=== tomahawk is now known as avis- [00:42] huzzah \o/ === tomahawk is now known as avis- === tomahawk is now known as vis- === vis- is now known as avis- [06:39] morning boys and girls. [06:53] * zmoylan-pi waves quietly so as not to gain the attention of the monday out there... o/ [07:05] o/ [07:29] morning [08:10] morning [08:49] * diddledan mumbles something incoherent about monday [08:49] I resemble that remark [08:54] * Nafallo mumbles something about annoying neighbours drilling in the walls [13:35] diddledan: huh? was it dead? [13:35] yeah it died on thursday [13:36] wutcha do? :o [13:36] flashing while on a wonky psu which decided to die immediately after the flash [13:36] psu is replaced. bios reflashed using emergency mode [13:37] henceforth the pc will be known as jesus... :-P [13:41] cor thats some rough luck [13:44] diddledan: what's the emergency mode? dual BIOS board? [13:45] nope, there was enough bios still intact that I could hold ctrl+home to cause it to probe usb thingies for a fat32 filesystem containing an amiboot.rom file which it flashes automatically [13:45] hah, jammy [13:46] apparently there's two parts of the bios - the boot block and the main payload. if the boot block is still intact then it can do a blind flash like that [13:46] yeah you often see an update only erasing the main portion [14:06] you shouldn't put nails in PSUs. just saying. === Chrisfu is now known as Guest87597 [21:21] daftykins: do you use dnsmasq for dhcp on your router? [21:22] i don't run a custom one capable [21:23] hmmm, ok. i noticed that my desktop loses connection when it's renewing dhcp lease, and i think this is the first time i experienced this. or maybe i never just noticed it before [21:23] any reason to run DHCP at home? [21:23] well, it's easy... [21:23] i'll just set a long lease [21:24] i assume we're talking wired, here? [21:27] nah, wifi. gave up on wires. [21:28] mesh router, easily test 200+ mbps, which covers my internet and then some [21:28] ugh [21:28] mesh wifi access points... custom router. [21:28] i am so disappointed :) [21:28] yeah fan of buzzwords much? :) [21:28] must be a driver quirk [21:28] i'll be interested in ethernet if they could do something better than 1G [21:29] the only time i need those speeds, ethernet is too slow (when I'm moving virtual machines) [21:29] what driver quirk? right now, my PC is connected at 867mbps [21:29] my internet is only 200mbps [21:30] and i rarely need to transfer super large files, so wires are totally unnecessary [21:32] typically the kind that results in the tripping up at DHCP lease renegotiation time, like you just said [21:32] you do realise that 2.5, 5 and 10Gbps are a thing, yeah? [21:32] certainly agree though, throwing VMs and HD video around sure does crawl [21:32] even at 110MB/sec :( [21:33] i mean, won't any computer lose connection when it is renewing a dhcp lease? [21:33] we've been stuck at 1gbps for a decade. and no, 2.5G and 5G ethernet aren't yet at a price point and form factor that a home user would consider [21:33] no [21:34] yeah they are actually, because between points you only need the NICs and a cable [21:34] pretty cheap to grab a couple off ebay [21:35] I don't see any desktop 8-port 2.5G ethernet switches [21:35] just pointed out you don't need a switch because not every host would need to have the upgraded speed [21:36] why would i want a point-to point system? [21:36] and if i had a switch, it would presumably be back compatible with 1G [21:37] 'cause often you'd only really have two hosts you want the high speed between, then the rest can be more basic [21:37] heh. I'm not about to start fiddling with cables when i want to transfer files. that would put me off the entire activity [21:37] it's like the industry gave up too. [21:37] you wouldn't, it'd be a secondary subnet permanently connected that you just map drives over [21:38] i admire your enthusiasm :) [21:38] my goodness you are chatting a lot of rubbish considering you don't seem to know about this stuff [21:38] I do know about the stuff. [21:38] I just value convenience. [21:38] then why is this pretty simple suggestion tripping you up so? [21:39] it's not tripping me up, it's just not worth the effort to me. [21:39] i'll happily buy the next iteration of wifi accesspoints that improve speed [21:39] or if they ship a 5 or 8 port ethernet switch that supports the new speeds and fits behind my set top box, i'll get one [21:39] two cheap NICs, cat6 or better single cable run - job done, 10Gb - but then you don't have the storage necessarily capable of using it [21:40] yea, i'm not saying it's not possible, but that