
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mupPR snapcraft#2132 closed: errors: generic exception for common.run[_output] <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2132>03:51
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ryan___How might I be able to deploy snaps without going to the snap store?04:03
ryan___Like I have built snaps, but I'd like to distribute it only to specific users whom should be able to download it04:04
mborzeckimuch fun when the gnome session dies out of the blue05:15
mborzeckizyga: hey05:29
mborzeckizyga: so today we merge everything that's green right?05:29
mborzeckiomg, today must be some gnome shell love day05:32
mvohey mborzecki05:33
mvomborzecki: just saw your helper to corrupt an image, nice!05:34
mborzeckimvo: hey, yeah took some time, fat is super annoying to parse05:34
mborzeckiall that legacy cruft :/05:34
mvomborzecki: I'm totally with you here :)05:36
mvomborzecki: I just verified that https://github.com/dosfstools/dosfstools/pull/83 works with the corrupted image created from your script. this is really nice05:38
mupPR dosfstools/dosfstools#83: [RFS] check.c: do lfn_remove  on auto_rename() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/dosfstools/dosfstools/pull/83>05:38
mborzeckimvo: any word from maintainers of dosfstools?05:39
mvomborzecki: unfortunatly not, I will try a debian bugreport next, maybe he reads those05:44
zygamborzecki: Yes, that is the plan05:48
mvozyga: good morning!05:48
mvozyga, mborzecki what did I miss fri/mon ? where are we standing?05:48
zygaMan, it is so cold today05:49
zygaMvo, nothing major. Just lots of catch up with PRs05:49
mvozyga: cool05:49
zygaI have a question about05:49
zygaYour fixes for 805:49
zygaThere is a new service there05:50
mvozyga: sure05:50
zygaBut there are no changes to packaging05:50
mvozyga: you mean core-fixup?05:50
mvozyga: its an existing service05:50
mvozyga: I just extended it05:50
zygaI must have mistress05:50
mvozyga: conveniently we had an issue before05:50
mvozyga: lol@mistress05:50
zygaI did a compare against 605:50
zygaBecause 7 didn’t have a tarball05:50
zygaYeah, phone is fun ;-)05:51
mvozyga: yeah .7 was very short lived, sorry for that05:51
zygaTaking the dog out05:51
mvozyga: I should have waited a bit longer05:51
mvozyga: heh, enjoy!05:51
zygaNo worries, just wanted to double check05:51
mvozyga: thank you for this05:51
mvozyga: I will go over the PRs now and see what comments need addressing, iirc I left some small ones so that I don't have to wait for tests. now is a good time to address them05:52
zygaI need to work from downtown today06:01
zygaNeed to go to a government office for some paperwork06:01
mborzeckizyga: good luck06:02
mborzeckireminds me i need to replace the my car registration06:02
mborzeckibtw. i'll have a longer break ~1030, my daughter has an athletic tournament at her school, going there to cheer for her06:03
zygaWoot, nice :-)06:03
zygaI will be home soon, grab my gear and commute06:04
mupPR snapd#5156 opened: core-fixup: address review feedback from #5147 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5156>06:13
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mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:02
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mborzecki#5156 travis job timed out, restarted it07:24
mupPR #5156: core-fixup: address review feedback from #5147 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5156>07:24
* zyga is on a bus, commuting feels weird now07:26
zygaWeird and inefficient07:26
mborzeckizyga: no tram lines going near your destination?07:27
zygaNo, not even close07:28
zygaClosest tram is the subway07:28
zygaI specifically took the slower bus to be able to sit and work on the way :)07:32
zygaat this time the rush hour is over and bus is rather empty07:33
zygaoh drat07:37
zygano 2fa :(07:37
pedronismvo: hi07:42
pedronismvo: seems autopkgtest tests sometimes fail over a flaky snapstate test07:43
mvopedronis: good morning! do you have a link with the particular failure?07:43
pedronismvo:  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/370203382/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-armhf.snapd_2.32.8+git720.9dc7b89~ubuntu16.04.1_BUILDING.txt.gz07:44
pedronisit's one of the prereq tests07:44
mvopedronis: aha, looks like the autopkgtest vms are very slow07:44
mvopedronis: I have a look and will improve07:45
mborzeckiany PRs that need attention?07:50
pedronismborzecki: #4844 is now green07:51
mupPR #4844: overlord/snapstate: allow core defaults configuration via 'system' key <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4844>07:51
mborzeckipedronis: merge or do you want to have one last look?07:52
pedronisI approved it07:52
mborzeckivery well, merging then :)07:52
mupPR snapd#4844 closed: overlord/snapstate: allow core defaults configuration via 'system' key <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4844>07:52
mborzeckipedronis: would you like to take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5091 too? you were the last to modify the auto refresh code and know ins and outs of this07:53
mupPR #5091: many: hold refresh when on metered connections <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5091>07:53
pedroniswill do in a little bit07:54
mborzeckipedronis: thanks!07:56
diddledandoes anyone know where the gnome-system-monitor snap source is? I want to investigate to see if anything special is done for localisations08:03
mborzeckizyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wSN7fZCn6Q/ nice!08:03
zygamborzecki: yeah, now just convince people to enable apparmor08:12
mborzeckizyga: fwiw there's both apparmor and selinux enabled kernel packages in aur, plus a bunch of userland packages in respective flavors, still bugs me why would one want to rebuild that much of the base system and not just use some other distro08:15
mupPR snapd#5157 opened: many: improve `snap wait` command <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5157>08:18
mborzeckiafk for 1-2h08:21
* zyga arrived close to the office08:22
mupBug #1771299 opened: snap is a total failure, drop it <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1771299>08:22
zyganeed to check where to deliver the papers08:22
zygabut I can enjoy a cup of coffee and work some more from a restaurant now08:22
diddledanthis is a delightful morning message: https://github.com/snapcrafters/gimp/issues/2708:29
Chipacadiddledan: https://giphy.com/embed/nPTXD4lJmDSTe08:32
diddledangotta love crab ideas08:32
zygacrab is good cooked08:33
Chipacadiddledan: also, https://giphy.com/embed/26mfgW5tgmbV7wkUg08:33
zygaI love that I've seen this guy on various forums08:33
zygaspewing toxic waste from his mouth08:33
Chipacazyga: s/his/their/08:33
