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augeusCan I speak? Or do I need to register first?13:03
augeusOK. Looks like I can speak. Can somebody help me fill in the blanks in this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/177110913:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1771109 in Ubuntu "Domain names containing emoji characters are not supported in console applications" [Undecided,New]13:03
augeusSo, it's been a long time since I last reported an ubuntu bug, and I don't really remember the process.20:22
teward`ubuntu-bug PACKAGE` on the terminal20:22
augeusCan somebody check my bug report and tell me whether it's alright? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/177110920:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1771109 in libidn2-0 (Ubuntu) "Domain names containing emoji characters are not supported in console applications" [Undecided,New]20:22
tewardwithout the backticks20:22
tewardaugeus: that looks like a curl bug/error, it might not be the library but something that's not configured properly.20:23
augeusteward, I see! However, I get the same error when using telnet/ssh/other apps20:24
tewardthat's because emoji aren't valid IDNs20:24
tewardso this is a blog post that touches on it, a little... https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2015/02/24/curl-smiley-urls-and-libc/20:24
augeusHowever, they seem to exist, and firefox accepts them without complaining20:24
tewardnot saying that's not true, but it may requires some 'fun' to work properly.20:25
* augeus bought an emoji domain for novelty's sake, then found out this20:25
tewardI think this is more of a spec problem for IDN20:25
tewardIDN allowed some emojis, then a later RFC disallowed it20:25
tewardso depending on IDN spec emojis may or may not be valid20:25
* augeus knows.. I did my googling20:25
augeusI believe that the proper behavior should be looking the domain up, and returning a warning20:25
tewardaugeus: the question is how it's translated, which sounds like a resolver / glib issue, but i'm not confident in that20:26
augeusSo, is it a bug or a feature?20:26
augeusI get that it's not standard, but such domains exist, and can be bought20:26
tewardaugeus: not discounting, but keep in mind 'new' specs come up and libraries aren't always up-to-date with latest spec20:27
tewardMy two cents: THis is neither a feature nor a bug, and is more a case of an undefined spec.20:27
tewardso therefore in some cases it's a bug, and in some cases it's a feature.20:27
augeusI see.. So, how should I report this?20:27
tewardI think this is a "Leave the bug, and let the devs figure it out" type situation.20:27
tewardaugeus: the way you did seems fine, but I think it's going to be an 'open ended' discussion to trace it20:27
tewardjust my two cents20:28
augeusI'm fairly tired, just came back home, so forgive me if I cannot parse properly20:28
tewardnah you're fine.  I've been staring at email server logs all day so I'm in the same boat :P20:28
augeusI see. :)20:28
augeusSo, should I add something to my bug report to increase my chances of getting a response?20:29
augeusAnyway, thanks for your time, teward - Good luck with your troubleshooting21:12

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