
wxlaw jeez i didn't realize we had a qt session within bionic :O00:29
wxlapparently you didn't eiether00:34
wxllike maybe we need to update lubuntu-default-settings for that, tsimonq2 ?00:37
tsimonq2wxl: We need to find out if qlubuntu-default-session is a thing by default.00:51
tsimonq2wxl: Speaking of that, am I fine to rework the default settings package in Cosmic? We *really* need to get that sorted out.00:52
tsimonq2wxl: (i.e. move deprecated and LXDE bits elsewhere)00:52
wxltsimonq2: there's no qlubuntu or qt according to the manifest00:53
tsimonq2wxl: hmmmm00:53
wxleven looking for q's i'm not finding much00:53
wxlyes, we need to move forward with lxqt00:54
tsimonq2OK, want to review or should I JFDI and upload?00:54
wxli trust it to be fine00:54
wxlunless you expect there to be something particularly controversial00:55
tsimonq2I'll keep files, just move them to another Git repo or something.00:55
wxlfor future reference you can finger the manifest like so: `wget --quiet -O - http://whatever.manifest | grep something-here` 00:56
tsimonq2There's some extra branches lying around; I'll use my best judgement here.00:57
wxlwhen in doubt, ask00:57
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-default-settings] tsimonq2 deleted bionic at 682d886: https://git.io/vpQbi00:57
wxlbetter to move slowly and surely 00:58
wxljust like with driving :)00:58
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-default-settings] tsimonq2 deleted default-settings-rework at 32b4b09: https://git.io/vAq6C00:58
tsimonq2wxl: By the way, the GitHub support for IRC integration is going away.00:59
tsimonq2We have to find a different way now. :(00:59
wxlmove to gitlab :/00:59
tsimonq2Maybe Phab can do that.00:59
tsimonq2But we have a few months.00:59
wxli don't think so00:59
tsimonq2Worth checking out.00:59
wxlthey're very much about dogfooding01:00
wxland they have their own chatty thing01:00
tsimonq2wxl: Done.01:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-default-settings] tsimonq2 pushed 10 new commits to ubuntu/cosmic: https://git.io/vpQxX01:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-default-settings/ubuntu/cosmic 4094e39 Simon Quigley: Move all the unused default settings to lp:~lubuntu-dev/lubuntu-default-settings/+git/deprecated.01:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-default-settings/ubuntu/cosmic 6b33ea1 Simon Quigley: Update to debhelper compat 11.01:47
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-default-settings/ubuntu/cosmic ca14197 Simon Quigley: Update to Standards-version
tsimonq2We can see how things turned out on the next daily, but things should be fine.01:48
tsimonq2wxl: One last thing; lubuntu-artwork needs refinement too.01:48
tsimonq2@VikingRedwolf: I won't touch anything in lubuntu-artwork for now, and of course this is up to you, but as an alternative wallpaper it'd be cool if you could put a cosmic spin on one of the old wallpapers. :)01:55
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> A third one?07:28
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> Ok07:28
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> Have you noticed I'm already in the "space" way? ;)07:29
lubot2<Wolfenprey> @VikingRedwolf, you predicted the future07:31
lubot2<VikingRedwolf> I'm scared now 😐07:32
lubot2<Wolfenprey> (Sticker, 512x512) http://vps.tsimonq2.net//file_3994.webp07:33
lubot2<tsimonq2> Not specifically Lubuntu-related, but:14:20
wxloh and @vikingredwolf fix that beaver :)17:09
wxl@tsimonq2: for some reason vps.tsimonq2.net is not loading over here17:12
wxlconnection refused on both 80 and 44317:12
wxltl;dr telegram media is broken on irc17:12
lubot2<tsimonq2> Argh.17:19
lubot2<tsimonq2> OK.17:19
wxl@vikingredwolf correct me if i'm wrong but this is a skype bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/177136017:27
ubot93Launchpad bug 1771360 in Lubuntu Artwork "System Tray Icon For Skype is Distorted/Broken" [Undecided, New]17:27
