
jcuba89i dont understand00:00
wxlcould you send me a screenshot?00:00
jcuba89dont know how00:00
wxlopen the terminal00:00
jcuba89just tell me what to do00:00
wxltype scrot and hit enter00:00
wxlthen open a browser and go to share.riseup.net00:01
wxlclick the upload button00:01
wxlnavigate to your home folder and click on the file named something like 2018-05-01-1800419_800x600_scrot.png00:01
wxlwhen it's uploaded copy the url00:02
wxlthen paste it here00:02
jcuba89forget it, thank you anyway00:02
wxlyou figured it out?00:03
wxlthen what's wrong?00:03
jcuba89what you told me00:03
wxlwhat do you mean?00:03
jcuba89is just too hard00:03
wxlwhich part is too hard?00:03
jcuba89Im new in lubuntu00:03
wxlso maybe getting to the terminal is the hard part for you00:03
wxlok let's start over00:03
jcuba89all of it00:03
wxlcan you find the print screen key on your keyboard?00:04
jcuba89How can i see every window im using?00:04
wxlthere's not a thing like fancy bloated desktop environments have that allow you to do that per se00:04
wxloh hey i have an idea. let's do this in reverse00:05
wxlone second00:05
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/00:06
wxlhere's a screen shot of my desktop00:06
wxldo you see the section at the bottom? where the lxde logo is and the icons and the time? do you have that on your system?00:06
wxlmaybe i should take a less confusing picture. this is in a virtual machine :/00:07
wxlthere https://share.riseup.net/#oG9Q7GGF95nTjS3hqZUo1A00:07
wxllook below the wallpaper. there's a "panel" there. do you have one on your desktop?00:08
jcuba89i do00:08
wxldo you have any active windows open right now that you know of?00:09
jcuba89i do00:09
wxldo you see them listed in between the icon that looks like a map and the icon that looks like a window?00:09
wxlthen you might have deleted the part of the panel that shows them by accident00:10
jcuba89what can i do?00:10
wxlright click on an empty part of the panel00:10
wxla grey part00:10
wxlone of the options is "add/remove panel items." click it.00:10
wxlthat will pop open a windows called "panel preferences"00:11
wxlit will be already on the "panel applets" tab00:11
wxlclick the add button00:11
wxlyou should already have selected the "application launch and task bar" but if not, click on that and hit add00:12
wxlit will show up on the right side of the panel00:12
wxlif you don't like that (i don't), you can click on the "application launch and task bar" in the "currently loaded plugins" list and then hit the "up" and "down" buttons until you get it where you like00:13
wxlthen hit close00:13
jcuba89thank you!00:13
wxlno problem00:13
wxljust so we're clear: you accidentially removed that00:13
jcuba89it appears so00:13
wxlif you right click on the empty space in that "application launch and task bar" you can see one of the options is "remove application launch and task bar from panel"00:14
wxldon't hit that :)00:14
jcuba89thanks again00:14
wxlno prob00:14
wxlbe well00:14
=== Xethron_ is now known as Xethron
stelladewnone of the macdesktop downloads are working?  any help appreciated.14:53
lubot2<tsimonq2> @stelladew, Lubuntu.me?14:59
stelladewrequested url not found15:06
mpmctsimonq2: Is Cosmic usable?15:41
mpmcDoes it need testing?15:41
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest25147
tsimonq2mpmc: Give or take. Testing would be cool.16:30
mpmctsimonq2: Well, I tested it on my C720, it kind of works, I just get a live session though.16:30
mpmcNo option to install.16:31
tsimonq2Right, I need to mess with it a bit yet.16:31
mpmctsimonq2: It works though, if a bit wonky in places =D16:32
tsimonq2mpmc: Could you do me a favor?16:33
mpmctsimonq2: Depends on what it is.16:33
tsimonq2It'd be great to get someone to go through and nitpick everything, and write it all up intoo one reporr.16:34
tsimonq2grr (no spellcheck on mobile)16:34
lubot2<tsimonq2> Ah, this is better.16:34
lubot2<tsimonq2> But yeah, if you go through and note *everything* you see that's wrong or off, that would be absolutely excellent.16:34
lubot2<tsimonq2> (So we have a baseline.)16:34
