=== KF7CRD is now known as Holokai [06:08] Good morning === mkv is now known as m4v [09:02] @weltimeister, Can anyone help me with this problem? I am using Kubuntu since 7.10 and never experienced this problem. [10:26] no idea if this weltimeister is still here, but explaining what the problem is usually helps [10:40] Howdy folks [10:46] hateball: From earlier. [10:46] > Baloo goes crazy. I cannot use 18.04 with Baloo switched on. The whole system freezes after a couple of minutes. … But I need a search function as well. … Am I the only one with this problem? === mkv is now known as m4v === mkv is now known as m4v [11:08] lordievader, users complained about akonadi's bugs and now that they are solved access to GUI settings is no longer available. How does that make sense? [11:08] BluesKaj: Err, what? [11:09] that baloo problem [11:09] I'm just passing a message. [11:09] I try to stay away from the Akonadi/Baloo mess. [11:10] yeah i saw it yesterday but the user left before I could get an explanation typed [11:10] it's always been a messy business it seems' [11:10] hi [11:10] BluesKaj: haaaaai [11:10] and lordievader too :) [11:10] BluesKaj: btw it /was/ a BTRFS issue [11:11] hi EvilRoey [11:11] EvilRoey, yeah, mucking about with exotic FSs is dangerous [11:11] BluesKaj: even though 'df' listed enough free space, BTRFS's file layout led to having a lot of free space in allocated chunks. So there wasn't enough unallocated free space. Or something like that. [11:13] BluesKaj: I'm just going to use the (much, much faster) ext4 from now on, considering how the only reason I had installed to BTRFS was (besides the snapshot ability, which proved unuseful for me as tools supporting it are not mature) that adding new devices into the free-space pool is relatively trivial [11:13] I've heard all kinds of good things about ZFS, but after reading about it i didn't see any benefit for my setup [11:13] aye [11:13] well I mean if I want to add more free space, traditionally I would have to move to a bigger device [11:14] and I'd have to copy all the data from the old device to the new device [11:14] dd can do that [11:14] with BTRFS, you just add a new device into the array, then disable the first device, and let BTRFS figure out what to copy [11:14] yeah sure ;-) [11:22] BluesKaj: heh [11:37] Compositor crashed again. All title bars disappeared. I can't switch virtual desktops. Is it gonna be like this forever? Or mayber there's a fix? [11:39] Anything in the logs as to why it crashes? [11:39] If there is enough information it might be worth it to report a bug. [12:03] I really don't know what log should i bring up, my logs are filled with ufw [12:03] Syslog most likely. Though if it is a driver problem it may also go to dmesg. [12:07] QDBusArgument: read from a write-only object [12:07] oh it was activated successfully, scrolling... [12:09] nope nothing unusual :( [12:10] This wasn't happening back in 17.10, tbh i'm planning to revert back to 17.10 [12:10] Next time this happens i'm gonna keep all logs +-10minutes the moment it happen again [12:18] @BluesKaj, I did not leave. I am connected via Telegram messenger. [12:19] Thank you BluesKaj! I really would like to have a solution to this problem. [12:20] And thanks to lordievader, too. [12:21] I already did explain my problem a couple of days ago. But did not get a solution or proper answer. [12:23] Baloo uses all RAM every time I start 18.04. So the desktop freezes after a few minutes. [12:23] I can disable baloo, but I need a search function. [12:36] weltimeister, which kubuntu version are you running? [12:41] weltimeister try the #kde-baloo chat as well. They may have better info than we can give [12:43] weltimeister also this page may help https://community.kde.org/Baloo [12:45] @BluesKaj, 18.04 … I am using Kubuntu since 7.10 and never experienced this problem. [12:45] @BluesKaj, I only use Telegram messenger. Are the connected too? [12:46] @BluesKaj, I'll check out that help site as well. [12:46] Nobody in here has a similar problem? [12:52] * lordievader doesn't use Kubuntu nor Baloo. [12:55] I see. But this is an official Kubuntu support, right? [12:55] Yes. [12:56] But you don't have to run Kubuntu in order to hang around here 😉 [13:00] Hehe. Right. ^^ [13:02] Hi, I have problem with my microphone in kubuntu. Most of the time (not every time) when I try to use it, it just records garbage that sounds as if the sampling rate of the recording is to fast. [13:02] I tried 2.5.1 to 2.5.5 of this guide: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio/Troubleshooting#Static_noise_in_microphone_recording ; but that did not change anything [13:03] Can someone help me? [13:13] The curreny Kubuntu version incorporates extra tools for Audio [13:13] Do you know about those [13:14] They're available from the Speaker Icon, using the configuration icon ( top right ) [13:14] It enables you to assign applications to audio outputs / inputs [13:14] Perhaps the issues are there [13:16] Hey [13:16] What's the proper command to install kubuntu on ubuntu [13:17] If there is one package that would install the whole kubuntu instead of just kde [13:18] I think it's something like kubuntu-desktop [13:18] Let me check [13:19] CoJaBo, correct! much appreciated [13:22] !kubuntu [13:22] Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces. See https://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde [13:35] @BluesKaj, Unfortunately there was nothing on that side that could help. Do you have more suggestions? … Is here anyone who has experienced the same problem? … Does anyone know how to go on with this? [13:36] weltimeister, how old is your pc and how much RAM and other specs? === sysadmin is now known as Jatto [14:46] @BluesKaj, It is a pretty new tuxedo book, similar to slimbook. I have a i7 processor and 8 GB RAM. [14:46] weltimeister, is this a brand new install or an upgrade? I've had baloo go crazy so I needed to disable and re-enable it to behave [14:46] like if the indexing db goes corrupt or something [14:47] but maybe you already tried a "balooctl disable" reboot and "balooctl enable" ? [14:47] New install. [14:47] I did not. [14:47] is your ~/ also clean? or if it is full of say... source code [14:48] I don't know what that means. [14:48] weltimeister then you don't have any source code there :D [14:49] basically if you have a lot of source code files baloo takes forever to index them, but by default most of that should be excluded from indexing iirc [14:49] anyhow you can try the disable/enable, doesnt hurt [15:12] I tryed to let baloo index one whole night. It did not help. [15:15] @hateball, I did switch Baloo of in the settings. Is that the same thing? [15:16] weltimeister I am not sure if that just stops it or disables it [15:16] thats why I like to use the cli tool [15:16] Okay. I will try. [15:23] I guess I should enable Baloo for that in the settings first, right? [15:24] Since I need to work now, I will try that later. I will let you know. === creator is now known as creator_ [16:18] test === smiles is now known as Guest94270 === oerheks_ is now known as oerheks [18:07] Hi [18:08] I am getting this dialog to show up and unsure why. Configuration file "/home/test/.config/ktraderclientrc" not writeable. What do I do? [18:21] R13ose: sudo chown test:test /home/test/.config/ktraderclientrc && chmod 600 /home/test/.config/ktraderclientrc [18:23] genii: I can't open most applications so this is not the only one. There is another one kreadconfig5rc [18:24] R13ose: Are you trying to run applications in /home/test from a user with a different name than "test" ? [18:25] Nope. I am logged in as test and just click on apps [18:25] genii: ^ [18:25] You may also have done something to alter permissions in there, like trying to run applications while root/admin [18:28] genii: how to fix? [18:29] R13ose: To revert permissions back to the user recursively for all the files in their home directory: sudo chown -R test:test /home/test [18:30] * genii wanders back to work [18:30] * EvilRoey hears that genii does wonders for work [18:30] just interact with genii daily for maximum effect [18:30] hi R13ose [20:05] on 18.04 plasma panel hangs while I resume from suspend until wifi connects [20:06] I think the issue is resolved in latest KDE (tested Neon), so when will that make its way to Kubuntu ? [20:09] R13ose: sudo chown test:test /home/* will take awhile, but that will fix all your $HOME permissions [20:10] and please never run any GUI applications as root/sudo/admin unless the app itself gives you a window asking for your sudo password [20:13] om26er: 5.12.5 is in our updates ppa, and will hopefully go into the main archive for testing for updates there shortly [20:14] acheronuk: ok, sounds good. === tan is now known as Guest59993 === olivier is now known as Guest49049 === Guest49049 is now known as olivier__ === olivier__ is now known as Guest49049 === Guest49049 is now known as bestov [21:02] Right. I will try that === tom_ is now known as tomtomclub [21:04] is someone there with nvidia drivers installed able to hibernate? I am not and have reported a bug but Havent found no one else with this issue or up to test it [21:09] valorie: says chown: changing ownership of '/home/test': read-only file system. [21:10] oh dear [21:10] that sounds more serious and beyond anything I know how to advise about [21:10] that said, I've had the same thing happen [21:11] but my son fixed it for me and I don't recall the detailes [21:11] I believe it's not being mounted correctly [21:13] Or it's remounted read-only because of file system errors. [21:13] R13ose: you might ask in #ubuntu which is a much larger channel if nobody speaks up here [21:15] valorie: I did ask there twice and for bad answers [21:15] :( [21:16] valorie: should I try what genii said? [21:17] https://askubuntu.com/questions/98526/changing-ownership-of-read-only-file-system <--- did you try this? [21:17] dealing with one file at a time won't work if your entire HOME is r/o [21:18] "read-only file system" makes me think you booted the system up into recovery [21:18] genii: how do I know if I did? [21:18] good thought, genii [21:18] valorie: I didn't try that [21:18] * valorie goes afk for awhile [21:21] genii: I did runlevel and says N 5 [21:23] Another option then is it was not marked clean [21:23] ( and so cannot be mounted ) [21:23] genii: how do we mark this clean? [21:24] R13ose: Please use a pastebin website to show us the output of the: mount ...command [21:25] The answer to your question depends on what's mounted where [21:25] work, afk again 5-7 minutes [21:27] genii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6NM5cCN7Wv/ [21:37] meh LVM [21:41] R13ose: You'll need specialized instructions from someone more familiar with LVM than I am for that [21:42] ..But it does look like this is the main cause of your larger problem, errors were encoutered and volume was mounted read-only [21:42] genii: okay, I will wait in here for someone to come. [21:49] R13ose: Since process is not dependent on what desktop environment you use, asking in #ubuntu might yield a faster answer than in here [21:51] genii: can you tell me what to ask? [21:54] R13ose:" I use LVM, root is mounting read-only and I need instructions to help me with fsck and mounting it read-write again" might work [21:54] genii: thanks [21:55] It's probably something like 3-4 commands after booting from a livecd/DVD but some will be commands LVM specific to finding out the names of the volumes on your drive, etc [21:56] ( to run fsck on) [21:57] genii: I can't run live as I don't have cd/dvd drives or a usb key [22:05] not sure "touch /forcefsck" works for LVM too, but all guides say use a live iso [22:42] @hateball, Hey hateball, unfortunately using balooctl did not help. [22:43] Do you or anyone else have another idea how to stop baloo using all RAM until the system freezes? (While I still want to use a proper desktop search.)