recognized by games20:56
bg2032I've generated the SDL controller string and tried to put it in a gamecontrollerdb.txt file20:56
bg2032it works, but is there a way to have it globally ?20:57
bg2032or do I have to make a symlink to it in every game dir ?20:57
xamithanMaybe,  try to find the software documentation20:59
bg2032xamithan, I did look for it (hence my asking here)21:00
xamithanWell the software page tells you what you need to know.  http://generalarcade.com/gamepadtool/21:01
xamithanenvironment variable it looks like21:02
bg2032yes, unfortunately that only works if you use just the one controller21:03
bg2032at least it works for controller #121:04
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GIgabittenWhen I first installed XFCE, there were icons over on the right; now some are missing that I didn't remove, and they're all bunched on the left. I can't figure out what I did or how to undo it.21:25
GIgabittenSO eh, how would I go about fixing that?21:25
SlidingHornGIgabitten: what icons? on the right/left of what?21:26
GIgabittenSlidingHorn: Specifically, the left side of the panel which spans the bottom of my screen. Although I guess I was wrong about the missing icon thing; I'm just new to this DE and didn't realize how different it looks lol21:28
z``corehey is it possible to run ubuntu on an old iphone 5s21:30
z``coreor ubuntu phone os21:32
z``corei suppose a jailbreak iphone is my only option hmm21:32
SlidingHornz``core: I don't know about iPhones, but check the #ubports channel21:33
z``corekk thank you Slidinghorn :)21:33
HappyHotDogso I'm having problems with bluetooth on ubuntu 16.0421:33
HappyHotDogmy mouse used to work21:33
HappyHotDoguntil a windows update21:34
bg2032GIgabitten, try right-clicking on a launcher or separator, there should be an Panel entry21:34
HappyHotDogand now I can pair it but it doesn't work, I checked the drivers and they're right21:34
HappyHotDogreinstalled just to be sure, but I'm stuck on where the issue may lie21:34
bg2032there you can go into panel settings and move the elements around21:34
HappyHotDognever mind, it's working now... for some reason21:36
HappyHotDogeither way, I'm not complaining21:36
GIgabittenoh here it is21:37
GIgabittenI found it lol21:37
GIgabittenbg2032: sorry21:38
Drag0nhunterhello all21:42
z``corehehe i'm going to make a dual boot win/ubu system21:48
xamithanOn a cell phone?21:48
z``corelol no my pc21:49
z``corei have two ssds21:49
z``coreso piece of cake21:49
z``coressd's are so much cheaper now then a few years ago21:50
xamithanMight want to hit the offtopic channel with that noise before a mod mutes ya21:51
z``coreroger roger :)21:51
z``corei do have a help question is dual booting a problem with windows update now?21:52
GIgabittenI want to mount my other drive. I do 'sudo mkdir /d', then I do 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /d'. Why does this simply not work? lsblk shows that it's mounted.21:52
xamithanNo idea,  I don't use windows and this isn't a windows channel =/21:52
z``coreokie :)21:53
GIgabittenI'm dual booting an updated Windows 10 and Lubuntu right now and both work fine21:53
z``coregreat ty GIgabitten21:53
naccGIgabitten: what does "simply not work" mean?21:53
xamithanWhat makes you think it doesn't work if you said it is mounted?21:54
GIgabittenwhat on earth21:55
GIgabittenit wasn't working last night but now it's fine21:55
GIgabittenI have absolutely no clue what I did right21:55
naccGIgabitten: we also don't know what "working" is still21:55
naccGIgabitten: in other words, you haven't described your prior issue or current success sufficiently for anyone to help you21:55
GIgabittenlast time I tried, ls /d didn't show anything21:56
GIgabittennow it's fine21:56
geniiGIgabitten: Most likely because the automounter had already mounted it somewhere else at the time21:56
GIgabittenwell, I don't think that can be the case; like I said, lsblk showed it as mounted at /d21:57
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erle-why is Files (Nautilus) only 3.26 while Gnome is 3.28?22:20
xamithanAsk the package maintainer22:21
erle-it's one of the most central Canonical packages, I assume22:21
tgm4883erle-: so you can put icons on your desktop22:24
xamithan3.28 is still experimental on debian it looks like.  So I would assume it will be 3.26 until debian updates22:25
tgm4883xamithan: it's 3.26 so people can put icons on their desktop, which was removed in 3.2822:26
xamithanCan't that be fixed by one gnome tweak tool flag ?22:26
tgm4883xamithan: it was removed. Not hidden22:27
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tgm4883xamithan: erle- https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/01/ubuntu-18-04-lts-will-ship-older-version-nautilus22:29
