[04:29] __..-----..._ [04:29] .,---. .-'` `'-._ [04:29] / \.--.'__ '-. [04:29] _\ _ | `\ `. [04:29] / .' `. .' |.-. ___ `. [04:29] | '._.' '-..-. \".''""-. __ ' [04:29] !ops [04:29] Thanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently [04:29] krytarik called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () [04:29] .'-7 | | || `r-.`\ `. [04:29] | \ /.__,'-' ,_.'-b-.o `.`|| \ [04:29] \_ '--'` -\ | ` \// \ [04:29] /' .'``. |-, _ .-. '._.' | . [04:29] '| '._.' _,' /` `t `'. | ; [04:30] ; '._.| \ .' `"'---, / ; [04:30] ; '.__.' | \_,-' | [04:30] | `-.__,; | `. | [04:30] _ __ ___| ___ _ | |\ / \ | [04:30] | |_| / /\ | |_)| |_)\ \_/ ; | `'-.._____,.-' ; ; [04:30] |_| |/_/--\|_| |_| |_| | ; | \ \ | ; [04:30] _ ___ _____'_ ____ ___ __| __ \ / ` [04:30] | |\/|/ / \ | | | |_|| |_ | |_)|_||( (` \ __7 / [04:30] |_| |\_\_/ |_| |_| ||_|__|_|`\ `-'_)_)`-' __.-` \ / [04:30] ___ __ _ _\ ,-`'-`-'__,.-""-. ; / [04:30] | | \ / /\ \ \_/ | |` / / | ' [04:30] |_|_//_/--\ |_| |_| '. | | / /' [04:30] [_] `. \ \ ,' mx' [04:30] `-.`"'----""`'-.______,,.-' .' [04:30] `-._ _,-' [04:31] '--._________...--'' [04:31] BROUGHT TO YOU BY CHRONO: IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG #SUPERBOWL [04:31] Menzador tomaw krytarik mquin el wxl mneptok Jordan_U Unit193 ahoneybun DJones hggdh Tm_T chu ubottu popey ilbelkyr tsimonq2 h00k DalekSec tonyyarusso phunyguy Pici nhandler niko Pricey kloeri acheronuk yofel Flannel seednode ikonia valorie Mamarok ubuntulog nhh [05:05] what's that a picture of? [05:05] Is ascii art really art if no one can recognize it? [14:04] boop [18:02] leftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (weqs_homosexuaL) [19:04] was that ... a bouquet with teddy bear? [19:04] very weird spam [19:31] Can I get ubottu in #ubuntu-flavors please? [20:48] pragmaticenigma called the ops in #ubuntu (worktoner)