
robert_ancellbdmurray, the gnome-initial-setup SRU failed one of the components due to a change not being included (bug 1768557). Is it OK for the SRU to complete anyway? Any other paperwork required for that?00:17
ubottubug 1768557 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu Bionic) "Update what's new graphic for Welcome to Ubuntu wizard" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176855700:17
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cpaelzerdoko: the retrigger you did for http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/pglogical/cosmic/i386 was that with special triggers?08:22
cpaelzeror just a retry?08:22
cpaelzerahasenack: ^^08:22
cpaelzerThe test result history on these also doesn't look good in general ... hmm08:23
joelkraehemann_hi all08:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1770324 in gsequencer (Ubuntu) "Sync gsequencer 1.4.29-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Incomplete]08:31
joelkraehemann_^^ I am unsure why it is in state incomplete08:31
joelkraehemann_How can I change this?08:32
cjwatsonjuliank: ^-08:35
joelkraehemann_juliank: ping08:37
juliankjoelkraehemann_: one sec08:37
juliankjoelkraehemann_: synced08:38
joelkraehemann_thank you08:39
juliankjoelkraehemann_: seems I missed your response, I think I forgot to subscribe myself to the bug, sorry08:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1769958 in gsequencer (Ubuntu) "broken clipboard" [Undecided,New]08:40
joelkraehemann_^^ you can close it08:40
joelkraehemann_since it is about the same08:40
juliankugh, I forgot to add parameters to syncpackage to mark it as sponsored and close the bug, sorry08:40
juliankjoelkraehemann_: We actually should wait until it migrated out of proposed08:42
juliankbut we can still revert it later if it does not leave proposed08:42
* juliank gets some tea before doing any more uploads or syncs08:54
joelkraehemann_juliank: I actually did sync request for bionic, does it require any additional action?11:14
juliankjoelkraehemann_: For bionic, we'd have to release a stable release update following the procedure in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates11:15
xnoxtoo late to sync things into bionic..... one can fakesync with right version numbers; or can sync some -security -stable updates, but it is rare that the versions match up right.11:16
joelkraehemann_yeah, I was providing a patch11:17
juliankjoelkraehemann_: I added a bionic task to that bug now12:03
juliankI'm not sure if it makes sense to just SRU that patch or just SRU the cosmic upload as ~18.04.112:04
juliankthe diff from 1.4.24 to 1.4.29 looks tiny12:05
tarzeauis there a chance popcon.ubuntu.com will get fixed?13:15
walbonhey folks, is there any package or module(or magic) to read the changelog from a .deb file directly?18:58
wxlyou could script the process of unarchiving it, then unaraching the control archive18:59
Odd_Blokewalbon: debs are ar files containing tar files: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deb_(file_format)#Design19:00
walbonwxl: yeah, that's I have done like this : https://github.com/walbon/ubuntu-devtools/blob/walbon/dpkg-changelog19:00
walbonwell, I just looking for a official way in less steps19:01
walbonodd_Bloke: interesting and complete that post, thx, but I have look for a straightway command.19:04
wxlwalbon: `ar x /path/to/deb control.tar.gz` will get you the control archive and `tar -xO -f control.tar.gz -T <(echo changelog)` will get you the changelog, but unfortunately piping from one to the other (with p instead of x in `ar`) doesn't seem to behave well.19:30
Fauxbsdtar behaves a lot better than ar in many cases; not sure if this is one of them.19:31
wxlgood call Faux19:36
wxlwalbon: bsdtar -xOf /path/to/deb -T <(echo control.tar.gz) | bsdtar -xOf - -T <(echo changelog)19:37
wxlno temporary anything required (except for subshells............)19:37
wxli would have done tar|tar but it seems like only bsdtar can handle ar19:38
walbonwxl: bsdtar ? I found it and I'm installing it here to test. thx19:39
wxlwalbon: as in not gnutar :)19:39
FauxAs in "oh god you let libarchive do WHAT?".19:39
FauxI wrote an even more crazy bsdtar in RUST which supports e.g. recursing into ext4 filesystem images. I should finish that up sometime.19:40
wxlactually to be fair, gnutar can handle it. you just need to give it a J20:11
wxlap p /path/to/deb control.tar.xz | tar -xJOf - -T <(echo changelog)20:11
roaksoaxwin 822:47

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