[03:14] Hey! My xubuntu machine keeps freezing every now and then (today alone: 4 times). I have to restart it everytime to get it to work again. I've lost all my xubuntu settings the last time I restarted due to it freezing. | Xubuntu 18.04 on a Thinkpad E450. Many applications were running during the freeze: A torrent client, XMPP client, FF, a few text files, a terminal. Do I have to provide any system logs to rectify this issue? [03:57] Hey! My xubuntu machine keeps freezing every now and then (today alone: 4 times). I have to restart it everytime to get it to work again. I've lost all my xubuntu settings the last time I restarted due to it freezing. | Xubuntu 18.04 on a Thinkpad E450. Many applications were running during the freeze: A torrent client, XMPP client, FF, a few text files, a terminal. Do I have to provide any system logs to rectify this issue? [03:59] m00n_urn: They literally only user who has entered the channel since you posted it last, is yourself btw. [04:00] krytarik, wut?! :D [04:07] krytarik, do you have any idea why this keeps occuring often? [04:45] mmm [04:45] clean your ram [04:45] or your entire PC [04:46] you can also erase xubuntu and install another OS [04:46] just in case [05:03] kumool, No. I spent an awful lot of time customizing it. memtest to clean the RAM? How does one "clean" an OS? [05:03] ? [05:03] are you trolling? [05:04] you can try to memtest sure [05:05] shrink the hdd and dualboot another OS [05:05] if you don't want to erase anything [05:07] lol, k [06:39] m00n_urn: I'd suspect your pc is overheating or your RAM is defective [06:40] so cleaning your pc, maybe taking the ram off and putting it in back again and if it still freezes try memtest [06:41] being thorough you would run memtest with only one ram stick in place at a time [06:41] I'm kinda certain that it's the former. Overheating. [06:41] I had such problem once and it ended up being my GPU ram which was bad [06:41] sarka, one ram stick at a time? one? I just dd memtest onto my thumdrive and run live. [06:42] yep [06:42] Okay, but what about overheating. You got tips for that? [06:43] vacuuming your pc. if you have temp readings in bios, check them out right after freezing [06:43] if they're high-ish even after vacuuming, maybe check thermal paste [06:44] don't vacuum any motherboard components, obviously [06:44] mine is a laptop and do bios even have that option? [06:44] hmm, maybe, maybe not. It's a lot more difficult to clean up though [06:44] how do you check thermal paste? what is a thermal paste to begin with? [06:44] there's thermal paste between the cpu and it's heatsinkg [06:45] sometimes it dries up and doesn't perform well [06:46] maybe disassemble the laptop, vacuum/blow it and just clean old paste and put some new paste in straight away [06:48] Oh, alright. thermald is already installed on my system and it didn't really make any difference === hycer__ is now known as hycer [11:07] Good day! Support for older AMD GPUs has been dropped on newer version of ubuntu? (eg. Juniper PRO - hd5750) of the free driver [11:15] was looking for a Screen Tearing fix - found it here https://tinyurl.com/jg8wrve [14:19] Hi ! [14:19] I just noticed the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + Maj + colon" wasn't detected by some apps any more since the upgrade [14:19] to 18.04 [14:20] I use it in pycharm, and it doesn't detect it any more (and I can't reassign it) [14:20] any idea what prevents pycharm from detecting this shortcut? [18:49] Hello [18:50] Can anybody reproduce this bug? https://streamable.com/7t8kr [18:50] It happens when you open new thunar window and right click a file that is near the bottom of the screen so that context menu is displayed further up from mouse pointer. [18:50] Then the option that appears to be under the mouse pointer is executed automatically. [18:50] It only happens once since thunar window is launched and to reproduce it you need to close the window and open new one. [18:51] I noticed this first in Xubuntu 16.04 and now again in 18.04. [18:51] It happens in VM too [18:54] ondondil, hello, I can confirm that on my Xubuntu 17.10 [18:55] seems that we have the same bugs, plank blinking, Firefox 60 one, and now this... [19:01] Oh, nevermind. I thought it was something new because there were no reports of it on launchpad but now I think I've found the exact same issue reported on xfce bugzilla [19:01] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12476 [19:01] bugzilla.xfce.org bug 12476 in Core "Right-click menu doesn't work properly" [Normal,New] [19:02] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13697 [19:02] bugzilla.xfce.org bug 13697 in General "Right-click menu immediately chooses an option on certain themes" [Normal,New] [19:03] sorry to have bothered you [19:03] well, I can at least add a comment that it also affects me [19:08] ondondil, what's the Thunar version on 18.04? [19:09] 1.6.15 [19:12] I added my "can confirm" comment on the Bugzilla, not that I think it would help, but it's better than nothing, I guess [19:16] Oh, thanks for mentioning that it happens on 18.04 too. Now I don't need to create an account just for that specifically, I guess [19:19] I kind of lost my hopes for bug fixing after my "screen edge blinking" bug, now I have that "if something is broken - fix it yourself and don't expect someone to fix it for you" approach, and since I can't code I'll just sit quietly and I'll try to not complain too much ;) [19:20] all I can do to contribute is helping new users with (very) simple things, here and on forums [20:52] Is anybody there? [20:52] I’m kinda freaking out [20:53] I see.. [20:59] My computer wasn’t connecting to my Ethernet so I tried resetting it. When doing so it reset instantaneously which is weird for my computer. I tried shutting down, but it just went right back on. I tried force restarting it with my reset button and it went off. When turning back on, it stayed at a black screen for a long time. I held down my power button to shut it down forcefully. Now when I turned it on it is stuck at “kernel p [20:59] “Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)” [21:02] http://imgur.com/AoMlGTP [21:04] Can anybody please help [21:06] Booting into recovery mode does the same thing [21:08] djtravz: The main #ubuntu channel might be a better place for this.