
ph88what are linux-modules ?00:02
ph88do i need it ?00:02
oerheksph88, i think you need settings > devices > displays, some setting can mirror on single display ?00:03
oerheksmaybe you had 2 displays before...00:03
ph88noes .. nothing i can do there00:03
ph88i didn't have 2 display before00:03
ph88to answer my own question: i need it to resolve dependencies00:05
oerheksCompletely fixed by released 4.16 kernel .. https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/7x9p3i/2200g_and_2400g_on_linux/00:05
oerhekshttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.16.8/ would be the latest..00:06
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds00:06
oerhekstoo new hardware00:07
ph88so what do i do now ?00:07
ph88i can't even properly follow the installer with this screen00:07
ph88can i upgrade the usb stick first with the new kernel ?00:07
jswagnerif you know how to do that :)00:10
jswagneri'm not 100% sure how ubuntu treats kernels these days but i'd suspect it will be awhile before 18.04 picks up 4.16 and ships an ISO with it.00:11
ph88i like to try ubuntu on my new pc now :P00:12
oerheksnot sure 4.16.x will land in 18.04, and ...00:12
oerheksLinux Kernel 5.0 will be released in a few months. Ubuntu 18.10 should have the new Kernel 5.0.00:12
jswagnerFedora 28 has 4.16 kernel00:12
jswagnerand is better anyway00:13
oerheksyou can have too, on an installed system, and installing on such double screen can be done with a little patience00:13
ph88the installer window doesn't resize to smaller size .. i don't see what i'm clicking00:14
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jswagneryou can use keyboard shortcuts to complete the installation, assuming you know what they are ahead of time00:14
ph88i don't know :P00:14
oerheksor use ctrl alt f2 to login in TTY, and download them them manually00:14
jswagnerdoes ubuntu even offer the alternative media with text-based installation anymore00:15
oerhekssure you have a nice working machine now, using irc, so you can read the wiki00:15
jswagnerhonestly just go install fedora, it will 'just work' for you00:15
oerheksmeh, don't advertise fedora here00:15
jswagnerubuntu 18.04 simply doesn't support your hardware and alternatives include installing from unsupported PPAs00:16
jswagneri wouldn't want to run a machine like that00:16
ph88i can install the kernel from mainline and once ubuntu releases newer kernel it will just replace it i think00:17
fractali can't get ubuntu to install at all00:17
jswagnerno you'll be on the PPA and constantly receiving 'fresh' kernels from it00:17
fractalback to distro hopping i go00:18
jswagnerwhich aren't scrutinized by ubuntu devs00:18
ph88maybe i can scale the installer menu somehow ?00:20
ph88so it's zoomed 25% ?00:20
ph88jswagner, i wanted to install the debs, not add ppa00:21
tohsaWhere do -dev pacages get installed? Trying to find the headers for libpulse and I installed lippulse-dev00:21
jswagnerwon't the package manager just reinstall the older kernel the first time you 'apt upgrade'?00:22
EriC^^tohsa: try "dpkg -L libpulse-dev"00:22
oerheksenabled sources too ?00:22
jswagnerph88: set up a virtual machine and use it to discover the keyboard shortcut keys as you do the install on your real hardware00:23
tohsaEriC^^, ah thanks...was look for the include folder in /, but apparently it is only in usr00:24
oerheksph88, such new machine, check out bios updates? https://www.asrock.com/MB/AMD/Fatal1ty%20AB350%20Gaming-ITXac/index.asp#BIOS00:28
ph88wow even a newer bios00:29
ph88i'm on 4.50 i think00:29
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oerheksif you could boot, sudo dmidecode something00:30
ph88dmidecode ?00:31
oerheksdmidecode | less00:31
tomreyndmidecode --type bios00:33
ph88im in the bios now00:34
ph88i will check with virtualbox first how to do the setup with keybindings00:34
WoCis there a way to add a key to apt-key using only the key id ?00:37
oerhekssudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0000000000:40
oerheksReplacing the 00000000 with the second part of the key informed in the PPA website that you want to add.00:41
WoCty, almost same as gpg00:41
SporkWitchWoC: that's because it's using gpg, it just keeps an independent keyring :P00:53
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ca_cabotagehey all, trying to setup a reverse proxy for my unifi controller on nginx, but the https is a pain in the ass. is there a way that i can just use the unifi controler on HTTP?01:05
jswagnerca_cabotage: have you checked out letsencrypt?01:08
ca_cabotagejswagner, yeah, i know it can be done. but i run the controller on a network i control and i'm really not worried about using it over http so it would just be an easier solution for me01:09
ca_cabotageto run it in plain http01:09
SporkWitchca_cabotage: if you don't need https, just put http in the rule instead of https01:13
ca_cabotageSporkWitch, where do i put that setting in?01:13
SporkWitchca_cabotage: https://lmgtfy.com/?s=d&q=set+up+reverse+proxy+with+nginx01:15
SporkWitchif you have more specific questions, i recommend directing them to #nginx, as this is not a ubuntu-specific thing01:15
ph88jswagner, SlidingHorn oerheks  i managed to install ubuntu using the zoom functionality + top half setting .. strangely enough if i boot from HDD i don't have the fucked up graphics .. only when i boot from usb stick01:16
ca_cabotageoh gotya, i didn't mean nginx - i meant use HTTP on the unifi controller01:16
SporkWitchi would need to check the documentation on it, so you should check the documentation on it :P01:16
ca_cabotagehaha alright, i'll check it out01:17
oerheksph88, oke, thank you for feedback01:20
ph88np ^^01:21
oerheksgood to know when this issue walks into this channel again, have fun with that hardware!01:21
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brenster23Bashing-om are you online?01:43
Bashing-ombrenster23: uh huh .. I be in and out .01:43
brenster23what time would work better for you?01:44
Bashing-ombrenster23: Now is good .. I have cleared my deck for you . What is the status of booting ?01:45
brenster23same as last night been busy fixing my espresso gridner01:46
brenster23bashing-OM good news is that i have a good camera for photos01:49
Bashing-ombrenster23: Best work is done from text files :) . So we are at booting from grub, pastebin a new ' sudo parted -l ' .01:51
brenster23will do01:52
brenster23i know but to eliminate typos01:52
brenster23i cant do sudo parted -l or parted -l01:53
jordan4ibanezHello, I am trying to start up the latest version of arch/Ubuntu and I keep getting a kernel panic, 10th iso, 5th cd, and usb https://i.imgur.com/QoTawIa.jpg01:54
jordan4ibanezThe closest I can get is this with edd and acpi disabled01:54
Bashing-ombrenster23: grub has a very limited set of commands .. run parted from the liveUSB .01:54
brenster23give me sec01:55
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jswagnerjordan4ibanez: are you saying this is both arch and ubuntu installation media behaving this way?01:56
jswagnerif so, please describe your hardware configuration01:57
brenster23bashing-om so i am in grub but not live usb idk why01:59
Bashing-ombrenster23: ya got to reset in bios what is the boot priority .02:00
brenster23USB, USB and then ubuntu02:00
brenster23USB cd/dvd USB hard disk UEFI: verb, cd/dvd, thean hard disk ubuntu02:01
brenster23ok it booted up properlu02:02
brenster23in live USB bashing-OM02:02
jordan4ibanezjswagner: I'm running an hp z400 workstation with an e5645 xeon 6 core hyper threading on, with 12gb ecc memory, a gtx 750 ti, 2 hdds in raid 002:02
jordan4ibanezjswagner: mobo is Hewlett-Packard 0B4Ch02:03
jordan4ibanezjswagner: chipset X5802:03
Bashing-ombrenster23: in terminal ' sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 ' and pass the resulting URL back here .02:03
brenster23ok so C to command line?02:04
jordan4ibanezjswagner: I have disabled everything apci and self overclocking with intel turbo boost along with hyperthreading and I cannot get these operating systems to boot to install02:04
brenster23bashing-om and i doing this in grub or try ubuntu on live cd?02:06
Bashing-ombrenster23: Now ya got me confused . the install boots up ?02:06
brenster23no sorry, on Live usb, do i do try or C for cmd line. (sorry i realized my mistake)02:06
Bashing-ombrenster23: No, in the 'try ibuntu" mode activate a terminal - generally on most releases ctl+alt+t will get ya a terminal .02:08
brenster23ok, i got you sorry for my misunderstanding02:09
jordan4ibanezjswagner: Should I just ask Linus ? Hahaha02:09
oerhekschipset X58, hmmm ..  https://askubuntu.com/questions/619875/disabling-intel-turbo-boost-in-ubuntu02:10
jordan4ibanezoerheks: I disabled turbo boost and it still gave me the same kernel panic02:10
jordan4ibanezoerheks: https://i.imgur.com/QoTawIa.jpg02:11
oerhekssudo turbostat --show02:11
jordan4ibanezNo oerheks, I can't actually install latest 18.04 or latest arch because they panic on boot to install02:12
brenster23pastebin is down02:12
zaapieldude i got banned from #bitcoin for asking for a silk road invite02:12
zaapielit suck02:12
redoasisthey dnt want to loose anymore coin tot he feds lol02:12
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brenster23bashing-OM pastebin.com/DB5raS2z02:13
oerheksbrenster, https://paste.ubuntu.com/02:13
platzis this expected? take 30s https://pastebin.com/raw/7FgqZ6sU02:14
oerheksnot bad, platz.02:16
platzi ask because it used to be almost instant, after bionic upgrade it takes 30s02:17
Bashing-ombrenster23: oh yes .. booting sda8 and do you still have/need to confirm the kernel version and the UUID ?02:17
brenster23so i should reboot to grub?02:19
Bashing-ombrenster23: Probably means run ' sudo blkid ' // and I know of no bettter way to get the kernel version than to mount that partition from the liveUSB and list the contents of the /boot directory.02:20
nicomachusI'm having a monitor issue and I'm not sure if it's hardware or software related, but figured I'd start here and see where it goes. I have a second monitor that randomly goes idle and blacks out for a second. Power settings are all set for no idle and no sleep unless I manually lock, and the "displays" GUI menu doesn't seem to be able to grab any hardware info about the monitor. I have to set the02:26
nicomachusresolution with a startup xrandr script.02:27
Bashing-ombrenster23: got the UUID .. now for the kernel version . we do that from the liveUSB and run ' sudo mkdir /mnt/looksee ; sudo mount /dev/sda8 /mnt/looksee ; ls -al /mnt/looksee/boot/ ; . When we are all done will UNmount looksee.02:30
nicomachusdisplay info: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nfZtgQ2C8j/02:30
brenster23ok i will run the command02:30
brenster23Bashing-om success02:35
Bashing-omya got the kernel versions written down ,, or ya want to pass the /boot/contents to pastebin for a record ?02:36
brenster23i posted both in pastebing didnt i?02:37
brenster23i will put everything in pastebin to be safe02:38
Bashing-ombrenster23: Yeah ,, got the kernels copied .. Ya ready to try and boot the server ?02:39
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brenster23bashing-Om can you give me 3 mintues. i want to grab a program settings from my computer in case this doenst work.02:41
brenster23so if i need to start from scratch i can02:41
swift110hey harindu02:41
swift110hey harison02:41
Bashing-ombrenster23: sure ! safty is never an accident .02:42
brenster23do you know how to back up rutorrent by chance?02:42
linuxSuxsylvia iz most promising... till It Borkx otherwise until ur team fixes these OS built by a 6yr old. I'm Givin up on Linuc.02:42
SporkWitchdon't let the door hit you02:42
Bashing-ombrenster23: No idea what rutorrent is . explain .02:42
linuxSuxIz Linux Team Like U ubuntz guys - Rude And Snobby ??02:43
harisonubuntu based distros for low specs pc?02:43
SporkWitchharison: a bit resource-hungry for anything particulraly low02:43
harisonis tori os a good distro02:44
Bashing-omharison: Lubuntu is a faster, more lightweight and energy saving variant of Ubuntu using LXDE, the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. It is targeted at "normal" PC and laptop users running on low-spec hardware.02:44
harisoni already used lubuntu and i liked it02:45
linuxSuxie It Borx When U try Sumthing Worthwhile02:45
harisonbut i want a distro that uses even less resources02:45
SporkWitchlinuxSux: do you have an actual question or are you just here to troll until +b?02:45
SporkWitchharison: if you like getting down in the weeds and don't necessarily mind things breaking from time to time, arch can be fun and educational, as well as VERY lightweight (it's only got what you put on it, really02:46
SporkWitchi wouldn't recommend it for something you need to just work, though02:46
Bashing-omharison: As we can not help. suggest ya see what ##linux channel advises .02:47
harisonslitaz worked fine for me02:47
harisonthey use less resources than lubuntu02:47
harisontiny core are a good option too02:47
SporkWitchlol can tell you what ##linux will say right now: ubuntu, arch, and an assortment of absurd niche distros that aren't really viable for normal use02:48
harisonbut i want a sistem that uses less resources than tiny core02:48
brenster23bashing-om it is justa program i use02:49
brenster23I am copying it now, give a me like 2 mintutes02:49
Bashing-om!info rutorrent02:49
ubottuPackage rutorrent does not exist in bionic02:49
brenster23bashing-om it is fine i got it on my own, just need to copy it02:50
brenster23it is a torrenting program. i am rebooting to grub02:50
Bashing-om!info rutorrent xenial02:51
ubottuPackage rutorrent does not exist in xenial02:51
SporkWitchbrenster23: it's not maintained by the ubuntu devs, s you'll need to acquire it from somewhere else02:51
brenster23so just to be clear, turn off computer remove usb go to command line in grub. I took care of it by the way02:52
Bashing-ombrenster23: did you back out of the /mnt/looksee ?02:53
brenster23I just shut down. i copied both outputs to a paste bin02:54
brenster23https://pastebin.com/88Bjzqcj bashing-om02:55
Bashing-ombrenster23: ouch ! " When we are all done will UNmount looksee." . ouch !02:55
brenster23how bad did i fuck up?02:57
Bashing-omwell,, hard to say .. not unmount could leave the file system in an inconsistenet state .02:57
* brenster23 facepalms02:58
brenster23what do you want me to do now?02:58
cncr04sits gone, all gone.02:58
brenster23worst case i start over, i got the main files i needed02:58
Bashing-ombrenster23: I feel the better thing now is to run another file system check and see if we need to go deeper , from the liveUSB terminal run again ' sudo e2fsck -C0 -p -f -v /dev/sda8 ' .03:04
Bashing-ombrenster23: If it errors .. run sudo e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sda8 ' .03:05
brenster23on live?03:06
brenster23got it03:06
Bashing-ombrenster23: Yes from that liveUSB .. as the target MUST be unmounted when the check is ran .03:07
brenster23ok i am really sorry i fucked up man03:07
brenster23good news it looks like no errors. paste.ubuntu.com/p/QDWSYgr4Dt03:09
brenster23Bashing-om, so no errors03:16
Bashing-ombrenster23: Great ..ok .. try now to boot the server ?03:21
purpleunicornCan you please help me with installing Ubuntu? I’ve done most of it. I just don’t know what to delete when it says remove installation medium then press enter and than it restarts my laptop. What is the installation medium?03:21
Bashing-omreboot the server to grub menu, 'c' key for the command line .03:21
brenster23shutdown booting to grub03:22
purpleunicornAre you talking to me or Bashing-om03:22
matjampurpleunicorn: it means to remove the disk or usb thumb drive from the machine03:23
purpleunicornI used virtual box03:23
matjampurpleunicorn: then you're done03:23
purpleunicornDo I remove virtual box03:23
purpleunicornHow am I done03:23
brenster23bashing-om in grub command line03:23
purpleunicornIt says to remove the installation medium and press enter then it restarts my laptop matjam03:23
matjampurpleunicorn: just remove the image from the virtual cd rom drive and reboot03:23
Bashing-ombrenster23: set root=(hd0,gpt8) .03:24
purpleunicornI have no idea how to do that ...smh. Do I just remove the download package of virtual box?03:24
brenster23done, next03:24
matjampurpleunicorn: you just said you're using virtualbox03:24
purpleunicornIs that what you’re saying?03:24
purpleunicornI am03:24
matjamright .. so you installed ubuntu into a virtual machine inside virtualbox?03:25
matjamso ...03:25
matjaminside virtualbox03:25
matjamthe application03:25
matjamthere will be a virtual disk03:25
matjamthe virtual cdrom drive03:25
matjameject the virtual disk from the virtual cdrom drive03:25
SporkWitchthat poor abused enter key :'(03:25
Bashing-ombrenster23: linux /boot/vmlinuz-4.13.0-39-generic root=/dev/sda8 ro verbose .03:25
matjamand in the virtual box window, press enter and it will reboot the virtual machine03:26
matjamit has nothing to do with your virtualbox download.03:26
brenster23done next, (no errors yet)03:27
purpleunicornOmg I didn’t even do anything and it says restoring virtual machine03:27
Bashing-ombrenster23: initrd /boot/initrd.img-4.13.0-39-generic .03:27
purpleunicornIs that the picture of cd at the bottom03:28
purpleunicornI really apologize for seeming extremely stupid03:28
matjampurpleunicorn: sounds like you need to figure out how to use virtualbox. We can't help with that, sorry.03:28
brenster23bashing-Om got it, had to remove the space from 0-39 since it gave an error with it)03:30
TwistCould anyone kick me in the right direction for trackpad troubleshooting? I'm booted off an 18.04 LiveUSB image, and while my trackpad seems to be detected (there are trackpad sections in the gnome mouse&keyboard control panel sections) it is unresponsive.03:30
SporkWitchcheck softkeys that toggle it, check if any kind of auto-disable is set03:31
Bashing-ombrenster23: see no space .. but long as we are good, we are good .. now ' boot' .03:31
brenster23guess i am seeing things than03:31
Bashing-ombrenster23: I passed as " 4.13.0-39-generic " in both instances .03:32
brenster23i think it was my omputer than that add it03:32
TwistSporkWitch: Is there any quick way to see status? terminal app or similar?03:32
TwistI've been away from desktop linux for a decade or so. Just sort of flailing wildly here.03:33
SporkWitchTwist: just running you through the common stuff; i don't use gnome03:33
Bashing-ombrenster23: Long as you caught it, all that matters .. did the server boot or what ?03:33
TwistSeems like Ubuntu went back to gnome in this release.03:33
brenster23in emergency mode03:34
brenster23I got failed to raise network interfaces03:34
SporkWitchTwist: better than unity03:35
brenster23should i do ctrl D to continute or emergency mode. computer says see systemct1 status networking.service for details03:35
Bashing-ombrenster23: YUK .. but did you boot out of emergeny mode into the install ?03:37
Bashing-ombrenster23: Be aware I do not even want to think of re-installing grub without network ability .03:38
TwistThis isn't me, but it's a perfect match for what I'm seeing. https://askubuntu.com/questions/876656/hid-touchpad-not-working-but-detected03:39
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brenster23i am still in emergency mode03:40
purpleunicornUbuntu froze on me should I shut it down03:40
brenster23should i continue booting or fix?03:40
brenster23understood bashing-om03:42
flybackhexchat won't stop bombing03:42
flybackdowngrading to 16.04 tomarrow03:42
flybackhad enough of this garbage03:43
Bashing-ombrenster23: Let's go into emergency mode and find out what controls networking .03:43
purpleunicornSo i shut down Ubuntu and started it back up. My login name came in but I didn’t restart the computer. When I move the cursor the screen blinks. What should I do?03:43
SporkWitchflyback: what's wrong with it?03:43
brenster23Bashing-om, i took a photo of the page. https://imgur.com/a/Q1cyaZ203:47
Bashing-ombrenster23: Nope ^ does not complete . try again .03:49
brenster23bashing-om as in reboot?03:49
brenster23or just try to boot03:49
Bashing-ombrenster23: If you have a prompt, we want to know what controls networking .03:51
brenster23bashing-om the only prompt i had was systemctl status networking.service for details.03:52
Bashing-ombrenster23: Sorry, I can not relate to what you say . How about we take another tack and attempt to boot another way ?03:55
brenster23sure give me 1 sec i have an diea03:55
ledeniTwist, can you give us 'input list | nc termbin.com 9999'03:57
ledeniTwist, xinput03:58
TwistGive me a minute to boot the thing back up03:58
purpleunicornWhy is Ubuntu freezing on me so much04:00
brenster23bashing-om what do you want to try?04:01
purpleunicornWhy am I being ignored here04:01
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: does machine freeze on windows?04:01
purpleunicornI’m using a Mac so idk Two_Dogs04:02
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: 'why' is hard to troubleshoot04:02
purpleunicornI have no clue04:03
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: freezes when? is it repeatable?04:03
SporkWitchlog output is also nice04:03
purpleunicornIt’s been freezing repeatably, yes. Two_Dogs04:04
Twistledeni: http://www.termbin.com/r2hg04:05
ledeniTwist,  install 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics'04:05
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: provide a scenario, you ware doing what when you freeze04:05
Twistledeni: I've tried that, but it's a liveUSB stick and the change doesn't seem to have persisted past a reboot.04:06
