=== JanC_ is now known as JanC [06:42] good morning [06:44] Salut didrocks [06:44] hey, good morning :) [06:45] salut jibel, hey c-lobrano === pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski [07:25] good morning desktopers [07:26] re seb128 [07:27] re didrocks :) [07:29] morning [07:38] good morning desktoppers [07:40] lut oSoMoN, comment ça va ? passé un bon w.e? [07:40] salut oSoMoN [07:40] salut seb128, didrocks [07:40] I spent a couple of hours at Ikea on Saturday morning, I thought I was going to die [07:41] apart from that, a good week-end :) [07:41] don't go there in a w.e! [07:41] and it was in the morning… :p [07:42] yeah, never again… [07:52] morning [07:52] hey willcooke :-) [07:52] hey willcooke, how are you? [07:56] hey seb128, Nafallo - doing ok [07:56] Nice break seb128? [07:57] hey willcooke [07:57] willcooke, yeah, great week off, thx! [07:57] good morning! [07:58] willcooke, how have things being for you? not too crazy post Berlin? good w.e? [07:58] good morning willcooke, Nafallo, andyrock [08:02] yo [08:02] morning Laney [08:05] hey Laney, how are you? [08:05] hey oSoMoN seb128 [08:06] hey Laney [08:06] hey didrocks!!!! [08:06] seb128: I'm good [08:07] nice weekend, saw some friends who were visiting, did the parkrun (still super slow), went to a folk club & went climbing! [08:07] good week off? [08:07] & how is everybody else? [08:10] way better than this week-end! I was really sick and couldn't do much/sleep much [08:10] oh man [08:11] better now? [08:11] yeah, way better, hopefully, thanks! :) [08:11] I can at least walk :p [08:11] Morning... [08:11] I'm good, had a good week-end except for that near-death experience in Ikea on Saturday morning, I barely survived [08:12] hey Trevinho [08:12] Hi oSoMoN [08:12] Trevinho, has the hackfest started? [08:12] Laney, yeah, excellent week off, lot of walking around or sitting/relaxing in the nice weather :) [08:12] hey Trevinho [08:13] seb128: hiii, had a good week off? [08:13] oSoMoN: under a pile of wardrobes? [08:13] oSoMoN: nope... In an hour [08:13] Trevinho, hey, very good indeed! [08:13] Trevinho has brought italian culture to the UK [08:13] Laney, too much furniture, and too many people [08:13] 10am starts! [08:14] Laney: could be worse, Spanish one :) [08:14] * didrocks almost wrote "snapish" [08:15] Laney: no, there's no need... Thank God Spanish guys are here :-) [08:15] that's why 10am, you have found a middle ground between UK and Spanish :) [08:16] Spaniards would start at 10 and go for breakfast at 10:15 [08:16] roh :p [08:19] oh, hackfest, that's why Trevinho is up, now it explains! :) [08:20] Trevinho, is there an agenda for the hackfest btw? [08:20] roh ^2 [08:20] seb128: yeah in the wiki, but not defined yet [08:20] seb128: also fill up the guadec doc for booking [08:21] Trevinho, I need to catch up on those discussions, I'm all still unsure how long I'm staying, I need to look at the conf schedule (if it's available yet) [08:22] seb128: it's not yet [08:23] typical GNOME : [08:23] :/ [08:23] seb128: ok, try to do it asap as they said me to be quick in finalizing the booking [08:23] seb128: well, voting finished on Monday, delayed due to some delayed requests :p [08:23] Trevinho, who is "they"? we don't use the travel agent this time? [08:24] didrocks, I see [08:25] seb128: clan can pay for it, while I'm your travel agent :-D [08:25] what's the raccomended way to get the ubuntu codename in C? [08:25] Trevinho, k, I guess I just need to read that backlog, I just glanced over it and it seemed lot of IM-bla :p [08:26] hey andyrock [08:29] hey andyrock [08:29] what for? [08:29] hey Laney seb128 [08:29] we need to hide the canonical-livepatch page in gnome-initial-setup if the distro is not bionic [08:29] because livepatch it's not supported in non-lts [08:30] livepatch doesn't give you an api to check supported or not? [08:30] oh right [08:30] wouldn't it be better for livepatch to tell you that? [08:30] ha [08:31] livepatch does not have such API [08:31] also we would need to install livepatch before to ask [08:31] we should request them to add one :) [08:31] good point [08:32] back to your question, I'm not sure what's the best way to check you are on bionic from C, maybe parsing /etc/os-release? [08:32] it would be a good idea to had a snap api [08:33] right [08:33] I'll ask the snap team [08:42] I wonder if the snap shouldn't be published in the "bionic" channels [08:42] and not master thus [08:42] as it doesn't work everywhere [08:42] and then, you "just" request if the snap is