
pseudochaosI think you have to add a repository to your package manager00:09
pseudochaossome dark, nefarious repository which play loose with their lives, err, DMCA-breaking wares.00:10
pseudochaosGoogle "mp3 on kubuntu". :-)00:10
oerhekskubuntu-restricted-extras is the package you want00:13
Roeyhey why after my upgrade to 18.04 did my login go from KDE to FVWM???  I mean, I see LightDM and it looks KDE-ish, but then FVWM2 starts, what the heck?  I do have plasma-desktop installed, and I do have a "startkde" command, and kwin is also installed.00:38
RoeyI can't seem to get nvidia module loaded... I did apt-get install nvidia-384.. and it appears to have loaded (though I didn't see it build a kernel module).. yet when I try "modprobe nvidia", I get: "modprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia not found in directory /lib/modules/4.15.0-20-generic"01:01
designbybeckthank you oerheks01:31
designbybeckthat did the trick ;)01:34
designbybeckKubuntu 18.04 doesn't have snap stuff like Spotify in Discover?01:35
designbybeckI guess snap install spotify seemed to work01:37
designbybeckin a cli01:37
Roeyis anyone here?02:36
RoeyI don't get a KDE upon login... I don't even see a cog to ask which desktop environment I want.. just a login prompt02:37
Roeyand it then always puts me into FVWM202:37
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mattflyHello! Anyone there using nvidia graphic cards has installed nvidia-384 package on ubuntu bionic?03:35
mattflyis hibernation still working after you do this?03:35
eraserpencilhey guys! I recently switch to Kubuntu from Ubuntu03:54
eraserpencilCant seem to get my trackpad working03:54
vespertatiaeraserpencil: Meta (kubuntu button) > System Settings > Input Devices > Touchpad > check Mouse Click Emulation03:59
eraserpencilIt's not registering any touch04:03
IrcsomeBot<tonyjohny> what would i do i connect with bluetooth to my LG player to play from my pc but it connect bt nt player out pls help me06:49
Lucifer_armafor anybody watching, I fixed my problem by disabling hardware acceleration in my web browsers07:35
Lucifer_armaI don't know if that means that I'll have more problems down the road with games/apps that use hardware acceleration, I only know that it fixed the problem for streaming media07:36
regrdHi, I have an issue with instaling Kubuntu 18.04 LTS. The issue is that when I start Kubuntu from my USB, an error is displayed which says "[Firmware Bug]: TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata; please update microcode to version: 0xb2". I tried updating my BIOS, and installing the latest microcode, but that doesn't work. What do I do?08:32
IrcsomeBot<tao_over_two> This error occured whilst I was installing Kubuntu as well. I'm not sure about the cause of the error but remaking the bootable USB worked for me08:33
regrdI've tried doing that, the USB doesn't seem to be the problem.08:33
IrcsomeBot<tao_over_two> How about hunting your BIOS for settings you might have accidentally changed?08:34
regrdI recently reset my laptop, so no setting has been changed. Only thing different might be that about 800GB of the hard disk is unallocated.08:35
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ryan_Need help with my trackpad12:12
ryan_I recently switched to Kubuntu and my trackpad works only about up to 30 min then it's usage dies12:13
BluesKajHi folks12:24
ricktimmis[m]Ummmm sounds like a background process is stopping. Try having a look in the logs just after it stops journalctl is your friend.12:27
ricktimmis[m]It used to be synaptic that handled track pad12:28
BluesKajyeah I see synaptics is still in the repos as a xserver-xorg12:31
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad12:31
ryan_that's a complicated friend to deal with12:35
NerdTheThirdim having screen tearing issues on kubuntu. anyone know how to fix it?12:38
BluesKajNerdTheThird, try OpenGL3.1 in system settings>display&Monitor>Compositor and try the different options in "Taering Prevention vsync"13:20
BluesKajTearing even13:20
NerdTheThirdwill do, thanks!13:21
NerdTheThirdnot too sure, but it seems opengl3.1 solved it13:21
NerdTheThirdand never in vsync13:21
NerdTheThirdok, tear screen is back13:31
BluesKajNerdTheThird, ok ,which gpu and driver?13:32
NerdTheThirdgtx 1050 ti, nvidia13:32
NerdTheThirdto be exact, nvidia 390.4813:33
NerdTheThirdkubuntu 18.0413:33
NerdTheThirdany ideas?13:48
BluesKajNerdTheThird, seems most  searches suggest regressing the driver to 384 or 378, or switching back to nouveau13:58
NerdTheThirdkk ima try nouveau13:59
wernerHi, coming back with this one: (@BuesKaij) "Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation." There is a crash report for "Application: Plasma (plasmashell), signal: Segmentation fault" Any clues? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yWWptzHGVN/14:08
BluesKajwerner, which Kubuntu?14:12
wernerTP410 fresh installation14:12
ryan_need help troubleshooting trackpad on kubuntu14:13
ryan_dies after x amt of timefrom boot, im having trouble identifying why14:15
NerdTheThirdthis kinda fixed it, it seems https://kver.wordpress.com/2017/03/29/tearing-with-nvidia-proprietary-drivers-on-plasma-try-this/14:25
ryan_sudo reboot14:49
BluesKajNerdTheThird,  good find! :-)14:53
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IrcsomeBot<weltimeister> Baloo goes crazy. I cannot use 18.04 with Baloo switched on. The whole system freezes after a couple of minutes. … But I need a search function as well. … Am I the only one with this problem?18:32
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mattflyanyone there who has nvidia drivers installed is able to hibernate?21:16
user|66589hello! I'm trying to setup a dualboot system for windows and kubuntu. Does the dualboot guide for ubuntu work for kubuntu as well?21:38
mattflyeven tho i had never tested making dual boot like this21:41
mattflywhat i generally do is go to try kubuntu, then i open the partition manager and create the partitions i need and then i go to the manual option on the installer21:42
user|66589mattfly: thanks for your input21:53
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crimson_kingCongratulations to Kubuntu devs and contributors. Your new LTS is pretty good.23:54

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