Twistledeni: is that expected?04:06
brenster23bashing-om you there?04:06
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: you on linux ubuntu what?04:06
purpleunicornI’m starting up Ubuntu and it’s supposed to bring up my login name04:07
SporkWitchit would have had to be explicitly configured for persistence, Twist.  does installing synaptics work? if so, then you've solved your problem.  make sure you can solve any others and you'll know you're good to go on a real install04:07
ledeniTwist, yes04:07
TwistSporkWitch: There was no change in behavior.. I was assuming I'd need to reboot for that driver change to take effect.04:07
TwistI ran across this.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/168593704:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1685937 in linux (Ubuntu) "HID 1018:1006 Touchpad does not work" [Medium,Confirmed]04:08
Twistand decided to throw in the towel for the evening04:08
SporkWitchvery few things on linux require a reboot; usually logging out to the DM is sufficient04:09
Bashing-ombrenster23: Let's try and boot into single-user mode ( tty1 ) . boot back to grub menu, and this time is the 'e' key for edit mode -> boot parameters screen . find the line starting with linux and containing quiet splash. replace quiet splash and all after with the term systemd.unit=multi-user.target . key combo ctl+x to continue to the terminal .04:09
brenster23ok give me a sec04:09
Twistledeni / SporkWitch: would you also suggest removing libinput?04:12
brenster23Bashing-om so it goes "ro  systemd.unit=multi-user.target .quiet ."04:16
Twistokay, interesting.. now touching the pad is generating a few spurious keystrokes04:17
nikolamOn fresh installed and updated 18.04LTS 64it, I i installed Ubuntu's ZFS and did 'zpool import poolname' (previously it reported it can update pool version).04:17
Bashing-ombrenster23: Yep ..04:18
nikolamAfter that, I can't boot normally not at all. (It were freezing command line on zpool import)04:18
brenster23ok i did control x, do i go to cmd or something else04:18
nikolamNow it just displays (xubunutu) booting graphics, not giving me the console (Ctrl+Alt+Fn)04:18
Bashing-ombrenster23: NO000 . we also want the quiet gone too .04:18
brenster23good news is i am 95 percent sure i deleted it04:19
Bashing-ombrenster23: The hope is that you are at a terminal ,, and at this point enter username, and then your password .04:19
brenster23bad news is it just tarted booting.04:19
nikolamSo installing ZFS in Ubuntu and trying to mount older ZFS pool, gave me and unbootable broken system..04:20
matjamnikolam: ouch04:22
matjamnikolam: have you tried booting to single user mode and blacklisting the zfs module?04:23
axisyshow do I drag a window to a lower workspace with mouse?04:25
brenster23bashing-om got another failed to raise network interface04:26
nikolammatjam, I can try that04:27
Bashing-ombrenster23: expected not to have networking . in this mode "you" control everything. nothing but a terminal and accrss to the system at this point . Are you at a terminal interface now ?04:28
brenster23i am in emergency mode04:28
Bashing-ombrenster23: Sheeesshhh ! think'n ,04:29
brenster21i am in Emode no options to login Bashing-om04:30
brenster21bashing-om do you think i should just cut my losses?04:35
ledenibrenster21 did you here about supergrubdisk download iso put on usb boot up and select find your grub--after you boot your system install grub again04:35
brenster21ok i will try that04:35
Bashing-ombrenster21: Depends on how nuch time you can devore to this . we still have yet to even identify what is failing . next is to try in the 'e'change the  ro to ' rw init=/bin/bash ' . ctl+x to boot to terminal .04:38
brenster21I do the e on ubuntu right?04:39
Bashing-ombrenster21: Yes .. same as the forner reolace ,, but thus tine is ro to ' rw init=/bin/bash ' .04:42
brenster21ok, well i got a kernal panic04:42
brenster21bashing-om if we cant get it working tonight i mught cut my losses reformat and reinstall04:42
stan7why this erros in browser? 502 Bad Gateway04:42
stan7i had same problem before and i fixed with f504:43
stan7i think it was the cache04:43
brenster21stan7 if your hosting the site, i would guess port forward issue04:43
stan7but even with f5 i cant fix not04:43
stan7so its not my browser is the server?04:43
stan7its  a supplier web sites, its not mine04:43
stan7but i was trying to look some products04:44
brenster21than it is the supplier website being down04:44
stan7so the issue is from their server?04:44
stan7not my computer?04:44
brenster21i believe so post the link to the site so i can see04:44
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brenster21bashing-om exit code 0x00000007f00 end kernal panic04:47
ubuntusecHi. Are there any guides to tighten the security of an Ubuntu server? I added ssh keys, added firewall buy apart from them, I didn't do anything. What are some changes I can make to improve my security?04:48
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Bashing-ombrenster21: Well ! we know the file system is intact, we know it is not a graphic's driver issue, nor do I think it is a bootloader problem. bout all I can come up with is that the initramfs is corrupted . rebuilding the initramfs will be a rather lenghy thing .04:51
brenster21could i install ubuntu on my windows parition and then link it to the file system?04:52
ubuntusecone stone, two birds04:53
* brenster21 whistles04:55
Bashing-ombrenster21: Windows file systems are NTFS, ubuntu is ext4. so no can dio ext4 in NTFS .04:55
SporkWitchbrenster21: you could, but you shouldn't04:56
SporkWitchBashing-om: NTFS r/w support has been fine for something like a decade now; it should be possible, just dumb04:56
SporkWitchbrenster21: you can set up an entry in /etc/fstab to automount the windows partition so you can access it from linux easily, though04:57
brenster21wait sporkwitch do you use sporks to do witchcraft or is your witchcraft the creation of sporks?04:57
SporkWitchthe former04:57
Bashing-omSporkWitch: What we have here is that ubuntu can not boot .04:57
nikolammatjam, just listing 'zfs to blacklist module didn't work, I needed to uninstall zfs packages and now I can boot, logged in and running dpkg --configure -a04:57
brenster21bashing-om if you dont think it is worth trying to fix i will just reformat the section04:57
SporkWitchBashing-om: i just saw the query about sharing a partition; didn't realize it was part of troubleshooting something else04:58
matjamnikolam: usually its a matter of adding the module to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf04:59
Bashing-ombrenster21: That us your call .. I am all for fixing .. but at this point .. I am at rebuilding initramfs .. Will take a full change root from the liveUSB.04:59
nikolammatjam, yes, maybe I should add something else, but only 'zfs' to it.04:59
nikolamI uninstalled it anyway04:59
brenster21what does "I am rebuilding mean?" (i mean time wise 5 hours or 10?)05:00
brenster21if you think it can be done then i am up for it05:00
ubuntusecDoes anyone enable Selinux on their Ubuntu system?05:00
SporkWitchwhile fixing is nice, once you hit the 6 hour mark i find it's generally best to back up /home and start a fresh install, at least on workstations05:00
SporkWitchservers are, of course, something different05:00
matjamnikolam: have you had a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux to see if any of the bugs there match your experience?05:01
brenster21this is just plex torrents and znc. nohing that cant be replaced already backed up my torrent progra05:01
ubuntusecAnyone of you enable selinux on your Ubuntu?05:01
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matjam!patience ubuntusec05:01
SporkWitchbrenster21: i'd just nuke it at that point if having it working is more important than the satisfaction of knowing the root cause05:01
nikolamhmm, actually i used 'blacklist' file instead of blacklist.conf. That's the mistake I think and should say 'blacklist xy'05:02
ubuntusecmatjam: I was modifying my question05:02
SlidingHorn!selinux | ubuntusec05:03
ubottuubuntusec: SELinux is available on Ubuntu, but not officially supported. Ubuntu uses another security framework by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor05:03
matjamubuntusec: I think if you google your question you'll find some good general recommendations. Ubuntu is fairly secure out of the box.05:03
Bashing-ombrenster21: As you have backups .. you can RE-install and be back up in 30 minutes .05:04
brenster21bashing-om i think i am going to do that05:04
ubuntusecSlidingHorn: thx05:04
brenster21thank you very much for your time and effort05:04
Bashing-ombrenster21: A vallient effort .. and we can continue, but even now we do not know the root of the faulure .05:06
brenster21i feel like you want to continue, but to be frank i am exhausted and i need my server running tomorrow at noon for my cousins birthday sleepover05:06
Bashing-ombrenster21: The nuclear solution always works :)05:07
brenster21true bashing-om is there any way i can thank you for your valient support05:08
SporkWitchbrenster21: if you have the media on an external drive, you could also install plex on another machine temporarily; i had to do that because this laptop is dying of old age and occasionally the HDD poops itself and ends up read-only lol05:08
Bashing-ombrenster21: Pass it on down the line - we are all in this together.05:08
SporkWitchget it fixed and you can always move it back (though you do lose your custom changes and what's watched info, unless you back up those DBs)05:08
brenster21While i do have the media on another machine, my day to day stuff is on it and my wifi card is crap05:08
ubuntusecmatjam: do you know any features or settings that Ubuntu doesn't enable by default for usability? I want to get maximum security possible but also I am new to this05:09
brenster21sporkwitch how do i back up the plex database?05:09
SporkWitchbrenster21: i've never bothered, you'd have to ask #plex05:09
Bashing-om!security | ubuntusec05:09
ubottuubuntusec: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall, !server, and !usn05:09
matjamubuntusec: OS security is generally well provided by the defaults. However, you can weaken things easily by not following general guidelines such as installing applications that are insecure or using insecure passwords, etc.05:10
matjamubuntusec: also, obviously, keeping your system up to date is very important.05:11
SlidingHornubuntusec: maximum security = unplug internet & lock the machine in a closet...security is always going to be a case-by-case situation and a balance between security & usability.05:11
matjamubuntusec: if you want to know what kinds of things that Ubuntu does for security, this is a good read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features05:12
brenster21ok thank you sporkwitch, also do i get into sporkmagic?05:13
matjamubuntusec: beyond what the OS provides, it is typically not a good idea to go and make "security hardening" changes to your system without fully understanding what each one does. You will find many guides on the internet that will suggest making certain changes, but I suggest you learn more about the system and how it works before you start implementing any of those changes, as they may leave you with a05:14
matjambroken or non-functional system.05:14
SporkWitchsetting up u2f is pretty easy and offers a nice barrier against remote privilege escalation; unless you're running servers on the machine, there's not a whole lot you need or could really do05:16
matjamubuntusec: You also need to understand that security is also quite dependent on the context the machine is being used in. A desktop system on a private network behind a firewalling NAT gateway is not typically vulnerable to remote exploits, whereas a system running Apache with a PHP application exposed to the Internet would be at higher risk.05:19
matjamthough it should be noted that Deskop machines are also targetted using other types of exploits05:20
matjamwhich is why you patch your stuff05:20
ubuntusecmatjam: thanks. I am running a small server that is open to the internet.05:23
Two_Dogsmatjam: what if i airgap it and chickenwire it?05:24
matjamubuntusec: so, personal recommendation, from someone who does that a lot. a) only use SSH key authentation. b) don't listen on any ports other than what your app requires. c) keep your app updated. If its something like Wordpress, thats vital.05:25
matjamubuntusec: what is the server doing? Hosting a website?05:25
DraegonI'm running a dual monitor system, and I want to tie the graphics tablet to only one monitor, and stop any circles coming out as egg shaped. Is there any way to do this? I'm running Ubuntu 16.0405:25
SporkWitchlol wordpress; may as well hang a "hack this box" sign on it05:26
matjam(ubuntusec: ie, disable password authentication in sshd_config)05:26
matjamSporkWitch: indeed05:26
matjamI run wordpress, in a vm, on the server, so if it ever gets hacked the damage is contained. Probably should run it in docker these days.05:27
ubuntusecmatjam: yeah, I added ssh keys and disabled password authentication.05:27
matjamdocker, in a vm, on a RO OS05:27
nikolammatjam, Thanks for pointing to the zfs bug list, I think it's something new, it says"[ 40.811792] VERIFY3(0 == remove_reference(hdr,  ((void *)0), tag)) failed (0 = 0)  [ 40.811856] PANIC at arc.c:3084:arc_buf_destroy()05:27
matjamnikolam: yikes. Did you do take a look at this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs05:28
matjamthere's a lot of useful information on how to collect all the information required to help the maintainer track down the bug05:29
matjam(though, that err message is pretty clear lol)05:29
nikolammatjam, ok, seems like I would need to report it.05:30
matjamnikolam: I think you should, sounds serious05:30
nikolamI previously had an 17.10>18.04 updated systema and zfs worked just fine importing newer zfs pool. This is fresh 18.4 install and importing an older ZFS pool. Ok, I will, thanks matjam05:31
matjamnikolam: thank you for reporting the bug!05:32
brenster21thank you for your help05:35
linux_noobiananyone else have tracker-miner-fs installed on 18.04? i read it wasn't installed by default but it is on mine and eats up cpu05:45
SlidingHorn!info tracker-miner-fs05:47
ubottutracker-miner-fs (source: tracker-miners): metadata database, indexer and search tool - filesystem indexer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.4-1 (bionic), package size 72 kB, installed size 269 kB05:47
SlidingHornlinux_noobian: you can always    sudo apt remove tracker-miner-fs05:48
matjamlinux_noobian: its running on mine, and uses no cpu for me05:48
linux_noobianSlidingHorn: ok, wasn't sure if i'd break something05:48
linux_noobianmatjam: it's not now but it was and i noticed it really slowed me down when steam was loading a game from my ntfs partition. i assume it was wanting to index it?05:49
matjampossibly, I wonder if there is a way to make it ignore a particular filesystem path05:49
matjama bit of an old answer but might be on the right track05:50
matjamI dunno, I tend to disable indexing things in any OS when its invasive05:50
matjamwould be annoyed if it started indexing my company's massive smb server05:50
matjamover my vpn05:51
SporkWitchcan't see why something like that would have defaults that index remote paths05:54
matjamnah it wouldn't05:54
linux_noobianmatjam: i don't have a tracker config there. supposedly there was a gui option but it's not in the repos anymore05:55
matjamgsettings get org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-directories05:55
matjamgsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-directories "['po', 'CVS', 'core-dumps', 'lost+found', '/my/excluded/directory']"05:55
matjamworks for me05:56
linux_noobianmatjam: realized i have dconf editor installed. i see relevant settings. thanks05:59
matjamlinux_noobian: no worries05:59
matjamlinux_noobian: I'd file a bug; I don't know if thats desirable behaviour. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs06:00
linux_noobiani am a linux noob so rather not. there might be something i did wrong somewhere. though i did find a bug with nautilus, back button doesn't work in list view. not sure if it's intended or not because pcmanfm also does the same thing06:02
DraegonI'm running Ubuntu 16.04 on a dual monitor system, kernel version is 4.4.0-124-generic, and the system is updated every day (when updates available). I want to tie my graphics tablet to only one monitor. It is a standard tablet connected via USB cable (no onboard OS), Ugee HK 1060Pro, comparible stats to Ugee M708 on Digimend GitHub. Is there any way to do this?06:03
matjamlinux_noobian: maybe a feature request: provide a UI for managing indexing settings :-)06:06
linux_noobianmatjam: there is/was one in the repos but i guess not anymore. users having too many options (control) seems against Gnome philosophy06:09
matjamDraegon: something like https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Multi-pointer_X but it doesn't look like the feature is complete yet.06:09
matjamlinux_noobian: yeah I noticed. I feel like less control is ok as long as the defaults are sane.06:09
matjamI don't know if scanning everything on your ntfs partition is sane.06:10
linux_noobiani agree but finding a file manager with sane defaults... is such a thing even possible?06:10
linux_noobianpcmanfm seems great but it kind of lacks where nautilus picks up06:11
linux_noobiani tried those two. any other good ones? tried dolphin on kde, works well but it's discouraged to use kde apps on gnome, right? or there's possible incompatibilities?06:11
matjamnah You can them either which way06:12
matjamof course if your kda app is looking for kde specific features it might not find them06:12
matjamand you can end up with a bunch of kde stuff running because you loaded a kde app :P06:12
matjambackend daemons etc06:13
matjamI dunno06:13
matjamI've never had a real problem, I used to use a kde C IDE a lot back in the day06:13
linux_noobianproper full url in address bar would be great as well as more context menu creation. trying to get peazip context menu entries in nautilus and it didn't work06:14
Two_Dogslinux_noobian: there is no reason why a kde app cant be used on gnone other than graphics glitch, and qt5ct fixes that06:14
linux_noobiannvm on the scripts, got it to work06:17
Draegonmatjam: Thanks for the link. I've saved it for reference. While reading it (trying to understand what it means), it says it allows multiple mouse cursors each with it's own keyboard focus. What does that mean in comparison to what I'm trying to do?06:17
linux_noobianyeah, i installed qt5ct and played around with make color themes06:17
matjamDraegon: well you need X to recognise each input device separately and give you a separate cursor, I think, and maybe whatever application you use needs to support that06:18
matjamDraegon: seems unlikely to be honest06:18
matjam(I don't use tablets, so I don't know)06:18
DraegonIs there no real support for tablets in ubuntu?06:19
matjamnot what I said06:19
matjamI said, handling it as two separate devices is probably not going to work06:19
matjambut I dont know06:19
matjamplug them in and find out06:19
DraegonI'm just wondering, because I was reading the github page for Digimend, it hasn't been updated since 2015.06:20
matjamDraegon: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/wacom.html06:20
matjamthats wacom specific but it might apply to all tablets.06:20
matjamor you might need something special to make your tablet look like a wacom06:21
matjamor you might need some special tool to make your tablet work at all06:21
matjamplug it in, and see if it works06:21
linux_noobiananyone use guake or something like that? is it stable? i tried it once and the overlay seemed to interfere with my game but i'd love if something like this was stable06:22
DraegonThanks for the link. I have looked at the Wacom Tablet setting in System Settings, just says no tablet detected.06:22
matjamdoesn't look like the Ugee is supported out of the box06:24
matjamyou probably need to contact the manufacturer06:24
matjamand ask about linux support06:24
DraegonI have connected it, it "works", however the main problems, any circle/angle comes out more of an egg shape rather than circular, there is no pen pressure being detected, and the hot keys don't work.06:24
Two_DogsDraegon: look at the output of> journalctl --dmesg --pri=3 ## any hints?06:24
Draegonmatjam: I have, that was my first port of call, they offer no support at all for linux.06:25
DraegonTwo_Dogs: is that a Terminal command?06:25
Two_DogsDraegon: via terminal, yes, look at the output of> journalctl --dmesg --pri=3 ## any hints?06:26
Two_DogsDraegon: also, archwiki has a good wiki on tablets if you dont find help in ubuntu-wiki06:28
matjamDraegon: the kernel drivers for your tablet might already be in the kernel, they just might need some coaxing to work properly. Have you looked at http://digimend.github.io/support/06:29
matjamDraegon: specifically the xf86-input-wacom stuff06:29
DraegonTwo_Dogs: I have looked at some parts of Digimend, just looking for my previous notes.06:30
DraegonTwo_Dogs: I have tried that page before, when I was running Ubuntu 14.04 It did manage to re-map 2 of the 8 hot keys, but nothing else. I have looked at the commands, and the details on the page, it's dealing with Wacom and Waltop tablets/drivers.06:41
DraegonUsing "lsusb" and "sinput list" my tablet is listed as "UC-LOIC TABLET 1060". I'm not sure how to edit the file it refers to, to make it work with mine.06:42