available for you [08:44] didrocks, yeah, I was wondering about that [08:45] but do we have per serie channels? [08:45] I'm pretty sure that exists. However, I don't know if that's just a convention or it's something bundled [08:45] or do you mean the same we are using for pre-seeded snaps? [08:45] yeah, I don't know how "standard" it is [08:45] this is what replace "latest" in the track name [08:45] you have latest/stable/branch-name [08:46] here, it's release/stable/branch-name for instance [08:46] I think you have to request for them to open it thouh [08:46] though [08:46] in any case sounds like something for the snap/livepatch team to solve [08:46] but that's one year old memory, do not trust me too much :) [08:46] yeah [08:46] it doesn't make sense to install that snap on bionic [08:46] even from the cli [08:46] I guess it's something for them to consider [08:46] you meant on non bionic? [08:47] I meant on cosmic [08:47] yeah [08:47] I still need to get used to type that one :p [08:47] * didrocks has a name for a blog post series [08:47] "opening the cosmic gate" :) [08:48] but yeah, basically on non supported distro, you shouldn't be able to install the snap [08:49] (and then, I'll steal what they do and the transition path from latest to that track for communitheme snap, lalalala) [08:53] (changing location, brb) [09:10] Trevinho, re: GS Connect. You said about starting a thread on the hub. Good idea. Since you're busy this week, would you like me to start one - or are you happy to wait until you're back to normal working mode? [09:36] currently there's no way to remove a snap from someone's system, though I suspect the recent miningware incident could change that, perhaps by setting a precedent of refreshing to dummy packages, we'll see... Also maybe the livepatch snap could remain installed but it just won't do anything on non-LTS releases? Though then it is wasting data by refreshing needlessly... [09:59] I guess not being able to install is the best API for both users not thinking they get it activated and for andyrock to know if LP is available or not [10:29] willcooke: it's fine if you start that, no worries [10:30] Trevinho, will do [10:30] thanks [10:42] * Laney just got blinded [10:43] the sun crossed some threshold and started reflecting off some glossy paint directly into my eyes [10:43] actually can't see the whole screen [10:43] stupid daystar, turn it off please [10:43] just take a 12h break and it solves itself :) [10:44] then i'll be in da club partying it up 💃💃💃💃💃💃 [10:44] (🛏) [10:46] daystar lol [10:48] oSoMoN, you are sure you are using the snap for g-s-m? I don't think we/security allowed the opening of help: URIs, or did that change? [10:48] I've a few snaps that hit "user-open error: Supplied URL scheme "help" is not allowed" [10:48] (that's in the journal) [10:48] Trevinho, done https://community.ubuntu.com/t/gs-connect-as-part-of-18-10/5903 [10:49] seb128, d'oh, I wasn't, obviously [10:50] oSoMoN, k [10:50] I'll edit my post [10:50] is there some markup to strike through text [10:51] oSoMoN: ~~ usually [10:51] dunno about discourse tho [10:52] [s] and [/s] (opening and closing tags) in discourse, apparently [11:50] no more chromium updates on trusty: https://community.ubuntu.com/t/chromium-updates-on-trusty/5905 [11:54] ⚰️ [13:28] firefox 60 is in the stable channel [13:28] :-D [13:33] yay [13:35] oSoMoN, good post, thanks [13:40] cheers [13:40] \o/ [13:40] kenvandine, speaking of which, can you confirm what I'm seeing with flash? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/how-do-you-enable-flash-plugin-on-firefox-snap/5376 [13:42] gotta go pick up daughter from school, bbiab [13:58] seb128: hi, could you subscribe the bugs team to tracker-miners and libcue? bug 1770877 bug 1770871 [13:58] bug 1770877 in tracker-miners (Ubuntu) "[MIR] tracker-miners" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1770877 [13:58] bug 1770871 in libcue (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libcue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1770871 [13:59] also, except for the patch rename, are these changes fine for bionic? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/1:3.28.1-0ubuntu2 [14:00] hey jbicha [14:02] jbicha, looks fine, if you do a SRU can you include the fix for bug #1759468 (https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/merge_requests/40) [14:02] bug 1759468 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center (11) gtk_style_context_clear_property_cache → gtk_css_widget_node_update_style → gtk_css_node_ensure_style → gtk_css_node_ensure_style → gtk_css_node_validate_internal" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1759468 [14:03] seb128: Error: GNOME: Impossible to get infos for GNOME/gnome-control-center issue (Merge request) 40: 'dict' object has no attribute 'username' [14:05] ok, I didn't see that one, also I was going to see if the commit mentioned on LP: #1766799 fixes our bug too [14:05] Launchpad bug 1766799 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center (ERROR) ../shell/cc-panel-list.c → 926 → cc_panel_list_set_active_panel → assertion failed → (data != NULL)" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1766799 [14:09] jbicha, thanks, yeah that one was also on my list [14:12] jbicha, " - Drop now unnecessary fonts-ubuntu dependency" ... SRU team doesn't like such change without a bug reference, so best to drop the change or create a bug [14:13] I've got a bug LP: #1770473 but maybe I'll mention the bug number twice or reformat the changelog :) [14:13] Launchpad bug 1770473 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Bionic) "Don't hardcode Ubuntu font name in Settings > Details" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1770473 [14:13] well I guess that's part of the first snippet [14:13] but the changelog doesn't make that obvious [14:13] right [14:14] mentioning the bug number twice wouldn't hurt if it makes things more clear :) [14:14] right [14:51] seb128: could you also look at bug 1770146? I guess we should be the subscriber there too (it's replacing libappindicator in main, maybe universe too this cycle) [14:52] bug 1770146 in libayatana-appindicator (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libayatana-appindicator" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1770146 [14:55] jbicha, I don't think desktop team has any interest is signing to maintain that stack [14:56] what's the status of having the flavors that use indicators to switch to the ayatana variant? [15:10] seb128: if the Desktop team won't be the bug subscriber, who will? we do use that library for our main apps that use the GNOME Shell appindicator extension [15:12] Ubuntu MATE is the primary other user of appindicators, but MIR rules want a Canonical-ish team, right? [15:12] do we? what apps got transitioned? [15:12] well, I want to see other flavors starting using those first before we talk about MIR [15:12] there are 5 main apps listed in https://wiki.debian.org/Ayatana/IndicatorsTransition#Packages_in_Ubuntu_main_that_need_to_be_ported_a.s.a.p. [15:12] I don't especially agree that the libayatana version is better maintained/tested enough [15:13] all are waiting in cosmic-proposed for the MIR to be approved [15:13] shrug [15:13] that's doing thing reverse [15:13] also is there a transition plan for the gnome-shell extension? can it talk to apps using both libs at the same time?. [15:14] I don't know, sometimes people want the packages to show up in component-mismatches to prioritize handling the MIR or something 🤷 [15:14] that's not the documented process on the MIR wiki reference [15:14] last cycle, I was told to do that for some of the MIRs [15:14] I mentioned it to dok_o and slangasek agrees with me [15:15] dok_o is not respecting the process [15:15] (I assume he's the one that asked you that) [15:15] anyway I'm not +1ing that MIR on hand waiving [15:15] ideally that stack would get more testing before we consider that change [15:15] Locutus did the work for this transition [15:16] right, it doesn't give us any assurance the new codebase isn't crap [15:16] it happens that some people are eager to transition to new things even if they are less good and completly untested [15:16] (I'm not saying in the case there, but I don't know) [15:16] my understanding is that libayatana-appindicator uses the same D-Bus name as libappindicator and the GNOME Shell extension just displays the stuff so it works just fine with either the Ayatana version or the classic Ubuntu version [15:17] but I don't have a very deep understanding of indicators at all [15:17] my understanding is that they changed the namespace [15:17] I argued a lot over email with the libayatana maintainer about that [15:17] I thought so too, but it seems to work right now [15:17] imho that was a stupid thing they did [15:17] maybe they fixed it [15:18] anyway, I'm adding to my queeue [15:18] I agree with you that the namechange is annoying and even now, they could easily switch to the old library name that apps already use [15:18] but not subscribing