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lordievaderGood morning06:08
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IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> @weltimeister, Can anyone help me with this problem? I am using Kubuntu since 7.10 and never experienced this problem.09:02
hateballno idea if this weltimeister is still here, but explaining what the problem is usually helps10:26
BluesKajHowdy folks10:40
lordievaderhateball: From earlier.10:46
lordievader> <weltimeister> Baloo goes crazy. I cannot use 18.04 with Baloo switched on. The whole system freezes after a couple of minutes. … But I need a search function as well. … Am I the only one with this problem?10:46
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BluesKajlordievader, users complained about akonadi's bugs and now that they are solved access to GUI settings is no longer available. How does that make sense?11:08
lordievaderBluesKaj: Err, what?11:08
BluesKajthat baloo problem11:09
lordievaderI'm just passing a message.11:09
lordievaderI try to stay away from the Akonadi/Baloo mess.11:09
BluesKajyeah i saw it yesterday but the user left before I could get an explanation typed11:10
BluesKajit's  always been a messy business it seems'11:10
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: haaaaai11:10
EvilRoeyand lordievader too :)11:10
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: btw it /was/ a BTRFS issue11:10
BluesKajhi EvilRoey11:11
BluesKajEvilRoey, yeah, mucking about with exotic FSs is dangerous11:11
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: even though 'df' listed enough free space, BTRFS's file layout led to having a lot of free space in allocated chunks.  So there wasn't enough unallocated free space.  Or something like that.11:11
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: I'm just going to use the (much, much faster) ext4 from now on, considering how the only reason I had installed to BTRFS was (besides the snapshot ability, which proved unuseful for me as tools supporting it are not mature) that adding new devices into the free-space pool is relatively trivial11:13
BluesKajI've heard all kinds of good things about ZFS, but after reading about it i didn't see any benefit for my setup11:13
EvilRoeywell I mean if I want to add more free space, traditionally I would have to move to a bigger device11:13
EvilRoeyand I'd have to copy all the data from the old device to the new device11:14
BluesKajdd can do that11:14
EvilRoeywith BTRFS, you just add a new device into the array, then disable the first device, and let BTRFS figure out what to copy11:14
BluesKajyeah sure ;-)11:14
EvilRoeyBluesKaj: heh11:22
vespertatiaCompositor crashed again. All title bars disappeared. I can't switch virtual desktops. Is it gonna be like this forever? Or mayber there's a fix?11:37
lordievaderAnything in the logs as to why it crashes?11:39
lordievaderIf there is enough information it might be worth it to report a bug.11:39
vespertatiaI really don't know what log should i bring up, my logs are filled with ufw12:03
lordievaderSyslog most likely. Though if it is a driver problem it may also go to dmesg.12:03
vespertatiaQDBusArgument: read from a write-only object12:07
vespertatiaoh it was activated successfully, scrolling...12:07
vespertatianope nothing unusual :(12:09
vespertatiaThis wasn't happening back in 17.10, tbh i'm planning to revert back to 17.1012:10
vespertatiaNext time this happens i'm gonna keep all logs +-10minutes the moment it happen again12:10
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> @BluesKaj, I did not leave. I am connected via Telegram messenger.12:18
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> Thank you BluesKaj! I really would like to have a solution to this problem.12:19
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> And thanks to lordievader, too.12:20
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> I already did explain my problem a couple of days ago. But did not get a solution or proper answer.12:21
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> Baloo uses all RAM every time I start 18.04. So the desktop freezes after a few minutes.12:23
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> I can disable baloo, but I need a search function.12:23
BluesKajweltimeister, which kubuntu version are you running?12:36
BluesKaj weltimeister try the #kde-baloo chat as well. They may have better info than we can give12:41
BluesKaj weltimeister  also this page may help https://community.kde.org/Baloo12:43