mupPR snapd#5158 opened: boot,partition: improve tests/docs around SetNextBoot() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5158>08:34
zygaalso the LP issue about crabs08:34
mupBug #1771299 changed: snap is a total failure, drop it <Snappy:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1771299>08:34
mvosorry for all those PRs, its leftovers from the madness last week, hopefully super trivial to review08:34
Chipacazyga: if you go to the github's user's homepage, it's illuminating08:35
* zyga looks08:35
Chipacaalso, they're german. So it's mvo's fault.08:35
zygaChipaca: what's illuminating?08:35
mvohm, yeah, some crabs are german08:35
zygathe crab picture :D08:35
zygamvo: crabs are an international exterretorial nation ;)08:36
Chipacazyga: to my prejudiced eyes, that's a website created by an agry 13-year-old08:37
Chipacaangry, also08:37
diddledanI love the icons all crossed-out08:37
* zyga gets back to work08:37
zyga<insert no crab emoji>08:37
Chipacazyga: 🦀̸08:39
mvoChipaca: what website is this?08:40
zygawhere is no-space combining strike-through glyph08:40
mvoChipaca: I just saw the bugreport?08:40
Chipacamvo: starting from this *other* bug report by the same crabby person: https://github.com/snapcrafters/gimp/issues/2708:40
Chipacazyga: U+033808:40
Chipacazyga: all combinings are zero-width, fwiw08:41
zygaChipaca: this bug report is zero-value, all crab08:41
Chipacazyga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhM4VQFkw0408:41
* zyga looked at twitter and ...08:42
Chipacazyga: fwiw i'd've set it to 'opinion' more than 'won't fix'08:42
zygaChipaca: thanks, though I doubt we will fix this guy08:43
Chipacazyga: "won't fix" means you think they have a point :-)08:43
zygaI think they lost the point a long time ago :)08:43
zygamvo: ^ that's the vfat issue08:43
mvozyga: "opinion" might be best, otoh its fine, one open bug is enough08:43
Chipacamvo: rationale*08:44
mvozyga: this is briliant08:44
mvoChipaca: *cough* thank you08:44
mvoChipaca: I should have written that in GH, then I could edit it ;)08:45
Chipacamvo: ikr08:45
zyga github is doubleplusgood08:45
mvozyga: thanks for your comments in the PRs \o/08:45
zygamvo: I'm going through it08:45
zygaI was thinking if it would be better to use present tesnse08:45
zygarather than snapd will do this and that08:45
zygaI can propose one on top once this lands08:46
mvocachio: hey, good morning! how is the QA for .8 looking? I heard there might be issues ?08:46
mvozyga: sure08:46
* diddledan spies popey is awake08:47
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5158/files#r18820924208:49
mupPR #5158: boot,partition: improve tests/docs around SetNextBoot() <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5158>08:49
zyga^ ^ ^ interesting read08:50
kjackalhey zyga, just read you did some cuda tinkering with snaps, is any of your work public somewhere?09:09
zygakjackal: hey09:09
zygakjackal: I didn't get anything operational09:09
zygakjackal: unfortunately I no longer have nvidia hardware09:09
kjackalthats fine, I am looking for some guidance09:10
zyga(or one that works with current cuda)09:10
kjackalHow would cuda integration work?09:10
zygakjackal: cuda is just some userspace stuff really09:10
zygakjackal: the opengl interface today should give you access to nvidia character devices09:10
kjackalHow did you manage the cuda-drivers installation?09:10
zygakjackal: make a cuda hello world09:11
zygakjackal: that was long ago, I don't recall that anymore09:11
zygakjackal: my advice is as follows:09:11
zygakjackal: 1) build the simplest cuda program you can09:11
zygakjackal: 2) ldd it, print that out09:11
zygakjackal: 3) snap it manually, use the opengl interface09:11
zygakjackal: 4) run it and see what happens09:11
zygakjackal: put that on a forum and CC mborzeck109:12
zygahe has the recent hardware and should be able to help you out09:12
Chipacamvo: when you have a moment, can we talk about #1739097?09:12
mupBug #1739097: "This leaves <snap> tracking edge." <snapd:In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1739097>09:12
zygawe correctly put all the things inside the sandbox now09:12
zygaso the only possibly missing thin is a userspace library bit09:12
zygawe should copy all of those but nobody tested that09:12
kjackalzyga: I am not sure I can follow that path, I need to make the nvidia-docker working :(09:13
zygakjackal: nvidia-docker?09:13
zygahow is that related09:13
zygaE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)09:14
zygaE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/09:14
zygawasn't this fixed yesterday ^ ?09:14
zygamvo: please fetch origin and rebase your latest PRs09:14
zygakjackal: I don't know anything about nvidia-docker09:14
kjackalzyga: nvidia-docker needs the cuda drivers installed on the host machine09:14
zygakjackal: I can help you with snaps, not docker09:14
kjackalsure, forget anything I said about docker09:15
kjackalthe question is how do I deploy the cuda-drivers deb package ?09:15
zygaI don't know09:15
zygado you mean install?09:16
zygaI assumed you just install that and that's it09:16
kjackalapt-get install cuda-drivers09:16
kjackalzyga, I hope the missing link is the cuda-drivers, the rest of the stack seems to be working, but I will know if i get cuda working09:18
kjackalzyga: I get this error: /snap/microk8s/x1/usr/bin/nvidia-container-cli --load-kmods configure --ldconfig=@/sbin/ldconfig.real --device=all09:18
kjackal--pid=3426 /var/snap/microk8s/x1/lib/docker/overlay2/8e97d76a3e4a0b2d05f11d4744b805ab91bad8caa62c39a942d2f110f9fc7d68/merged]\\\\nnvidia-container-cli:09:18
kjackalinitialization error: load library failed: libnvidia-fatbinaryloader.so.390.3009:18
zygaI don't know what this is or what you are doing09:19
zygaare you running inside docker inside a snap?09:19
zygacan you rewind to just plain system with nvidia and cuda working and move from there09:19
kjackallets forget about docker, I have a binary inside my snap that needs to load libnvidia-fatbinaryloader.so.390.30 that comes with cuda-drivers09:20
zygado you get any denials?09:20
zygawhere is the library relative to the root of the snap09:20
kjackalI am in classic confinement09:21
zygathat's even more messy then09:21
kjackal:) it is09:21
mvoChipaca: sure, didn't we fix the message a while ago?09:22
Chipacamvo: that's why we're having this conversation :-)09:22
mvozyga: I can rebase/repush, I thought my master was up-to-date, let me double check09:22
Chipacamvo: it was fixed to be unambiguous, yes09:22
Chipacamvo: unambiguously wrong :-D09:22
zygamvo: then the fix for apt unattended upgrades is wrong09:22
kjackalI was thinking that during the install hook I could apt-install cuda-drivers and then update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH of my wrapper. But this does not sound right. zyga?09:22