xamithanYeah I'm reading that now.  Looks like a natilus only problem22:29
adrian_1908I hope this trend of removing all information for interfaces will eventually reverse itself. Firefox doesn't show the download URL anymore (as if that's irrelevant), the archive manager doesn't show the file count anymore etc.22:31
adrian_1908If the hipster UIs were niche and the getting-work-done UIs mainstream, I wouldn't even worry, but it's the reverse.22:32
ringzer0has anyone seen this before:  `ssh ubuntu@myhost.net whoami` - docker22:34
ringzer0I manually added "docker" to /etc/passwd as uid/guid 99922:34
ringzer0but only after adduser command failed b/c there was already a 'docker' group22:35
ringzer0and even though it said failed - there was a docker fodler in home, and other scripts had been ran.22:35
ringzer0so, after adding docker, I was able to su - to it, and even as root, run docker commands as uuid and ugid 99922:36
ringzer0great;  till I try to shell back in22:36
ringzer0now I am locked out of my aws box22:36
phinxyIs there an way to install Midori on Bionic arm64?22:37
phinxya way* (?)22:39
ringzer0phinxy: for so many users; this channel isn't very active22:40
phinxyI have time to wait *rolls thumbs*22:41
ringzer0lol- me too (same thing)22:41
clownfishhumani was also trying to install it on xubuntu bionic but i couldn't find anything other than a .deb from their website22:41
ringzer0But i'm scared i lost my production box.22:42
pragmaticenigmaringzer0: Do not discourage other people from posting or asking questions. Please the code of conduct !coc for more information.22:42
pragmaticenigma*Please read the Code of Conduct22:42
ringzer0Please re-read what I said.  Nothing was intended to discourage.22:43
ringzer0I believe that a sensitive paradigm due to bullying at a young age had given my words some unintended perspective.  Was totally not meaning to discourage ANYONE.22:44
pragmaticenigmaare you referring to midori browser phinxy ?22:44
ringzer0I'll get my hands on that coc and give it a good run down.22:46
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv22:46
pragmaticenigmaphinxy: If you are referring to the Midori Browser, it is not provided through Ubuntu's official software package channels. The developers have offered an installer as well as instructions for adding their ppa for apt installation. Please note that third party ppa's are not supported in this channel, if you have difficulties with Midori, you will need to reach out to them directly for support. http://midori-browser.org/down22:47
erle-tgm4883, thanks22:48
ringzer0ohhhhh ... i've seen this coc before.  could it be, because I wrote it?22:49
ringzer0that is a rock solid coc that has stood the test of time.22:49
Jordan_Uringzer0: Please take offtopic chatter to another channel, like #ubuntu-offtopic.22:49
pragmaticenigmaringzer0: then you would know this pursuit of conversation is offtopic22:49
clownfishhumanfrom looking at midoris launchpad ppa the latest release was in 201522:50
ringzer0I didn't bring up the coc as a 'topic' - y'all did22:50
ringzer0I was just admiring the coc that you mentioned.22:50
ringzer0Maybe my admiration was a bit thick.22:51
pragmaticenigmaringzer0: As we just said, this is offtopic conversation, take it elsewhere22:51
ringzer0Understood: sorry for being too expressive.22:51
pylearnerif anyone uses clamav and can help that would be great clamd when does it scan by default?22:52
ringzer0pylearner: depends on your cron22:52
pylearnerringzer0, thanks for the response i have nothing setup in cron22:53
ringzer0then it's not automatically executing.22:53
pylearneroh wait maybe that was auto setup22:53
guivercclownfishhuman, did you find xubuntu bionic iso in the end?22:53
pylearneri need to check user clamav22:53
ringzer0check: crontab -e  ... or look in /etc/cron*?d22:54
ringzer0yes; your host may configure cron directories for each user and run them as part of the setup (e.g. cpanel)22:54
pylearnerringzer0, I will keep looking i am not finding anything this is on ubuntu22:55
pylearnerand i just installed so by default you dont know where to check on this22:55
pylearneror if it is setup22:55
ringzer0pylearner: no problem.  i felt obligated to assist after acting like a social tard :).22:55
pylearnerringzer0, we all act social tard sometimes22:55
pragmaticenigmapylearner: may I ask why you are running clamav regularly?22:56
clownfishhumanguiverc, iso? I'm looking for a midori .deb22:56
ringzer0pylearner, do you see it being executed? : pgrep -l clam22:56
guivercsorry clownfishhuman i misunderstood.22:56
pylearner30453 clamd22:57
ringzer0guiverc: it's ok- you're trying to help! :)22:57
clownfishhumanand no, just up to 2015. but it looks like ppa:midori/midori-dev has the latest releases22:57
pylearner30903 freshclam22:57