setup is not for me. [21:40] you already said you're on 866Mb -ac, which means you're on 2:2 stream low end -ac, not even the top tier of current wifi specs [21:40] Indeed, when i need to move my VMs, i just use usb3 [21:41] i have the same and see ~50MB/sec tops in the same room, so under half what gigabit LAN does [21:41] it's not too often. example, i did the move last week while adding a new ssd into my machine. [21:42] sneakernet in your own home, bit ghetto [21:42] please tell me about your snazzy wifi :) [21:43] because i've never felt like my 866 mbps wifi was a bottleneck [21:43] especially when compared to my Virgin Media connection. [21:43] I've also found when gaming, that when virgin media is not in the mood, it doesn't matter whether i'm on wifi or ethernet [21:45] have you had a long day or something? [21:45] I see it similar to camera pixels. it's not the number of pixels, it's the quality of them. [21:46] 50MB/sec is a file tranfer between a wired and wireless host [21:46] which is plenty of speed except when you're dealing with large files [21:47] which is when wired to wired is nice @ 110MB/sec but still crawling for HD video and VMs yeah [21:47] i've done the whole wires everywhere thing before, i put in this current router (Linksys Velop) in February of this year. [21:47] wifi is now good enough in my view. [21:47] I stopped bothering with video files too. [21:48] I used to spend more on blurays than cable, netflix, and amazon combined cost me each month [21:48] so that need for speed is no longer there for me [21:48] if i suddenly ended up with a 1G Internet link, then i'd have to seriously reconsider using ethernet [21:49] maybe in 2025 or something, or whenever virgin media feels the need [21:49] it's unlikely anything you'd do would make use of it - as a friend in Tokyo has discovered [21:49] Yes, but I'd want it just for the fun of having it [21:49] much like the gimmicky mesh setup i imagine [21:50] No, the mesh setup was a real upgrade for me. [21:50] Value coverage and stability over headline speed. [21:50] I could hardly care about maxing out my internet when i'm using my phone in the conservatory [21:50] but i can easily stream any video i want with no dropouts [21:51] on the PC i'm sitting at now, it's got line of sight with the router, so I get pretty much as good as I can get speed for wifi [21:51] which again, more than adequate for everything, save the once or twice a year transfer of big files [21:52] anyway, i've just set my DHCP lease to 1 week. [21:52] so connection dropouts should be less frequent now :d [21:53] beats working out the real reason i'm sure, especially if the expiry time is when you're asleep [21:53] I could just set a static IP too. [21:53] I think this is normal. [21:53] nope [21:54] neither is working hard to justify choosing a slower option then complaining about speed xD [21:54] have a great evening - and don't seek me out again, please [21:55] oh well... my apologies. I only wanted to know if this was normal. It's not [21:55] but i'm fine with my workaround. [21:55] it's not a mission critical network or anything [22:45] fwiw, microsoft has a pretty good guide what should happen (IP is renewed halfway through the lease): https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-2000-server/cc958935(v%3dtechnet.10) . There's no way that speed has anything to do with this. So the DHCP theory is moot. [23:00] do you get the same IP at renewal time? [23:07] Yes, I can see that the IP is being obtained. [23:07] ali1234: I am beginning to suspect that it may be related to my work VPN. [23:07] like, if the lease renewal happens to fall while i'm connected to vpn, then it fails. [23:08] and then later (like tonight) when I'm not on VPN, it is at the end of the IP and must disconnect and start anew. [23:08] very possible [23:08] I tested with a 1h lease, and i saw the renewal happen at 30 minutes. [23:09] do you know what a split tunnel means? [23:09] yes. unfortunately, i don't have admin control over my work tunnel, and a full tunnel is enforced [23:09] there you go then. your DHCP request is probably being sent over the VPN tunnel when you are connected to it [23:10] that will of course fail [23:10] Yea. I'll verify this tomorrow. [23:10] then when the lease expires, you'll be disconnected from the LAN, and so disconnected from the VPN, at which point DHCP will work again [23:11] indeed. i'm afraid of thinking i've seen this happen before (memory can be untrustworthy), but I'll set a 1 hour lease time tomorrow again and see if my vpn drops after 1 hour [23:11] (i mean today) :d === tomahawk is now known as avis-