matjamDraegon: Suggest you post to https://github.com/DIGImend/digimend-kernel-drivers/issues as I don't think anyone here has experience with tablets and it looks like you need specific help with your specific hardware.06:42
Two_DogsDraegon: lots of google hits https://goo.gl/vhRGuX06:44
matjamDraegon: https://github.com/DIGImend/digimend-kernel-drivers/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue++1060+ shows a bunch of issues raised that might be relevant to you06:44
DraegonOK. Thank you. I'll make a post there, and check out the google links.06:45
Two_DogsDraegon: share the output of 'lsusb' via pastebin06:45
DraegonTwo_Dogs, you mean when I make the post on Github?06:46
Two_DogsDraegon: no, i mean here06:46
DraegonI can't access my pastebin account for the moment, however, https://gist.github.com/CelticDraegon/91e02feec6a7e19ff448fbe373a34ce106:52
Two_DogsDraegon: gist is fine06:55
DraegonTwo_Dogs: Also, you asked about the output from journalctl, that was https://gist.github.com/CelticDraegon/f4a3fc66a885dc82ecd3e8a977161f6606:56
Two_DogsDraegon: are you using the digimend driver?07:01
DraegonI haven't installed any other driver, other than what was shipped with Ubuntu 16.04.07:02
DraegonI didn't want to install something, if it won't work07:02
Two_Dogs5543:0081 <-- that is the chip-id for your tablet Draegon , digimend github tablet page shows that id and says to install their driver, i would heed their advice07:04
matjamTwo_Dogs: I think the kernel mainline has the drivers installed, it just needs the right configuration07:05
Two_DogsDraegon: share output of 'lsmod | grep -i hid' via gist07:06
matjamTwo_Dogs: /lib/modules/4.15.0-20-generic/kernel/drivers/hid/hid-uclogic.ko07:07
Two_Dogsmatjam: thats the one i was seeing too, great, that part is done, Draegon07:07
DraegonTwo_Dogs: https://gist.github.com/CelticDraegon/bd8be593410f50da62e684ea41df90c007:08
copper_is it possible to know if anyone pinging me?07:09
matjamcopper_: wireshark / tshark07:09
matjamcopper_: but if your machine is behind a NAT gateway, the NAT gateway will be responding to ping, not your machine.07:09
matjam(most people are behind a NAT gateway)07:10
copper_Nat gatewaY?07:10
matjamyour ISP router/cable modem/etc07:11
copper_i see.07:11
matjamthe thing you plug into to get internet access07:11
matjamit's the thing with the public IP address assigned07:11
fishcookerwhat happen with my sdb1... is that failed or...? https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/92DMgHXF/my%20raid107:11
matjamfishcooker: looks like your mirror is missing a drive07:13
Two_DogsDraegon: i dont see the module loaded, matjam shouldnt the module show on lsmod?07:14
fishcookermatjam: is my /dev/sdb ok ... how to troubleshoot it?07:14
Two_DogsDraegon: what kernel you using?07:14
copper_matjam,can you help me providing tips for closing all of the protocol ?07:14
matjamTwo_Dogs: so sometimes what happens is the device IDs get used by two vendors, and udev decides to load the wrong driver or nothing at all07:14
fishcookerDraegon: 3.13.0-115-generic07:15
matjamcopper_: sorry, we can't support configuration of your ISP modem. But unless you've opened ports manually, it's probably fine.07:15
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Draegonfishcooker: ???07:15
Two_DogsDraegon: what kernel you using?07:16
DraegonTwo_Dogs: 4.4.0-124-generic07:16
matjamdid you do a lsusb yet draegon?07:16
matjamcopper_: what about it?07:16
Two_DogsDraegon: what version of ubuntu?07:16
copper_-to close my ports...,matjam07:17
matjamcopper_: look at your router configuration. Again, we don't support your router.07:18
matjam(and you probably don't need to do anything as they are closed by default)07:18
Two_DogsDraegon: install the driver from the github page as i previously shared, you dont have the driver now installed07:18
matjamyeah, thought he was running 18.0407:19
copper_thnx for ur co-operation!,matjam07:19
matjamis the kernel backported yet07:19
Two_DogsDraegon: any reason you cant upgrade to current ubuntu?07:20
cfhowlettmight want to wait for 18.4.107:20
matjamdepends how desperate he is to get the tablet working07:21
DraegonTheoretically, no. Is 18.04 automatically supporting tablets?07:21
cfhowlettwait --- TABLET07:21
Two_Dogsmatjam: the kernel you mentioned is the first instance of the module being introduced?07:21
matjaminput device07:21
cfhowlettso ubuntu-touch?07:21
matjamgraphics tablet07:21
matjamlike a wacom07:21
matjamTwo_Dogs: Its the kernel I'm running, it has the module07:22
Two_Dogsmatjam: ok07:22
matjamDraegon: can you do an lsusb?07:23
Two_DogsDraegon: via terminal> locate hid-uclogic ## get hit?07:23
Draegonmatjam: https://gist.github.com/CelticDraegon/91e02feec6a7e19ff448fbe373a34ce107:24
DraegonTwo_dogs: yes, 3 lines, you want another gist of the output?07:25
Two_DogsDraegon: sure07:26
matjamTwo_Dogs: https://github.com/DIGImend/digimend-kernel-drivers/issues/7907:27
matjamTwo_Dogs: grep for 5543:008107:27
Two_Dogsmatjam: where?07:27
Two_Dogsits in lsusb07:27
DraegonTwo_Dogs: https://gist.github.com/CelticDraegon/99f5e36a1b697ca65b99b8e7e371150007:27
matjamscroll down, near the bottom, dude gets it working07:27
matjamand he's running 16.0407:27
Two_Dogsmatjam: yeah, but that was after the modules were loaded07:28
matjamhe built the driver from source07:28
Two_Dogsaint loaded now07:28
Two_Dogsi looked07:29
matjamso maybe if he does what that dude did. will work07:29
Two_Dogslike install driver ala github?07:29
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matjamshame dude did not paste working config07:30
matjambut I think you can construct it from the comments07:30
Two_Dogsthere is a ref to #26 and its spelled out there07:30
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matjamI asked him to post his config, in case we don't get it working07:30
matjamoh, good.07:30
Two_DogsDraegon: share /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:32
Two_DogsDraegon: so i understand, you attached the tablet, and have not added any package what so ever other than the default installed system packages, yes?07:33
DraegonI have installed some software.07:34
DraegonI'm looking for the file you just asked.07:34
Two_Dogslike wacom?07:34
Two_DogsDraegon: do> gist-paste -s /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:34
DraegonKrita, Variety (wallpaper changer), Geany, OBS, XnView07:35
Two_DogsDraegon: ok07:35
UDworkerHi, anyone can install docker-ce on ubuntu 18.04 ?07:35
UDworkerfrom deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu bionic stable07:35
matjamUDworker: I see no packages in https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/bionic/pool/stable/amd64/07:38
matjamso you'd need to use edge, or nightly or test.07:38
UDworkerErf ok thanks07:39
darthrockeri have an external hdd that will show up using lsusb but not lsblk07:41
darthrockernot fdisk -l07:42
matjamTwo_Dogs: so its loading the driver, just probably needs some config07:42
sliddisMy network icon is gone, aswell as my wireless icon in the top right menu. Anybody else seen this? https://imgur.com/a/5jKnc3A07:42
matjamsliddis: yes, when installing icon packs07:43
sliddisThe wireless menu entry is missing07:44
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sliddisnot just icon07:44
matjamsliddis: I've also seen that when I've messed around with /etc/network/interfaces and configured manual stuff07:45
Two_Dogsmatjam: loading evdev driver07:46
matjamnetwork-manager goes "oh, fine, do it yourself"07:46
darthrockerwhat other commands can i use to try to get it to mount?07:46
matjamdarthrocker: is the disk being assigned a /dev/sdX device when you look at dmesg07:46
matjamsounds bad then07:47
matjamI know of no fu to fix that07:47
matjambad cable or bad drive07:47
matjammaybe a bad port07:47
matjamcould be a bad enclosure07:48
matjamhad an enclosure fail once07:48
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matjamdarthrocker: yeah that looks bad, the resets and the timeouts07:50
matjamlooks like it's detecting the drive it just can't communicate with it fully07:51
matjamsmartctl might tell you more07:52
sliddismatjam: yeah removing my manually static config in network and restarting nnetwork manager made the network entry work correctly. the wifi menu entry is still missing though07:53
matjamsliddis: might need a reboot07:54
darthrockersliddis can i ask a dumb question? have you tried nmcli ?07:55
sliddisdarthrocker: i dont know what nmcli is07:56
voiterhow can i create a new file in the file manager when there is no white space left to right-click?07:56
voiteruhm, well, how can i create a new file at all07:57
sliddisvoiter: permissions? :)07:57
darthrockersliddis nm(NetworkManager)cli(CommandLineInteface)07:59
sliddisdarthrocker: no I havent tried that. What did you think of?08:00
alkisgHi, could someone on 18.04/firefox 60.0, check if https://paste.debian.net/ shows "invalid certificate"? I.e. if it's a general problem in Ubuntu/Firefox or if it's just me?08:01
darthrockerif your using wifi ... it would be somethign like "sudo nmcli d connect <essid> <password> <interface>08:02
darthrockerthats all i use08:02
sliddisdarthrocker: ok, im not intrested in using that. The settings app shows both network and wireless properly though08:02
matjamalkisg: looks ok to me08:03
alkisgmatjam: thanks, I think it's related to an expired alioth certificate that I have from debian...08:03
carpediembabyHello, I am trying to setup hibernate on 18.04 but need some help. systemctl hibernate gives: "Failed to hibernate system via logind: Sleep verb not supported". And "cat /sys/power/disk" gives "shutdown reboot suspend test_resume"08:04
lotuspsychjemorning alkisg :p08:04
matjamalkisg: both firefox, chrome is ok.08:04
carpediembabyand sudo swapon -s gives "/swapfile                              file    20971480-2"08:05
matjamalkisg: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=paste.debian.net&s=2a01%3a4f8%3a130%3a53c9%3a0%3a0%3a0%3a2&latest08:05
alkisgGood morning lotuspsychje! :)08:05
DraegonTwo_Dogs: My apologies, I'm not finding this easy. I lost the url, finally found it. Have downloaded the 2 files, 1 is .deb the other is .tar.gz Do you need to be installed, unpacked, or something else? Also, the page says: Before upgrading, remove the old driver version by executing "sudo make uninstall" from the source tree of that driver.08:14
matjami'm heading to bed. Good night folks. Good luck Draegon Two_Dogs08:17
oerheksnot bad, platz.08:18
Draegonmatjam: Thanks for you help & have a good night.08:18
ghost2911Hello people. What is the best and fast way to create a multiboot usb stick with multiple OSs like linux, windowses, also Proxmox. thanks08:22
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jcduttonghost2911, just use a image that already does it.08:22
lotuspsychjeghost2911: multisystem i used in the past08:22
oerheksmany tools to do so,.. but with windows.. not sure you can08:24
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ghost2911thanks lotuspsychje, I'll give a try to multisystem08:25
lotuspsychjeghost2911: i like the idea of jcdutton aswell, alot of AOI multi iso's out there with collection of Os08:26
jcduttonYou can get boot usb to windows, normally the pre-install environment only though. Not a complete windows08:28
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DraegonTwo_Dogs: are you still around?08:36
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ghihow to get the second to the maximum number from a set?08:41
jcduttonghi, can't you work that out yourself?08:43
confluencyghi: that doesn't sound like an Ubuntu support question.08:46
ghioh sorry wrong channel08:47
john_ramboHow do I check SSD health ? Never done this before08:51
mancman3john_rambo: open disk, then press ctrl && S for smart08:54
jcduttonjohn_rambo, smartctl -a /dev/sda    < sda being the disk08:55
john_rambomancman3, Is my disk okay ? https://ibb.co/kankgJ08:57
munkijohn_rambo: your disk is fine :>08:59
mancman3john_rambo: it is ok for now, just make sure to keep backing up important stuff08:59
john_rambojcdutton, https://paste2.org/J6CZH69n09:00
john_rambomunki, Okay/Thanks09:00
john_rambomancman3, why do you say that ? Is there any indication of failure ?09:01
mancman3It is always good practice to backup important stuff. hardware failure can happen at any time.09:01
jcduttonjohn_rambo, looks ok to me, what problems do you have with it?09:01
john_rambojcdutton, No problem ... Just checking in advance09:02
john_ramboOkay ... Thanks to all09:02
LachezarHey all. Upgraded to Xubuntu 18.04 yesterday. Firefox does not start: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HM68nQBWzP/09:05
LachezarPlease advise!09:05
LachezarRunning "firefox --no-remote" seems to disable the DBus integration and it runs fine.09:05
LachezarFine = Runs, but no integration with OS or other applications.09:05
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lifeboyUbuntu 18.04: Installed only openjdk-8-jre and icedtea-8-plugin, yet I persistently get "Unsupported major.minor version 51.0".  Anyone else that expereinces this?09:07
lifeboyMore importantly, is this a bug or how can I fix this?  I have tried a lot of options, installed all available version of OpenJDK, but no difference09:08
munkiLachezar: tried reinstalling firefox ?09:09
Lachezarmunki: Like how? "apt-get purge" + "apt-get install"?09:09
munkiLachezar: apt-get install --reinstall firefox09:10
Lachezarmunki: No change whatsoever.09:11
LachezarStarting Firefox in safe mode also crashes with the same error.09:13
ledenilifeboy, did you try sudo update-alternatives --config java to set version09:15
longwordDoes your Firefox say it's 51.0?09:15
longwordIt ought to be 59.x09:15
LachezarFirefox is 60.0 (64-битово издание)09:15
ledenilifeboy,  try-->sudo update-alternatives --config java09:16
LachezarFirefox package version: 60.0+build2-0ubuntu109:16
LachezarHm. Running firefox with '--profile /tmp/blank-directory' works, but not with any existing profiles. This is scary.09:17
lifeboyledeni, yes, I did, but it shows only java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java installed09:17
Lachezarlifeboy: From the console: java -version shows what?09:17
jcduttonlifeboy, that means that the java app was compiled for a different version of java09:18
Lachezarlifeboy: Check if you haev a JAVA_HOME environment set: echo $JAVA_HOME09:18
lifeboyopenjdk version "1.8.0_171"09:18
longwordLach, filesystem permissions on or within your home directory maybe?09:18
lifeboyjcdutton, yes, I realise that, but if I have only openjdk-8-jre installed with icedtea-8, then I should not get that error09:19
Lachezarlongword: Can't find any problems with those. All files/directories in the profile are mine and haev u+rw09:20
lifeboyLachezar, not I don't have $JAVA_HOME.09:20
lifeboyLachezar, I have never need to set this, since Ubuntu 14.04 or earlier, suddenly in 18.04 I get this error.09:21
Lachezarlifeboy: Yes, I can see that being frustrating, but th eissue might be completely different. What are you trying to run, and how do you run it?09:23
LachezarOK. Weirdness just got real. "firefox" crashes, but "firefox --profile /home/lachezar/.mozilla/firefox/ProfileDirectory" works.09:24
lifeboyLachezar, I try to run remote server consoles.  Sun, Super Micro and HP servers.  They launch in either FF or Palemoon (for older Sun ILOMs).09:26
Lachezarlifeboy: Oh. An Applet in Firefox?!?!09:26
lifeboyI can also save the file and then run "javaws launch.jnlp"09:26
orahello, I have ubuntu 18 , and my system in init system mount /dev/sdc2  in /media/ora/CONTENT how to change because my sistem when init mount /dev/sdc2 in(for example) /media/dank . I know to unmount and mount but what file need to modify for init mount in I want?09:27
Lachezarlifeboy: Java Web Start has different JVM settings.09:27
Lachezarora: man fstab09:27
lifeboyLachezar, I'm just testing javaws for now with "javaws -console", but I can't even launch that.09:28
Lachezarlifeboy: It's part of the icedtea packages09:28
Lachezarlifeboy: Do you have 'itweb-settings' in .../openjdk.../bin?09:30
ghost2911lotuspsychje, I setup multisystem. Sometimes with some images (ISO) I cannot add them to my multiboot usb, it says ERROR ISO not supported for now, for ex RHEL-server-dvd.iso09:31
ghost2911the same for proxmox (4 and 5). but Ubuntu server for ex or gparted was fine09:32
LachezarHm. My problem with Firefox might be that my profile's name is not in Latin letters.09:33
LachezarHm. Seems like it: "firefox -P 'Моят Профил'" crashes, while "firefox -P 'My Profile'" works.09:34
oerheksghost2911, ask in the redhat channel?09:34
oerheksnot really an ubuntu issue, is it?09:34
lifeboyLachezar, I just deleted some files by accident I should not have.  Once I have ti all back, I'll report back09:38
Lachezarlifeboy: Condolences.09:39
DraegonTwo_Dogs: Are you here? I installed the driver. Absolute nothing. The light on the tablet recognises the pen being used. Nothing on screen, buttons don't work, the pen don't work, nothing.09:39
Two_DogsDraegon: installed how?09:40
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DraegonClicked the .deb file, Ubuntu Software opened, and installed09:40
Two_DogsDraegon: you saying you have less capability than before install?09:41
Two_Dogswhat file exactly was installed?09:42
Two_DogsDraegon: share the content of /var/log/apt/term.log09:43
bipulHow to check the public and private key integrity? Since I have lot of keys, And i am not sure which  private key matches it's public key?09:45
oerhekssomething about digiment issues are fixed in the v7 release, https://github.com/DIGImend/digimend-kernel-drivers/issues/86 > Add support for building with v4.4 and newer kernels.09:45
TomyWorkCommand not found.09:47
DraegonTwo_Dogs: ttps://gist.github.com/CelticDraegon/314b4cd0241b9f5df4acbc91c22f48db09:48
kiriuha1Command not found09:48
lifeboyLachezar, nothing too serious.  I just deleted everything in /usr/lib/jvm/, which I didn't really want to do, but I reinstalled openjdk-8-jre and icedtea and java-common.  Now I see residue of jrel.6.0.0_21.09:48
lifeboywhen I run javaws -console09:48
oerhekskiriuha1, i am sure that is not the whole error, is says something about you should installing htop, no?09:49
lifeboyYour custom JRE /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.6.0_21 read from deployment.properties under key deployment.jre.dir as /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.6.0_21 is not valid.09:50
Lachezarlifeboy: There's your problem :)09:50
troozersHi all, I think I *may* have messed up group permissions when I modified groups for myself.  I thought I had put everything back but I am getting a "permission denied" when inserting a usb disk.  My Ubuntu 18.04 system can't create the /media/username folder09:50
troozerswhat am i missing?09:50
oerheksjava 1.6 .. wow, that is old, ask for an update09:50
Two_DogsDraegon: you installed via dpkg -i ?09:51
Lachezarlifeboy: Open the Java WS configuration and remove the stale JVM.09:51
lifeboyoerheks, I recall I needed to install that because the java devs ignore that that there are old apps that need to run and can't be practically updated.  Like sun-ilom remote console for example09:52
Draegonnot via terminal, just double clicking, it loaded and ran in Ubuntu Software09:52
kiriuha1has joined #ubuntu09:52
Two_DogsDraegon: share output of> lsmod | grep -i hid09:52
Two_DogsDraegon: ok, install via gdebi09:52
jcduttonDraegon, what sort of device are you having problems with. Is it a USB device?09:52
lifeboyLachezar, hehe, if it was that simple I'd have done it long ago.09:52
Two_DogsDraegon: see oerheks comments?09:53
kiriuha1deltree c:\09:53
DraegonYes. I see it. The output u wanted. https://gist.github.com/CelticDraegon/fff367497bf2e687e24e5307d7e5c0e809:55
oerheks!ot > kiriuha109:55
ubottukiriuha1, please see my private message09:55
Draegonjcdutton: Yes, USB graphics tablet (no onboard os, basic tablet)09:56
Two_DogsDraegon: share /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:56
kiriuha1installed linux mint09:57
Lachezarlifeboy: the itweb-settings should be what you need.09:59
Lachezarlifeboy: Also. You *migh* just remove ~/.java/deployment/deployment.properties or even ~/.java/deployment, or even ~/.java *AFTER* *BACKUP*10:01
Two_DogsDraegon: i am blind or the tablet is not mentioned on xorg log10:02
Two_DogsDraegon: yet the module now appears in lsmod10:03
DraegonDo u still want me to install with gdebi ?10:04
Two_DogsDraegon: share output of 'lsusb'10:04
Two_DogsDraegon: no, you did install the deb via click, yes?10:05
Two_DogsDraegon: share output of 'lsusb'10:06
Draegonoutput https://gist.github.com/CelticDraegon/aa78e74f1803369d8a3c537dc68a353110:07
fddsafsdhi I'm getting this10:09
fddsafsdErr:9 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty Release10:09
fddsafsd  404  Not Found [IP: 80]10:09
fddsafsdany help ?10:09
Two_DogsDraegon: since the install have you rebooted?10:10
fddsafsdsudo do-release-upgrade10:10
fddsafsdChecking for a new Ubuntu release10:10
fddsafsdNo new release found.   (even though I'm on 17.04)10:10
oerheksfddsafsd, good10:11
ubottuUbuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html10:11
oerhekstime to do the !eolupgrade trick10:11
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:11
Two_DogsDraegon: the tablet is not mentioned on xorg log, why i dont know, use synaptic to remove all the deb you installed, search for the name without '.deb'10:12
Two_DogsDraegon: then check that dkms does not show the module using> dkms status10:13
Two_DogsDraegon: then install the v7 deb, i dont know where else to go with this, i have never had to troubleshoot a tablet of my own10:14
