[00:13] Tbh, since the issue 1.) is usually ready Sunday night already, and 2.) only covers the week until Saturday, I begin to wonder why we don't publish it then already too. [00:14] I know the more experienced people seem to think the M/L needs to be done tomorrow afternoon, that is what I understood but I still do not know why [00:14] Of course, it would become an issue if it isn't always ready then, and starts flipping between the two days. [00:16] Well, that includes the various mailing lists in the same way. [00:16] I.e. there is no technical or other reason to not publish it earlier. [01:29] Everybody please update their local copy of the script repo. >_> [01:32] SwissBot: rss watch uwn-commits https://git.launchpad.net/uwn/atom/?h=master [01:32] Added RSS https://git.launchpad.net/uwn/atom/?h=master named uwn-commits [01:32] okay [01:34] Thanks, dude. [02:51] guiverc: Btw, apart from that I had already drafted the UWN post on the Fridge last week, it seems the way you pasted the content into yours caused all empty lines to be dropped. [02:56] sorry I didn't notice (blank lines), as I recall text was sent to me via irc (privately), I copy/pasted all (from hexchat) into editor & removed :%s/ //'s then copy/pasted into fridge/wwp.. (i didn't notice draft - very sorry [i didn't look sorry]) [02:57] Oh wow, that's even worse - nvm then.. :P [03:01] Nyeh: https://twitter.com/LubuntuOfficial/status/995860510653534209 [03:01] https://lubuntu.me/this-week-in-lubuntu-development-5/ [03:01] Can haz inclusion in the newsletter? ;) [03:02] Too laaaate, duuude! :P [03:04] Awww maaaaaaaan. [03:04] You seriously can't open the gates? I need to get on this flight, duuude. [03:04] >_> [03:04] Hahaha. :D [03:07] guiverc: The actual way to do (just) it is like: 1.) git clone git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/uwn; cd uwn 2.) fridge/publish-uwn-fridge.pl 527 3.) cat issues/527/fridge.post [03:18] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Lubuntu Blog: This Week in Lubuntu Development #5 @ https://lubuntu.me/this-week-in-lubuntu-development-5/ [03:19] \o/ [03:19] * tsimonq2 pokes krytarik with a stick. [03:19] O_- [03:19] hehe [03:20] Try and do your posts on Saturday and you're in! :P [03:21] That's too simple. :P [03:21] Aww. :( [03:40] okay (doing laundry & house stuff), what does the script (publish-uwn-fridge) do - just load it up 'as a draft?' needing validation (checking links etc), then click publish on browser?? (this would fit my vid from simon moons ago) [03:43] Yes, a little validation there would be nice, because the script is rather trusty wrt HTML entities and link generation.. >_> [03:44] Otherwise yes, just drop what it generates into a new post. [04:02] thanks krytarik ((I only did up to wiki.paste & editor-email steps in past)) [15:15] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu 18.10 Could Feature Some Neat Android Integration @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=131282 (by Joey Sneddon) [15:15] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu 18.10 Release Date, Features & News @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=130678 (by Joey Sneddon) [15:21] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Released, This is What’s New @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=130843 (by Joey Sneddon) [15:38] Hi, onefallen [15:40] Heello Wild_man [15:41] Good to see you, I sent you a pm on the forum a couple of minutes ago [15:42] just looking at the news letter now and I got your PM Thanks. [15:42] kytarik, I have finished the publishing that I do each week [15:42] Your welcome! [15:43] what about that link to the new malware??Do we even want to got there? [15:44] Ha Go There? [15:44] it will have to wait until net week [15:44] next [15:45] I would like to add it but newsletter is done for the week [15:45] I tweeted about it [15:46] onefallen, I run the forums Facebook and twitter accounts so I tweeted it already [15:46] Yes next week is what I meant [15:47] Good to know Thanks Wild_Man [15:49] onefallen, the gdoc is not ready for us to start adding next weeks links yet, but you can put the link in a text document and save it on your computer until the gdoc is ready, which will be late tonight or first thing in the morning I would imagine [15:50] K Do you think we will want to add it though? [15:51] Yes [15:51] It is important news imo [15:54] onefallen, bashing-om is going to be gone most of this week for a family emergency [15:56] Ok we wish them well then. I'll be around most of the week this go around. [16:02] that is good, I will be to but I am going to be busy with life for a while [16:18] Wild_Man: Hi [16:18] you here ? [16:22] hi genupulas [16:22] glad you made it [16:23] Wild_Man: How are you doing ? [16:23] I am good, how are you genupulas? [16:24] just tired but I am good. [16:24] So tell me Wild_Man [16:25] we need summary writers more then any other positions at this time, it is okay if you do not write perfectly we have editors to clean the summaries up [16:25] So what exactly these Summary writers do ? [16:25] like here, this is this weeks letter that we just finished https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ZbtFHQq6uMj7iuRLd11VH8V5Uc_FA0IfgiRUcbMbQk/edit [16:26] Ok its something like outline of the article. [16:27] we posts links to the gdoc all week then on Saturday and Sunday they writer short one to three sentences usually for each link that we posted except in the sections that say no summaries needed [16:27] yes [16:27] Ok. [16:27] we have a little more information a we post it to the wiki page but you do not need to be concerned with that [16:28] a/that [16:28] Ok. [16:28] ok also [16:28] onefallen: ? Sorry didnt get you. [16:29] we will give you links to some information that will help you understand better [16:29] Wild_Man: I am in. [16:29] so what next ? [16:29] krytarik is the lead and he is really sharp so you will get the help you need [16:30] ok [16:30] hello genupulas [16:30] onefallen: hello [16:30] we are publishing today so we will start looking for links tomorrow for the next issue, we use an rss reader app for that [16:30] ok [16:31] so where actually links get posted ? [16:31] and where we have to add the summary of that link. [16:31] Wild_Man that script you gave me dose not work on Arch Liferea [16:32] do you want to just start with summary writing for now? that will be done on the weekend, and we send an email on Friday night to the M/L that you will need to sign up for [16:32] sure, please share. I will do signup. [16:33] we post the links to the gdoc that I gave you the link for and then you help write summaries by posting the summary above the link [16:33] okay, just a minute [16:35] genupulas, here is the link https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-news-team [16:36] onefallen, I do not know about Arch, I guess you can try another reader, I would think it should work, did you make it executable? [16:37] Wild_Man: Thanks. done. I am leaving for the day. Is there anything you would like to dicuss ? [16:37] discuss? [16:37] here a a couple of links https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies [16:37] Sure will go through it. [16:37] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/LinkSuggestions [16:38] genupulas, thanks and it is good working with you again my friend [16:38] Wild_Man: same here my friend. have a great day. [16:38] bye for now. [16:38] bye [16:40] Wild_Man I mess with it a bit today then. [16:40] onefallen, okay sounds like a plan, I did was locate the script form the reader app and import it [16:41] onefallen, one more helper on board, WOOT [16:42] Indeed Woot [17:08] http://ubuntu-news.org/ needs updated? [17:08] didn't we just release 527? [17:08] maybe i'm crazy [17:08] woudln't be the first time [17:09] nope, not crazy :) [17:12] wxl, only krytarik or guiver can update the fridge, I am sure that will do it in a little while when they come online, I published this morning what I could instead of this afternoon because of an eye doctors exam that will leave me not being able to see for several hours this afternoon and into the night [17:12] that they [17:12] yiiiiiiikes [17:12] good luck with the eyes :) [17:12] thanks! [17:47] Issue27 has been rekleased to the forum .. there is no table of contents ... on purpose ? [17:52] Bashing-om, looking === oerheks_ is now known as oerheks [17:53] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Scientific Linux 7.5 Officially Released Based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/scientific-linux-7-5-officially-released-based-on-red-hat-enterprise-linux-7-5-521116.shtml (by Marius Nestor) [17:54] Bashing-om, yes on purpose, we never include the table of contents on the forum publication [17:54] Bashing-om, one more summary writer onboard [17:55] Wild_Man: Ahh :) .. K backing off of sweat condition 3 . [17:55] okay [17:56] Wild_Man: Great to have help .. we ready to begin issue 28 ? [17:56] I have to get ready to leave, I would wait a bit until the letter is published to the fridge and the wiki is cleaned up [17:59] Wild_Man: K // no hurry. just got on and getting a status . [19:13] Done Fridge and Google+ now. [19:30] Bashing-om: Can you please do the remaining wiki tasks around here?..: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter [19:32] krytarik: Sure ,, point me in the directiion and pull my trigger :) [19:37] step 20 and on in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies/..... ? [19:39] Yes, all the stuff that has to do with revolving to the next issue. [19:39] krytarik: K . [19:40] L [19:40] M! [19:41] N! [19:41] Wait.. KLM!? [19:42] ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP [19:42] Yeah, seems legit. [19:43] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 527 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/05/14/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-527/ [19:43] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Daniel Pocock: A closer look at power and PowerPole @ https://danielpocock.com/a-closer-look-at-power-and-powerpole [19:43] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KLM [19:45] It's also the ISO 639 code for the Kolom language, funny enough. [20:33] krytarik: we up to clearing the Gdoc for issue 528 ? [20:34] Yeah. [20:35] i do Gdoc .. and we be done for this week ? [20:36] Provided that the wiki is done too now, yep. [20:38] (Looking at the latter now.) [20:39] "May 5 - 12, 2018" - the first is actually 6 [20:40] And the dates in the archive are from this issue. >_> [20:41] Otherwise it's good! \o/ [20:41] krytarik: ouch .. so much for my thin'n .. and I must have missed something else too .. as opeing Gdoc shows " Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 527" . [20:42] Yeah, one has to edit the document title in its settings. [20:58] Ho-Kay .. we go again :D [21:04] Very goof sir, all very goof. :D [21:11] Eh, just realized, you're still here.. >_> [21:13] I be here for the duration :) [21:15] In spite of Wife, kids, grandkids, dogs, cats, a bird .. and life in general that all gets in the way :P [21:24] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Fridge:: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 527 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/05/14/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-527/ (by krytarik) [21:24] krytarik: Maaaaaaan, the newsletter didn't get in? :( [21:25] Heeey, I didn't make the rules, duude! :P [21:28] The rules say that you can sneak stuff in before the editorial review. :P [21:28] Amirite pleia2? [21:30] krytarik is in charge, they make the rules :) [21:31] * tsimonq2 snaps. [21:31] Dang it. :P [21:33] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Jono Bacon: Video: How to Manage Failure and Poor Decisions – A Practical Guide @ https://www.jonobacon.com/2018/05/14/video-how-to-manage-failure-and-poor-decisions-a-practical-guide/