ringzer0pylearner: so, that shows it's running as a service.22:57
pylearneryou see the daemon runs im not sure how it works22:57
pylearnerlike when does the daemon scan?22:57
pylearneri have it set to output to syslog but not seeing anything so when does it scan?22:57
pylearnerthe clamd is22:58
pylearneri know how to manually do on demand scans22:58
pylearnerbut need to know how clamd works bc it can output to syslog which i need22:58
ringzer0clamd != clamscan22:58
pylearnerringzer0, i know but how does it work22:59
ringzer0I am not sure whether or not clamd can spool jobs - start tasks - or not.  I'll read manual.22:59
ringzer0I'll read the manual, then I will come back here to summarize it for you.22:59
Jordan_Uphinxy: I would recommend against using a web browser that hasn't had a release in two years. Browsers are huge attack surfaces, and should get regular security updates if nothing else.23:00
R13oseThink Microsoft with their browsers23:01
ringzer0pylearner: here, you try it too, type: man clamd23:01
SlidingHornpylearner: to do a manual scan of the entire filesystem you would do    clamscan -R /23:01
SlidingHornoops  that's a lower case r23:01
pylearnerSlidingHorn,  i know how to do a manual scan23:01
SlidingHornmust have misread your question23:02
pylearnerI can run clamscan without running the clamd daemon i am just trying to figure out what the clamd daemon does23:03
pylearnerThe daemon listens for incoming connections on Unix and/or TCP socket and scans files or directories on demand. It reads the configuration from /etc/clamav/clamd.conf23:04
pylearnerok so when does it scan ?23:04
ringzer0pylearner: ok.  but check ur clamd anyway with: clamd ping23:04
pylearnerthe man page is short23:04
ringzer0pylearner: clamd is responsible for receiving, scanning and emitting results of requests.  It works like a web server, request<->response ...23:05
pylearnerringzer0, so to scan do I call clamdscan23:06
pylearnervia a command line and it handles the logging etc23:06
pylearnerso i have to send the daemon a request23:06
ringzer0pylearner: now do: man clamscan23:06
ringzer0pylearner: ... then scroll down to the examples.  take the time to undersatnd the options, then use cront to schedule the command line you like :)23:07
pylearnerok so clamdscan is the client23:07
R13oseIs changing the keycode map good or bad?23:07
pylearner/etc/cron.monthly: lstat() failed: Permission denied. ERROR  <--lol i was getting this earlier23:08
pylearnerwith clamdscan23:08
ringzer0pylearner: are you running it as root?23:10
pylearnerringzer0, yes23:10
pylearnerrunning as root23:10
pylearnerringzer0, do you suggest i not run as root23:11
ringzer0no, you should for av scan23:11
pylearneri am running a clamscan now but i dont think this will tie into clamd stuff23:12
pylearneri cant get clamdscan to run so just going to try to run clamscan23:13
ringzer0that works23:13
ringzer0My issue:  ssh root@ubuntu-host # Please login as the user "ubuntu" rather than the user "root".   then::  ssh ubuntu@ubuntu-host ... Drops me to: docker@ubuntu-host ... which I never created an authorized_keys file for, but somehow, it exists ... the BIG PROBLEM: I can't get to my screen -x ... I can't get to root.  I can't even get to ubuntu user as the Key auth was my only path of entry :'(23:13
pragmaticenigmaR13ose: it depends one what you are trying to do with remaping keycodes23:16
ringzer0Here is what I am going to do if no one has suggestions:  Dismount my volume.  Mount it on a different server.  Modify my sudoers file and make the docker user a sudoer.23:16
R13osepragmaticenigma: trying to get rid of a possible hardware issue.23:16
ringzer0Anyone who can, I would like feedback on my methods, or perferebly alternatives.23:16
pragmaticenigmaR13ose: remapping a key is harmless if you're mapping a broken key to another seldom used key. Like using the capslock for replacement shift key.23:17
pragmaticenigmaR13ose: what can hurt is if you're thinking of using a function key (f1, f2, etc..) and a program needs one of them to perform an action23:18
R13osepragmaticenigma: the + plus next to number pad to nothing but isn't permanent23:19
bg2032ringzer0, apologies if I don't know what I'm talking about, but aren't you already root if you can modify sudoers?23:20
pragmaticenigmaR13ose: shouldn't be a problem from what I can assume23:20
pragmaticenigmayou are planning on doing23:21
ringzer0bg2032: I'm saying I'd have to dismount the volume, and remount it in another box to do that.23:21
ringzer0bg2032: it's not an encrypted volume23:21
R13osepragmaticenigma: how do you make this forever?23:21
pragmaticenigmaR13ose: I'm not sure how to do that, or make it permanent across all interfaces (i.e. command lines tty's and gui)23:22
R13osepragmaticenigma: would be interesting to know23:23