DraegonMark for removal or complete removal ?10:15
Two_DogsDraegon: complete removal10:15
Draegondkms status, in terminal, or synaptic?10:16
lifeboyLachezar, I have now been able run "javaws -viewer" and although the config complains about non-existent java6, it proceeds to run with openjdk-810:16
Two_DogsDraegon: terminal10:16
Draegonnothing, no output, it just jumps straight to another flashing cursor, is that what it is supposed to do?10:18
lifeboyLachezar, ~/.java/deployment/deployment.properties does not exist10:19
lifeboyah, but /home/roland/.config/icedtea-web/deployment.properties does exist10:20
Two_DogsDraegon: ok, reboot, then try v7, you tried asking in #wacom channel?10:21
fddsafsdman I updated the source.list for archived EOL list like you've provided in that link10:21
DraegonNot yet.10:22
mohan43uI need help, I need to know how ubuntu sets org.gnome.desktop.interface.gtk-theme='Ambiance'?10:22
fddsafsdand I did "sudo apt update, upgrade and do-dist-upgrade10:22
DraegonJust about to download the v7 file10:22
fddsafsdand it still says there's no dist upgrade10:22
fddsafsdI can't get rid of 17.0410:22
fddsafsddo-release-upgrade says No new release found10:22
lifeboyWhile I'm here then: How can I force old .jnlp apps to run with Java 8, 9 or 11?10:22
jcduttonlifeboy, can you re-compile them?10:23
lifeboyjcdutton, the apps?10:23
DraegonSame as previous, a .deb & .tar.gz any preference to which download and install ?10:23
lifeboyLike I said before, they are remote consoles on servers...10:23
lifeboyOracle's bastard way of forcing sales of new servers is to refuse update to them...10:24
mohan43uthere is no files inside /etc/dconf/user.d/ /usr/share/dconf/user.d/ or .conf/dconf/user.d/ but still ubuntu is able to override gtk-theme from 'Advaitha' to 'Ambviance'. how?10:24
fddsafsdholy shit ok I had to add the bionic archive source lists as well10:24
fddsafsdwhy isnt anybody mentioning thi s10:24
lifeboyjcdutton, so it's safe to assume they can't be re-compiled.10:25
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fddsafsdok it still says theres no new release10:25
fddsafsdwhat's going on10:25
jcduttonlifeboy, arn't they just xml files, you can edit10:25
fddsafsdok I had to upgrade it as well.... wow 1 gb10:26
fddsafsddamn son10:26
fddsafsdI'm helping myself10:26
GenZaiI'm stuck during the upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04   https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/66875210:27
mohan43uthe default valie for gtk-them in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.interface.gschema.xml file is 'Adwaitha' but when I run gsettings, it shows gtk-theme as 'Ambviance'10:28
GenZaiIt says "The upgrade will continue but the 'menu' package may not be in a working state" But it doesn't continue ;(10:28
fddsafsddamn GenZai thats a sad part to get stuck at10:30
fddsafsdyou might even have to format your pc10:30
fddsafsdafter that file corruption, cause youre forced to reset it there10:31
jcduttonGenZai, The upgrade to 18.04 seems to break for quite a few people.10:31
fddsafsdit broke many men10:31
jcduttonI have a command that fixes a broken upgrade.10:32
fddsafsdit's like climbing K210:32
fddsafsdor everest10:32
fddsafsdyou better have balls of steel if you want to upgrade to 18.0410:32
oerhekssays the dude that didn't read the eolupgrade trick carefull ..10:33
jcduttonGenZai, If the upgrade fails, do not reboot.10:34
GenZaijcdutton, yep thanks for the advice10:35
jcduttonGenZai, Have you posted the output they are asking for in that ticket?10:35
fddsafsdkeep an ubuntu image pendrive next to you in case things go further south10:36
GenZaii've posted my apt-cache policy menu thing10:36
GenZaiyou thing I can run a sudo apt-get upgrade simultaneously ?10:36
fddsafsdI really think sooner or later you'll end up smearing shit10:36
jcduttonGenZai, what about the apt-get update, apt-get upgrade ?10:37
jcduttonGenZai, Has it finished the upgrade process? I.e. stopped somewhere10:37
GenZaiReading package lists... Done10:37
GenZaiE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)10:37
GenZaiE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/10:37
fddsafsdsudo rm the lock file10:38
GenZaiNope it hasn't finished10:38
fddsafsdsudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock10:38
jcduttonGenZai, leave it going then10:38
jcduttondon't remove the lock file yet.10:39
fddsafsdomg my upgrade is almost complete I better backup my files10:40
BluesKajHowdy folks10:40
fddsafsdthere's a distrubance in the force, things will go wrong10:40
oerheks<GenZai> you thing I can run a sudo apt-get upgrade simultaneously ? *No*, just use one instance to apt10:41
lifeboyjcdutton, they are xml files, but can they be uploaded to the server ILOM, so next time they will be correct when needed? Also, I have no idea what the edit in them...10:42
GenZaiI can't make screenshots anymore ;( Image type 'png' is not supported10:42
PCatineanhow can I replce newline with sed -i?10:42
PCatineanit seems \n does not work10:42
fddsafsdAm I doing the right thing by including "bionic" archive URLs in sources.list and doing the update && upgrade && dist-upgrade && update-manager-core && do-release-upgrade ?10:42
fddsafsdafter including the bionic urls in sources ?10:42
jcduttonfddsafsd, what are you doing?10:43
fddsafsdI'm upgrading from 17.04 to 18.0410:43
jcduttonLeave the sources.list at 17.04. I.e. no bionic10:44
fddsafsdI already installed all the 700mb full packages10:44
oerheksfddsafsd, no, you should use old-releases LoLz, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#Update_sources.list10:44
fddsafsdwhat am I going to do now10:45
oerheksgood luck, i hope you have an USB ready10:45
fddsafsdLOL shit10:45
jcduttonfddsafsd, what instructions were you following?10:45
fddsafsdI was listening to the voice inside my head10:45
jcduttonall you had to do was "do-release-upgrade -d"10:45
fddsafsdit didnt work !10:45
jcduttonwith the "-d" ?10:45
fddsafsdit keeps saying there's no new releas e10:45
jcduttonOk, install "upgrade-system"10:46
jcduttonset your sources.list to bionic and run it.10:46
DraegonTwo_Dogs: The resolution is still warped egg-like, and dual monitored.10:47
DraegonHowever, brush sensitivity works beautifully.10:47
GenZaijcdutton, I'm stuck here https://imgur.com/J7vySzn . When I click on close, it instantly reopens the error, and the upgrade doesn't advance. So I'm basically stuck :)10:47
oerheksjcdutton, i was just saying that is the wrong way..10:47
fddsafsdjcdutton: run what ? upgrade system ? after setting bionic to sources list ?10:47
fddsafsdok doing that10:48
oerheksplease ruin his system..and ignore good advise10:48
kiriuha1deltet c:\windows\system3210:48
oerhekskiriuha1, stop that, thanks10:49
jcduttonoerheks, does one have to go through all that just to get from 17.10 to 18.04  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#Update_sources.list10:52
fddsafsdthis is beautiful. The install got stuck for me too, in the middle of upgrade10:52
fddsafsdwhen creating symlinks for wpa supp10:53
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oerheksjcdutton, he wants to upgrade 17.04 .. an EOL release.. so yes10:54
BluesKajfddsafsd, did you upgrade your existing packages first?10:54
BluesKajand dump any ppas10:54
fddsafsdkilled the gnome terminal10:55
fddsafsdnow any apt command doesn't respond with anything10:55
fddsafsdit's just blank, stuck10:55
fddsafsdupgrading the packages got stuck, I didn't even make it to distro upgrade yet10:55
Draegonoerheks: thanks for that link earlier. worked a treat on reboot.10:56
GenZaifddsafsd, seems like you are in a worse situation than me10:56
BluesKajfddsafsd, what did you think would happen if you kill the terminal in the middle of an upgrade to a new ubunru version10:56
fddsafsdnow sudo pkill apt is also stuck !10:56
fddsafsdwhat the fuck10:56
fddsafsdeven pkill is stuck now10:56
BluesKaj!language , fddsafsd10:56
ubottuBluesKaj: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:56
fddsafsdand I can't ctrl-c the pkill cmd10:57
oerheksDraegon, digiment?10:57
fddsafsdhelp pls10:57
jcduttonfddsafsd, what commands did you type?10:57
mgedminthat sounds like a hardware problem?  (or a stuck network filesystem)10:57
oerheksDraegon, nice, have fun!10:57
fddsafsdsudo pkill apt10:57
fddsafsdit's not responding10:57
fddsafsdand I can't Ctrl-C it10:57
jcduttonwhy are you trying to kill it?10:58
fddsafsdno I'm scared of a reboot at this stage10:58
fddsafsdbecause apt was stuck10:58
DraegonI still need to get some other issues resolved. I got sensitivity working. version 6 completely screwed it, reverting, rebooting and install 7 then reboot has done the trick so far.10:58
fddsafsdnetwork related I think, or filesystem (mgedmin is probably right)10:58
jcduttonfddsafsd, do you have nfs mounts?10:59
jcduttonapt is probably just busy doing stuff, not stuck11:00
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fddsafsdno it's been an hour11:00
fddsafsdbefore I closed it I could see it was stuck during a symlink11:00
fddsafsdnow its in background, not doing stuff11:01
mgedminany errors in dmesg?11:01
mgedmincan you launch any applications?11:01
mgedminor, rather, programs11:01
jcduttonfddsafsd, does it appear in "jobs"11:01
hshhello everyone,what's"HexChat"?is it a IRC?11:03
fddsafsdI do have something in dmesg, a stack trace for socket related stuff11:03
fddsafsdhsh: yes it's an IRC client11:03
hshand what can it do?11:03
fddsafsdit lets you chat with people11:03
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hshMy VLC on my ubuntu MATE can't play video,if i play it,it will black screen and sound only11:05
hshWhat's wrong?11:05
GenZaihsh, it's just a IRC client https://hexchat.github.io/11:05
AmisHello! Can I somehow disable or uninstall the critical battery level notification in Ubuntu 18?11:06
mgedminhsh: hard to say!  could be the video codec is unsupported (or not installed), could be a video driver problem11:06
zzarrhello! I know it's a bit of an off topic is there any micro controller that can run Ubuntu Core?11:07
mancman3hsh: try running sudo apt update && sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras && sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-addons11:07
mancman3^^ codecs etc11:07
GenZaihsh, I suggest to use MPV instead of VLC. https://mpv.io/ I had loads of bug with VLC and ubuntu MATE11:07
mancman3linuxsec: try /join then the #channel name11:08
fddsafsdjesus... I can ping servers and use IRC for now, but I'm slowly losing functionality here. Browser is also stuck11:08
fddsafsdI think it's a sign I have to backup files and take my leave11:09
fddsafsdI knew it would come to this11:09
jcduttonfddsafsd, don't you backup before an upgrade?11:09
fddsafsdno I was a confident man before I started the journey11:10
hshGenZai: I can't open it T_T11:10
mgedminwell let's hope the lesson isn't going to be too expensive (data loss-wise)11:10
jcduttonfddsafsd, if you run "jobs" from the command line, does it list anything?11:10
jcduttonfddsafsd, I would backup your files now, before you try anything else11:11
fddsafsdlol yes :)11:11
fddsafsdon it11:11
jcduttonThen, follow what it says at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#Update_sources.list11:11
fddsafsdI know as soon as I restart with a corrupt upgrade to wrong distro it'll be braindead11:11
fddsafsdmaybe it was right to include the sources.list for bionic before the update&upgrade but lets see11:12
hshI'm using an raspberry pi and i can use a lot of sd chrds and i don't have to backup it^_^11:12
fddsafsdyeah can't use browser m811:12
fddsafsdits slowly dying11:12
fddsafsdlike hal 900011:13
mgedmina half-upgraded OS can be expected to be semi-broken11:13
mgedminbut the bit about commands getting stuck and not aborting with an error is worrying11:13
mancman3upgrades just mix old and new. not advised11:13
fddsafsdthere was a file for unity that stores the desktop layout right ? anybody know the path ?11:14
fddsafsdcant google :(11:15
jcduttonfddsafsd, what packages did it manage to upgrade? Keep a list of them11:15
Lachezarlifeboy: Well… The Java Web Start descriptor specifies the Java Version needed to run the app. Having multiple JVMs available (not from packages!) allows running apps with the closest version.11:17
longwordGotta love write-once-run-anywhere11:19
Lachezarlifeboy: An alternate way, but really ugly is to download the web-start descriptor locally, change it manually and run it with 'javaws descriptor'11:19
Lachezarlongword: It works pretty well, but changes (need to) occur with time to accomodate differences in underlying tech. So sometimes changes break things. *shrug*11:20
Lachezarlifeboy: I'd *seriously* recommend you a VM (VirtualBox, KVM, etc.) with older software set (say Ubuntu 14.04) to run these consoles.11:21
Lachezarlifeboy: Alternatively Supermicro (for instance) has a Java application for remote server management.11:21
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cloudbudhow to start a service at boot11:28
EriC^^!systemd | cloudbud11:29
ubottucloudbud: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units11:29
cloudbudEric^^ : Mine is ubuntu 1411:30
k3ltwhat would be the easiest way of switching from ubuntu 18.04 grub to windows 10 boot partition, preferrably using windows, it's UEFI/GPT and both bootloaders are on different disk/partitions11:33
k3ltdisk 0 is my windows disk, disk 1 is the storage/ubuntu (34GB partition is Ubuntu)11:33
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augustlhi folks. Is there a way to disable ctrl+alt+ arrow keys left/right in Ubuntu 18.04? In the keyboard shortcut settings, I can find settings for "Move to workspace above" and below, but not for left/right. But those keys are still "hijacked" by Ubuntu, even though I can't remap them anywhere11:36
augustlinterestingly, the default key was also super+up for move to workspace above, but it was actually ctrl+alt+up that worked. Super+up does something else (maximizing the window)11:37
augustlso it seems like there's something fishy in general with the keyboard shortcuts for moving between workspaces11:37
augustl"Move window one workspace left" etc is also not mentioned here https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/keyboard-shortcuts-set.html11:38
augustlerr, disregard that last message11:38
augustl"Move to workspace left" is mentioned on that page. But it is not visible in my settings app11:38
BluesKajk3lt, dunno if this still works in UEFI/BIOS, but setting the disk boot sequence used to work for me.11:39
k3ltBluesKaj: not sure if that's gonna work, as active boot partition is disk1/partition3 and boot sequence wouldn't change that i think?11:41
mgedminin ubuntu 18.04 workspaces are vertical (unless you install some gnome-shell extension?), so gnome-control-center hides those shortcuts11:43
mgedminyou can still find and change them with dconf-editor (or gsettings on the command line)11:43
augustlah, cool11:43
augustlshould this be reported, maybe? Seems like a bug that there are unchangeable "hijacked" shortcut keys, maybe they should be settable, or not set in the first place11:44
oerheksmaybe gnome-tweak-tool is any help11:46
augustlshould values changed in dconf editor be applied automatically? I changed it, but the keys are still hijacked, it seems11:47
augustlmaybe I need to log out11:47
mgedminthe changes should be automatic11:48
augustlwhere it means I set org.mate.Marco.global-keybindings switch-to-workspace-left  to 'disabled'11:48
BluesKajk3lt,  you mentioned the bootloaders are are on different disks or is it just different partititons ?11:48
mgedminaugustl: are you running Mate or gnome-shell?11:49
augustlhmm, good question :) I just searched for workspace and found something11:49
mgedminaugustl: org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-left is the one for gnome-shell11:49
augustlI installed some mate stuff in my confusion, I think11:49
gUcuanyone know to overcome the php file if in open only the contents appear in the php file?11:52
gUcuyou can see this http://www.indowork.net/wordpress11:52
augustllovely, it's working now. Thanks mgedmin!11:53
oerheksgUcu, try #wordpress, or #ubuntu-server, my bet is that you need to edit php.ini > php -i | grep "Loaded Configuration File"11:58
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gUcuoerheks: Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php/7.1/cli/php.ini11:59
* gUcu brb12:00
ikoniagUcu: I'm not actually seeing the problem ?12:01
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k3ltim on freshly installed ubuntu 16.04 and i have issue with sound, for some reason ubuntu has set front panel as my audio output how to change that so it's using headphone jack on sound card?12:19
webrtI've upgraded from 1.10 to 18.04 and now I can't run GNOME12:26
hshTry to re-install your system,I think it will work:-D12:27
webrtI get black screen and mouse cursor only12:28
webrtSometimes thre is tty output and mouse cursor12:28
oerhekswebrt, what session, wayland or Xorg?12:28
k3ltno audio on freshly installed ubuntu 16.04.. it's not detecting headphone jack connected directly to soundcard (xonar DGX), instead it's sending audio to my front panel on which nothing is connected, homever it's correctly detecting my mic which is connected directly to sound card.. anyone?12:28
webrtoerheks: I cant reach GDM12:28
k3ltthis is infuriating12:29
webrtoerheks: is GDM on wayland ?12:30
oerheksk3lt, that xonar is perfectly supportd with kernel 4.9 .. https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxhardware/comments/6s6upo/audio_card_asus_xonar_dgx_support_on_kernel_49/12:30
oerhekswebrt, sure, and on Xorg, logout, and see what session is standard12:31
k3ltyes i know it is, and it's working as i can tell by microphone12:31
webrti mean by default12:31
k3ltbut ubuntu sets default output to front panel which im not using12:31
oerhekswebrt, as you upgraded, not sure what session is standard for you, so you tell us12:32
webrti was using wayland12:32
webrtnow i get nouveau: Xwayland [13790]: failed to idle channel 128 Xwayland [13790]12:33
augustlwill an upgrade from 17.10 with  wayland to 18.04 continue to use wayland, or will 18.04 override that? Just asking out of curiousity12:33
webrtaugustl: both sessions are still available12:33
webrtaugustl: but I'm not sure if GDM is on wayland by default in 18.0412:34
k3ltoerheks: how can i change the audio output from front to rear panel? (my headphone jack sits in sound card)12:34
webrtlooks like it is on my system12:34
augustlk3lt: there's a list in audio settings with all connected inputs and outputs12:34
gUcuikonia: you've tried to visit http://www.indowork.net/wordpress/ ??12:34
oerheksk3lt, install 17.10 or 18.04, so you have a newer kernel.12:35
augustlspeaking of newer kernel, just found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack - my plan is to stay on LTS and use that, best of both worlds12:35
k3ltoerheks: it just says headphone output, i have that selected but as i said it's outputting audio to front panel12:35
k3ltwhich is not in use..12:35
oerheksk3lt, oke, maybe someone else will help you, i answered you need kernel 4.9 or higher for proper support for that xonar12:36
k3lti have HDMI (monitor), S/PDIF, Analog and Headphones outputs to choose from12:38
k3ltim on Headphone output but for some reason it's not sending audio to headphones connected directly to sound card but to front panel12:39
bobdobbsHi. I just upgraded from 17.10 to 18.04. Everything seems to have gone well... except that I'm not getting name resolution12:39
bobdobbsLike, I can access websites in my browser if I provide an IP address. But I can't ping websites by domain name, or visit domains in my browser12:41
augustlbobdobbs: do you have anything in /etc/resolv.conf?12:43
mgedminbobdobbs: also, is /etc/resolv.conf a regular file or a symlink, and if it's a symlink, where does it point?12:43
* mgedmin upgraded 17.10 to 18.04 and dns works fine12:43
bobdobbsaugustl: There ares some lines in resolv.conf commented out. I added 'nameserver' and restarted networking. This did not result in resolution happening.12:44
mgedminbobdobbs: you don't need to restart anything after modifying /etc/resolv.conf12:44
bobdobbsmgedmin: on the system /etc/resolv.conf is a regular file12:44
mgedminso the only non-commented line is 'nameserver' that you just added?12:45
augustlanything useful in `systemd-resolve --status`?12:45
bobdobbsmgedmin: yes12:46
bobdobbsaugustl: checking ...12:46
mgedminso when you try 'ping google.com', what happens?12:47
k3ltno audio on freshly installed ubuntu 16.04.. it's not detecting headphone jack connected directly to soundcard (xonar DGX), instead it's sending audio to my front panel on which nothing is connected, homever it's correctly detecting my mic which is connected directly to sound card.. anyone?12:47
augustlk3lt: is the xonar listed in the recording devices somehow?12:47
k3ltyeah ofcourse12:47
mgedminI don't think systemd-resolve --status will be useful, when /etc/resolv.conf doesn't point to (i.e. systemd-resolved)12:47
k3ltmic is working fine12:47
augustlor, what's listed as the "active" item under input devices in settings?12:47
augustland is that thing visible in the "output" device list?12:48
bobdobbsaugustl: I haven't seen that command before. The output seems lists a few things: DNS servers, DNSSEC NTA and some other network settings. It provides as the DNS Server12:48
k3ltOutput is set to headphones (CMI8788 [Oxygen HD Audio]12:48
augustlbobdobbs: so the systemd dns service is up and running, at least12:48
bobdobbslooks like I'm unable to ping
k3ltInput is microphone (CMI8788 [Oxygen HD Audio]12:49