wxloh and @tsimonq2 to state this officially: if canonical drops infrastructure for i386 images, i'm on board. slangsek's last email to -devel kind of suggested as such, so that's probably the direction it will go17:28
wxl@vikingredwolf are you in charge of facebook? 19:11
lubot2<tsimonq2> NOT IT.19:12
lubot2<tsimonq2> :)))))))19:12
wxlyeah, it's not me19:12
wxli want nothing to do it19:13
wxlwith it19:13
lubot2<tsimonq2> Me neither.19:13
wxli'm have been meaning to delete my account19:13
wxlthat said, either you're the boss or we need to remove those19:13
wxl(or someone else needs to be given the task)19:13
lubot2<tsimonq2> Let's just pawn it off on Raf. XD19:17
wxl@tsimonq2: did you figure out what needs to happen with debian-cd to get calamares working from the "install lubuntu" option?19:40
lubot2<tsimonq2> @wxl, Not quite yet.19:40
wxl@tsimonq2: but it's on your list or do you need smoething else?19:41
lubot2<tsimonq2> @wxl, Nah, it's on my list.19:41
wxl@tsimonq2: is that also true with the session not found?19:53
lubot2<tsimonq2> @wxl, That should be fixed when the default settings migrates.19:53
lubot2<tsimonq2> But, it won't migrate until I do a seed update and a lubuntu-artwork update.19:53
lubot2<tsimonq2> OH, and before I forget, if you want something easy to do wxl, you can propose an MP to lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu carving out Lubuntu.19:54
lubot2<tsimonq2> It would make proposed migration faster.19:55
lubot2<tsimonq2> Plus, old code is yucky. We don't use that slideshow anymore.19:55
wxli'll maybe get to that tonight19:55
wxlright now i'm dealing with goofy bugs :)19:55
lubot2<tsimonq2> In fact... I need to figure out slideshows in Cala. Raf (rightfully so) had some concerns with how easy it was to customize the slideshow (which, it isn't), so a solution needs to be made for that.19:56
lubot2<tsimonq2> @wxl, Share with the class. ;)19:56
ubot93Launchpad bug 1768961 in pcmanfm-qt (Ubuntu) "xdg user-dirs not being read/stored correctly for desktop icon in left panel" [Undecided, Incomplete]19:57
lubot2<tsimonq2> You know the whole deal with the xorg patch I had to write, right?19:58
lubot2<tsimonq2> Finding...19:58
lubot2<tsimonq2> wxl: https://salsa.debian.org/xorg-team/xorg/merge_requests/220:00
lubot2<tsimonq2> Keep that in mind when doing XDG work.20:01
wxlok so help me out here20:02
lubot2<tsimonq2> Yea20:02
wxlhold on20:02
wxlnevermind i'm good20:04
lubot2<tsimonq2> OK qool.20:05
wxlthe problem, i'm almost sure of, is that he forgot to chown his folders20:06
lubot2<tsimonq2> Hah.20:06
wxli'm going to add those two things (install lubuntu, session not found) on phab. feel free to elaborate on them if you like. maybe make one for the slideshow and assign it to me with any info you might have that's particularly useful (though it's probably just a delete)20:08
wxli found out my answer to my mk-sbuild problem so i can deal with the other idea i was going to implement (eject in openbox config)20:09
wxlcould you also go through https://phab.lubuntu.me/T14 and see if anything needs to be updated20:10
lubot2<tsimonq2> Roger that, thanks wxl.20:11
wxlall seriousness aside, i think games are nice, but simple ones. think windows.20:12
parheliasomething like GNOME Games?20:16
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-manual] ianorlin opened pull request #43: update Progress sorry for procrastinating this (master...master) https://git.io/vp5H220:32
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-manual] ianorlin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vp5Hh20:36
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-manual/master 99df073 Lyn Perrine: update Progress sorry for procrastinating this (#43)20:36
wxl@tsimonq2: maybe we should deprecate l.n/lubuntu-next or at least turn off bug reporting. thoughts?23:49

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