[17:07] Hey zaki, whassup? [17:16] hey [17:16] I'm fine [17:16] zaki: had yuor diiner? [17:17] on going :D [17:17] how about you? [17:18] zaki: I am ok. [17:19] zaki: trying to tream myself by watching a movie [17:20] * pavlushka watching kaahani 2 [17:20] wow [17:20] :D [17:20] s/tream/treat [17:20] pavlushka meant to say: zaki: trying to treat myself by watching a movie [17:21] good way [17:22] yeah [17:24] how is it? [17:24] that movie [17:26] zaki: its a bidya balan movie, supposed to be good, realistic, I dont like to mush fictitious story where the protagonist has awesome power or luck, in short heroism [17:28] zaki: for instance, take Shahrukh Khan movies where when the Hero tries to do something, things just happens [17:29] *happen [17:29] aha. :D [17:29] what about superman, batman etc. :D [17:31] zaki: :d, well you start watching the movie knowing it to be unreal, fictitous and too much happening. like watching a circus or magic show. [18:35] right :D