augustlk3lt: I see, so it's listed there, but no sound is audible?12:49
k3ltyeah sound is audible from front panel12:49
augustlbobdobbs: are you able to ping other IPs? (Just checking all the dumb things here now)12:49
k3ltbut not when headphones are plugged into soundcard directly12:50
bobdobbsaugustl: yeah. I pulled some IP's from my bash history. I can successfully ping all of them12:51
augustlso it's not that ICMP is blocked or something weird like that12:51
augustlodd that is unpingable12:51
bobdobbsI'll see if I can ping it from another computer in my room12:52
bobdobbsinteresting. I cannot.12:52
bobdobbsI'm not sure what to make of that. But it's probably incidental and unrelated12:53
augustlI mean.. sounds like DNS is blocked altogether. But can't imagine what kind of block that would be, since it's not even pingable. What about
mgedmininstead of ping you could test DNS resolution, like 'host google.com'12:53
augustlmgedmin: TIL, didn't know host took a 2nd argument :)12:54
IarfhlaithWhere are bugs for Unity tracked now that it's part of universe on 18.04?12:54
bobdobbsaugustl: what does the 'host' command do?12:54
augustlDNS lookup12:54
bobdobbsI get a 'connection timed out' when I issue that command12:55
mgedminwell, that explains why DNS is broken -- you can't talk to your configured DNS server12:55
augustlk3lt: I don't have any good advice other than getting a newer kernel, unfortunately, since your sound card isn't a generic usb device or something like that12:55
augustl(or is it?)12:55
leftyfbaugustl: same place they've always been tracked. On launchpad for each package12:55
oerheksaugustl, indeed, that xonar is perfectly supported with kernel 4.9 .. https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxhardware/comments/6s6upo/audio_card_asus_xonar_dgx_support_on_kernel_49/12:56
k3ltaugustl: i just fixed it, https://medium.com/@moreless/asus-xonar-dgx-recognized-but-no-sound-ubuntu-16-04-e4c2a8155eae12:56
augustlleftyfb: which package does this belong to? Is there a overall `gnome` package maybe?12:56
k3ltit seems like ubuntu was defaulting to onboard sound card12:56
augustlk3lt: even if you selected the pci card in sound settings?12:57
leftyfbbobdobbs: try temporarily using a different DNS server. Try editing /etc/resolv.conf and setting nameserver to nameserver
k3lti had to select it in alsamixer, it didnt show anything in sound settings12:57
mgedminbobdobbs: can you ping -n anything at all?  e.g. are you on IRC from the system you're debugging?12:58
augustlyeah, ping works on other stuff12:59
bobdobbsmgedmin: I just followed leftyfb's suggestion, and I get resolution12:59
mgedmingoogle has DNS servers at and; cloudflare(?) has a public dns server on
augustlso works and doesn't?12:59
bobdobbsleftyfb: what is
leftyfbbobdobbs: I would complain to your ISP that they're blocking google's DNS server(s)12:59
augustlI want to buy and seed torrents on it12:59
bobdobbsmgedmin: nah. I'm on irc on a secondary computer. I've got a linux machine and a mac sitting on my desktop. Linux for work, mac for movies.12:59
Etrigan63Cloudflare's caching DNS servers. and
bobdobbsleftyfb: I've got a feeling that it might be my own fault13:00
leftyfbbobdobbs: being unable to ping How did you manage that?13:00
leftyfbbobdobbs: did you block it via iptables or your router?13:00
bobdobbsleftyfb: I have a vague memory of messing with the routing tables on the ISP-issued router.13:00
bobdobbsleftyfb: I think I might have set as the resolver on the router13:01
leftyfbbobdobbs: that would still be valid and would not cause this problem13:01
bobdobbsbut... I don't think that explains not being able to get resolution13:01
leftyfbSetting as the resolver on your router is a popular recommendation.13:01
leftyfbThese days I recommend It's a lot faster and more secure13:02
bobdobbsleftyfb: interesting. I didn't know about cloudflare DNS13:03
leftyfbit's fairly new13:03
mgedminsome routers apparently steal for their own purposes, which interferes with this use case13:04
longwordSome folk run into odd networking issues against them13:04
jmgb41.1.1.1 is great. I use it with my Pi Hole13:04
bobdobbsleftyfb, mgedmin thank you both.13:05
SporkWitchbobdobbs: step 1) buy stand-alone DOCSIS3 modem, step 2) buy not-garbage SOHO router; it's honestly not worth fighting with the horrible all-on-ones the ISPs try to force you to rent13:07
Etrigan63The secondary dns is
bobdobbsSporkWitch: I don't have to rent a modem here. Or rather, the rental is included in the package from my vendor.13:09
SporkWitchbobdobbs: that's a common line they use to get you to rent it lol13:09
bobdobbsSporkWitch: I think the market works a little differently here in NZ.13:10
SporkWitchpossible; you mates have some especially mean ISPs13:10
JimBuntuI don't rent the modem either, it's free with service. I would save $0 if I use my own.13:11
ubentobox_wHey peeps :)13:11
leftyfbgUcu: if you're looking for help with php, try /join #php13:12
BluesKajsome ISPs don't allow other router  brands since their firmware is tweaked for "best possible service"13:13
leftyfbBluesKaj: if you don't mind NAT'ing a NAT, your own router is always an option13:14
ubentobox_wBluesKaj, really? I've not encountered that anywhere so far in US, you just have to tell them you're setting it up and update the router to contain the expected macID of your previous router13:14
bobdobbsyeah. but the downside is that if networking goes to  hell then customer service at the ISP becomes useless.13:15
leftyfbspoofing the MAC of your ISP's modem/router isn't a common requirement anymore. We now have bridge mode.13:15
BluesKajmine was tweaked to use their DNS servers that was blocking my vpn service , but that was an easy fix13:15
bobdobbsI'm sure I remember the days when I could ring my ISP and the person answering the phone actually understood networking13:15
jmgb4leftyfb, Nating a nat is always ugly. I always do my best to tear down their router into bridge. I also come from the security side where NAT is a lot like closing the blinds on your house saying "ok, were safe now". Any script kitty can figure out how to get around it13:15
ubentobox_wno I know its not common but some still do13:15
leftyfbbobdobbs: nah, just pop a computer upstream for troubleshooting13:15
gUculeftyfb: and im use ubuntu, my vps ubuntu13:15
leftyfbgUcu: if you're looking for help with php, try /join #php13:16
ubentobox_wif you CAN, try taking a computer with multiple NICs and using OPNSense13:16
ubentobox_wwonderful firewall/routing BSD based replacement13:17
jmgb4ubentobox_w, Was that to me?13:18
ubentobox_wI logged in mid-convo, so whoever was looking for a router solution, try that. Also.. very thorough security review and great features13:18
BluesKajleftyfb, well in my case the modem was an elcheapo TP-Link with only 25mb speed capacity and the router was basically just a switch with wifi, so the new ISP's router is setup for 1000mb speeds if I want to pay for that13:18
leftyfbjmgb4: feel free to join #ubuntu-discuss and explain to me how a script kiddie can "get around" a NAT'd network13:19
ubentobox_wjmgb4, ^13:19
jmgb4ubentobox_w, Got it13:19
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IarfhlaithWhere are bugs for Unity tracked now that it's part of universe on 18.04?13:37
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PsychoBoBSSD is better than HD13:39
PsychoBoBubuntu is very slow on my notebook13:39
compdocssd is much faster13:40
BluesKajPsychoBoB,  specs?13:40
compdocand very reliable if you get a good brand13:40
leftyfbIarfhlaith: Again, the same place as before. The project pages for the packages associated with Unity have not moved. No, I do not know of all the packages associated with Unity. A quick google or apt-cache search can tell you that. If you need help with a particular package or problem, please detail the issue here. Your question doesn't actually help your situation.13:40
leeyaahow to switch from 18.04 LTS development branch to 18.04 LTS stable branch ?13:41
PsychoBoBcompdoc, nice!13:41
leftyfbleeyaa: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade13:41
PsychoBoBI'll change then13:41
BluesKajleeyaa, when the first point release in July is released for LTS13:41
compdocssd are better for portables because you can drop it and not harm the drive13:42
leeyaaBluesKaj: i installed one server from an ISO file and it says 18.04 LTS. then i upgraded one server from 16.04 to 18.04 LTS and it says development branch for some reason13:42
leeyaawhat is the difference13:42
BluesKajnone really13:43
leeyaathats confusing ;p13:43
BluesKajmaybe you j=have LTS only flag enabled on the altter13:43
Iarfhlaithleftyfb: Thanks. The issue is that in 18.04 the HUD is not working. It doesn't display a list of menu options to choose from for any apps regardless of what I type. I want to file a bug report on the HUD issue specifically.13:43
leftyfb!ubuntu-bug | Iarfhlaith13:44
mgedminleeyaa: where does it say "development branch"?13:44
leftyfb!bug | Iarfhlaith13:44
ubottuIarfhlaith: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:44
leeyaamgedmin: https://bpaste.net/show/3e099f629bde13:45
mgedminleeyaa: that comes from /etc/lsb-release, which is shipped by the base-files package13:46
leeyaamgedmin: how to switch to stable ?13:46
mgedminbut it's a file in /etc, and thus conffile, so if it was modified locally, the changes would persist?13:46
mgedminleeyaa: what does apt policy base-files say?  10.1ubuntu2 is the final version13:47
leeyaamgedmin: its a brand new node upgraded from 16.04. no custom changes ;p13:47
mgedminleeyaa: what does debsums -e base-files say?13:47
leeyaait is 10ubuntu113:47
leeyaadont have debsums ;p13:47
mgedminokay, 10ubuntu1 looks suspicious13:47
mgedminis your mirror outdated?13:47
leeyaait is possible13:48
mgedmintry at least apt update && apt upgrade13:48
leeyaadid that. ill try run it against my own mirror, it should be latest.13:48
mgedminhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=base-files has the version it should be for each release (10.1ubuntu2 for 18.04 LTS)13:48
leeyaamgedmin: yeah looks like that mirror is out of date13:50
mgedminis it an official mirror?  you could report it in #ubuntu-mirrors iirc13:51
leeyaaafaik it is.  deb [arch=amd64] http://apt-mirror.bg.nc/ubuntu bionic-updates main restricted universe multiverse13:52
leeyaawhops not that one13:52
leeyaathat one deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security main restricted universe13:53
leeyaahere is the full list https://bpaste.net/show/e109c813aedb13:53
marc_with_a_cI installed a package that changed my boot screen to a different flavor of the Beaver. I would like to get it back to vanilla. It was the Ubuntu Ky... package that did it. I would like to get it back to default with out removing the wallpapers from that edition. Is there an easy graphical way to choose those, or just an edit through a script or such?13:53
leeyaai guess the security one is up to date13:53
mgedminofficial mirrors are usually <country-code>.archive.ubuntu.com13:53
interrobangdhello, how can i change /sys/class/drm/card0/gt_max_freq_mhz during boot? i have writte a udev rule, but dont work, because *something* overwrite it again13:53
mgedminalthough I suppose you could pick one ...13:54
leeyaareally? i didnt know that13:54
mgedminhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors shows which mirrors are actually used for each country13:54
leeyaamgedmin: telepoint is on there, but it says last update unknown13:54
leeyaaok that explains13:54
leeyaathanks mgedmin13:55
mgedminmarc_with_a_c: I'm not sure about graphical ways; but in a terminal you could do that with sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth13:56
tomreynleeyaa: you can just use bg.archive.ubuntu.com, it will always point to a good mirror.13:56
mgedminthere are actually three sets of boot themes you can configure separately: default.plymouth, default.plymouth.grub, and text.plymouth13:57
marc_with_a_cmgedmin, Thank you, Im new to linux and cannot stop playing with stuf. Ive finally got a system config I like and then that happened. Thank you. I did not know what it was called i needed to configure. Ill RT*M Plymouth for more information. Thanks again.13:59
asdfpersonim trying to adb my phone in ubuntu 17.10 and i get error "no permissions (user in plugdev group; are your udev rules wrong?); see [http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html]"13:59
crmltthere is bug in nouvea kernel 4.1513:59
leeyaatomreyn: thanks. i will note that.13:59
crmltSee: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10651213:59
ubottuFreedesktop bug 106512 in Driver/nouveau "Fatal: NVIDIA GEFORCE 320M MCP89: Can't start X on kernel 4.15" [Normal,New]13:59
mgedminmarc_with_a_c: Plymouth is the name of the software that draws the boot screen, after grub, and before gdm13:59
marc_with_a_cmgedmin, Thanks again, reading about it now.14:01
mgedminmarc_with_a_c: ooh I just checked /usr/share/doc/plymouth/README.Debian and noticed that you need to update the initrd image for the new theme to be actually used on next boot14:01
mgedminit mentions the command to do that14:01
mgedminer, no it doesn't14:01
mgedminmy memory is like a goldfish14:02
mgedminI just read that like 5 seconds ago and already forgot what it does and what it doesn't14:02
marc_with_a_cmgedmin, I see that too.14:02
mgedminupdate-initramfs -u is the command to rebuild the initrd14:02
mgedmin(you can add -k all to update the initrds for all kernel versions, instead of just the latest one)14:03
leeyaagod, why netplan...14:04
mgedminhaha yeah my question exactly14:05
asdfpersonim trying to adb my phone in ubuntu 17.10 and i get error "no permissions (user in plugdev group; are your udev rules wrong?); see [http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html]"14:08
pragmaticenigmaasdfperson: You might find better help in /join #android14:09
asdfperson17.10 is broken? i added universe by checking it in software updates. then when i do sudo apt update i see https://pastebin.com/raw/EkCvuJW214:10
asdfpersonexample error W: chmod 0644 of file /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_artful_InRelease failed - 201::URIDone (95: Operation not supported)14:10
mgedminthose are warnings, not errors -- check the leading W:14:10
asdfpersonhm ok14:11
mgedminstill, they shouldn't be there, and I wonder what causes them14:12
marc_with_a_cmgedmin, Thank you, got it all back to where I desired. Much appreciation.14:14
asdfpersonmgedmin: maybe 17.10 is in-flux distro between unity/gnome has to do with it14:15
mgedminI don't remember these from when I was on 17.1014:16
asdfpersonhmmm yes and im on a livecd with nothing going on14:16
asdfpersontis fresh14:16
mgedminah, livecd?  ignore, overlayfs could be causing this14:16
asdfpersonoh? what does that mean14:17
mgedminlivecd works by layering a ramdisk on top of a readonly squashfs using some kind of overlay filesystem (aufs? overlayfs?)14:17
mgedminit that doesn't mean anything to you, the tl;dr is "livecd is special"14:17
mgedminif you do an actual install, you won't see these warnings14:17
ash_workwhat is the recommended way to install skype?14:18
MonkeyDust!find skype14:19
ubottuFound: empathy-skype, pidgin-skype, pidgin-skype-common, pidgin-skype-dbg, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 226 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=skype&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all14:19
ikonia!skype | ash_work14:19
ubottuash_work: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga14:19
ash_work"Skype (old version) no longer available in Canonical Partner. New version available on the Skype web site.14:21
ash_workso... the website then.14:21
pragmaticenigmaI believe a snap was also released, though I'm not certain14:21
JoksuPoksuI'm trying to install ubuntu server 18.04 but after I select (for disk) manual or entire disk, it goes back to phase 114:33
JoksuPoksuwhat should I do?14:33
mgedminreport a bug?14:34
mgedminyou can also try the alternative install iso, maybe it doesn't have that bug14:35
=== r0Oter is now known as r00ter
=== Howie69_ is now known as Howie69
chanikanI installed the latest Lubuntu lts on my 2007 32 bit macbook.  Lubuntu 16 lts worked fine, so does this one, with the exception of not booting the first time.  Only white screen, loading sound, then black screen and nothing. If I turn it on and off again, it boots into the grub menu and Im able to boot normally from there15:00
ModdingWho knows a good working state of the Art IRC Client ( i am using old buggy X-Chat)15:01
=== Panoptes is now known as Aztec03
ash_workis there a currenly recommended tftp package? my google-fu comes up with this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TFTP but it's mentions of 14.04 in the year 2015 makes me skeptical15:02
mgedminash_work: dnsmasq has a builtin tftp server15:02
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
ash_workmgedmin: I see. The inevitable goal is to ipxe chainload rancher15:04
ash_workmgedmin: dnsmasq doesn't complicate matters does it?15:04
mgedminI don't know; I only did a PXE boot once, and it was using dnsmasq15:04
mgedminand it was not as hard as I was afraid it was going to be15:05
mgedminbut not as trivial as I would wish it to be15:05
chanikanblack screen on boot for me until I force reboot, then it loads to grub  (shortened my question a bit)15:07
ash_worknothing is ever as trivial as I wish it to be15:07
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | chanikan try this15:09
ubottuchanikan try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:09
Moddingthx for the hint with hexchat15:10
chanikanthank you ubottu I`ll try that15:10
chanikanusing hexchat on all my devices nowadays15:11
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=== SysGhost is now known as SysGh_st
=== SysGh_st is now known as SysGhos_
RusAlexhaving troubles adjusted iptables after installed docker. now docker doesnot work obviously15:25
RusAlexis there a way to restore default docker iptables rules?15:26
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RusAlexgood just restarting daemon is enough15:28
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usuarioiuyfr234soy haker15:44
ikoniausuarioiuyfr234: can you stop that please15:45
usuarioiuyfr234HOLA VOY A HAKEAR LA NASA15:45
usuarioiuyfr234MY NAME IS PENIS BLOW15:46
usuarioiuyfr234-ADN-TU PUTA MADRE15:46
dedzeHi, is this the proper way to install flash for firefox (on ubuntu 16.04?) -> sudo apt install browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash15:47
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leftyfbdedze: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/net-install-flash.html15:51
leftyfbdedze: first result on google for "ubuntu flash"15:52
dedzeleftyfb: Oki thank you15:53
=== keep_learning is now known as keep_away
pagiosstun works over udp right? the way it works is that clientA connects to a stun server asks for its ip and source port, and that connection creates a nat rule in the router in clientA side. now clientB wants to connect to clientA so it asks for this info from the stun and then clientB connects to public ip of clientA and the port in that natting table, routerA detects that the port is for clientA and formwards it inside to16:03
pagios<pagios> the internal network? is this how it works?16:03
leftyfbpagios: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STUN16:04
MonkeyDustpagios  but that's not an ubuntu question16:10
=== root is now known as Guest48315
TBotNikAll: 2 issues this AM 1. Autostart issue, 2. Apt-get issue with MySQL.  Writeup for #1 at:  www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=5854590#post5854590 and writeup for #2 at: www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=5854600#post585460016:22
pragmaticenigmaTBotNik: In both cases, you have failed to provide one of the most essential pieces of information. You didn't include what OS you are running or the version of the OS. Along with that, cross posting between forums and this channel is frowned upon. When you start a support topic in one place, it is best to continue using that one place. It keeps the support for the topic connected and easier to follow.16:29
TBotNikpragmaticenigma: Kubuntu 14.04 LTS.  I don't consider a writeup "crossposting" as "flooding" is prohibited and gets you banned!16:33
ash_workwhere can I find more specific information on the configuration options for dnsmasq?16:35
ash_workspecifically, I'm trying to find out more about `dhcp-match=set:`16:35
pragmaticenigmaash have you tried the man pages, have you searched google?16:36
pragmaticenigmaash_work:  have you tried the man pages, have you searched google?16:36
=== fred_ is now known as Guest61428
ash_workpragmaticenigma: I couldn't find anything in man specifically about the conf file other than that it exists... I was able to find a generic conf file with comments online, but it isn't very detailed16:37
pragmaticenigmaman of the conf file entries are taken directly from the program arguments16:37
ash_workpragmaticenigma: example?16:40
pragmaticenigmaash_work: The options for th conf file are taken directly from the command line arguments listed in the man page. It also has an example of what an entry will look like16:40
pragmaticenigmaash_work: Search the man page for dhcp-match, you will find it16:40
ash_workpragmaticenigma: thanks; I appreciate it16:43
=== CobHeadI is now known as CobHead
ChunkzZis it me or anyone else have 2 icons for our network on ubuntu 18.04?16:59
ChunkzZwireless or wired, 2 icons are there.16:59
ChunkzZis it just  me? :P16:59
