
CrazyTuxhello, there seems to some bug in xubuntu desktop. The option to logout that is available on the top right hand side of the desktop is not working.04:43
CrazyTuxthat indicator plugin for session management04:45
well_laid_lawnCrazyTux:  which xubuntu version are you usin ?04:48
CrazyTuxI am using Ubuntu Mate 18.04 and have installed Xubuntu Desktop on it.04:49
well_laid_lawndid you select   xubuntu session   at login ?04:50
CrazyTuxyes. I am logged into xubuntu now.04:52
CrazyTuxusing Xubuntu Desktop.04:52
well_laid_lawnthat does sound like a bug then04:53
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.04:53
CrazyTuxhow to use that command?04:54
well_laid_lawnsomething like   ubuntu-bug xubuntu-desktop    in a terminal04:55
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:55
CrazyTuxdo we have to log into Ubuntu One to report bugs?05:01
well_laid_lawnyou shouldn't have to as far as I know05:05
flocculantif you report with ubuntu-bug then it will take you to LP - which will want you to login - and it uses sso05:08
=== chmurifree is now known as chmuri
user08152in xubuntu 18.04 the ALT key does no longer work for grabbing windows, even it is set to be the key.09:35
user08152strg, super, etc. work. but not the ALT key09:35
user08152any ideas?09:35
xubuntu31i1st time on IRC...   I'm installin the niew Xubunt10:41
xubuntu31iI'm from Belgium10:42
xubuntu31iI thaugt that I'll met some GNU/Linux proffetional her???10:42
bluepain_take it easy10:43
bluepain_give them some time10:43
bluepain_and they'll show up10:43
xubuntu31iOk   8-P10:43
bluepainwanna blow off my internet connection10:45
xubuntu31iThe programme ask me to restart, so.... see you later :-D10:46
dunpealHi. Thunar 1.6.11 (i.e. current in Xubuntu 16.04) has always been crashing for me repeatedly. Is there a good way to replace it with something functional?13:44
knomeyou can install any file manager you want from the repository13:44
dunpealIs there one that works well with Xubuntu?13:44
knomebut more likely you might just want to upgrade to 18.04 eventually...13:45
knomei think some people use pcmanfm and it should integrate relatively well13:45
knomei mean technically anything "works well with xubuntu"13:45
knomebut for example stuff using qt would be slow to run if you didn't have other qt apps13:46
dunpealpcmanfm seems to work nicely, thanks!13:47
dunpealIs there a way to completely replace Thunar with PCman?13:53
knomeyep, in settings manager, look for preferred applications, then under tab utilities13:55
knomethat should make pcmanfm open whenever you want to open a file manager13:55
dunpealThanks again.13:56
=== zanadu is now known as win100
KevYI need some help16:54
KevYNo one?16:57
krytarikIf you got a support question, just ask it.16:58
KevYnow, my xubuntu installation has been more than 2 hours17:00
KevYits stuck on creating ext4 file systrem for / in partition #2 of SCSI2 (0,0,0) (SDA)17:00
KevYIts been on creating ext4 for like hours17:00
flocculantKevY: hi17:09
KevYwho are u?17:09
KevYanyways, help me?17:10
flocculantKevY: what's on the other partition ? windows or something?17:10
KevYNothing, I just have one partition of my steam apps (for windows)17:10
KevYits my hard drive used for my games17:10
KevYbut it has no bootloader or nothing ever before17:10
KevYIt just had one NTFS partition which i didnt touch17:10
flocculantok - you still on the installer screen?17:10
KevYmy windows is on other hard disk I have disconnected it before installation17:10
KevYI am using ubuntu rn with the firefox17:10
flocculantat the bottom of the installer - can you see where it says details17:11
KevYI have it popped out17:11
flocculantok - what's the last line say?17:11
KevYwget -O discord-0.0.1.deb https://discordapp.com/api/download?platform=linux&format=deb17:11
KevYwrong one17:11
KevYits my own clipboard seems I Cant copy17:11
flocculantjust type it then vaguely :)17:12
KevYIts: CHild 8570, MEdiaPLayback #7] WARNING: DEcoder=7f6f066597a0 [OnMediaSInkAUdioError]: file /build/firefox-ikZgcS/firefox-59.0.2+build1/dom/mmedia/MEdiaDEcoderStateMAchine.cpp, line 375517:13
KevYI might have some problems17:13
KevYalso how to fix this capslock lag or etc17:13
flocculantinstalling from usb or dvd?17:13
KevYWHen I quickly turn it on and off for capitalising (its my habit) it makes the next letter capital too17:14
KevYIts different in windows where its not affected17:14
KevYInstalling from a usb you can say17:14
KevYIm using a phone actually17:14
KevYUSing drive droid to mount ISO on phone then booting and installing from it17:14
flocculantKevY: well - you're going to have to cancel the install17:15
KevYand then?17:15
flocculantdon't restart17:15
flocculantmake sure the other partition's ok17:15
KevYHOw do I cancel tho17:15
* flocculant thought there was a quit button17:16
KevYno quit button, no buttons unless I go into details and all I see is a skip button whihc is grayed out17:16
KevYand cannot be pressed17:16
KevYCAn I take screenshots or smthing17:17
flocculantno need17:17
flocculantit's hung at that problem on line 3755 :)17:17
KevYwhat to do17:17
flocculantctrl+alt+esc will give you an X - click on the installer17:18
KevY_it closed installer and closed all my current apps17:19
KevY_now im back at home screen17:19
KevY_what now17:19
KevY_my other files are OK17:19
KevY_on the steam and other games folder17:19
KevY_I opened a txt file containing some game files info etc and notes17:20
flocculantthat was my first question :)17:20
KevY_its still present17:20
KevY_lol Im happy here that my games are not touched cause.. ill have to redownload like 100 gb lmao17:20
flocculantright - you need to check that the iso you are using is correct17:20
KevY_HOw do I?17:20
flocculantI assume you downloaded on windows?17:20
KevY_Using bittorrent17:20
flocculantk - just let me find something17:21
KevY_I can connect my hard disk again, have the hdd's refresh and have my hard disk in there, copy my ISO out of there, get its MD5 checksum?17:21
KevY_can I just do it right here? in this ubuntu installer?17:21
flocculantbut - the file should be ok as it's a torrent17:21
KevY_also, is there soemthing like, running the installer directly from my hard drive?17:22
KevY_I dont think having my phone connected to my computer just for installer is something good17:22
flocculantnot that I am aware of17:22
flocculantit's possible that using the phone isn't helping - but never done it so can't be sure17:22
Fazerafter upgrade to Xubuntu 18.04 volume control using laptop Fn keys stopped working18:03
Fazerwhen I checked with screenkey tool if the key presses are detected, they are as Vol+ and Vol-18:04
Fazerbut the volume is not changed and there is no notification18:04
Fazerinstalling xfce4-volumed and launching it fixed the issue18:12

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