[04:23] Tested the new iso with squashfs-tools added. WOrks great. Only thing is I get the error "unable to execute 'lxsession'... It went to fallback and worked fine. I installed lxsession and of course the error went away. [04:23] Is lxsession left out purposely in the Cosmic? I'm wondering if I should report this or mark it 'passed' and move on? [04:31] BionicMac, I think that is a bug but a different one it should be using lxqt-session [04:31] BionicMac, when exactly do you get that message? [04:32] lyn||ian: When trying to login at the initial graphical login prompt, right after typing in user credentials. [04:33] I need to look closer to see if it said 'lxsession' or 'lxqt-session' in the error though. [04:33] BionicMac, after install ? [04:33] I am reinstalling now doing manual partitioning so I will see it again I'm sure. [04:34] lyn||ian: Yes, after install, on first boot, and thereafter. [05:01] lyn||ian: Yes, it is trying to execute '/usr/bin/lxsession' -> 'Falling back to default ession'. [05:11] BionicMac, file that in a bug report [05:12] lyn||ian: ok [05:12] I think it should be using lxqt session or is there something else [05:12] tsimonq2, ^ [05:22] lyn||ian: lxqt-session is installed but it doesn't contain the file 'lxsession' that the display manager is griping about. [05:23] yes it probably should be using lxqt-session unless there is something blocking? [05:30] Benson Koka was added by: Benson Koka [05:31] lyn||ian: lxqt-session is there and is executables, when I run it manually in a terminal (out of context I know) but the only error I see is 'Fcitx seems is not running'. [05:31] *executable [05:43] lyn||ian: should I file this bug against sddm? [05:44] BionicMac, probably lubuntu-default settings [05:44] lyn||ian: ok, thanks [05:44] as it is the lubuntu-qt-session that causes this right [05:45] it is the default display manager where I get the error [05:45] I am not as familiar as yourself with the lubuntu-qt-session and the role it plays on boot/login. [05:46] BionicMac, yes sddm is the display manager using the lubuntu settings to start a session for lubuntu [05:46] brb [05:48] well BionicMac as long as we know at least launchpad makes moving bugs easy [05:54] lynorian: Ok, I will report against lubuntu-default-settings where you suggested. Thank you kindly for the help. [06:17] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1770801 [06:17] Launchpad bug 1770801 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Xsession: unable to launch '/usr/bin/lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE'" [Undecided, New] [12:49] Павел Алексеев was added by: Павел Алексеев [12:50] <Павел Алексеев> Hi. I lead the channel about Ubuntu and Ubuntu Touch. There I publish news, app updates and more. [12:50] @ubuntu01 [15:23] tsimonq2: I thought I was helping by reporting the bug. Feel free to guide me. Should I not report things while testing? [15:23] I'm easy. =) [15:40] @BionicMac, You are fine. :) [15:40] Thanks! [15:40] Keep reporting bugs. :) [15:42] tsimonq2: ok! I like to help. thanks!