compdocive seen double arrows and the wifi V17:00
ChunkzZcompdoc, nah it's defiantly two icons for the network and both say the same stuff like networks etc.17:00
=== kolbert is now known as Mr_305
case`Hi all. is channel active?17:07
longwordNot very.17:07
case`longword: Ty thought looked quiet, was wondering if something was wrong with my irc17:08
DJonescase`: With it being a support channel, it can be quiet unless somebody asks a support question, general chat is in #ubuntu+117:09
case`DJones: I know thankyou, just looked quiet, has been known to be busy... Just checkin.. Thanx again17:11
=== lea_ is now known as thiszux
thiszuxany reason why VLC doesnt remember settings or play iso's with a Stutter ? Ubu1817:20
worktonerWith the goal of killing all all the defunct processes running, would it make sense to run a command like this: ps -ef | grep defunct | awk '{sudo kill -9 $2 $3}'17:21
thiszuxgo i need wine cuz its a win7 dual boot ?17:21
thiszuxthese Linux OS are worthless if peerguardian doesnt come pre-installed...Any Distro that has phl peerguard ?17:22
tomreynthiszux: if you have an ubuntu question, you're welcome to ask here. comparing distros is better done elsewhere.17:26
thiszuxtomreye  i asked 3 ?'s ---All unanswered17:27
tomreynthiszux: maybe it's the way you ask - take a look at http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html17:28
worktonerI tried killing these zombie processes but now their parent is PID 1. Not certain how to kill them properly.17:29
tomreynto kill zombies, you reboot17:30
NoImNotNineVoltor you have the parent wait them.17:30
NoImNotNineVoltthough, if they have parent pid 1, it seems likely that they're orphans, not zombies.17:31
TBotNikAll: OK got an answer to issue #1, so now just concentrating on #2 my apt-get, mysql i combo issue17:33
MonsieurBonblackflow, remember, that I blocked all IPv6 traffic yesterday?17:35
MonsieurBonblackflow, I had been asking about iptables-persistent17:35
MonsieurBonYesterday I found, that on my router the ipv6 iptables had everything on ACCEPT. I don't actively use IPv6, so I set INPUT and FORWARD to DROP. Since I did that, I can't resolve DNS querries anymore. dig microsoft.com just returns "connection timed out; no servers could be reached". The box is running bind and dns from my local network works without problems. Any idea how I can make dns resolution use ipv4?17:40
sere_i can get this command to work but for some reason irssi doesnt save it /sbar awl_0 add -before awl_0 -alignment left usercount17:47
solsTiCein ubuntu 18.04, I have that issue that gnome ssh keyring (??) is asking my password ssh key 3 , 4 even 5 times in a row before it actually works and is accepted. I may be mistype it once or twice. certainly not 5 times in a row. anyone see that ?17:48
lotuspsychjesere_: perhaps the #irssi channel might know that one17:49
sere_lotuspsychje: ok thanks17:50
arooniwhats the shortcut to run something invoked in the terminal?  i'd like to run         cd ~/software/taskwarriorc2; ./node_modules/.bin/electron desktop.js $argv; ;; but when i do that even with & at the end it doesnt seem to detach17:51
pragmaticenigmaarooni: That is a question better suited for a channel supporting software development, this is for Ubuntu Support17:52
=== oerheks_ is now known as oerheks
aroonihow can i get unity to show me the run program dialog17:53
pragmaticenigmaAlt + F217:54
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: as found on google, that doesn't work in Unity unless you're running gnome-panel, which conflicts with aspects of Unity17:55
leftyfbarooni: I found that by searching google for "ubuntu unity run dialog"17:55
aroonimaybe i should finally stop using altavista search17:55
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: I use it all the time in Unity... it's not an isolated window, but it is for executing commands. I use it launch several programs with specific arguments17:55
leftyfbI just always have a terminal open :)17:56
aroonileftyfb: well me too; but when i run that command it monopolizes the terminal and wont let me run anything else until the program is done17:56
arooniand since i guess the alt+f2 doesn't respect my fish shell paths; it doesnt know how to run that command17:57
aroonior fish aliases17:57
leftyfbarooni: <command> <args> &17:57
leftyfbarooni: also, there's tabs and windows (with terminator)17:57
pragmaticenigmaNow that I've learned the joys of "> /dev/null 2>&1 &" I do that more often17:57
aroonileftyfb: tmux for the win17:57
aroonipragmaticenigma: how is that different than adding & at the end17:57
leftyfbit isn't17:58
pragmaticenigmaarooni: Some programs dump extra information out to to STDERR while the run, it just redirects that output since I don't have a use for it17:58
leftyfbjust close the term/window and re-open :)17:58
pragmaticenigmaarooni: Otherwise the & on the very end is exactly the same thing17:58
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: In my experience that kills the application17:59
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: it shouldn't if it's written properly17:59
allahu4kb4rI like 18.0417:59
allahu4kb4rubuntu 18.04 is very nize17:59
leftyfb!support | allahu4kb4r17:59
ubottuallahu4kb4r: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com17:59
allahu4kb4rI like all the animation window effects and the small things here and there17:59
aroonii edited the alias and made it into a functino and added & at the end; works great now17:59
leftyfb!chat | allahu4kb4r17:59
ubottuallahu4kb4r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:59
allahu4kb4rwe can't chat here ?18:00
allahu4kb4rwhy not18:00
arooniallahu4kb4r: your lesson learned; don't be excited about how great ubuntu is18:00
aroonitake your evangelizing to ##windows lol :P18:00
lotuspsychjearooni: plz dont suggest windows to ubuntu users18:00
naccallahu4kb4r: that's the not the purpose of the channel18:00
leftyfbarooni: this is a support channel. Not for chat/discussion. Please go to #ubuntu-offtopic if you do not have a support question/issue18:00
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leftyfb!op | weqs_homosexuaL18:02
ubottuweqs_homosexuaL: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax18:02
weqs_homosexuaLwhats wrong\18:03
weqs_homosexuaLI'm not chatting anymore18:03
MonsieurBonI have bind9 running on my router and dns resolution works fine in my home network. But for some reason, dig or nslookup are not using the local bind9 server. dig @ bls.ch works fine, but dig bls.ch returns "connection timed out; no servers could be reached". How can I make sure that bind is used locally too?18:16
MonsieurBon/etc/resolv.conf has only nameserver
matjam/etc/resolv.conf should point to systemd-resolved18:20
grobyccould anyone help me understand how to use grep and how to pipe stuff into it?18:20
leftyfbgrobyc: https://opensourceforu.com/2012/06/beginners-guide-gnu-grep-basics-regular-expressions/18:20
matjamcat /etc/services | grep smtp18:20
MonsieurBonmatjam, it points to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf18:20
leftyfbgrobyc: first result on google for "grep tutorial"18:21
matjamMonsieurBon: looks right18:21
grobycyeah i'd been going through the man page i think im just fucking up my input18:21
pragmaticenigma!ohmy | grobyc18:21
ubottugrobyc: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:21
grobyc>_> okay18:22
grobycwell I'm doing a wargame and I'm trying to figure out how I'd filter standard output from a bunch of files in seperate folders and piping it into grep to pick out the one that's 1033 bytes18:23
grobycso i'm trying du inhere/*/* -b | grep -e 103318:24
pragmaticenigmagrobyc: is the file size 1033 bytes? or a value in a line within a file?18:24
grobycbut i dont get any output am i using the wrong args?18:24
grobycthe file size is 103318:24
pragmaticenigmatry using the command "find"18:24
oerheksfind /home/ -type f -size 1033c -exec ls {} \;18:24
grobycwhoa damn that got it that's pretty wizard18:25
matjamgrobyc: man find18:25
grobycoh goddamn it i know what i did now18:26
grobycthere was a dot in the filename18:26
lotuspsychjegrobyc: please dont swear here18:26
grobycsorry it's habitual18:26
grobycanyway thanks for helping me18:26
matjamMonsieurBon: yeah not sure why it would behave like that18:28
matjamMonsieurBon: so if you use strace you might find out what files dig is reading, maybe get a hint to where its getting its resolver from18:29
MonsieurBonmatjam, systemd-resolve --status has the following output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jTsBYV7SY7/18:30
pragmaticenigmadig tells you the server it is looking at when you don't specify your own18:30
MonsieurBonmatjam, shouldn't that be
MonsieurBonpragmaticenigma, it uses
pragmaticenigmadepends on your configuration and setup18:30
MonsieurBonmatjam, sorry forgot half my message: the last line shows DNS Servers: fe80::1. Should that be
matjamMonsieurBon: fe80::1 is localhost in ipv618:32
matjamI believe18:32
matjamoh no18:32
matjamit could be your router18:32
matjammaybe your router doesn't support ipv6 dns18:32
Etrigan63MonsieurBon: fe80::1 is local address (::1 specifically).18:33
matjamits a link local address18:33
pragmaticenigmaMonsieurBon: is dnsmasq installed on that box?18:33
Etrigan63It's the same as localhost18:33
James_EppI had a customer's system come in that is running ubuntu 18.04. On boot it launches a kernel panic with the most interesting line being https://bpaste.net/show/772226496ca1 . If I investigate /etc/issue it reads as 18.04 . Am I experiencing a dist-upgrade failure?18:33
MonsieurBonpragmaticenigma, dnsmasq is installed, yes18:34
matjamEtrigan63: I think fe80 is actuall similar to
matjamso, local to local LAN only18:34
matjamsome routers don't route public V6 addresses to the devices, and rather do NAT to fe80:: addresses18:35
pragmaticenigmaMonsieurBon: So what you have is normal. Dig is looking at your local caching dns provided by dnsmasq... that is then supposed to be configured to look at bind, however, it maybe looking at the DNS addresses being sent by the DHCP server18:35
Etrigan63Well ::1 = (ipV6 to ipV4)18:35
matjamright ::1 is v6 localhost address18:35
matjamie, loopback18:35
pragmaticenigmaJames_Epp: Did the customer mention they attempted an upgrade? if so from what previous version?18:36
matjamMonsieurBon: dry dig @ fe80::1 bls.ch18:36
matjamMonsieurBon: try dig @fe80::1 bls.ch18:36
James_Epppragmaticenigma: Yes, they reported they were doing updates.18:36
James_EppI predict it would have been 16.04.18:36
pragmaticenigmaJames_Epp: best not to assume... My course of action would be to back up the data on the machine and do a clean install18:37
James_Epppragmaticengima: K. I've never done a transfer like that before. What do I do? Install fresh and overwrite /home with my backup of /home ? Is that enough or will I need to do magic in /etc/ and other dirs?18:38
James_EppI'm also wondering if doing some kind of chroot to the mounted partition and fighting with manual package rectification is something to try18:39
AndroUserHi all. Anyone know if Hyper-v optimized builds of 18.04 exist yet? Can't find anything solid through Google18:39
=== AndroUser is now known as SJWackness
pragmaticenigmaJames_Epp: that's one option... You might be able to repair the package, I really don't know.18:39
pragmaticenigmaSJWackness: Please do not change your screenname after asking for help18:40
James_Epppragmaticenigma: According to records the system was built in late 2014 so 14.04 or 14.10 is possible.18:40
SJWacknessStandard 18.04 is super laggy with UI under Win 10 host. Am i better off with VirtualBox for now?18:40
Bashing-omJames_Epp: See what the package manager thinks ? ' sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' .18:40
James_Eppbashing-om: I've never chroot'd to an ubuntu system before. Does this guide look good? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot18:41
ImageJPEGI have a feeling I'm gonna be stuck on 16.04 for a while on my nas18:41
pragmaticenigmaSJWackness: Ubuntu 18.04 was just release, optimized builds I assume are made by 3rd parties which we don't support.18:41
ImageJPEGI should wait for a subversion of 18.04 to come out, shouldn't I?18:42
matjamImageJPEG: yes18:42
matjamImageJPEG: wait for 18.04.118:42
ImageJPEGI am using ppa's for netatalk and samba...wonder how much that'll screw me over18:42
matjamImageJPEG: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule18:42
matjamImageJPEG: shouldn't be too bad. I would disable the PPAs, and remove the packages from the ppas, and then do the upgrade, and see if the official packages work18:43
pragmaticenigmaImageJPEG: When available, you will see an update notice during an "apt-get upgrade" that there is a newer version ... 3rd party repos aren't supported, and usually removed during a version upgrade. packages related are uninstalled (if everything works properly(18:43
MR_BIGC0CKcan I ask a question18:43
SJWacknessFrom the press releases from MS and Canonical it's officially supported and designed18:43
Bashing-omJames_Epp: I prefer a full change root . lemme hunt up the tutorial .18:43
MR_BIGC0CKcan anybody help me18:43
matjamMR_BIGC0CK: don't ask to ask, just ask18:43
MR_BIGC0CKI have a question18:44
James_Epppragmaticengima & bashing-om: Found an article explaingin /dev , /proc/ , and /sys . I'll try this later, thank you!18:44
SJWacknessWas scheduled for Q1 release but appears to have missed the mark18:44
ImageJPEGSo backup my configs18:44
MR_BIGC0CKis magic trackpad 2 supported on ubuntu ?18:44
matjamMR_BIGC0CK: not fully no, someone was in here the other day and they couldn't get two finger scrolling to work, etc.18:44
James_Epppragmaticengima & bashing-om : I already have a backup so that's not my primary concern. I'll pull down the 18.04 .iso file for good measure.18:44
pragmaticenigmaMR_BIGC0CK: Not officially, there are various tutorials online that have mixed results18:45
matjamMR_BIGC0CK: https://github.com/tiziano88/magic-trackpad-2-linux/issues/418:45
MR_BIGC0CKI've tried everything and I only have support for left click and cursor movement18:45
MonsieurBonmatjam, pragmaticenigma, dig @fe80::1 bls.ch does not work, also because ip6tables has everything dropped. If I open the firewall, dig bls.ch works, but my resolution of the local .home domain still does not work as it's not using the local bind server18:45
=== root is now known as Guest65232
MR_BIGC0CKyeah nothing works as of kernel version 1518:46
pragmaticenigmaMonsieurBon: Is it possible that dnsmasq would support all that you need without the heavy overhead of BIND?18:46
MR_BIGC0CKthanks for confirming18:46
matjamMR_BIGC0CK: seems like there's a lot of not happy peeps so should get plenty of eyeballs at some point18:48
MonsieurBonpragmaticenigma, hum, I did not know about dnsmasq. Sounds interesting.18:50
MonsieurBonpragmaticenigma, but would that actually solve the problem of local dns resolution (on the router itself, that is)?18:50
pragmaticenigmaMonsieurBon: If all you're trying to do is give your local network friendly names for easier lookup, dnsmasq can do that as well as handle caching addresses that are for sites outside your network18:51
pragmaticenigmaMonsieurBon: I do not know the topology of your home network. If you're using a Modem/Router, they offer the ability to type in the IP address of a DNS server. In most cases the router will not care if it is an internal or external address18:52
drsperkerHello !18:52
drsperkerIf I do apt-get upgrade and something doesn't work like before, how can I go back ? And what do I need to do before every upgrade so I can return back easily ?18:52
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: what do you mean "does not work like before" ?18:53
MonsieurBonpragmaticenigma, I'm running my own router with ubuntu-server18:53
matjamdrsperker: there's no easy way to rollback to an earlier package configuration out of the box. You can use btrfs to kind of do it but it's a bit complicated. https://askubuntu.com/questions/769329/is-there-a-way-to-restore-a-linux-system-to-a-previous-state-using-btrfs-as-in18:54
MonsieurBonpragmaticenigma, but yes, friendly names for router, nas, etc. basically all I'm trying to do. And that works well from my laptop, pc, phone, etc. But not on the router itself. If I run dig router.home on my laptop I get, but if I run that on my router, it's not resolving, unless . So the problem is not with bind, I think.18:54
pragmaticenigmaMonsieurBon: It won't work... You don't want it to work that way, else you will create a loopback18:55
pragmaticenigmaMonsieurBon: The server should be setup to look externally for addresses it doesn't know... if it looks to itself, it will never find websites on the open internet18:56
MonsieurBonpragmaticenigma, bind is configures with a forwarder address. shouldn't it ask that server if it can't resolve itself?18:56
drsperker<matjam>: Can I do something before the upgrade ? So I can rollback ?18:57
matjamMonsieurBon: you can configure bind such that it is authoritative for .home and recurses for anything else18:57
matjamdrsperker: the instructions are on that link. I have not done it, and can't vouch for the method.18:57
matjamMonsieurBon: note "recursion yes;" and "allow-recursion { YOUR_LOCAL_NET; };" configuration will need to exist18:58
drsperkerpragmaticenigma: I mean that maybe the new package ex. mysql-server have done changes and some parts of my databases doesn't work..18:58
MonsieurBonmatjam, That's exactly what I did. And it does work. Bind is not the problem. Running dig @ on my router let's me resolve everything from my local .home domain and also from the public internet. But dig without @ won't ask but and that will not resolve anything.18:58
Bashing-omdrsperker: There is no undo, what there is is the ability to boot an older kernel that worked prior to the upgrade . In any upgrade one must update the data base first : ' sudo apt update ' .18:59
matjamMonsieurBon: you'll probably want to hard code the resolver in the router's configuration to use for DNS resolution, either in the interface config or in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf18:59
matjamthat will make local programs use the local resolver18:59
matjamon your DHCP configuration, point all DNS requests to your router18:59
matjamif your router is for instance, just use that. Don't also add or any other DNS servers, as it is semi-random which dns server will be queried, and other nameservers won't know about .home19:00
MonsieurBonmatjam, do I need to reload anything after changing /etc/systemd/resolved.conf?19:02
matjamMonsieurBon: um, probably at least the systemd-resolved service19:03
badsekt0rMonsieurBon, no but it usually take a few minutes for it to be the new DNS, usually because of Caching in your browser19:03
matjambadsekt0r: does systemd-resolved reload automatically if the configuration changes?19:03
badsekt0rMonsieurBon, i thought the file was /etc/resolve.conf19:03
MonsieurBonbadsekt0r, no browser, just dig in bash on the router itself19:03
matjambadsekt0r: /etc/resolve.conf is now managed by systemd19:04
badsekt0rmatjam, i thought we were talking about /etc/resolve.conf sorry19:04
drsperkermatjam : It's a remote server , Can I have the backup to my computer ?19:04
sparqHey, other than on reboot, does anyone know why /run/user/<uid> would get purged?19:04
matjamdrsperker: what are you upgrading from, to?19:04
drsperkermatjam : I just want to run a apt-get update & apt-get upgrade and I'm worrying to have a way to rollback if something breaks19:05
matjamdrsperker: recommend that you leave a server on 16.04 until 18.04.1 is released.19:05
YADW1Hello! Is there any way to batch convert all of the .psf.gz fonts in my /usr/share/consolefonts folder to .ttf or some other X11 compatible font format?19:06
MonsieurBonmatjam, that worked like a charm!19:06
matjamdrsperker: there's no real way to rollback, dude.19:06
drsperkermatjam: I'm not going to do 'dist upgrade'  just an 'upgrade'19:06
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: I would assume that what changed isn't a bug in the package, but instead it was config file change.19:06
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: I would double check my.conf to make sure it's still setup the way it was19:06
matjamMonsieurBon: cool beans19:07
Bashing-om!dist-upgrade | drsperker19:07
ubottudrsperker: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.19:07
MonsieurBonmatjam, pragmaticenigma, thanks a lot for your help. I'll have a look at dnsmasq too.19:07
ioriadrsperker, apt -s upgrade (or full-upgrade); s-s = simulate19:08
YADW1My intent is to customize virtual terminals to look like ttys, so I'd like to convert the actual font files and use similar color/size/aliasing settings in graphic environments19:08
matjamYADW1: You might fight someone has already done that work for you, pretty sure I've seen those kinds of fonts out there in ttf19:09
drsperkerubottu: I thought that dist-upgrade was to upgrade to a new version :O19:09
ubottudrsperker: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:09
drsperkerioria: I thought that dist-upgrade was to upgrade to a new version :O19:10
pragmaticenigmano drsperker19:10
ioriadrsperker, negative19:10
matjamnegatory drsperker19:10
drsperkerpragmaticenigma: As I live I'm learning !19:11
pragmaticenigmadist-upgrade will upgrade packages to newer versions, upgrade applies patches only19:11
YADW1matjam thank you, but I've looked everywhere on the internet, neither Terminus nor Unifont were perfectly the same. Unifont was something similar though.19:11
drsperkerand apt-get upgrade ? will update to new distro ?19:11
