
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:23
knightwisehey pepe's ! !09:40
brobostigonhi knightwise09:53
knightwisehey brobostigon10:08
knightwisehows you man10:08
brobostigonlots to think about, and write up, and you?10:08
knightwiseworking for the company , writing up reports and going to do some video editing for the new website this afternoon10:11
brobostigonhope it goes ok.10:11
knightwisehad a good time yesterday doing some filming for a client of ours10:12
knightwisereviewed 3 robots/drones that are not available in the EU at the moment.10:12
knightwiseplayed with this bad boy: https://www.engadget.com/2018/04/02/skydio-r1-review/10:12
knightwise(and i managed to crash it)10:13
knightwiseyep .. little "heart-attack" moment there10:14
brobostigoni bet.10:18
knightwisealso got to drive a tesla .. that was pretty cool10:19
knightwise"flooring it" on a Tesla is an experience that is something unmatched by any vehicle i have driven so far10:20
brobostigoni had a moment like that the other day, i packed my bag to go on a training course, with my notebooks in it, which included my notes on the c63 i am filing on my ex-fiance in july, got home unpacked my bag and couldnt find that notebook, lukcily i found it in the inside zip pocket where i knew i wouldnt loose it.10:21
brobostigoncool, :)10:21
brobostigonall in effort so i can be a father to my own daughter. :)10:55
andylockranhey team18:10
brobostigondid, i kill everything, mentioning my ex-fiance?18:11
andylockranI didn't see that message18:13
zmoylan-pinah, just saturday lack of denizens...18:13
* diddledan kills brobostigon 's ex fiance18:33
penguin42brobostigon: Oh didn't see that part of the conversation; sorry to hear that18:36
brobostigondiddledan: no no, our daughter, killering her us dangerous.18:41
diddledanyou want me to kill your daughter? well ok..18:42
diddledanhonestly, you kill one ex fiance and then they want you to kill everyone18:42
brobostigonno, of course not.18:43
diddledanI'm being a dick18:43
diddledana lovable one, obviously ;-p18:43
zmoylan-pino one is to kill anyone! until i blow this whistle! even and i want to make this absolutely clear, even if they do say jehovah... :-P18:48
brobostigonjohn clesse.18:48
diddledankill him!18:49
zmoylan-pione of the funniest moments ever put to film...18:50
brobostigondoesnt the silly walk do it?18:51
zmoylan-pithe jumping up and down shouting stop it stop it stop it18:53
brobostigonor when arthur sees his house being bulldozed but ford transports him onto a vogon ship.?18:53
* penguin42 hands brobostigon a brown paper bag19:03
* brobostigon puts that brown paper bag, over his daughters head in his ex'fiances tummy, to protect her from her mother.19:05
brobostigonif she ha an IQ over 160 odd, she us definitly from my family.19:08
penguin42ah, I hadn't realised the daughter was a future; oh messy19:18
zmoylan-pisimple for time travellers.... brobostigon willen have a daughter...19:21
brobostigonpenguin42: ,y daughter being in present but not yet in the future.19:26
brobostigonin the*19:26
brobostigonzmoylan-pi: i think my daughter inheriting from me, will one day work out from time dilation and einstein-rosen bridges to work our time travel.19:28
zmoylan-pioh snap... https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/05/malware-found-in-ubuntu-snap-store.html19:31

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