bg2032ringzer0, I'll go and read about aws hosting23:24
bg2032(didn't know you could move volumes between instances)23:24
p_@search roseann bell23:26
bg2032I'm trying out Ubuntu 18.04 right now23:28
bg2032what's the deal with the mostly empty bar at the top of the screen?23:28
camillaHi there! I've downloaded applications that are just in a zip file, that don't install. Leaving them in my home folder feels messy, and not right. Where is ~normal~ to put such a thing?23:28
bg2032it shows the time, a few icons and that's it?23:28
camillai.e. there's a folder with an executable and associated files23:29
p_@search roseann bell23:29
bg2032camilla, if it is just for your account, you could put it in ~/.local23:29
adrian_1908bg2032: hipster minimalism. It's for being nice to "look at" without giving you the information you need at a glance. Same with removing the taskbar.23:29
* bg2032 smirks23:30
bg2032I admit that it looks _clean_23:30
bg2032is that a Gnome 3 feature or is it specific tu Ubuntu?23:31
troozersHi, weird question: I've installed VirtualBox on Ubuntu 18.04 and it's running fine.  Unfortunately I can't move the window that the VM is running under.  I can move other windows, just not the guest VM23:31
camillabg2032, what if I *did* want to share it with other user? (not that I have any)23:31
bg2032camilla, then probably in /usr/local but you may need root access23:32
camillaGotcha, thanks!23:32
bg2032or if it is self-contained, historically in /opt23:32
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bg2032troozers, heh, I'm doing the other way around: trying to run Ubuntu 18.04 in VirtualBox in Xubuntu 18.04 but apparently 3D acceleration completely breaks the VM23:34
troozersNot running 3d acceleration in the VM23:34
bg2032my experience with the new Ubuntu LTS is pretty crappy for now :D  loved 16.04, though :-/23:35
bg2032troozers, could you try restarting your window manager?23:35
troozersI've restarted the whole machine several times, same thing happens everytime23:36
bg2032or shut down the VM and reopen it from the VirtualBox GUI23:36
bg2032could it be a compositing problem?23:36
bg2032can you try without compositing, or with another WM?23:37
troozersI dont have this issue on my main ubuntu box, just on this particular laptop23:37
SlidingHorntroozers: is your user under the vboxusers group?23:38
pragmaticenigmaadrian_1908: bg2032: I think some applications will place their menus there when they're expanded to full screen. Like firefox did with Unity23:38
SlidingHorntroozers: if not -   sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers $user23:39
troozersIt's not, will add it23:39
adrian_1908pragmaticenigma: I sure hope so. Now in my 30s, I'm just a grumpy old guy, with technology moving me by. Barely anyone uses Desktop computers anyway.23:39
kumoolwhat technology23:42
kumoolthis is old stuff23:42
kumoolall of it23:42
kumooltactile surfaces?23:42
kumoolyou saw that smalltalk demo in the 1970's, this is all old stuff23:43
troozersNope, adding myself to vboxusers hasn't changed anything. The VM works fine and functions as expected.  I just can't move or resize the containing window23:45
mindloopHi, how can I find out what graphics drivers my computer is using via command line?23:47
troozersand look for the VGA line23:48
mindloopDoes that specify the card or the driver?23:48
troozersah, good question. I answered in haste23:49
mindloopI just want to know if the driver I used is installed and running properly23:50
pragmaticenigmacan't hurt to try and see what is displayed mindloop23:50
SlidingHorntroozers: did you log out & back in?23:50
mindloopBut if I want to know what driver is being used...?23:50
troozersweirdly i can move the window if I sneak up on it via another focused window O_o23:51
troozersmindloop: if you run 'lshw -c video', I think it should show you23:54
troozersLook for configuration line in the output and it should have driver=23:55
SlidingHornmindloop: are you using ubuntu or debian?  It's frowned upon to cross post / post in channels for a distro you're not using23:56
mindloopSlidingHorn, Are you the NSA?23:56
mindloopSlidingHorn, Police in helicopters...23:57
mindloopUbuntu is not debian based.23:57
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!23:58
mindloopAnd never the twain shall meet, ever.23:58
SlidingHornthey're different distros, and support should requested in their specific channels23:58
mindloopThe channels are being monitored. This is your final warning. Praise BB!23:58
SlidingHorn!ot > mindloop23:59
ubottumindloop, please see my private message23:59
mindloopOnly in the Chestnut Tree Cafe23:59
mindloopAs I cry into my Victory Gin23:59
bg2032mindloop, try: inxi -G23:59

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