ioriadrsperker, are you trolling ?19:12
matjamterminus is the biznit19:12
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: no, take a look at "man apt-get"19:12
drsperkerioria: no ! I'm just trying to understand !19:12
ioriadrsperker, that's why Bashing-om posted the link for you19:12
YADW1matjam I had to look at the urban dictionary meaning for "biznit", to find out it's a word for "A punk, a b*tch, a person that is bothersome". What on earth did you mean xD19:14
TBotNikAll: Updated my writeup on the MySQL/apt-get issue I have at: linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=5854686#post5854686  Really desperately need help!19:14
matjamlol, yeah, I meant, like, it's awesome19:14
ryzokukenI thought Ubuntu 16.04 didn't work on Macbook Pros because it's old, and 18.04 will.19:15
ryzokukenIt still doesn't.19:16
matjamyeah macbook support is spotty19:16
matjamryzokuken: trackpad problems?19:16
ryzokukenexactly, trackpad is a blaring hole19:16
ryzokukenmatjam trackpad just refuses to work19:17
matjamyup, seeing a lot of people with that problem in here19:17
YADW1matjam well yes, it kinda is. But the point is, it's not much similar at all. I thought the best idea was to "rip" my own fonts from the default folder, can anyone give me a hand here?19:17
ryzokukentbh, I could split this out into a more general issue: what to use for work?19:17
matjamYADW1: I have no idea, I'm afraid. There's probably some tool in xorg that might get you some of the way there. Sounds like a fun journey.19:17
ryzokukenMacOS is really nice, but the hardware seems kinda meh now after my keys started getting stuck19:17
ryzokukenWindows is not good at programming work at all, it seems.19:18
matjamryzokuken: the only reason to buy the hardware is to run the OS, imho, but if you want to run linux there's better hardware.19:18
ryzokukenLinux just keeps failing me plus I cannot get devices to run it19:18
ryzokukenmatjam exactly19:18
JontaWhat do you need to do for work?19:18
ryzokukenA decent programming environment19:19
JontaToo broad19:19
ryzokukenI should atleast be as productive as I am on my Mac (not too much, tbqh)19:19
ryzokukenJonta *nix stuff should just work, so that rules out Win19:19
pragmaticenigmaryzokuken: This isn't a polling channel, it is a support channel. Do you have a support specific question? Otherwise, please visit /join #ubuntu-offtopic19:20
JontaWell, does it have to be a Ubuntu LTS?19:20
ryzokukenJonta not necessarily.19:20
matjamryzokuken: I have a work provided macbook running macos for development, mostly Go, some typescript, using vscode. At home I run linux + vscode, etc, its basically identical workflow.19:20
* matjam apologises for going off topic.19:20
ryzokukenpragmaticenigma the main question is about running Ubuntu on a Macbook tbh19:20
ryzokukenmatjam I used to use Ubuntu in school, it used to break every other day19:21
ryzokukenI think the experience is much smoother in laptops meant to run it19:21
pragmaticenigmaryzokuken: that's fine, but you're question is very broad... Do you have Ubuntu installed on the MacBook?19:21
ryzokukeneg: Sys76 or Dell's devices19:21
YADW1matjam A fun journey indeed lol. I find myself in this kind of situations quite a lot tbh (last time I was trying to make ubuntu 16.04 a multiseat distro, I'll let you imagine just how well did it end. God why do I have to be like this). Especially right now that in my timezone it's 9:20 in the evening and I have 50 pages of my textbook, which I'm opening only now, to study for a latin exam tomorrow, but I literally can't focus beca19:21
JontaHave you looked for a distro that targets macbooks?19:21
ryzokukenJonta are there any? I didn't know.19:21
ryzokukenpragmaticenigma I tried, the trackpad doesn't work.19:22
matjampragmaticenigma: do you know of a bug in launchpad tracking the magic trackpad issue?19:22
matjamI'm looking19:22
drsperkerpragmaticenigma: If I keep the list of dpkg -l and try to install again if something goes back after the upgrade ? Can I do that ?19:22
drsperkergoes bad*19:22
pragmaticenigmaryzokuken: It's a known issue with Mac's that the trackpads are not working. There isn't a solution currently for it. There are developers working to get it up and running, however at this time all you can do is wait.19:22
Bashing-omdrsperker: No .. the depencies are changed with the new packaging .19:23
YADW1In times like this I feel like I never should have joined the linux "fandom", is more of a hobby  than a productivity advantage lol19:23
ryzokukenPlus repos on apt are at times lagging behind so I have to build software myself (messy)19:23
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: The upgrade process is one-way only. Once it runs, there is no going back19:23
ryzokukenbrew feels much better in this regard.19:23
matjamryzokuken: there's a lot of bugs currently filed against the kernel for trackpad related stuff: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/128370119:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1283701 in linux (Ubuntu) "Apple Magic Trackpad: Three Finger Tap gets sent repeatedly" [Medium,Fix committed]19:24
ryzokukenmatjam oh, okay.19:24
matjamryzokuken: check back in a month or so and you might find it will be all fixed19:24
drsperkerBashing-om , pragmaticenigma So if something goes bad I have to fix it right ?19:24
ryzokukenmatjam all we can do is wait, I guess.19:24
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: We haven't even established what is wrong with your machine.19:24
matjam18.04 is super new, exotic stuff like mac specific trackpads often are not supported simply because it doesn't make the cut by apri19:24
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: I asked you to verify your configuration files, make sure they weren't changed after the update.19:25
ryzokukenmatjam is it Ubuntu related or can I not expect any Linux distros to work?19:25
ioriaryzokuken, why don't you ask to hw manufactures to release the specs ?19:26
matjamryzokuken: it's a kernel thing, you might find newer kernels have bugs that older kernels didn't have, so you might have luck with say, linux mint or something like that with an older kernel .. but I have no idea.19:26
ryzokukenioria I think that's asking too much in case of Apple19:26
Bashing-omdrsperker: You are overtinking this .. it is rare that "something goes bad" . In most cases it is a config issue on the users end . One does backup their data - as a matter of course .19:26
crmltTrackpads works good on linux with libinput19:26
ryzokukenthey clearly don't care and I feel bad about it.19:26
ioriaryzokuken, dam right19:26
drsperkerpragmaticenigma : There is nothing wrong. Actually is the first time that I have in my hands a real server running away from my pc , so I'm trying to do things carefully.. (And I'm not trolling) Where can  I find my configuration files ? where are they ?19:27
matjamioria: yeah, right, ryzokuken is going to write to apple and get them to release the specs on their trackpad to the linux kernel developers.19:27
ryzokukenmatjam I'd rather get them to fix the keyboard and go back to using MacOS19:27
matjamryzokuken: yeah I think it's bonkers that so many people are having trouble with the keyboard19:27
matjamanyway this is an off topic discussion19:28
sparqHey, other than on reboot, does anyone know why /run/user/<uid> would get purged? Something keeps wiping it and crashing all the processes that keep their PID files and state data there. :-(19:28
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drsperkerBashing-om : I'm overthiking a lot in every thing , but this is for another discussion. :D19:28
sparqSeems like roughly every 24 hours, my user's run directory gets purged.19:29
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: For starters, you should run a local server that is setup the same as your remote server. That way you can test updates before applying them to your remote server (to avoid issues like this)19:29
Jontadrsperker: Different config files are in different places. I suggest searching "where's the config file for [program]"19:29
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: The default config file for mysql is /etc/mysql/my.cnf19:30
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: though that file should not be modified by anyone. instead custom options should be saved in the /etc/mysql/conf.d folder19:30
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: Also, if you are paying someone to for the remote hosting, they really should be the ones helping you. Since they may have customizations to the OS we are not aware of19:31
drsperkerpragmaticenigma: It's just a server that is currently running at my university (dedicated). So say that it happens an upgrade to mysql-server x.1 and it goes to mysql-server x.5 . Only the my.conf file will have changes ?19:34
matjamdrsperker: so, anecdotally, I've never had a problem with mysql-server being upgraded on ubuntu servers.19:34
matjamthe upgrate scripts do a good job in general.19:35
matjam( they have to, because lots of servers run ubuntu, and breaking mysql would be a Bad Thing ™ )19:35
matjamam at the point now where I don't even think about upgrades on my ubuntu servers, I just do it. Rarely have any issues.19:36
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: Depends on what changed within mysql-server that warrents a configuration file change. There is a lot more to this problem than we can dig into here. You really should contact the people in charge of maintaining the server for help.19:37
drsperkerpragmaticenigma : Say that there is a mysql-server update which your current database schema doesn't work good with the new server cuz of changes. (Actually they are giving you a mysql script to run to perform the update in mysql ) But  as you say If you want to go back to the previous mysql version you can't :/19:39
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: It is many of our experiences that an upgrade of a software package, rarely if ever goes wrong on its own. There is usually some customization having been done that falls out of scope of the ability for us to troubleshoot and properly diagnose. When that happens, we direct you to the people in charge of the server, in this case your University's IT team.19:39
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: what you just said is complete giberish and makes absolutely no sense.19:41
ioriadrsperker, you mean perform a query and it does nor work anymore when worked before  ?19:44
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: The updates provided when you run "apt-get upgrade" are not scripts. They are replacement binaries that contain patches, bug fixes only. There are no scripts executed on the database data, except when it pertains to the mysql schema (which you should not have any tables in or custom changes)19:44
matjamdrsperker: mysql kind of guarantees that point releases won't break your database schema.19:45
pragmaticenigmamatjam: there is no "kind of" ... they either break or don't break.19:45
geniipragmaticenigma: Not strictly true, since some packages run preinstall and postinstall scripts19:46
pragmaticenigmaand in the larger picture they are tested to not break. Breakage19:46
rflemingHow can I get QT apps to run in GNOME with the GTK style?19:46
pragmaticenigmagenii: not those types of scripts19:46
rfleming(Example: Dolphin)19:46
matjamtrue, but what I mean is, there's a general social contract there that point releases are bugfixes19:46
matjamit woudl be Bad Form to break configuration or database on a point release19:46
pragmaticenigmarfleming: The QT engine takes care of that natively, to the best of it's ability.19:47
matjamits the kind of thing that would stop anyone from ever using mysql again.19:47
rflemingpragmaticenigma: I see... I run a dark theme and dolphin looks like crap all bright and illegible :)19:47
drsperkerioria: Yeah, exactly ! Because they made changes to their source code like ex. the way that foreign keys designed (I'm just saying) matjam: Yes the are giving you an .sql script to run to make changes . But as we said until now . If you made an upgrade from mysql-server x.1 to x.5 you can't go again to x.1 properly ! You can't do something before the upgrade to rollback. When it's done it's done ! Am I understing it  right ?19:47
rfleming(icon wise)19:47
matjamdrsperker: back up all the mysql files, and if you want to roll back, remove the mysql package and re-install the old version of the package from the repos.19:49
matjam(and restore the backed-up files)19:49
ioriadrsperker, not a sql magician, but usually you just change your code (or if possible force the previous pkg, never done btw)19:49
ioriarfleming, breeze19:50
pragmaticenigmadrsperker: This conversation has become very unproductive. You've been given several options. It's up to you to persue them. Otherwise, we're just going in circles at this point and need to move on.19:50
sparqAny systemd experts around today?19:56
pragmaticenigmasparq: Please ask your question, preferably on one line. If someone knows the answer, they will respond. If no one knows, you won't receive a response.19:56
drsperkerpragmaticenigma : Thank you a lot !19:57
sparqpragmaticenigma: Yep. I read the FAQ. Now I'm looking for someone who might have general knowledge about the relevant system.19:59
worktonerI am curious why some malicious user would want to run the following: /tmp/.FILE/hidden_hacker_files/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 --library-path /tmp/.FILE/hidden_hacker_files/hackerfile1 /tmp/.FILE/hidden_hacker_files/hackerfile219:59
pragmaticenigma!ask | sparq19:59
ubottusparq: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:59
worktonerIt seems like they copied in some libraries including ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 and a bash binary19:59
worktonerWhat would be the purpose of bringing in your own copy of ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 and bash?20:00
pragmaticenigmaworktoner: This doesn't appear to be a support issue for Ubuntu, please consider one of the other Ubuntu channels such as discussion or offtopic20:00
_KaszpiR_worktoner ability to execute on systems which lack specific libraries, so they provide their own with all dependencies required, and some other features20:01
worktoner_KaszpiR_: I see so maybe they just didn't know if those libraries would be available or not so they brought their own in? Makes sense.20:01
worktonerpragmaticenigma: Are you recommending another channel?20:02
_KaszpiR_they may target most of linux distros, so they bundle all stuff20:02
sparqubottu: Sigh. Please see scrollback before explainin how to IRC.20:03
ubottusparq: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:03
sparqAh, that explains it.20:03
worktoner_KaszpiR_: yes it seems there was a whole group of libraries but that one was the only one I found being used via 'proc'20:03
worktonererm.. 'ps' i meant20:03
pragmaticenigmasparq: What I am telling you is to ask the question. Not ask for anyone... no one is going to respond unless they know what your question is up front.20:04
_KaszpiR_worktoner upload it to virustotal and see what it reports20:04
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worktoner_KaszpiR_: Sorry it has been some time since I had to wear my netsec hat. What is virustotal?20:05
worktonerCertainly, thx20:05
worktonereh, what if these files contained some sensitive data like something that was being exfiltrated? Maybe its not the best idea to upload these files at this point in time20:06
pragmaticenigmaworktoner: Again, this is offtopic, please see #ubuntu-offtopic=20:07
pragmaticenigmaworktoner: Again, this is offtopic, please see #ubuntu-offtopic20:07
worktonerpragmaticenigma: Are you a bot?20:07
xebrahi, in my /etc/network/interfaces I only have two lines, both about the "lo" interface. So where and how is my ethernet interface configured?20:10
worktoner_KaszpiR_: Thanks again. I guess I'll pipe down before the thought police write me a ticket20:14
andrew09I'm trying to update the BIOS, but when writing the FreeDOS image to the usb it becomes only 32MB so I can't copy the exe file to it20:18
pragmaticenigmaxebra: Interfaces are defined by NetworkManager... /etc/network is lower level and a fall back when NetworkManager fails to load20:18
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pragmaticenigmaworktoner: Please offer the same respect to others as you would expect yourself. Name calling isn't apporpriate here and is against the community guidelines. I asked you to take the conversation elsewhere because it is not a support issue. you are researching an issue, and I was attempting to offer a better resource for that purpose.20:20
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worktonerpragmaticenigma: What are you talking about?20:22
worktonerI am working with files that a malicious user left behind on an Ubuntu system. That seems an appropriate enough topic to discuss in this channel. I'm sorry you don't see things the same way.20:23
worktonerAlso what do you mean by name calling?20:23
subPunkgreetings from Croahello20:24
subPunki meant Croatia20:24
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fragtasticAnyone else notice a problem switching virtual desktop to the left? Ubuntu 18.04 with Budgie. Can hold Ctrl then press right arrow to switch in that direction, but when switching left Ctrl has to be repressed each time20:26
PsychoBoBHow I can disable a service with auto star20:27
pragmaticenigmaworktoner: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu system support, packages and software that is distributed by Canonical and Ubuntu. You're discussion on a potential breach does not fall within that definition. You're attempt to research about files that appear to have been created by a malicious user is not within that scope.20:27
PsychoBoBjust remove the alias from /etc/init.d ?20:27
SlidingHornPsychoBoB: version and flavor of ubuntu?20:27
fragtasticPsychoBoB, systemctl disable <service>20:27
pragmaticenigmaPsychoBoB: No, please provide more information includeing the Ubuntu version that you are running so we can offer the correct advice20:27
worktonerpragmaticenigma: I'm sorry are you an admin here or some kind of moderator?20:28
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PsychoBoBSlidingHorn, ubuntu 18.0420:28
PsychoBoBfragtastic, this command disable in the moment20:28
PsychoBoBI need disable ever20:28
SlidingHornPsychoBoB: what is the service?20:28
pragmaticenigmaPsychoBoB: That command when run as sudo will disable the service from starting next time the computer is rebooted.20:29
SlidingHornPsychoBoB: the command fragtastic gave you will do what you want then20:29
pragmaticenigmasystemctrl stop <service> is temporary and will allow the service to restart when the computer is rebooted20:30
PsychoBoBand how do I always disable?20:30
SlidingHornPsychoBoB: we just told you.20:31
pragmaticenigmaPsychoBoB: "systemctrl disable monit" will disable the service20:31
PsychoBoBdisable !!!20:31
PsychoBoBis it20:31
pragmaticenigmaPsychoBoB: There are no files to delete... the tool will automatically do the appropriate changes20:31
SlidingHornsystemctl *  pragmaticenigma / PsychoBoB20:31
oerhekseasy to find20:32
pragmaticenigmaSlidingHorn: thanks for the correction20:32
PsychoBoBmonit.service is not a native service, redirecting to systemd-sysv-install.20:32
PsychoBoBExecuting: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install disable monit20:32
pragmaticenigmaPsychoBoB: "systemctl disable monit" will disable the service (sorry for the typo)20:32
PsychoBoBis the msg that i receive20:32
Kon-My audio levels are borked in PulseAudio. Some frequencies are only barely audible at max volume20:32
Kon-This is compared to yesterday, or today in Windows with the same audio files and same playback equipment20:33
fragtasticoerheks, that site gives a 503 Service Unavailable btw20:33
PsychoBoBpragmaticenigma, SlidingHorn20:33
PsychoBoBhelp me20:33
Kon-I've been told that PulseAudio doesn't have any kind of equalizer function, so how is it that my audio levels can get borked in the first place?20:33
pragmaticenigma!patience | PsychoBoB20:34
ubottuPsychoBoB: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:34
pragmaticenigmaPsychoBoB: If you are done using the application you can "sudo apt-get purge monit" which will both remove the service and uninstall the program.20:35
SlidingHornPsychoBoB: that wasn't an error message.  The service should be disabled.20:35
PsychoBoBreally ?20:35
fragtasticPsychoBoB, please check the status of the service20:36
PsychoBoBhow ?20:36
oerheksPsychoBoB, how did you install monit? 18.04 uses proper systemd commands20:37
PsychoBoBsudo apt install monit20:38
fragtasticPsychoBoB, systemctl status monit20:38
PsychoBoBsystemctl status monit20:38
PsychoBoB● monit.service - LSB: service and resource monitoring daemon20:38
PsychoBoB   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/monit; generated)20:38
PsychoBoB   Active: active (running) since Mon 2018-05-14 17:12:49 -03; 25min ago20:38
PsychoBoBit's running20:38
SlidingHornPsychoBoB / fragtastic we only disabled it...we didn't stop it... PsychoBoB - please answer oerheks' question, though20:39
pragmaticenigmaPsychoBoB: It will continue to run after you disable20:39
fragtasticit still should say if it's enabled/disabled from status even if it's running/stopped20:40
john00Hey guys, I'm trying to write FreeDOS image to the usb using Startup Disk Creator, but it becoms only 32MB after finishing so I can't copy files. Anyway to make it FAT3220:40