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> @BluesKaj, 18.04 … I am using Kubuntu since 7.10 and never experienced this problem.12:45
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> @BluesKaj, I only use Telegram messenger. Are the connected too?12:45
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> @BluesKaj, I'll check out that help site as well.12:46
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> Nobody in here has a similar problem?12:46
* lordievader doesn't use Kubuntu nor Baloo.12:52
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> I see. But this is an official Kubuntu support, right?12:55
lordievaderBut you don't have to run Kubuntu in order to hang around here 😉12:56
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> Hehe. Right. ^^13:00
jbrackerHi, I have problem with my microphone in kubuntu. Most of the time (not every time) when I try to use it, it just records garbage that sounds as if the sampling rate of the recording is to fast.13:02
jbrackerI tried 2.5.1 to 2.5.5 of this guide: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio/Troubleshooting#Static_noise_in_microphone_recording ; but that did not change anything13:02
jbrackerCan someone help me?13:03
IrcsomeBot3<Sick_Rimmit> The curreny Kubuntu version incorporates extra tools for Audio13:13
IrcsomeBot3<Sick_Rimmit> Do you know about those13:13
IrcsomeBot3<Sick_Rimmit> They're available from the Speaker Icon, using the configuration icon ( top right )13:14
IrcsomeBot3<Sick_Rimmit> It enables you to assign applications to audio outputs / inputs13:14
IrcsomeBot3<Sick_Rimmit> Perhaps the issues are there13:14
MrObviousWhat's the proper command to install kubuntu on ubuntu13:16
MrObviousIf there is one package that would install the whole kubuntu instead of just kde13:17
CoJaBoI think it's something like kubuntu-desktop13:18
MrObviousLet me check13:18
MrObviousCoJaBo, correct! much appreciated13:19
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See https://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde13:22
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> @BluesKaj, Unfortunately there was nothing on that side that could help. Do you have more suggestions? … Is here anyone who has experienced the same problem? … Does anyone know how to go on with this?13:35
BluesKajweltimeister, how old is your pc and how much RAM and other specs?13:36
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IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> @BluesKaj, It is a pretty new tuxedo book, similar to slimbook. I have a i7 processor and 8 GB RAM.14:46
hateballweltimeister, is this a brand new install or an upgrade? I've had baloo go crazy so I needed to disable and re-enable it to behave14:46
hateballlike if the indexing db goes corrupt or something14:46
hateballbut maybe you already tried a "balooctl disable" reboot and "balooctl enable" ?14:47
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> New install.14:47
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> I did not.14:47
hateballis your ~/ also clean? or if it is full of say... source code14:47
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> I don't know what that means.14:48
hateballweltimeister then you don't have any source code there :D14:48
hateballbasically if you have a lot of source code files baloo takes forever to index them, but by default most of that should be excluded from indexing iirc14:49
hateballanyhow you can try the disable/enable, doesnt hurt14:49
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> I tryed to let baloo index one whole night. It did not help.15:12
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> @hateball, I did switch Baloo of in the settings. Is that the same thing?15:15
hateballweltimeister I am not sure if that just stops it or disables it15:16
hateballthats why I like to use the cli tool15:16
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> Okay. I will try.15:16
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> I guess I should enable Baloo for that in the settings first, right?15:23
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> Since I need to work now, I will try that later. I will let you know.15:24
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R13oseI am getting this dialog to show up and unsure why. Configuration file "/home/test/.config/ktraderclientrc" not writeable.  What do I do?18:08
geniiR13ose: sudo chown test:test /home/test/.config/ktraderclientrc && chmod 600 /home/test/.config/ktraderclientrc18:21
R13osegenii: I can't open most applications so this is not the only one.  There is another one kreadconfig5rc18:23
