
SchykenSlowly working on transitioning my desktop from Fedora to Ubuntu MATE. Waiting for data exports to finish.01:36
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=== Morpheus is now known as Guest32747
chriswere[m]Hey folks, I'm having a bit of a nightmare with my firewall and I can't work out what the heck is up. I have a connection established via my VPN, I have UFW setup so that it allows in and out through tun0 (and ipv6) , but when I activate it, I get disconnected. It seems to be working fine yesterday, but I'm stumped.03:23
m4tis it allowing traffic to and from the vpn endpoint (e.g. over eth0)?03:28
chriswere[m]I'm not sure, how can I check that?03:32
chriswere[m]These are my current settings https://pastebin.com/3tdhtx7q03:37
m4tchriswere[m]: allow all outgoing on your lan too. or at least to the vpn server you're connecting to.03:50
chriswere[m]I only turn the firewall on when the VPN connection is established, shouldn't that be enough?03:54
m4tif you have related/established it might be03:55
m4talso need a route to make sure traffic to the vpn endpoint isn't attempted to be routed over the vpn itself..though if it's working w/out firewall enabled i'd say it exists03:56
chriswere[m]It used to work, just allowing tun0 traffic, I don't know what's changed to cause this issue.03:57
chriswere[m]Fucking hell! One of my other Discord rooms got hacked and it making noises. Scared the shit out of me.04:04
chriswere[m]Apologies for that last message. Wrong room.04:10
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SchykenHey guys, is there a hotkey to send the current window to a particular workspace?\06:50
SchykenLike, in i3 you can use something like Ctrl+Mod+2 to send the active window to the second workspace06:50
SchykenNot sure if the window manager in UM supports this, or things kinda like it?06:51
m4ti dunno https://github.com/mate-desktop/marco/issues/29706:55
mate|19616Hello. Just installed Ubuntu Mate 18.04, ran updates, but when i try to shutdown, the laptop always just RESTARTS. Secure boot is off. The same happens with command shutdown -h now. Is there some way to fix this? This machine is just about to go to a newcomer.07:40
wuyonghello everyone07:42
alkisgmate|19616: what happens if you run sudo poweroff -fp ?07:44
alkisgDoes it shut down?07:44
mate|19616Ok let me try, be right back...07:45
mate|76727Same thing happened... a restart07:49
alkisgmate|76727: did it ever work properly, in any distro/version?07:50
mate|76727i have not tried other distros, but on live usb shutting down did work. i'm pretty sure before doing any updates too.07:52
mate|76727i have just installed and put up everything this person needs, is there no way fixing this? could it be a laptop issue? this is Acer E1-47007:54
mate|76727could not find anyone else having this same problem with 18.04 so...07:55
mate|76727i was wondering on making a script on desktop with poweroff command or so, but it seems to be in vain in this case as terminal commands do the same: laptop always restarts07:57
gnugrmate|76727: please try for instance 'systemctl enable halt.service' then try again 'systemctl poweroff'07:58
mate|76727ok thanks, will try then.... be back08:00
mate|86572Yep, even still a restart... this must be some hardware issue on this laptop?08:04
gnugrmate|86572: what connection you use, wifi or cable?08:04
gnugrmate|86572: is possible to check it for instance with cable, because i suspect lack of wifimanager.service causes the issue08:08
mate|86572yes it's possible... will try and report back again...08:09
mate|38641on ethernet cable, a restart even still....08:16
gnugri guess a systemd service stucks with ACPI08:17
mate|38641maybe a non systemd distro such as MX would do it?08:18
mate|38641this is the only issue though, i wouldnt want to do all the work over again of course08:19
alkisgmate|38641: didn't you say that it works on the live usb stick?08:21
gnugrmate|38641: please check if that fix is related https://askubuntu.com/questions/132143/stuck-on-reboot-and-shutdown/135568#13556808:22
mate|38641yes i said that. i can try again on live usb to make sure...08:22
alkisgIf it works there, then surely there's a way to make it work in the installed system too08:23
alkisgIF you installed proprietary drivers (nvidia, ati..) maybe some of them is causing that, as the live cd doesn't use those08:24
mate|38641i did not, intel graphics on this one. maybe i'll just try that grub modification there (12.04 era...) ?08:24
alkisgIf it works on the live cd, it's not an acpi issue08:25
alkisgVerify the live shutdown first08:25
mate|38641Ok will do live thing then.... be back again...08:26
mate|25962Yes! On live usb Mate did shut down08:32
mate|25962So i guess i'll try this one then? https://askubuntu.com/questions/132143/stuck-on-reboot-and-shutdown/135568#13556808:34
gnugrmate|25962: please also check if you have 'laptop-mode-tools' installed08:39
mate|25962ok... modified grub... updating grub... checking those too then08:40
mate|25962Ok laptop-mode-tools were NOT installed08:41
mate|25962i guess it's a reboot then again and shutdown attempt after that08:42
mate|1558Ok it worked, thanks for this alrady! Shuts down properly, but now the WIFI is gone :/08:50
mate|1558no wifi networks can be found08:52
gnugrwhat card you have?08:52
mate|1558inxi -N gives:08:53
mate|1558Card-1: Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 PCIE Gigabit Ethernet Controller08:53
mate|1558           driver: r816908:53
mate|1558           Card-2: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 / AR9565 Wireless Network Adapter08:53
gnugrmate|1558: edit again '/etc/default/grub', remove the 'acpi=noirq', do again 'update-grub' to see if with package 'loaptop-mode-tools' is working08:58
mate|1558Ok will do... brb...08:59
mate|59552Yes, the laptop-mode-tools did the trick. Thanks a million. My behind is saved as the person already waits for this laptop... So, should i report this somewhere? A bug or?09:05
gnugrmate|59552: is wifi visible?09:07
mate|59552yes, and shuts down correctly09:09
gnugrOK tho09:10
dmn__Hi! How do I stick panels to the monitor so it wont move to another when I disconnect one?10:47
dmn__I have panels on both primary laptop display and external one, and whn I disconnect external I have duplicated panels on primary display10:47
dmn__https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mate-panel/+bug/1714211 :(11:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1714211 in mate-panel (Ubuntu) "Problem with panels when using multiple monitors" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:47
Paddy_NII am running Ubuntu Mate 18.04 from a live USB on a Macbook Air (mid 2013) and I am trying to mount the internal SSD.  I have installed hfsplus, hfsprogs and hfsutils.  Unfortunately it still will not mount, I am guessing I require a reboot!  This would be pointless with a live usb.  Any ideas?13:21
Paddy_NII also tried running "sudo modprobe hfsplus"13:22
sixwheeledbeastnot well up on Mac stuff... but are you using a amd64+mac image and does the drive have journaling enabled?13:33
nzarhey guys18:40
nzarjust have to note that ukrainian language support in mate is awful18:41
nzarkeep that on note18:41
nzarwow it's working18:43
nzarfuck you18:51
Pinkertonafter upgrading to 18.04 has anyone run into issues with some applications not picking up font settings?20:40
PinkertonSpecifically Evolution and Visual Studio code are ignoring some of my font selections I made in Control Center20:41
Pinkertonnot throughout the application(s), just in a few spots20:41
PinkertonIn Evolution, for example, my selection is used literally everywhere except for the "From:, To:, Subject:, Date:" header for a selected email20:43
PinkertonVS Code picks it up for the menus (presumably because Electron just uses GTK3) but the rest of the UI is still using the default Ubuntu font20:44

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