
OvenWerksMuon looks like a good replacement for synaptic. it offers all of synaptics plus sides but runs as the user except when it needs to install.17:37
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: I just responded to your email, and TL;DR: couldn't agree with you more.17:48
ErichEickmeyerAnd, agreed. Muon is blowing Synaptic out of the water anymore.17:48
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: I am not so sure about a ubuntustudio-next option, I think it is too much work.18:00
ErichEickmeyerProbably. I just threw it out there and tried to see if it would stick.18:01
ErichEickmeyerI'm expecting a negative email from Ralf any minute.18:01
OvenWerks(On both of our's)18:02
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: do you know if there is a way to set the size of konsole in charactors instead of pixels from the commandline?18:03
OvenWerksI use two sizes quite frequently18:04
OvenWerksThis one is 90X40 and the rest are 80X2518:04
ErichEickmeyerProbably not from the command line, but you could make separate profiles and specify those from the command line.18:05
ErichEickmeyerOne profile at one size, the other at the other size.18:05
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: Ah, and then choose a profile from the CLI18:32
OvenWerksAnother thing I am wondering is if there is a best image format to use for our backdrops.19:25
OvenWerks the new BD are jpg but the current ones are png and I think the last contest had png as the target as well.19:26
OvenWerksI know that jpg is "lossy" but I also know that the BD gets resized to fit the screen which is also a lossy process or at least it adds artifacts to the image.19:27
OvenWerksIn other words I am wondering if we should back out the last commit in -settings and use png only backdrops at least as default.19:29
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: I'd try to move toward .png. It has decent compression and it seems to be more universal.21:30

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