Chipacamvo: sorry i missed this, to be fair you did tag me and i missed it09:23
zygakjackal: that's all crazy IMO09:23
zygakjackal: if your snap's hook uses apt it is not a good snap IMO09:23
mvoChipaca: oh, so this means "Snap %q is *now* tracking %v"?09:23
mvoChipaca: or in what way is it wrong?09:23
zygakjackal: can you please go back09:23
Chipacamvo: the message is printed when the snap is tracking channel X, but the revision is from channel Y09:23
zygakjackal: run a hello-world cuda app outside all magic09:23
zygakjackal: share that09:23
zygakjackal: and let's iterate09:23
mvozyga: what fix was that? did it happen in one of the recent PRs?09:24
zygakjackal: can you get that part to work?09:24
zygamvo: I don't know, cachio fixed it09:24
mvozyga: ok09:24
kjackalwhat would that giveme zyga? What would be the next steps?09:24
mvoChipaca: what will happen in this case? the snap keeps tracking channel X ?09:24
zygakjackal: that would give you a binary09:24
Chipacamvo: the snap is tracking channel X, yes09:24
zygakjackal: you can inspect that binary, strace it09:24
zygasee what it loads09:24
zygakjackal: see what it needs to operate09:24
zygakjackal: then you can put that binary (built binary) into a snap you made09:25
zygakjackal: run it there09:25
zygasee what braks09:25
Chipacamvo: if a revision is released to channel X it'll grab that, it's only getting things from Y because X is closed09:25
zygasee why, iterate09:25
zygaeventually you will be able to run that built binary inside your snap09:25
zygakjackal: I suspect you will do more things after that but before this is achieved I don't know what we are doing09:25
mvoChipaca: ok, I see. sorry for this09:25
Chipacamvo: it's not a very clear corner case09:26
Chipacamvo: in the bug report i suggest "this revision is from channel %s; we'll continue to check channel %s for updates"09:26
Chipacamvo: but i don't know if that is clear09:26
Chipacaalso the royal we is probably not what we want09:26
mupPR snapd#5159 opened: testutil: record system call errors / return values <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5159>09:27
mvoChipaca: yeah, the message looks like the right direction though09:27
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5159 is simple, will let me build the tests  that jdstrand requested09:27
mupPR #5159: testutil: record system call errors / return values <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5159>09:27
zygaanyone wants to look quickly?09:27
Chipacapopey: you're good with words, sometimes, can you think of a better way of saying this?09:27
* Chipaca only used "sometimes" to not trigger the "aw shucks" response09:27
* zyga goes to the goverment office to do paperwork, ttyl09:28
zygakjackal: I'll be connected but I won't reply for a while, let's keep chatting, I find this topic interesting (if only I had correct HW)09:28
Chipacazyga: kjackal: for extra fun, you can run cuda stuff on PRIME hardware when the intel card has the con09:30
Chipacazyga: and that might royally mess up the detection stuff09:31
popeyChipaca: hello. what words in particular, and where?09:31
Chipacapopey: when you 'snap install --edge foo' but edge is closed right now09:31
Chipacapopey: so you get it from, say, beta instead09:32
Chipacapopey: right now we print something that's incorrect, so looking at fixing that09:32
Chipacapopey: so far best attempt is "this revision is from channel %s; we'll continue to check channel %s for updates"09:32
Chipacapopey: but we don't use the 'we' elsewhere :-)09:32
popey"$channel for $snap is closed, forwarding to $channel+1"09:32
Chipacapopey: that does not convey the 'as soon as something is pushed to edge you'll get it instead of this beta crud'09:33
popeyyou will?09:33
popeyI thought you get bumped to the next channel down and stay there09:33
Chipacathat's what tracking means09:33
popeylike, if you were on beta, and I close it, you're now in stable09:33
popeyif I re-open beta, you flip back to beta?09:34
diddledanwho understands why gimp isn't picking up localisations? because I sure as chocolate don't understand it09:34
popeythis is not well known09:34
Chipacapopey: not even the whole snapd team was aware of it :-)09:34
diddledanI found this post https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/lack-of-compiled-locales-breaks-gettext-based-localisation/3758/14 but that claims it's fixed09:34
Chipacadiddledan: doesn't everybody speak esperanto already?09:35
diddledanif they speak esperanto they'll not get the UI in their language, instead it'll be en_US09:35
Chipacadiddledan: i thought en_US was esperanto 2.009:35
kjackalzyga: what will we do with the strace of the cuda program?09:40
Chipacapopey: "$trackingChannel for $snap is closed, temporarily forwarding to $snapChannel"?09:40
kjackalWe will be able to identify libraries needed for a cuda program to function, right? Then what?09:41
mupPR snapd#5160 opened: snapstate: make TestDoPrereqRetryWhenBaseInFlight less brittle <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5160>09:43
zygakjackal: look at the ser of files being accessed09:46
zygakjackal: then we check if current nvidia integration handles all of them09:46
* zyga waits in line to file paperwork, 60 people in front, ouch09:47
kjackal"current nvidia integration" ?09:50
Riddell'support all snap apps, including "classic" apps'  what are classic apps?09:51
mvopedronis: the above pr is to make the issue in the handlers_prereq_test.go:247: more robust09:51
zygakjackal: we have special code that bridges nvidia driver to snap space09:52
zygakjackal: but it doesn’t apply to classic confinement09:52
zygaRiddell: classic confinement is the way we describe snaps that run without a special mount namespace and with little to no confinement09:53
zygaLike typical classic packages09:53
zygaHence the name09:53
ChipacaRiddell: i don't know what classic apps are in that context; classic snaps are what zyga just said09:53
RiddellI'm writing the KDE Plasma 5.13 and this is what I have for Plasma Discover changes  'Snap support now follows Snap application permissions and it's possible to use classic Snap formats.'09:54
ChipacaRiddell: I literally can't even :-)09:55
ChipacaRiddell: you're going to have to ask the author for clarification i'm afraid09:55
Chipacai don't know what "classic Snap formats" are, and I can only guess at what "Snap application permissions" are09:56
zygaThose are probably worded incorrectly09:57
zygaThey should be “snaps using classic confinement” and “snap interfaces”09:57
zygaNot permissions09:57
Chipacazyga: _if_ that's what they meant09:58
ChipacaI guess I fall back to "refusing to guess" too easily (but it's saved me in the pasts)09:58
zygaWell, if they meant something else I’d like to see those patches b cause we don’t have such features09:58
Chipacaman, i wish you could toggle a spread run to debug09:59
