
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: I think I know what your problem in Cadence was .. is. You are trying to use a different device for input and output for jack master. That will never work01:17
OvenWerksThis is why audio developers dislike USB mics01:17
OvenWerksYou will need to use the same device for both input and output and then bridge the other device for input only using alsa-in or zita-a2j01:19
OvenWerksubuntustudio-controls The new one was designed for that use more than anything.01:19
OvenWerkscadence may also have some way of doing that, but probably not the method you were using.01:20
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: I have successfully built cadence... but the part we are interested in will only work if I install it (can't be run from the source directory) and I am not willing to do that for perhaps obvious reasons :)01:41
OvenWerkshowever, looking at the grayed out part of the GUI (the right half of the System tab) I can make some guesses.01:42
OvenWerksI suspect you made your input and output settings using the "Configure" button right next to "Force Restart"01:43
OvenWerksinput and output should both be hw:Hea01:44
OvenWerksThat is the only way jack will run correctly.01:44
OvenWerksThere is a portion called jack Bridges under that. I do not know what the ALSA bridge choices are, but I would look there first. I wouldn't hold a lot of hope for that being the answer :) but it may work.01:46
OvenWerksI think that the ALSA bridge purpose is to provide a way of playing back from a desktop application through jack without using the PulseAudio bridge below that, but it may be possible it allows connecting another device to jack as well (which is what you want to do.01:48
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: I did some digging through the sourcecode (well actually the ui resource file) and the ALSA bridge will not do what you want.01:54
SlidingHornOvenWerks: just catching up - so essentially I have to run the zita-a2j each time?01:57
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: there are two possible ways to use your Snowflake with the headphones. One) after starting jack using whatever method (cadence, qjackctl, whatever) is to run the zita-a2j command I gave above01:57
OvenWerks -controls can be set up to do that for you, cadence can not.01:57
OvenWerksqjackctl could probably do it for you to with some tinkering.01:57
OvenWerks-controls is (as you know) not finished at this point though I personally run it all the time here and have no issues. However, my setup is very static. I have no USB devices besides the three I use for testing -controls01:59
SlidingHornI think for now I'll keep it with Cadence and make a script or alias to run the zita-a2j command02:00
OvenWerksI have a disney USB mic, a two i/o USB and a MIDI USB device :)02:01
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: that sounds fine.02:01
OvenWerksif you add a & at the end of the command it will come to the prompt, but because zita uses stdout for logging, if you close the terminal it may kill zita too.02:04
OvenWerksthat is why I didn't show that in the example above.02:05
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: you could do that with a .desktop file which would give it an icon and make it show up on you r menu :)02:08
OvenWerksSlidingHorn: http://www.ovenwerks.net/paste/my_mic.desktop can be downloaded and put in ~/.local/share/applications/02:38
OvenWerksand a new item will apear in the Audio Production submenu called My Mic02:38
OvenWerks Or you could drag this file from your file manager onto your top panel and it will probably appear there (assuming xfce or plasma as DE)02:40
OvenWerksYou would need a clear space on the panel it seems02:42
OvenWerksthis works without opening any terminal as it uses ~/.xsession-errors02:48
OvenWerksas it's stdout/stderr02:49

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