
=== tikun is now known as sikun
FarhaadNhi every one09:24
FarhaadNwho this is happening?09:24
FarhaadN/dev/sdb1      206423736 201995500         0 100% /var/spool09:24
FarhaadNFilesystem     1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on09:25
FarhaadN/dev/sdb1      206423736 201531352         0 100% /var/spool09:25
FarhaadN1how this is happening?09:43
FarhaadN1Filesystem     1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on09:43
FarhaadN1/dev/sdb1      206423736 201531352         0 100% /var/spool09:43
ikoniaspamming it doesn't help09:45
ikoniaa.) why do you have /var/spool on it's own device ?09:45
ikoniab.) have you looked what's growing in /var/spool (most likley mail)09:45
FarhaadN1ikonia: i now hard is full, but look at used and availeble on disk10:02
ikoniawhat ?10:03
FarhaadN1size is 206423736, used is 20153135210:03
FarhaadN1but use% is 100%10:03
ikoniathat's just rounding10:03
FarhaadN1is that right to show Available=0 ??10:03
ikoniayes if you've used it all10:03
FarhaadN1i clear some data10:04
FarhaadN1and look at result now10:04
FarhaadN1/dev/sdb1       197G  187G  755M 100% /var/spool10:04
ikoniafirst of all, 200gb full on /var/spool - WOW10:05
FarhaadN1its use for recording voice on voip server10:05
ikoniathat does look a little big to be rounding/offset10:05
ikoniacheck you're not out of inodes10:05
ikonia(just out of interest)10:05
ikoniaif you google "why does df show my disk full" you'll get a page normally on the first page with a basic formula to work out rounding,10:06
ikoniacheck that out10:06
FarhaadN1ikonia: thank you10:08
RoyKFarhaadN1: if it's ext4, there's usually 5% reserved for root, so even if there is some free space, these 5% will make df tell you it's full. You can adjust this with tune2fs -m X /dev/something where X is the percentage11:47
Neo4look at my script that generates ssh key and place it to remote server12:09
ikoniaNeo4: why do I need to look at this ?12:25
Neo4ikonia: you can test12:26
Neo4ikonia: how do you install ssh key on your server?12:27
ikoniathat script is shocking12:27
ikoniaand a security risk12:27
ikoniaI will not run it12:27
Neo4ikonia: you can use this shell script and will put and generate key for 1 minutes12:27
ikoniaI don't want to run that script ever12:27
ikoniaand nor should anyone else12:27
ikoniaplease don't ask people to run your scripts in this channel12:27
Neo4ikonia: no, take it and run on one test server, it will save your time12:27
ikoniait will not save my time12:27
ikoniaI can distribute keys just fine, thank you12:28
Neo4ikonia: how do you set up ssh key to your server?12:28
Neo4ikonia: you need generate key, than copy it to remote server, that put permission, it many works12:28
ikoniadepends on where I'm doing it12:28
ikoniayes, I'm aware how to do it12:28
Neo4my scripts do this in one line12:28
ikoniaas I've said twice, I do it all the time12:28
ikoniayour script is very poor and a security risk12:29
ikoniaso again - please don't ask people to run it12:29
Neo4set_key.sh key_name remote_user_name remote_server_ip12:29
ikoniaI know how to do it12:29
Neo4ikonia: and you get set up key12:29
ikonialast time - enough12:29
xpistosHey all. What is the best method for trying to copy data from a failing drive? I don't know how much I will get but I would like to pull off what I can before the drive is done. DD, CP, CAT?12:36
ikoniadepends what you want to do on the other end12:36
ikoniaall of those options will come with risk12:36
kiokomanddrescue also12:38
trimpher54TESTING TESTING15:03
Bluekingme want to build fileserver and mediaserver in a pc... looks like filserver + mediaserver in one pc are not a good combination ?23:12

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