mupPR snapd#5161 opened: cmd/snap: fix the message when snap.channel != snap.tracking <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5161>10:04
zygaChipaca reviewed10:09
pedronisChipaca: could you look at #5077 ?10:09
mupPR #5077: overlord/snapstate,overlord/auth,store: coalesce no auth user refresh requests <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5077>10:09
Chipacazyga: the truncated bit is because the fake store replies with "" for tracking channel10:10
Chipacazyga: (there's an ad hoc comment on the test)10:10
Chipacazyga: but you're right about the i18n thing, will fix10:11
Chipacazyga: also, will reply there10:11
Chipacawhy am i doing it here10:11
zygaAck :-)10:11
Chipacajust to make your life harder10:11
Chipacapedronis: nice PR10:16
zygaYeah, reading too10:18
Riddellzyga: thanks changed to 'Snap support now follows Snap interfaces and it's possible to use the Snaps using classic confinement.'10:20
zygaWhat does “follows” here mean?10:21
zygaOtherwise it reads ok10:21
Riddellgood question10:21
Riddell'uses Snap interfaces'?  'allows Snap interfaces'?10:22
ChipacaRiddell: is this talking about a GUI?10:22
RiddellChipaca: yes10:23
Chipacadoes it mean that it now exposes toggles to connect interfaces?10:23
RiddellChipaca: that sounds likely10:23
Riddelltoggle is a real term? I love that10:23
Chipacaif so, then maybe saying that ("now allows toggling interface connections") might be preferably, although i might be too deep in the argot10:23
ChipacaRiddell: it's a verb and a noun :-)10:24
Chipacayou just need a place name and you can go all 'buffalo buffalo buffalo' on it10:24
Chipacamy language is shot (toady?) :-/10:25
Riddellthanks, I've used that in https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.12.90.php#discover10:26
ChipacaRiddell: nice10:27
zygaThanks Riddell10:28
popeythat's awesome10:28
popeyRiddell: is the snap plugin for kde discover installed by default - my kde neon is some months old and I manually installed it iirc10:28
Riddellpopey: no I don't think so, probably because last time i tried it I couldn't get it to work because it needs some newer snap library.  plasma-discover-snap-backend is the package.  but I'm mostly waiting on us moving to 18.04 before looking at snaps again10:31
threshwhat can I subscribe to to receive snapcraft/snapd changelogs/release notes etc?  I'm mostly interested in theming advancements, though.10:35
popeyRiddell: great, should work fine in 18.04. Happy to help with testing etc. :)10:35
WimpressRiddell: I need to schedule the next KDE catchup with Aleix and Harald, would you like an invite?10:36
RiddellWimpress: sure10:36
WimpressOK. Expect an invite soon :-)10:37
zygathresh: there should be a topic on the forum that you can subscribe to10:40
zygaI’m relocating now so I cannot easily share10:40
zygathresh: so looking for themes I can see several topics10:52
zygathresh: but the one to follow, IMO, is this one https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/supporting-desktop-themes-via-the-content-interface/412210:52
zygathresh: as the person posting is also working on the feature10:53
zygathresh: you can bookmark the topic to easily return to it (a forum bookmark, not browser one)10:54
* zyga reads https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/05/15/trust-and-security-in-the-snap-store10:55
zygawell written :)10:55
threshmany thanks10:55
pedronismborzeck1: hi,  #5091 looks good,  mostly some suggestions to fold some things more into helpers10:55
mupPR #5091: many: hold refresh when on metered connections <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5091>10:55
Chipacamborzeck1: how did you fix the 'could not get lock' problem you were having yesterday?10:56
zygaChipaca: AFAIK chacio changed something in the image10:56
Chipacazyga: i just got the same thing again10:56
zygaChipaca: it is the bionic update kicking in that is doing that from what he told me10:56
zygaChipaca: yeah, me too10:57
zygaI'd like to see what the fix did10:57
mborzeck1pedronis: thanks for the review10:57
zygaI didn't see any PRs, perhaps the image was edited10:57
mborzeck1Chipaca: it's gone now, all i need to know ;)10:57
Chipacamborzeck1: 's not :-)10:57
=== mborzeck1 is now known as mborzecki
Chipacabah, maybe i need to merge master10:57
Chipaca(but i did before starting...?)10:57
mborzeckii thought this was 'image' related10:58
mborzeckisaw a commit with related message pushed to spread-images10:58
mborzeckiChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/spread-images/pull/10/commits/a84f101cd538da1a63da4da513aca436dce5b15f10:58
mupPR spread-images#10: New task to add debian-sid as a gce image <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread-images/pull/10>10:58
zygacachio: we are still seeing the issue11:02
zygacachio: perhaps we should drop unattended-upgrades from the image?11:03
* zyga resumes reviews11:05
pstolowskipedronis: i've addressed your comments to #4510 (and the test failure is unrelated, it's what zyga just mentioned i think)11:05
mupPR #4510: asserts: use Attrer in policy checks <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4510>11:05
zygais there a tool that fixes this automatically11:06
zygatestutil/lowlevel_test.go:663: github.com/snapcore/snapd/testutil.CallResult composite literal uses unkeyed fields11:06
pedronispstolowski: thx, I saw the mails passing by, I will look in a little bit11:06
mborzeckihm isn't apt smart enough to not block on prompt when stdin is not a tty? https://github.com/snapcore/spread-images/pull/10/commits/a84f101cd538da1a63da4da513aca436dce5b15f#diff-91d7306570fb598492422cd22f1aebfdR4311:12
mupPR spread-images#10: New task to add debian-sid as a gce image <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread-images/pull/10>11:12
mborzeckiiirc dpkg-reconfigure does it already11:12
zygamborzecki: I bet it is using a tty11:13
zygamborzecki: the whole session runs in a ptty11:13
zygamborzecki: and the issue is not prompting, is it?11:13
zygait's running "apt-get update"11:13
mborzeckino clue, that's what the commit message is fixing11:13
mborzecki#5156 timeouted again11:16
mupPR #5156: core-fixup: address review feedback from #5147 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5156>11:16
zygahmm hmm11:17
zygaChipaca: do you know of a tool that automatically adds struct field names to literals?11:17
Chipacazyga: I do not11:17
* zyga does *not* fancy adding 100s of those by hand11:18
Chipacazyga: what PR is that?11:18
mupPR #5159: testutil: record system call errors / return values <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5159>11:18
zygaI could make it a [2]interface{}11:19
zygait would work, no?11:19
zyga(the type)11:19
zygathen the literal would be OK11:19
* zyga tries11:19
Chipacazyga: plz no :-)11:19
