
ikonia@mark #ubuntu thisweekinlinux unacceptable quit message06:59
ubottuThe operation succeeded.06:59
oerhekshi, please remove buzie from #u21:01
SlidingHornlol we all joined.21:01
SlidingHornops call from ubottu didn't respond21:01
leftyfbPlease remove bugzie. He is currently violating COC and is generally toxic to the support channel21:01
ubottuSlidingHorn called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:01
SlidingHornhuh??  I used the ot command21:02
oerheks!ops .. please pay attention21:07
ubottuoerheks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:07
leftyfbI love how this becomes a problem with me every time I report this idiot21:09
Unit193leftyfb: < leftyfb> bugzie: you just don't care anymore do you? You just do whatever you want   Because stuff like that will only make him continue, as he's getting you all riled up.  What you want to do is try to steer whoever back on track, failing that generally calling ops/poking here/whatever, then fully disengage and ignore him.  That last step can even make whoever get bored and go away as21:13
Unit193they're getting no reaction.21:13
leftyfbUnit193: you don't get it. Go through the logs. Every single person in that channel who helps the most, about a dozen of us have tried to de-escalate, reminded of COC, asked to stop, been rediculed, called names and have all requested the removal of this person multiple times over the course of months. We have been told he is a known problem and there's nothing anyone is willing to do about it but to just ignore it. That's fine except this21:18
leftyfbkid is constantly swearing, and more importantly, giving VERY wrong and damaging advice to people who don't know better. But yeah, it's our problem. You're right. We'll just let him be. Nothing to see here. Move along.21:18
valoriebaiting a troll is generally not a good idea21:18
leftyfbThis is well beyond baiting a troll21:18
leftyfbWELL beyond it21:18
Unit193leftyfb: I never said you were the problem and not him...21:18
leftyfbI have been told this many timea by the ops innthi channel we every time I request his removal21:19
SlidingHornjust now in -discuss:  17:20 < bugzie> I will evade that ban btw21:21
elhe will21:21
eland likely have a tantrum about this namespace outside of this namespace because people with staff cloaks removed him21:22
elthere'll probably be more trolls join21:22
SlidingHornI think the general point we're trying to make is that this wouldn't have been as bad had action been taken earlier21:23
elexcept it would have been21:23
elhe tends to return more combative21:23
leftyfbel: so your solution to managing trolls is to do nothing because "there's always more where that came from" and "he'll just be back"21:24
elnot at all.21:24
elopping is a balancing act, it's not about nitpicking and scolding people then banning them when they get defensive21:30
SlidingHornI can understand that, but one could hardly call the recognition of that user's indiscretions "nitpicking" - it was constant and blatant disregard, as well as dangerous to users21:32
leftyfbel: that excuse does not apply when this troll is blatent, self-aditting, dangerous, consistent and you have received multiple reports from multiple reputable people over the course of months. He and everyone else is begging you yo ban him.21:33
leftyfband yet21:34
leftyfbI have seen people come in for the first time, swear twice and been removed. This guy has been doing it for months and laughing in our faces and nothing happens21:34
leftyfband that's just one problem with him21:35
eland he has been removed multiple times21:35
leftyfbplease continue doing so. We are all begging you. Including him.21:37
leftyfbel: also, I've been in there for about a year and haven't seen him removed once.21:37
elhe has definitely been removed multiple times21:37
leftyfbwhy won't you ban him now?21:38
Unit193(Note, he's gone by a few different names.)21:38
leftyfbcan you just answer that?21:38
leftyfbI understand ban evading. This person, in the past year or so since I've been actively participating in #ubuntu, this particular person and their persona has not been banned.21:39
leftyfbAfter dozens of requests21:39
leftyfbfrom me, him and multiple others21:39
elhe is banned now21:39
elunless he's returned and we're too engrossed by being told how much we fail21:39
leftyfbI apologize. I did not notice21:40
leftyfbI thank you very much21:40
SlidingHornI'll continue any thoughts on the topic in -discuss - don't want to idle in here...21:41
oerheksgood point21:41
leftyfbditto. Thank you again21:41
Unit193They need to track bans better if they honestly think that..21:42

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