
=== Ionic is now known as Guest99101
cjwatsonWe always wanted to have some equivalent of refs/pull/, and I believe it's still in an Asana backlog task somewhere, but we've never got round to it01:25
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=== Ionic is now known as Guest67011
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smosercjwatson: is it useful at all if i open a bug/feature request ? it really is helpful to be able to see what someone changed between two pushes, especially when they are in response to review feedback.12:55
cjwatsonsmoser: Feel free.  It would be good if you could substantiate your claim that you can get old versions of PRs on GitHub as git refs though; from a brief look it's not clear to me that that is true.12:58
cjwatsonsmoser: BTW the fact that you can see old versions of the diff in the MP doesn't mean that it hasn't been garbage-collected; those are stored as textual diffs.12:59
cjwatson(It probably hasn't been GCed, but still.)12:59
smoseroh. ok, i thought maybe internally lp was holding on to it.13:10
smosercjwatson: i'll try to find it.. thanks.13:10
smosercjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/177135713:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1771357 in Launchpad itself "feature request: git merge proposal refs/pull (github) or refs/changes (gerrit) function" [Undecided,New]13:50
smosercouldn't find it on github, but gerrit does have it.13:50
smoserasked about this for github in https://github.community/t5/How-to-use-Git-and-GitHub/Access-to-old-versions-of-a-pull-request/m-p/745914:04
mdeslaurcjwatson, wgrant: hi! is the +sourcefiles issue going to be resolved today? it's really breaking our workflow...15:30
cjwatsonmdeslaur: I'm planning to finish the QA and roll out that fix when I get back from getting my wife's trike repaired15:31
mdeslaurcjwatson: awesome, thank you!15:31
cjwatson... OK, I've done the QA, just don't want to leave a deployment running while I'm about to be cycling back across town15:37
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cjwatsonmdeslaur: Sorry, I think this rollout may actually have to wait a bit longer - there are a couple of DB schema changes from wgrant that I believe were intended to be applied hot but haven't yet been applied, and I'd rather wait until he's around before requesting those18:26
mdeslaurcjwatson: ok, thanks18:28
geniiHello, is there a page where bugs can be filed against Launchpad itself?18:31
tewardgenii: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad doesn't work?18:32
geniiteward: Without a specific project then?18:32
teward... that *is* the Launchpad Itself tracker18:33
tewardthe project for Launchpad on Launchpad is "Launchpad"18:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1771406 in Launchpad itself "Wrong dates on team expiry emails" [Undecided,New]18:44
geniiI renewed with a team admin already now, but weirdly it reported my expiry twice as the day before the actual one, and then twice as the day after. If it just continuously reports the expiry as 6-7 days from when email gets sent, this could be a problem for someone who still thinks they have time left to re-up18:51
genii( and doesn't always bother checking their older emails on the same subject )18:52
wgrantcjwatson: The code changes ahould go out first20:25
wgrantmdeslaur: hm did the workaround not work?20:25
cjwatsonwgrant: Should I just deploy up to r18658 then?20:47
cjwatson(I've QAed r18654, but qa-tagger hasn't noticed, probably something to do with it being private.)20:47
wgrantcjwatson: You can go all the way if you want, since an ndt doesn't do DB patches and doesn't revoke permissions. So should make no difference.20:49
cjwatsonI'll take the cautious path just in case of Sod's Law, I think.20:50
cjwatsonIf they're not actually needed.20:50
wgrantnote that the test suite passed despite them being a suffix of revisions, so they can't be required for earlier revs to work20:51
cjwatsonYeah that's fair20:55
cjwatsonwgrant,mdeslaur: code deployment is finished now22:38
cjwatsonSo that's Twisted 17.9.0 everywhere.  We could possibly start allowing ECDSA keys ...22:39
cjwatsonTwisted doesn't do Ed25519 yet sadly22:39
mdeslaurcjwatson, wgrant: thanks! :)22:50

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