zygathat's the whole diff and it passes go vet11:20
zygaI think typing those Call/Result field headers will drive people mad11:20
Chipacazyga: so, RCalls() is nice because you get to see the whole thing11:22
Chipacazyga: and you have Calls()  that returns jut the names11:22
zygayeah, for backwards compat11:22
Chipacazyga: why not have CallResults() that returns just the values?11:22
zygaI plan to drop (at least) the usage of Calls11:22
mborzeckizyga: func callResult(call string, result interface{}) CallResult { return CallResult{Call: call, Result: result} } ?11:22
zygaChipaca: beause it's not easy to use then11:22
zygaChipaca: if a test has 50 syscalls that's not readable11:23
Chipacazyga: and mborzecki's option? ^11:23
zygamborzecki: that's still passing that in every single line of tests that checks this, vs not passing anything new11:23
zygathe real application will be for code like ...11:23
Chipaca[]CallResult{{...}, {...}, ...}11:23
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap-update-ns/secure_bindmount_test.go#L176 is even better (fits my whole screen)11:24
zygaI have that already patched to use Rcall11:24
zygaI just didn't run vet before :/11:24
Chipacazyga: FWIW I think the long things are more readable with the named fields11:24
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap-update-ns/change_test.go#L1194 <- imagine if this was filled with Call Result11:25
zygahow is that helping?11:25
Chipacazyga: do you have it with the results already?11:26
Chipacazyga: just the names alone is a quagmire to read11:26
zygayeah, one sec11:26
Chipacazyga: with the values it's probably worse11:26
Chipacabut, show me11:26
zygaa fragment, I have it split into some branches because it was written slightly ahead of master11:27
zygaFYI: the code has both calls/rcalls11:27
zygaI plan to drop calls, this is just to prove that it works11:27
zygaI will keep calls in testutil/lowlevel_test.go only11:27
zygaone thing I could do is to make the return value optional to reduce the number of nil's11:28
zyganot sure if worth doing11:28
zygaChipaca: also interesting to see how we mount things if you didn't know that before11:28
zygaChipaca: shall I push http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zTXJnJjsqh/11:31
zyga 11:31
Chipacazyga: my 5¢ is that it is not less readable with the labels, and in some cases might be more, and you get to drop th enils11:31
zygaChipaca: ok, let me think how to rewrite that11:31
Chipacabut, you spend a lot more time looking at this than I do11:31
Chipacazyga: I can do it for you after lunch if you'd rather not11:32
Chipacasounds like a fun bit of perl :-)11:32
zygaChipaca: fun and perl is only true if perl is EOLd and debian tools are rewritten in rust11:32
zygaChipaca: as a compromise11:32
zygaC and R11:32
Chipacamaybe it's just that i need lunch11:32
zygainstead of Call Result?11:32
zygathen it's shorter but still explicit11:33
zygajdstrand: offtopic, are you back today?11:33
zygaChipaca: thanks, I'll do this11:33
zygaChipaca: drop your feedback there so that others know we discussed this11:33
zygaChipaca: FYI, I just used sublime's multi-line cursor to edit that qucikly11:37
zygaChipaca: should I split R: into R: E:11:39
Chipacazyga: is it ever not an error or nil?11:40
Chipacai guess when it's a fd and stuff11:40
zygait's either an error or it is whatever the syscall returns11:40
Chipacazyga: probably yes11:40
zygathis would allow me to improve one other thing11:40
zygaI have a checker for syscall lists11:40
zygabecause the DeepEquals one is garbage11:40
zygait could use ErrorMatches on error implicitly11:40
zygaso error traces would be less repetetive11:41
pedroniszyga: is #5159 motivated by some open PR ?11:47
mupPR #5159: testutil: record system call errors / return values <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5159>11:47
zygayes, jamie asked me to write tests that show the file descriptor values clearlyt11:48
zygaas many of the branches related to layout fixes had tests like that11:48
pedronisok, thx11:48
zygaChipaca: pushed now11:56
zygaand I should move11:58
zygaI will resume reviews soon11:58
zygamvo: interesting failure11:59
zyga+ echo 'ERROR: test-snapd-requires-base should not be installable without test-snapd-base'11:59
zygaERROR: test-snapd-requires-base should not be installable without test-snapd-base11:59
zygathis is on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/516011:59
mupPR #5160: snapstate: make TestDoPrereqRetryWhenBaseInFlight less brittle <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5160>11:59
zygamaybe a real bug?11:59
* zyga walks12:00
zygaThe agenda for the Fedora server SIG is interesting this week12:08
zygaWe have one topic requiring discussion this week: whether we will ship a Fedora base snap under the Fedora Server umbrella. Please see the earlier email to this list for further details.12:08
mborzeckitests/main/base-snaps failing in Chipaca's and mvo's PRs12:19
zygaYes, I commented on one of the PRs12:19
mborzeckizyga: yeah, it was in mvo's pr which was semi-related, but Chipaca's PR is unrelated12:20
zygaI think it is either a racy test or racy bug12:21
mborzecki#5160 and #516112:21
mupPR #5160: snapstate: make TestDoPrereqRetryWhenBaseInFlight less brittle <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5160>12:21
mupPR #5161: cmd/snap: fix the message when snap.channel != snap.tracking <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5161>12:21
jdstrandkjackal: hey, responding now since I was on holiday. I'll try to answer all your questions I see in backscroll12:22
jdstrandkjackal: there is not a way to edit the apparmor profiles and reload them from a hook as the security policy would disallow that. for a classic snap, it may be possible, but not sure which hook could be used (this isn't something that is typically done)12:24
jdstrandkjackal: there is actually a way to provide your own profile though. you use --security-opt apparmor=some-profile. see https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/apparmor/12:26
mvomborzecki, zyga ups, I know why its failing, let me fix it12:26
Chipacamvo: tell me more! (mine's also failing)12:27
jdstrandkjackal: however, you can't create your own profiles (see previous answer), but you could specify one from your snap12:27
mvoChipaca: I relesed test-snapd-base to stable which breaks exiting tests12:28
jdstrandkjackal: you'd really want to copy docker-default then add the signal rule to allow your snap to send signals to it12:28
mvoChipaca: I undid that now12:28
Chipacamvo: lel12:28
Chipacamvo: as punishment now you must review #516112:29
mupPR #5161: cmd/snap: fix the message when snap.channel != snap.tracking <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5161>12:29