us/giving a +1 before we have a proper look [15:18] thanks for pointing it out! [15:18] I guess part of the complication was that sun_weaver didn't want it to be bound to the CLA [15:20] and that's a Canonical thing, not much I can do there :) [15:40] chrisccoulson, there's a minor chromium update ready for publication in the stage PPA: 66.0.3359.170 (fixes 3 CVEs) [15:52] Laney, do you know why an octave-interval autopkgtest regression is blocking the migration of chromium-browser? http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/o/octave-interval/cosmic/amd64 . I'm not sure where that dependency comes from… [15:53] kenvandine, thanks for confirming the firefox flash issue, I'll file a bug [15:57] oSoMoN, maybe it's a gtk version mismatch [15:57] since that flash plugin was probably built against a much older gtk [15:57] than firefox [15:58] could be, yeah [15:58] kenvandine, but it's working with the deb version of firefox [15:58] which was built against a recent gtk [15:59] interesting [16:00] the firefox snap is built against the 16.04 gtk [16:00] maybe the opposite problem [16:01] oSoMoN: via www-browser in some way probably [16:02] mmm, octave-interval-doc depends on w3m | www-browser, could it be what creates that dependency chain? [16:03] if so that doesn't look right, it's just a doc package that bundles html files [16:03] it depends on something, that means and update to that something could break it [16:03] s/and/an/ [16:04] Laney, I understand the logic, but then all doc packages in the archive could depend on www-browser, and every single update would trigger an autopkgtest run of chromium-browser [16:05] that seems like a waste of resources [16:05] it's the other way around [16:05] and clearly you don't see a million tests running there, so it is not that [16:06] right, it's the other way around indeed, so maybe it's just octave declaring that dependency on a browser for its doc package, and it shouldn't?  [16:06] kenvandine, I'll check with the firefox deb in a xenial VM [16:10] it works there, maybe I need to unpack the so from the xenial package to get it working [16:12] html -doc packages shouldn't depend on (or even recommend) a web browser IMO [16:12] I agree === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk [16:15] kenvandine, flash content corrupted when rendered in snap with flash plugin extracted from xenial deb, most likely because the version of gtk on xenial doesn't match the one in the gnome-3-26 PPA [16:18] kenvandine, https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1461363 [16:18] Mozilla bug 1461363 in Untriaged "[snap] flash plugin content not rendered" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [16:27] oSoMoN, the firefox snap doesn't build against the PPA [16:27] it's against xenial proper [16:29] oSoMoN: that actually needed an update of autodep8; done, please retry all except for armhf which I used to test [16:29] also [16:29] Laney, thanks [16:29] did you guys figure out that segfault problem with the desktop launcher? [16:30] kenvandine, weird, because the firefox deb in xenial renders flash content fine, but the snap doesn't (using the flash plugin lib extracted from the xenial package) [16:33] Laney, i don't think so [16:35] blast [16:35] was hoping to hear the cool reason [16:36] Laney, in theory your reference to /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 should actually be coming from core not your host system [16:36] unless that's not true for classic snaps [16:36] but i think it should be true [16:36] it does [16:36] you can check that with ldd [16:37] it does come from core right? [16:37] yep [16:37] but then you can preload the host one to make it use that and it starts working [16:37] which is weird but I didn't try anything more than that [16:37] very weird [16:37] and concerning [16:38] that's just running the thing from /snap directly on my system btw [16:38] ah [16:38] but it still segfaults like that [16:39] jbicha, FYI https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=898646 [16:39] Debian bug 898646 in octave-interval-doc "octave-interval-doc: doc package should not depend on a web browser" [Minor,Open] [16:58] jbicha, that was quick: https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-octave-team/octave-interval/commit/29d526d21876ff43bfe2e939e6723c63837685c4 :) [17:37] alrighty, I'm done for today, have a good evening / rest of the day everyone! [18:56] night [23:03] https://feaneron.com/2018/05/14/improving-the-development-experience-for-gnome-settings/