worktonerpragmaticenigma: Hey I didn't get a response from you. I don't want to rock the boat here but I'm definitely dealing with an issue that has to do with an Ubuntu system. It's frustrating that you don't feel I'm on topic enough but I'm going to go ahead and keep talking about ubuntu security here unless you had more to say?20:41
oerheksoh, a whole post about monit (17.10, but should be equal for 18.04) ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/953368/systemd-doesnt-restart-monit-after-kill?rq=120:41
oerheksis this a feature of monit?20:42
pragmaticenigmaworktoner: Stop it, you're acting like a troll now and it's inappropriate. If you want to talk about Ubuntu Security the apporpriate channel for that is #ubuntu-offtopic. Security is not a support topic, it's a security topic. since there is no channel dedicated to security, it's belongs in offtopic.20:43
worktonerpragmaticenigma: Just because someone has a debate with you doesn't mean they are acting like a troll.20:43
john00 Hey guys, I'm trying to write FreeDOS image to the usb using Startup Disk Creator, but it becoms only 32MB after finishing so I can't copy files. Anyway to make it FAT3220:44
matjam!offtopic | worktoner20:44
ubottuworktoner: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:44
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pragmaticenigma!repeat | john0020:44
SlidingHorn!patience | john0020:44
ubottujohn00: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:44
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`whoami`Hello. Do you have any idea why I am able to boot from a ubuntu usb key (the 18.04 installer) and use it as a livecd, while I'm unable to boot from another usb key where I installed ubuntu using the previous usb key ? Secureboot is disabled, and UEFI is enabled.20:46
xebraworktoner, did you try asking in #security ? That's a better chan I guess20:46
worktonerxebra: Hey thanks, I alreay got my question answered though.20:46
worktonerI suppose I'm just trying to wrap up a side chat here with pragmaticenigma20:46
`whoami`and the usb drives are plugged in the same slot (I switched them before booting)20:46
oerheksworktoner, please don't.20:47
matjam`whoami`: the USB stick you installed to won't have the correct boot manager installed.20:47
leftyfbworktoner: From what I read, your ubuntu system has been compromised. Your ONLY course of action is to wipe it, reinstall Ubuntu and restore from backups created before the compromise. Beyond that, there's nothing more to discuss about it here. We help with problems with Ubuntu. Your issue is a problem with security and at this point, reinstalling Ubuntu.20:47
matjamworktoner: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic as has been suggested to you several times.20:47
worktonerleftyfb: yes we have restored the system to a point before the incident, thank you for the advice.20:47
`whoami`matjam: interesting. Any lead to install that right ?20:47
worktonermatjqm: Excuse me?20:47
pragmaticenigma!ops | worktoner20:48
ubottuworktoner: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax20:48
worktonerI take it you don't intend to answer my question. Thanks anyhow20:48
PsychoBoBI'll restart the machine20:49
PsychoBoBand then see monit service20:49
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`whoami`pragmaticenigma: you could have used /ignore instead of highlighing all the ops. Just sayin'20:49
pragmaticenigmaPsychoBoB: How or where did you find instructions to install monit?20:49
matjam`whoami`: I would google it, I don't know anything offhand. I'm sure people do it, but it's not a common installation target and I don't think it's supported officially.20:50
PsychoBoBpragmaticenigma, i just run apt install20:50
matjam`whoami`: I found this (old) question here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/170454/can-i-install-ubuntu-to-my-32-gb-usb-pen-drive20:51
xebraworktoner, why was your system compromised? And is it desktop or server?20:51
`whoami`matjam: ah, that'd  be because I'm installing it on another usb drive. I was thinking about something like "grub-uefi wouldn't have been run during install" or something20:51
xebraworktoner, just curious20:51
pragmaticenigmaxebra: that is offtopic as was stated earlier20:51
`whoami`thanks, I'll check the link !20:51
SlidingHornPsychoBoB: You apparently installed some other repository beforehand, though, as the default version in the official ubuntu repos wouldn't have given you the "is not a native service" message you received previously20:52
xebrapragmaticenigma, well, the infection vector might be interesting to know though, in this chan20:52
pragmaticenigmaxebra: As was already stated by 3 people, it is offtopic20:52
matjamxebra: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic20:53
SlidingHornxebra: interesting, maybe, but still off topic.  Feel free to continue the interesting conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic.20:53
fragtasticBudgie on 18.04 would be supported in this channel, right?20:58
tgm4883fragtastic: yes20:59
matjamit's an official community flavor20:59
fragtasticmatjam, not actually using the separate flavor though. just tasksel budgie desktop on Ubuntu 18.0421:00
matjamyou're good, whats your problem21:00
fragtastichaving a problem with the virtual desktops21:00
fragtasticcan Ctrl+Right + Right + Right ...21:01
fragtasticbut Ctrl+Left + Left ... doesn't work21:01
fragtasticI have to release and press Ctrl again if I want to switch left21:01
fragtasticNot a huge problem by any means, just annoying21:01
matjamI don't know, someone else might. Bueller? Bueller?21:01
worktonerxebra: We had delays patching a CMS system that had a security hole21:02
SlidingHornfragtastic: curious - does this occur no matter which desktop you're switching from, or only if you're on #1 (switching to #x - x being the highest number desktop)?21:02
worktonerxebra: Oh sorry, also it is a server21:03
fragtasticSlidingHorn, yep any desktop. i can switch left then right but not left again too21:03
mattflyis someone there with nvidia drivers installed able to hibernate? I am not and have reported a bug but Havent found no one else with this issue or up to test it21:03
matjamworktoner: please /join #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to discuss something that isn't a specific support question for ubuntu. Not trying to be a pain, it's just, we are quite happy to discuss non-support related stuff there, where as here it's just noise.21:04
worktonermatjam: I much prefer this statement to your previous one.21:04
matjamworktoner: I don't always have time to write a long explanation, which is why we use ubottu's macros to direct people to better places. We are all volunteers.21:04
worktonerThanks for volunteering21:05
matjammattfly: I use the nvidia proprietary driver and am able to hibernate. Are you on a laptop by any chance?21:06
mattflyyes i am on a laptop21:06
fragtasticJust got a crash report dialog /usr/share/budgie-desktop/virtualspace/shownav21:07
mattflyoh thanks for saying that i was wondering if i should try the proprietary driver21:07
matjammattfly: you're using the proprietary driver?21:07
mattflyi installed the nvidia-384 package that offers 390 driver21:07
matjamwas that the package offered in Software Updates?21:07
mattflyim on a dell i15 7567 with nvidia gtx 1050ti21:07
fragtasticer, i mean /visualspace/ not /virtualspace/21:07
mattflymatjam: can you tell me about your hardware and how did you proceed to install the proprietary drivers and is it ubuntu bionic ?21:08
matjammattfly: in Software & Updates, go to Additional Drivers and select "Using NVIDIA binary driver"21:09
matjamthat driver is supported by ubuntu.21:10
matjam(and, yes, this is in 18.04)21:10
mattflyisnt it the nvidia-384 package??21:10
mattflyi guess it does the same as installing nvidia-38421:11
matjammattfly: the latest for ubuntu 18.04 appears to be 39021:12
matjamas that is what I have installed21:12
mattflybut the package name is 38421:12
fragtasticSlidingHorn, i'm gonna dig into this script and try to see what's going on21:12
mattflyI have it selected to use nvidia drivers on that page21:13
matjamcould be; when I look with dpkg --list | grep nvidia, I see 390 (I'm not at home, so I'm ssh'd into my ubuntu box)21:13
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mattflywhat is your hardware ? what is your nvidia card? how much ram and is it a fresh install? are you using the swap file?21:14
matjammattfly: ok this appears to be the most up to date information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia21:14
mattflysince the alpha i can hibernate :/21:14
mattflynvidia-384: Transitional package for nvidia-driver-39021:15
matjammattfly: you might also want to check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 for bugs that may be relevant to you21:15
mattflynothing related to hibernation...21:15
matjammattfly: then I suggest posting perhaps with information about your configuration and maybe the maintainers can help you21:16
mattflyi did https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/uswsusp/+bug/177049121:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1770491 in uswsusp (Ubuntu) "Hibernation doesnt work after installing nvidia-384(s2disk hangs)" [Undecided,New]21:16
matjamok, sorry, I don't have anything else to suggest.21:17
mattflycan you give me details about your hardware?21:17
matjamit's a desktop machine with a 1070 in it21:17
matjamit's not exotic.21:18
mattflyhow much ram do you have and are you using a swap file or partition, and how much swap you have21:18
IntelCoreTwo things. One, I click Software center, and..whileI see the loading, it does nothing21:18
IntelCoreTwo, After grub menu, ubuntu loads and checks my pc now.. 16.0421:19
matjammattfly: I don't think that has much to do with anything, it's just a desktop machine. Hardware for desktops is more common. You're probably hitting some weird bug that only affects certain chipsets/hardware configurations on notebooks.21:19
mattflyi see..... can be21:19
matjamIntelCore: have you made changes to sudoers configuration?21:19
IntelCorenot to my knowledge21:19
mattflyoh if i set a password to root will this driver update stop working?21:20
mattflybecause it also never worked to me21:20
IntelCoredoes 16.04 unity with gnome require ubuntu one to load the software-center?21:21
matjamIntelCore: no, I am able to use it without ubuntu one.21:22
IntelCore P:  The One that does not load is under Applications>SystemTools>Administration21:23
matjamIntelCore: do you have a ~/.cache/gnome-software directory21:24
IntelCore Have another Under just SystemTools menu, has no icon21:24
Kon-How can I restore user-level defaults in PulseAudio and PavuControl? I have an issue which does not exist on a newly created user.21:24
Kon-I couldn't figure out the problem so this seems the easiest way21:24
fragtasticas far as i can tell, the left/right workspace shortcuts are listed under "custom" and the command issued is /usr/share/budgie-desktop/visualspace/visualspace <prev|next>21:24
fragtasticRunning in terminal manually is fine, just something about holding Ctrl+Alt is a problem21:25
matjamfragtastic: maybe another keyboard shortcut is defined somewhere21:25
IntelCorematjam - yes (3.20)21:25
matjamIntelCore: quit software center, delete that directory, and re-open it21:25
IntelCoreshows icon, pointer swirls, ahh - it loads21:27
IntelCorewhy is my loading now scrolling up checking my stuff [OK} in green21:28
fragtasticmatjam, i've tried removing/readding/changing the shortcuts. still doesn't like moving left21:28
matjamfragtastic: weird21:28
matjamfragtastic: try making a new user account and seeing if it behaves the same in that new user account21:29
matjamIntelCore: not sure what you mean21:30
matjamKon-: I don't know for sure, I would do a find . | grep -e "pav|pulse" and see what files show up21:31
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IntelCorematjam - grub menu loads.. says Ubuntu at top.. with others below. I give 30 secs, or hit enter. Well, when I hit enter, it goes text scrolls up, instead of a Ubuntu loading graphic21:32
matjamIntelCore: but you get a login screen eventually?21:33
IntelCoreyes. it is now checking like in safe/or advanced21:33
matjamdid you select the recovery mode?21:33
matjamdid you install the binary driver for your machine in Software Center?21:34
matjamer software & updates21:34
IntelCoreno. those update themselfs21:34
matjambut you get a login like normal and can log into GUI?21:34
IntelCoreyep it will finish and open a gui with me to login21:35
matjamso, it's probably fine. My machine doesn't do the splash screen either because I installed the nvidia driver.21:35
IntelCoreyes, is running, fine enough. I also note that I did get a USB of 18.04 and ran live session of 18.0421:36
IntelCoregot both iso on drive in downloads21:37
IntelCoreseem after I did this usb, was when21:37
fragtasticmatjam, wouldn't have thought of making another account. Tried it and it behaves properly21:37
fragtasticI guess it's because my user existed before I installed budgie21:38
matjamfragtastic: sometimes the config can get messed up, especially if you upgrade from one version to the next and keep the homedir the same, I've taken to storing my files elsewhere and blowing away my homedir on each upgrade/install21:39
fragtasticI suppose deleting, or at least temporarily moving, ~/.config might be worth a try21:39
matjamwhile the ubuntu packages upgrade cleanly, there is not always good support for upgrading the configuration in your homedir for every component, and things like budgie are less popular so they're probably even more likely to have problems.21:39
matjamI think a lot of things also use .local21:40
matjamand then theres .gconf, and .gnome, and ... yeah you get the idea21:40
=== root_ is now known as Guest22562
fragtasticI'll remove gnome first21:41
IntelCorekompozer not in ubuntu. I want like SeaMonkey.21:44
IntelCoregot Blueish21:44
fragtasticmatjam, thanks a ton though!21:46
matjamfragtastic: my pleasure21:46
fragtasticWell, I might as well reinstall at this point. tasksel install ubuntu-budgie-desktop then tasksel remove ubuntu-desktop21:47
fragtasticDidn't do what I thought21:47
matjamfragtastic: lawl, yeah, I'm sure removing ubuntu-desktop killed a lot of necessary stuff21:48
oerheksadding a desktop, no problem, but removing one can be amazing21:48
matjamoh look, its removing grub21:48
matjam... and the kernel ... and libc ...21:48
SlidingHornKon-: See if this helps you at all...I'd recommend reading through all the comments for the top answer as well https://askubuntu.com/questions/854046/restore-default-audio-drivers-in-ubuntu-1621:48
fragtasticI was under the impression it would just remove the unity/gnome desktop packages21:49
fragtasticSince I had already selected ubuntu-budgie-desktop21:49
fragtasticThis'll be fun21:49
matjamfragtastic: I'd just grab the budgie iso and write it to a usb stick and go from there, if I wanted to use budgie21:49
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matjamfragtastic: let me know how you like it, I've been tempted.21:49
fragtasticI'm gonna at this point21:50
fragtasticI just saw it remove grub and other things...21:50
Bashing-omfragtastic: removing a DE is not an easy thing - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelubuntu - may point ya for what happens .21:51
fragtasticAt this point I'm just seeing how long I can stay in the desktop before it finally tanks21:51
matjamfragtastic: god speed :D21:52
fragtasticBashing-om, I'd open the link, but firefox and chromium are already removed21:52
Bashing-omfragtastic: Oh Fun !21:53
SlidingHornfragtastic: lynx?21:53
fragtasticSlidingHorn, terminal(s) are gone too21:53
SlidingHornwell, then....have fun storming the castle!21:54
matjamits ok if you install usb-creator-gtk it will pull back in most of gnome21:54
matjamdo it from a VT21:54
IntelCorebunzip -dk filneame.bzip2  ??21:54
matjamIntelCore: sorry?21:55
R13oseI use LVM, root is mounting read-only and I need instructions to help me with fsck and mounting it read-write again21:55
IntelCorebzip2 file tar.21:55
matjamIntelCore: whats your question?21:56
IntelCoreterminal command for bzip2 file21:56
matjamwhat are you trying to do?21:56
IntelCoreunzip it21:56
matjamunzip what?21:56
matjama tar.bz2 file?21:56
matjamtar jxvf file.tar.bzip221:56
matjamj = bzip21:57
geniiR13ose: You could probably also show the link here to the pastebin with the mount command output21:57
yaccDoes anyone know if Ubuntu (16.04 or 18.04) supports HFP 1.6 (Bluetooth headset with high quality mic support)?21:57
matjamx = extract   v = verbose   f = file21:57
R13oseHere is the mount command output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6NM5cCN7Wv/21:59
yaccR13ose, consider #lvm21:59
R13oseThanks yacc22:00
IntelCoreseamonkey install was not clean, but it is there22:02
R13oseyacc: I asked a question to you in the other channel.22:07
IntelCoreit extracted to the directory. now, I click on file, and.. nothing runs22:10
Jordan_UIntelCore: Why do you want to install SeaMonkey?22:13
IntelCoreas web edit for html22:14
IntelCoreaummm, has Compozer it does22:15
IntelCorethat used to be similar in Mozilla Netscape22:16
IntelCoreah  ./seamonkey22:20
IntelCoreerk, it didn't do..22:25
IntelCore :(22:28
xamithanWhy don't you just use the repo for seamonkey instead of putting it somewhere strange22:31
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Jordan_UIntelCore: Compozer isn't maintained anymore. I recommend using a maintained editor like https://www.tinymce.com/ .22:32
IntelCorerepo for seamonkey?22:32
oerhekseasy to find ..22:34
IntelCoreubuntu multiverse?22:37
Jordan_UIntelCore: I now see that tinymce seems to make web pages that require javascript, and while completely LGPL doesn't make it very clear how to use without paying for their cloud services. It may still be something you want to use, but I no longer think it's a replacement for Compozer.22:40
Adranits an embedded editor, its got source code, you don't need their cloud services22:42
oerhekslibre office can edit too22:42
doug16kk10temp is giving nonsense reading on ryzen 2700X. It says temp1:       +119.1°C. is this a known issue?22:42
oerheksdoug16k, yes, too new hardware22:43
oerhekssame with the kernel, 4.16 ..22:44
oerheksLinux 4.16.6 Brings Correct AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Temperature Monitoring https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Linux-4.16.6-Released22:44
IntelCorehave i386, right?22:45
IntelCorethis install via terminal didn't work.22:46
arsengibt es jemand da?22:48
doug16k2700X normally runs super cool (it87 says 28C-32C typically). I'm running stress test now though (ox-kill-ryzen) and the script showed the impossibly high k10temp reading. it87 says CPU is at 60C.22:49
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IntelCoresniff. didn't work23:04
IntelCorety an8 wayz23:04
IntelCorebuh bye23:05
doug16koerheks, for now I can get corrected readings with this: watch 'echo $(($(cat /sys/module/k10temp/drivers/pci:k10temp/0000:00:18.3/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input) - 59000))'23:18
doug16kthanks for the link23:18
oerhekshave fun!23:20
Styilyo, trying to make a program on 18.04, I get23:24
Styilgpu.cpp:12:10: fatal error: X11/extensions/Xrandr.h: No such file or directory23:25
Styil #include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>23:25
doug16kStyil, you probably need to install libxrandr-dev23:25
matjamStyil: fyi, that kind of question is probably better off asked in ##c++-general23:27
Styildoug16k, it worked, thanks23:27
Styilwas wondering why I couldnt apt install xrandr23:27
Styilseems that was the wrong package23:27
matjamStyil: apt search xrandr, then look for something -dev, header files are in -dev packages.23:28
doug16kStyil, in general, you can figure out a needed package with something like: apt-file search Xrandr.h23:28
Styilthanks for the tip23:28
yourname_how do apps get releases to distros or added .. im wondering when eclipse and android studio will make it.23:30
matjamyourname_: eclipse is in the universe repositories.23:32
matjamyourname_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu23:34
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yourname_matjam: it is in there but does not run.. i heard there was a bug..also i think it has something to do with java23:35
matjamYou'd have to take it up with the maintainers23:36
matjamyourname_: go click the "this bug affects me" button : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/175488623:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1754886 in eclipse (Ubuntu) "Eclipse fails to start on fresh 18.04 installation" [High,In progress]23:38
yourname_matjam: yea thats my problem.. thank you :)23:38
matjamyourname_: could could also search to see if there are any PPAs available that might work. https://launchpad.net/~mmk2410/+archive/ubuntu/eclipse-ide-java might work for you, but it's unsupported in this channel.23:42
oerhekshmmm ... OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0 .. When using Java 1.8 you have to replace -XX:MaxPermSize with -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize.23:43
oerheksold tread, https://github.com/ervandew/eclim/issues/431 last post23:43
yourname_matjam: i couldnt find any ppas but using a snapd package and have a source install aswell but there is nothing like the comfort23:43
yourname_of a deb23:44
matjamtry the PPA I linked.23:44
yourname_matjam: no way.. i looked forever ty :)23:45

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