mvoChipaca, zyga, mborzecki should be good again, sorry for that. I will tweak my other PR to work somehow12:29
Chipacamvo: :-D12:29
jdstrandkjackal: for a docker from a deb, this would be your best option and a manual step. modifying docker-default is going to be tricky as dockerd will regenerate it on daemon start12:29
jdstrandkjackal: an option is to ship your own dockerd and plugs 'docker-support'. another option is for you to have the docker snap (rather than deb) installed and then make snapd add the peer rules ala https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/htop-snap-unable-to-signal-aa-enforced-processes/5222/212:32
jdstrandcprov: hi! still seeing the 504s with the public store so I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapstore/+bug/177133312:34
mupBug #1771333: frequent 504s when accessing (at least) public store reviews page <Snap Store:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1771333>12:34
cachioSon_Goku, hey12:36
cprovjdstrand: I've commented on your public bug, the fix is coming, slightly more involving that we thought.12:37
Son_Gokucachio, yo12:38
cachioSon_Goku, for fedora 28 we need google_compute_engine and google_compute_engine_init too12:39
Son_Gokucachio, gah, okay12:39
cachioSon_Goku, and oslogin which is already done12:40
cachiothanks for that12:40
* Son_Goku grumbles about how much he hates monorepos12:40
Son_Gokucachio, I'll tackle those later today12:40
Son_Gokuhopefully have them ready for you during my lunch time12:40
cachioSon_Goku, awesome, thanks12:41
kjackalthank you jdstrand12:50
zygaI’m on the subway now. Will likely miss standup12:53
mborzeckikjackal: regarding cuda, libnvidia-fatbinaryloader is what you're missing?12:55
kjackalthat was the first missing lib reported mborzecki12:56
mborzeckikjackal: it should be picked up by our glob code in snap-confine, is libnvidia-gl also installed on the machine?12:57
mborzeckikjackal: oh, and what distro is it?12:57
zygaMy update today is simple: catchup on reviews and gardening my PRs12:57
zygaHeads up: I will be gone on Thursday , Friday and till Wednesday next week12:58
zygaI will send details on the forum12:58
kjackalmborzecki: I am on 16.04 and the snap is in classic confinement12:58
kjackalmborzecki: why are you asking about libnvidia-gl? how would this affect you?12:59
mborzeckikjackal: hm if it's classic then there should be nothing stopping it from using host libs12:59
mborzeckikjackal: the detection code in snap-confine checks if nvidia lib (libnvidia-glcore.so.<driver-version>) is in arch directory, but you are on 16.04 (libs were under /usr/lib/nvidia-..) and have a classic snap, so none of this should matter13:01
kjackalmborzecki: yes, I was thinking I could deploy cuda-drivers on the host, but that would not work towards a strict confinement13:01
jdstrandcprov: thanks! :)13:03
mborzeckikjackal: can you ldd the binary that does cuda?13:04
jdstrandkjackal (cc mborzecki): to be super clear, are you classic confined or devmode confined?13:05
kjackaljdstrand: classic confined. We also updated the forum request to go through a review13:06
jdstrand(I ask cause I thought we discussed devmode at the sprint, but classic is being discussed here)13:06
kjackaljdstrand: with devmode we had the problem that pods do not get killed. So we moved to classic confinement for now13:07
jdstrandkjackal: I've not caught up on forum email yet, but will13:07
jdstrandkjackal: I see13:07
jdstrandkjackal: I'm still suprised that you are sending signals directly to the containers rather than using 'docker ...'13:08
jdstrandkjackal: but I guess if that is how it works...13:08
kjackalmborzecki: Here is the ldd: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/M3QxnZ6vhj/13:12
mvomborzecki: how do I run shellcheck on my spread tests13:25
mborzeckimvo: ./spread-shellcheck <path-to-task.yaml>13:25
mborzeckimvo: pip install --user yq13:26
mborzeckikjackal: that's just nvidia-container-cli, does not seem that it's missing any lib though13:38
mvomborzecki: have you tried ./spread-shellcheck with the yq snap? I get some strange errors here with that13:40
mborzeckimvo: that's not the same yq13:40
mvomborzecki: uh, that explains it :)13:40
mborzeckisame name, different 'modus operandi'13:40
mvomborzecki: :(13:40
mvomborzecki: you are using the github kislyuk/yq?13:40
mborzeckii was thinking about dropping yq and using pyaml directly13:41
mborzeckimvo: https://pypi.org/project/yq/13:41
mvomborzecki: might not be a bad idea. I would rather like to have a snap or a deb of the yq we use. I can create a snap I think13:42
mborzeckimvo: i think that moving this to spread-shellcheck will be easier/faster, it's just pyaml that we really need13:42
mvomborzecki: ok, I think you are right, it looks straightforward, will you look into it or shall I?13:44
mborzeckimvo: i can do it13:44
mvomborzecki: thanks! how far are we from running this by default ? i.e. how many unfixed things are still left in the tree?13:45
mborzeckimvo: all of the tests are fixed in my branch, but i'm pushing this to master in batches of 20 tests, so far we've merged 1 batch, 2nd is waiting for review sprint to finish13:47
mvomborzecki: aha, cool13:47
mborzeckimvo: fwiw the check is running by default now, the tests are whitelisted by adding them to tests/unit/spread-shellcheck/must13:48
mborzeckixenial apt locking thing also observable on master branch jobs14:09
mupPR snapd#5162 opened: overlord/hookstate: support undo for hooks <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5162>14:10
cachio_Chipaca, the apt-daily.service is locking now14:14
Chipacacachio_: disable it in the image14:24
Chipacacachio_: sudo systemctl disable --now apt-daily{,-upgrade}.{timer,service}14:26
Chipacacachio_: or systemctl disable --now apt-<alt+asterisk>14:26
cachio_Chipaca, yes, I created a new image14:29
cachio_I am testing it14:29
cachio_Chipaca, try rexecuting your branches14:29
Chipacacachio_: i should try right now?14:29
cachio_Chipaca, yes14:30
cachio_Chipaca, I made few runs and seems to be gone the problem14:33
Chipacacachio_: tests are running, will let you know14:33
cachio_Chipaca, tx14:34
pstolowskizyga: can you take another look at #451014:35
mupPR #4510: asserts: use Attrer in policy checks <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4510>14:35
zygaYes, in a sieć14:36
zygaJust got home now14:36
Chipacajdstrand: if you're back from your holidays, what's your take on the mandb/libpipeline work? If you're not back, go away.14:37
mupPR snapcraft#2042 closed: many: implement vendoring support <do-not-merge-yet> <Created by kalikiana> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2042>14:39
zygare :-)14:43
zygaback home, after lunch14:44
mupPR snapcraft#2138 opened: ci: resurrect codecov <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2138>14:45
* zyga reads 451014:45
