
IsSnooAnAnimalHello there! I booted up my VirtualBox Lubuntu 16.04 VM to a blank screen with only a cursor. I can get into TTY, and I tried just about everything I can think of. Booting to a previous kernel, updating + upgrading, reinstalling lightdm and lubuntu-desktop, executing startx, nothing seems to work.01:31
qswzAny of you using chromium?06:52
qswzyou'll notice that each tile you make a browser search, there's a &client=ubuntu querystring06:52
qswzit's lubuntu specific, doesn't happen on ubuntu06:53
qswzhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/lubuntu-artwork/+bug/1766937 I reported it there06:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1766937 in Lubuntu Artwork "chromium always append &client=ubuntu to searches" [Undecided,New]06:54
jongcan anyone help me, why if i installed netbeans7.4 and jdk7  on my laptop with lubuntu my only one browser firefox after the installation the two said software i can no longer open it. it says profile is missing.10:47
antisdunpeal: IDK, but why don't you check with a live-system? I suspect HiDPI support improved with LXQt.13:22
zleapis there a tool in lubuntu for controling the touchpad,  I would like to disable pad while typing in a similar way to how I can do that in xubuntu14:25
=== l is now known as Guest2952
antiszleap: i guess you have a key to disable the touchpad?? This is done via ACPI. Has to be configured in grub (yeah the bootloader). You need to edit the line "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT" file /etc/default/grub and add the options "acpi_osi= acpi_os_name=Linux"20:52
antiszleap: complete line looks like this for me: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_osi= acpi_os_name=Linux"20:53

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