
rick_h_does flatpak not have a place folks can stick things?12:41
rick_h_I'm curious on what the actual fallout was. e.g. did the confinement bits do their job?12:41
rick_h_or were they put in as --classic or something that allowed it to do bad things still12:42
jrwrenthe prob was a bitcoin miner, so it didn't really have to break confinement, it only needed to use CPU13:31
jrwrenand GPU13:31
rick_h_jrwren: right, but how's that different than what folks can do with any other place to upload software?13:33
jrwrenits not. it is snap getting a bad rep for something that could happen anywhere.13:34
jrwrenits not likely to happen in core debian or ubuntu because that software is all built from source and reviewed, unlike these new binary distribution mechanisms.13:35
jrwrenBut really, it just as likely could have been a PPA.13:35
jrwrenThe difference is that one has to opt into a PPA. Snap is there by default in ubuntu now.13:35
rick_h_Yea, I'll be curious how folks handle it internally13:37
cmaloneygood morning13:41
waldo323good morning13:53
jrwrenGood morning.13:56
cmaloneyrick_h_: JoDee is experimenting with pour-over coffee13:58
rick_h_cmaloney: hah, fun stuff13:58
cmaloneywe didn't go "full Rick" though. Not yet.13:58
rick_h_cmaloney: one tip, I found to really grind fine if possible13:58
cmaloneyWe didn't get the burr grinder yet13:58
rick_h_hah ok13:58
cmaloneymostly because finding bean coffee locally is a real PITA13:59
dzhoso, I've got this automatic drip coffee maker that takes the cone filters. It has this spring loaded stopper so you can pour from a half-brewed carafe: Remove the carafe and the stopper holds up (most of) the liquid still in the cone.13:59
cmaloney(we have a mill and brew coffee maker and grind in the basket)13:59
cmaloneydzho: you're half-way there13:59
rick_h_cmaloney: http://a.co/6t4rcWt great way to meditate the morning away :P13:59
dzhoI do this thing where I wet the grounds the night before to let them soak.13:59
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, I mail order from peets13:59
jrwrendang, I should try pour over.14:00
dzhoWegmans and Costco carry Peets here.14:00
rick_h_dzho: cool14:00
jrwrenits probably easier than french press.14:00
rick_h_I find it less bitter since you get more of the smaller ground bits out14:00
rick_h_the fresh press isn't fine enough and over time the coffee will get worse while it sits in the mug14:00
dzhoI was inspired to try this when I tried cold brew and then had a total mess on my hands trying to pour grounds+liquid around to filter it.14:00
rick_h_and the pour over let's me do iced/cold coffee really well. I make up a pitcher on the weekend and then have a glass of iced coffee each morning14:01
rick_h_60g of ground light roast coffee, pour over with 800g of kettle water + 300g of fresh cold water and yummy14:02
brouschThe coffee grit is the best part of French press. Who doesn't like to chew their coffee?14:04
jrwrenbrousch: well, when I grind my own its easy, to make a large grind perfect for french press14:05
jrwrenbut since preground is always sized for drip, yes, the grit is terrible.14:05
brouschI have had Biggby grind it, but it isn't large enough. The grinder at Meijer is large enough, but there's always residue from other people's grinds in there14:07
dzhohell is other people's grinds14:07
rick_h_yea, I've never roasted myself but I love grinding myself14:08
rick_h_I used to pre-grind and keep a bunch in the rv trailer but missed the fresher grind so now have that little hand grinder which works well14:09
rick_h_but can be a bit of noise/work in the morning lol14:09
dzhowe used to visit a friend's cottage. The hand grinder shook the whole place.14:10
jrwrenbrousch: buy your own grinder?14:12
jrwrenrick_h_: oh! i love those little hand grinders!14:13
brouschI have a small one. I guess I could experiment and fine tune it14:13
rick_h_jrwren: yea, nice simple and works well14:13
jrwrendzho: that sounds like a big table mount grinder. Those are cool too.14:13
jrwreni use this, it is inexpensive enough and does a good job: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000AR7SY/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=114:16
jrwrenhave had it for 7yrs or so, and its still going.14:16
rick_h_nice, burr is the key. I used a bladed one at first and that was a disaster14:16
rick_h_then I went all in http://a.co/8xBpaFt14:17
dzhosomeone got a burred hand grinder to recommend?14:17
rick_h_yea, it's like the kitchen aid mixers, last one you'll ever buy kind of things14:18
rick_h_dzho: that one I linked is what I use when camping that's burr hand grinder14:18
dzhooh thanks for reposting it I didn't look far enough back14:19
rick_h_dzho: yea my bad, I realized it was probably more helpful to just link again :)14:20
* rick_h_ blames monday14:20
dzhoyes, let's do that14:21
waldo323I thought there were a few local places that brought beans in, one right by i3detroit15:00
jrwrenwhat do you mean? to roast? there are lots of local roasts. Roos Roast in Ann Arbor for example.15:01
cmaloneyI'm talking about selection at Meijer15:07
cmaloneyseems they have a hard time not bringing everything in already ground15:07
jrwren100% agree.15:09
jrwrenespecially if you are limited to decaf :(15:09
cmaloneyOh you're screwed if you can only drink decaf15:09
cmaloneyat that point you're better served by the Keurig15:09
cmaloneywhich is sad15:09
jrwrenI had to give up caffeine. :(  I went threw withdrawal. It wasn't pretty.15:10
rick_h_yea, I have to remind myself to stick to one in the morning and to skip every so often15:10

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