Chipacacachio_: all good15:03
cachio_Chipaca, yes15:03
mupPR snapd#5161 closed: cmd/snap: fix the message when snap.channel != snap.tracking <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5161>15:04
Chipacamvo: wrt #4600, is it ready for a re-review?15:06
mupPR #4600: configstate: validate known core.* options <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4600>15:06
cachio_zyga, about using jq to query the cursor_id15:11
cachio_the problem there is that we don't have jq on ubuntu core15:12
cachio_so, I should install/remove jq just for querying that15:12
cachio_that's why I did a mix15:12
cachio_between jq and the --export15:12
cachio_any ideas?15:12
cachio_mborzecki, ideas?15:14
mborzeckicachio_: iirc there's jq in a snap15:14
mborzeckimeaning, packaged as snap15:14
mborzeckii saw some tests installing it15:15
cachio_mborzecki, yes, but all the snaps are removed during the reset15:15
cachio_so I should install it for each test15:15
cachio_something that I can do is to skip removing jq15:15
cachio_as we do with the core, kernel, etc15:15
mborzeckiaah right, it's in the helpers now15:16
zygacachio_: can we use the export version everywhere?15:17
zygacachio_: or the jq version everywhere?15:17
zygaI only opposed using two similar code paths15:17
zygaif we can get jq let's use it15:17
cachio_jq  yes15:17
zygaif we cannot then the shell variant looked very good15:17
cachio_but I have to add a small change to avoid removing jq during the reset15:17
cachio_zyga, does it make sense?15:18
zygacachio_: use the shell version15:18
zygait's a one liner15:18
zygano complexity15:18
mvoChipaca: I'm just working on this one, the "changes()" code is incomplete and needs some tweaks15:18
cachio_zyga, sorry, which shell version?15:19
zygacachio_: you had two code paths15:19
zygaone if you had jq15:19
zygaand another if you didn15:19
zygais that correct?15:19
mborzeckicachio_: this one https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5151/files#diff-c900b6adcccb98df1880eff34e415f2cR915:20
mupPR #5151: tests: use journalctl cursors instead rotating logs <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5151>15:20
cachio_the --export fails in bionic15:20
cachio_zyga, mborzecki this is failing on bionic15:21
mborzeckicachio_: w8, what? --output=export does not work?15:21
cachio_the --export is generating a binary output15:21
zygacachio_: so why do you need two variants? just use the simpler one without jq15:21
cachio_zyga, the shell one was not working for bionic15:22
zygaI didn't see that15:22
zygawhat was the issue with it on bionic?15:22
cachio_because on bionic it is --export generates a binary output15:22
mborzeckicachio_: --output-fields=__CURSOR --output=export ?15:23
cachio_mborzecki, let me try that15:23
cachio_I tried similat things15:23
Chipacazyga: is there any case where you _can't_ install something with --devmode?15:23
zygacachio_: I don't think so15:24
Chipacazyga: was that to me15:25
zygaer, yes15:25
mborzeckicachio_: if that fails you can try grep --binary-files=text perhaps15:25
zygasorry, distracted15:25
cachio_mborzecki, ok, let me try those alternatives15:26
cachio_mborzecki, journalctl: unrecognized option '--output-fields'15:27
mborzeckicachio_: ok, so we're left with grep --binary-files=text then15:28
cachio_journalctl: unrecognized option '--binary-files'15:28
cachio_mborzecki, this is on xenial15:29
cachio_mborzecki, main problem that I see is the compatibility of the different versions15:29
cachio_otherwise I can install jq snap durint the prepare and then skip the uninstall15:30
mborzeckicachio_: that's for grep15:30
mborzeckicachio_: --binary-files=text15:30
cachio_ah, sorry15:30
mborzeckicachio_: journalctl --output=export -n1 |grep --binary-files=text -o '__CURSOR=.*' | sed -e 's/^__CURSOR=//'15:31
cachio_mborzecki, testing on trusty and bionic15:33
cachio_mborzecki, works15:35
cachio_I'll update the PR with that15:35
mvoChipaca: 4600 is ready now I think15:37
Chipacamvo: +115:40
* mvo hugs Chipaca 15:42
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mborzeckipedronis: i've updated #509116:00
mupPR #5091: many: hold refresh when on metered connections <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5091>16:00
jdstrandChipaca: I am back but I would have to come back up to speed on it. is the most up to date discussion in the forum?16:04
Chipacajdstrand: I don't think so, I'm not aware of a trail beyond https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=87719916:05
jdstrandcprov (cc ratliff): fyi, I've been trying to access the public store review url for hours and only getting 504s today. not sure when the fix will be rolled out, but at this point, manual reviews are blocked16:05
sparkiegeekChipaca, jdstrand: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/support-for-man-pages/2299 has some more discussion16:06
pedronismborzecki: looks good, don't know if you discussed the option name with Gustavo16:07
Chipacasparkiegeek: you are correct, but that's AFAIK prior to the last entry in the bug report where it says it's Done16:07
Chipacabut i might be wrong on the sequencing16:08
sparkiegeekChipaca: well, both things are threads. The Debian bug was last touched Feb 4th, and was summarised to the forum in https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/support-for-man-pages/2299/516:08
sparkiegeekthere's further discussion beyond that16:08
sparkiegeeki.e. does snapd NIH it and make 'snap man' or do we try and push MANPATH fixes16:09
zygasparkiegeek: as a data point I was thinking about implementing a concept of "exports"16:10
zygasparkiegeek: where a snap exports data to classic world16:10
zygasparkiegeek: like we exports apps and services today16:10
zygasparkiegeek: we could export man pages, images (wallpapers) themes and what not16:10
sparkiegeekzyga: right, sounds promising16:10
Chipacasparkiegeek: jdstrand: re-reading the forum topic, maybe it's all on us at the JFDI end, i.e. it's in integrator's hands16:10
Chipacai dunno why i thought it was otherwise, given i proposed a plan of action and gustavo +1'ed it and jdstrand +1[security]'ed it16:11
zygasparkiegeek: I think we should do special support for man pages (however agreed) and eventually migrate it into the exports mechanism16:12
Chipacazyga: read the forum topic :-)16:13
zygawe're on slashdot :) https://news.slashdot.org/story/18/05/15/157259/canonical-addresses-ubuntu-linux-snap-stores-security-failure16:13
* zyga reads 16:13
Chipacazyga: i think all the bits are in place, at least for bionic16:13
mupPR snapd#5163 opened: tests: build spread in the autopkgtests with a more recent go <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5163>16:14
mvopedronis: ^- the above PR fixes autopkgtests with spread 1.6. we talked about it last week iirc that we need to do something about it16:14