mpmctsimonq2: honestly, there isn't much, it's mainly just menu items, Qterminal is listed twice (Qterminal / Qterminal drop down), and some of the others are less descriptive, nm-tray, qps, htop etc, with a few minor duplicates.16:37
lubot2<tsimonq2> I will keep that in mind. Anything else? What about default settings?16:39
mpmctsimonq2: Ack, found a small bug, going into the config center -> Appearances -> Clicking on bb10dark makes the config center vanish!16:42
lubot2<tsimonq2> OK.16:43
mpmcThe item list stretches too.16:44
mpmcOther than that, it's looking good!16:44
lubot2<tsimonq2> OK.16:45
lubot2<tsimonq2> Sweet. Thanks!16:45
wellickhi, does anyone know if lubuntu comes with a virtual keyboard installed? I've installed it (lubuntu) but some of my keys don't work. But to install a virtual keyboard i need the keys to work so I can connect to the wi-fi. it's a conundrum. any ideas?17:35
wxlwellick: sadly, no. i don't think xvkbd is standard on anything17:37
wellickyes i've just checked, there's no virtual keyboard pre-installed on lubuntu. the problem is lubuntu's terminal also doesn't seem to let me past characters into it!17:38
wxlworks fine here17:41
diogenes_wellick, right click and paste17:41
wxl^^ or that17:41
wxlboth work fine in 18.0417:41
wellicki tried all that17:41
wxlit's quite possible you haven't succeeded in copying17:41
wellickwhen I ctrl+V i get "^V" on the terminal17:41
wxlthen you didn't try what i suggested, did you?17:42
wxl1041 < wxl:#lubuntu> ctrl+shift+v17:42
diogenes_wellick, or just download the florence.deb, right click on it and install17:42
wellickahh, it worked17:42
wellicknevermind :D17:42
wxloh yeah florence too. missed that one.17:44
wellick"sudo apt-get install florence"?17:48
wxlor xvkbd17:48
wellick"E: unable to locate package florence"17:48
wellickhm :/17:48
wxlsudo apt update first17:48
diogenes_yep, update then florence17:48
diogenes_another good one that i use, is onboard17:49
diogenes_highly customizable17:49
wxlah couldn't find that one because i was searching for virtual17:49
wellicki gotta get my usb keyboard to work eventually. didn't work on ubuntu but i didn't troubleshoot.17:50
wxlseems to be included in several flavors17:50
lyn||orianyes onboard is nice it seems to work widely I was ssuprised when it worked in i3 tiling window manager18:07
egyIn 16.04, I always cannot get back to my graphical display after locking my screen. Any ideas on where to look for the root cause ?20:16
egysystemctl status lightdm.service *used* to show one interesting line, but now it isn't20:17
wxlegy: nothing in the normal logs?20:18
egywxl: ugh which logs do you mean ?20:21
wxlegy: you have lots of logs in /var/log. dmesg, syslog, Xorg.0.log are all good places to start.20:22
egyand btw, same thing applies for suspending my computer. I always have to go to a tty, systemctl restart lightdm and lost all work20:22
egyok, I didn't complete my description: when I return back to tty7 (the graphical display), I get a plain blank screen and nothing else. I then switch to a tty and restart the service20:37
egyThis is from lightdm.log. Does it tell you anything specific ? Password: lightdm20:38
egyThe successful login messages are due to tty620:39
wxland i wouldn't expect it to be very helpful in that regard20:39
wxlthe issue is most likely something to do with the graphics driver20:39
egyOr X ?20:39
egybecause it's a new thing20:39
egyI've been using lubuntu for >1year20:40
wxlregressions can be a thing20:40
wxlhere's an example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/156630220:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1566302 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 16.04: Suspend freezes the system after upgrade to linux image 4.4.0-16" [Medium,Won't fix]20:40
wxlnote the title20:40
wxlan upgrade resulted in problematic behavior20:40
egyI see. Regressions indeed can be nasty20:41
egyOk, I'll hope for the best for now20:41
egythanks wxl20:41
wxlnp good luck20:42
wellickthanks for the help a while ago. florence doesn't seem to work... i hit the characters and nothing happens on the screen. onboard does work though.21:04

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