geniiR13ose: Are you trying to run applications in /home/test  from a user with a different name than "test" ?18:24
R13oseNope.  I am logged in as test and just click on apps18:25
R13osegenii: ^18:25
geniiYou may also have done something to alter permissions in there, like trying to run applications while root/admin18:25
R13osegenii: how to fix?18:28
geniiR13ose: To revert permissions back to the user recursively for all the files in their home directory: sudo chown -R test:test /home/test18:29
* genii wanders back to work18:30
* EvilRoey hears that genii does wonders for work18:30
EvilRoeyjust interact with genii daily for maximum effect18:30
EvilRoeyhi R13ose18:30
om26eron 18.04 plasma panel hangs while I resume from suspend until wifi connects20:05
om26erI think the issue is resolved in latest KDE (tested Neon), so when will that make its way to Kubuntu ?20:06
valorieR13ose: sudo chown test:test /home/* will take awhile, but that will fix all your $HOME permissions20:09
valorieand please never run any GUI applications as root/sudo/admin unless the app itself gives you a window asking for your sudo password20:10
acheronukom26er: 5.12.5 is in our updates ppa, and will hopefully go into the main archive for testing for updates there shortly20:13
om26eracheronuk: ok, sounds good.20:14
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R13oseRight.  I will try that21:02
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mattfly is someone there with nvidia drivers installed able to hibernate? I am not and have reported a bug but Havent found no one else with this issue or up to test it21:04
R13osevalorie: says chown: changing ownership of '/home/test': read-only file system.21:09
valorieoh dear21:10
valoriethat sounds more serious and beyond anything I know how to advise about21:10
valoriethat said, I've had the same thing happen21:10
valoriebut my son fixed it for me and I don't recall the detailes21:11
valorieI believe it's not being mounted correctly21:11
krytarikOr it's remounted read-only because of file system errors.21:13
valorieR13ose: you might ask in #ubuntu which is a much larger channel if nobody speaks up here21:13
R13osevalorie: I did ask there twice and for bad answers21:15
R13osevalorie: should I try what genii said?21:16
valoriehttps://askubuntu.com/questions/98526/changing-ownership-of-read-only-file-system <--- did you try this?21:17
valoriedealing with one file at a time won't work if your entire HOME is r/o21:17
genii"read-only file system" makes me think you booted the system up into recovery21:18
R13osegenii: how do I know if I did?21:18
valoriegood thought, genii21:18
R13osevalorie: I didn't try that21:18
* valorie goes afk for awhile21:18
R13osegenii: I did runlevel and says N 521:21
geniiAnother option then is it was not marked clean21:23
genii( and so cannot be mounted )21:23
R13osegenii: how do we mark this clean?21:23
geniiR13ose: Please use a pastebin website to show us the output of the: mount ...command21:24
geniiThe answer to your question depends on what's mounted where21:25
geniiwork, afk again 5-7 minutes21:25
R13osegenii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6NM5cCN7Wv/21:27
geniimeh LVM21:37
geniiR13ose: You'll need specialized instructions from someone more familiar with LVM than I am for that21:41
genii..But it does look like this is the main cause of your larger problem, errors were encoutered and volume was mounted read-only21:42
R13osegenii: okay, I will wait in here for someone to come.21:42
geniiR13ose: Since process is not dependent on what desktop environment you use, asking in #ubuntu might yield a faster answer than in here21:49
R13osegenii: can you tell me what to ask?21:51
geniiR13ose:" I use LVM, root is mounting read-only and I need instructions to help me with fsck and mounting it read-write again"   might work21:54
R13osegenii: thanks21:54
geniiIt's probably something like 3-4 commands after booting from a livecd/DVD but some will be commands LVM specific to finding out the names of the volumes on your drive, etc21:55
genii( to run fsck on)21:56
R13osegenii: I can't run live as I don't have cd/dvd drives or a usb key21:57
oerheksnot sure "touch /forcefsck" works for LVM too, but all guides say use a live iso22:05
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> @hateball, Hey hateball, unfortunately using balooctl did not help.22:42
IrcsomeBot3<weltimeister> Do you or anyone else have another idea how to stop baloo using all RAM until the system freezes? (While I still want to use a proper desktop search.)22:43

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