
bluesabrethunar 1.7 seems nice... wondering why engrampa integration seems broken00:20
Unit193That may be, I just have a hard time trusting new thunars right now. :300:21
Unit193Also means I'm gonna have to grab that patch and upload a new thunar-dropbox-plugin.00:23
bluesabreAdded i386 discussion to the next meeting00:43
bluesabrenot keen on being the only team testing i386 if everybody else bails00:44
flocculantUnit193: I assume you're not being hit by the thunar removing usb issue then03:31
Unit193I don't often remove USBs, but correct.03:32
flocculantother's are ;)03:32
flocculantbluesabre: did you catch the Thunar bit broken ping at some point in the last weekish?03:52
ochosibluesabre: i personally would like to integrate panel and thunar and possibly settings too06:29
ochosiwrt xfwm4 i agree06:29
ochosi(for me it was a miss)06:29
Unit193Oh right, panel is another one I don't think I've tried, but not in exp ppa either iirc.06:32
bluesabreflocculant: saw the mention, then this channel got chatty, so ping again :)09:21
flocculantbluesabre: it's an LTS release - either thunar or lightdm - how about thunar bug 176259512:45
ubottubug 1762595 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar incorrectly thinks USB storage device hasn't finished ejecting" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176259512:45
flocculantI can replicate it if I remove gtk3 thunar - I did grab backtrace and strace for it, also pcmanfm just crashes out doing the same unmount usb thing for me12:47
plan9hi; got a quick question for which i couldnt find answer - is latest xubuntu collecting diagnostic informations like ubuntu does?17:00
flocculantplan9: no it isn't17:04
plan9thank you; were there any reasons behind this decision?17:07
flocculantfirstly - it works in Ubuntu because it's part of their Welcome Screen17:08
flocculantsecondly - we didn't talk about it much, not enough time for our small team17:08
flocculantpersonally I would prefer we did ;)17:09
plan9thanks again - heading back to the fresh installation o/17:14
flocculantno problem17:15
flocculantjust realised that in July we'll only have releases available that look for the next LTS on release of a version19:11
flocculantmight be worth letting people who want the interim releases to change the setting19:12
flocculantknome: I'll start a draft up for it now while I think about it19:50
knomeack, thanks19:50
flocculantok - done that 20:02

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