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kamoSo, after I enter my password onto the lockscreen, I get greeted with a lock logo with "you'll be redirected to the unlock dialogue automatically in a few second" but nothing really happens. How do I go back to my desktop?06:01
cfhowletttry this:  https://www.linuxslaves.com/2016/05/3-ways-fix-ubuntu-gets-stuck-login-loop.html06:02
kamoYeah, but that requires me to reboot, and I have a ton of applications opened on my desktop. Ctrl+alt+f7 doesn't work.06:04
cfhowlettthat seems a bit irrelevant as you can't presently login.  Am I missing something?06:17
kamoSo I can't spawn a shell06:24
kamoCfhowlett: yes, I'm not able to login06:24
cfhowlettthen your open apps don't matter much.  try one of the solutions I sent you.06:25
kamoOkay Thanks06:37
kamoAnd also my xubuntu machine keeps freezing every now and then06:37
kamoI don't know why06:38
cfhowlettinsufficient data for the most wildest guess06:38
sm0ruxI've tried to search on DuckDuckGo but don't find the answer. Maybe someone here remember. There is a way to get vertical scrolling smother in all programs. If I remember correctly it was something in the GTK2 or GTK3 config. Anyone here that can help?09:48
mubaraksm0rux: synclient? enable two finger scrolling will be like this: $ synclient VertTwoFingerScroll=1 | $ synclient -l for all the options10:07
sm0ruxmubarak: That might work, but it's really not what I'm looking for. It was a oneliner in ~/config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini (if I recall correctly).10:10
sm0ruxmubarak: Found it. It was "gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = false" but I forgot to add a line "[Settings]" before the actual line.10:15
sm0ruxNow it work!10:15
kaladinI'm kind of new to xubuntu and I'll be able to run StarCraft 2 on it.16:08
kaladinAny advice?16:08
APoliTechhey all! i have a quick question. Xubuntu have the new minimal install?17:10
APoliTech:( thx :((17:11
krytarik(There is Xubuntu Core though.)17:11
APoliTechsadly not the same17:13
krytarikYes, ours is better. :P17:13
Unit193The "new minimal" install still contains the full desktop so the ISO is no smaller, and just uninstalls a few things after install.  So yes, they aren't the same. :>17:14
APoliTechbut why xubuntu did not provide minimal install?17:15
Unit193Given what I stated, why should it?17:16
APoliTechfist to have fully working uefi suport?17:17
nova_This is going to sound crazy...but I want to edit a file as root using a GUI editor.  I'm just not a huge fan of vi, nano, etc.  Sure some people will say login as root or just sudu mousepad, but we all know thats crazy.  Some others will say use gksu/gksudo or pkexec....but it seems that is also crazy.  I even tried to confgigure pkexec to work and it stopped me with one final warning about how it was a bad idea before18:06
nova_giving me an arguement to override and allow it.  I guess my question is if there is a safe and correct way to use a gui text editor to modify files requiring root privledges18:06
Iolosudoedit, perhaps?18:58
IoloThat's the closest thing I can think of.18:58
flocculantnova_: you shouldn't need to muck about - pkexec mousepad is provided default19:09
nova_flocculant: Oh!  SO it is.  I should have been more specific I guess and not given such a generic answer assuming that mousepad would work the same as what I wanted to use.  I'm actually interested in using Notepadqq19:11
flocculantthen you'll have to muck about ;)19:13
nova_flocculant: I made an action file for it and run with with pkexec notepadqq, but I got a warning about the perils of using root with it but it said use -allowroot or something to override it19:15
nova_I'm worried about mucking about too much...I felt like i was too far into the muck19:16
flocculantmmm - well never seen that warning here19:56
krytarikYes, because it's specific to that app.19:57
nova_The people who make notepadqq seem to like snap, and I understand that snap wont be able to use root anyway.  I had to use the PPA install method to get as far as I did and they say they want to eventually just use snap...so I guess running as root isn't going to ever be a priority for them20:19
nova_I'll just stick to nano or mousepad I guess..thanks for the input20:20
m00n_urnHey! My xubuntu machine keeps freezing every now and then (today alone: 4 times). I have to restart it everytime to get it to work again. I've lost all my xubuntu settings the last time I restarted due to it freezing. Xubuntu 18.04.20:54
m00n_urnI had to*20:55
Javabeanfor reference, what programs were running during these freezes.  what kind of pc is it.20:57
Javabeanfor reference, what programs were running during these freezes.  what kind of pc is it.20:57
m00n_urn_What do you guys think is causing it?20:58
m00n_urn_Javabean, it's a Thinkpad E450. Many. A torrent client, XMPP client, FF, a few text files, a terminal.20:59
Javabeani am not someone who can help, but i do know that they needed a bit more information before they could start to figure out what might be wrong.  patience is a virtue, someone in this room might be able to help, but it may take a while before they see the question21:01
m00n_urn_Javabean, understood. Thanks. :)21:02
Javabeansorry i can't help more, that sounds like an annoying issue21:03
m00n_urn_No worries. :) The thing is I wanted to move to lighter distro before moving to Xubuntu from Ubuntu trusty. But, this happens so often it's just plain annoying.21:05
m00n_urn_Do I have to provide any system logs to rectify this issue?21:11
m00n_urngoogle doesn't return anything, atleast not specific to my issue. :\21:19
Javabeansure it couldn't hurt the diagnosis to go ahead and paste the logs to https://paste.ubuntu.com and then posting the link here21:20
m00n_urnbut where would I collect them from?21:20
Javabeangood question... i don't even know which ones might be relevant21:21
m00n_urnhah, okay21:21
Javabeani just thunk, do you have temperature monitoring setup on that laptop?? as a far left field idea, maybe it overheated and thermal shutdown messily21:28

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