mvopedronis: (just fyi)16:14
cachio_zyga, #5151 ready16:15
mupPR #5151: tests: use journalctl cursors instead rotating logs <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5151>16:15
zygacachio_: thank you16:15
mupPR snapd#4970 closed: Add SocketUser and SocketGroup options <Blocked> <Created by guilhem> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4970>16:23
zygacachio_: reviewed16:23
Chipacazyga: you requested changes on #4562, i think they're done, could you check?16:24
mupPR #4562: debian: add a zenity|kdialog suggests <Reviewed> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4562>16:24
Chipacazyga: no, wait, i got that wrong, they're not done16:24
Chipacaat all16:24
zygaok :)16:24
zygathe packaging changes, right?16:25
Chipacazyga: yeah, i jumped to conclusions way too fast htere16:25
Chipacazyga: OTOH we could totally do it in separate PRs16:26
Chipacano reason to block the deb work just because the rpm work isn't done16:26
Chipacaalso this is _just_ for ubuntu, not even debian16:26
cachio_zyga, tx16:26
Chipacaoto²h i'm not sure debian packaging uses this16:26
Chipacamwhudson tried to do work in this area but we kinda crapped out on him16:26
mupPR snapd#4873 closed: many: delay classic registration until first store interaction <Blocked> <Squash-merge> <Created by pedronis> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4873>16:28
Chipacapedronis: ?16:29
jdstrandniemeyer: hi! two things: 1) perhaps I should simply submit an exporatory PR for https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/htop-snap-unable-to-signal-aa-enforced-processes/5222 implementing what I think is best? this would help kjackal/tvansteenburgh with microk8s too16:47
jdstrandniemeyer: 2) would you mind quickly looking at https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/classic-confinement-request-communitheme-set-default/5146/7 ?16:48
niemeyerjdstrand: Looking at both16:49
pedronisChipaca: ?16:56
threshis there a way to tell snapd not to update snaps when using certain wireless nets?16:57
threshand/or when the connectivity is via wwan device16:57
niemeyerjdstrand: Second one sounds like the anbox installer again16:58
diddledanpopey: is there a signal-desktop snap, and if there is who publishes it? there's an advisory about it so I wanted to make sure it's fixed... seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2018/May/3917:00
popeyi pushed a new version this morning17:00
popeyThanks! :D17:00
diddledanI thought it was but I'm on Windows right now so couldn't check17:01
jdstrandniemeyer: yes but with very limited scope per didrocks17:01
cachio_mvo, this is the issue I see in the pi3 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VCfTJVPNVr/17:02
jdstrandniemeyer: so that make it harder (for me)17:02
niemeyerjdstrand: I can't quite trace that line.. it's just a tool doing system manipulation on behalf of a third snap.. it's the sort of stuff we should be thinking about interfaces for17:02
cachio_always trying to remofe test-snapd-servoce17:02
cachio_mvo, it removes the snap but fails with timeout17:03
niemeyerjdstrand: I've asked for some further info in the topic.. let's see if we can pinpoint what the need is and whether we might offer the real snap a proper interface to do that job17:03
cachio_mvo, it failed in rgular and refresh scenarios for the pi317:03
popeydiddledan: https://snapcraft.io/signal-desktop - click "Show versions" button :)17:04
jdstrandniemeyer: it sounds like he wants to be able to modify the update-alternatives mechanism. This is a Debianism and I'm not sure what an interface for that would look like. I mean, I guess we could probe the system and expose the interface dynamically, similar to hotplug...17:04
jdstrandniemeyer: asking in the forum sounds great17:04
jdstrandniemeyer: thanks!17:04
niemeyerjdstrand: Cool, let's follow up there so the discussion isn't lost17:05
* jdstrand nods17:05
diddledanyikes, popey , you're right about gimp being popular!17:06
diddledanthe adoption rate of 2.10 is impressive, too17:07
threshare there open stats on packages popularity?17:07
popeyno, but as diddledan is the uploader for gimp, he sees some stats17:07
popeysame as you see for vlc17:07
diddledanis "active"17:08
diddledanerr, try again17:08
threshpopey, sure that's why I asked :)17:08
popeyyeah, gimp has some way to catch up with vlc :D17:08
diddledanis "active devices" the number that are actually launching the app, or just reporting metrics?17:08
popeyinstall base, we have no idea if people run it17:09
niemeyerjdstrand: Responded to the other issue17:19
zygajdstrand: hey17:28
zygajdstrand: do you have a moment17:28
jdstrandzyga: if it is about the abd udev rules, I already commented17:30
mborzeckithresh: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-refresh-over-metered-connections/5001 is this what's you're looking for?17:30
zygajdstrand: it's about something else: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/515917:30
mupPR #5159: testutil: record system call errors / return values <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5159>17:30
zygajdstrand: also an ack here https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/509017:31
jdstrandzyga: what about it?17:31
mupPR #5090: cmd/snap-update-ns: poke holes when creating source paths for layouts <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5090>17:31
zygaI think this is doing what you asked for now17:31
jdstrandI have both of these on my todo17:31
zygaI'll resume hacking then17:31
zyganiemeyer: can you please look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4889 again17:36
mupPR #4889: cmd/snap-update-ns: don't trespass on host filesystem <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4889>17:36
zygait should be ready now and needs your re-review17:36
niemeyerzyga: Thanks for the fixed.. looking again17:38
niemeyerzyga: Can you clarify this point:17:41
niemeyer +// Note that we allow /var/snap instead of /var/snap/$SNAP_NAME because17:41
niemeyerzyga: What can write on /var/snap more specifically?17:41
zygathe point is that if snaps foo and bar want to content share via $SNAP_COMMON (for example)17:42
zygathen because we don't know the name of the "far side" of the connection here we cannot scope the permission to just /var/snap/foo and /var/snap/bar17:43
zygaso we allow /var/snap17:43
zygaso that content interface can create both /var/snap/foo/common/shared and /var/snap/bar/common/incoming (for example)17:43
mupPR snapd#5164 opened: tests: increase timeouts to make tests reliable on slow boards <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5164>17:48
niemeyerzyga: Where would those permissions end more specifically?17:49
zyganiemeyer: can you rephrase, are you asking about how is this used by Secure.MkDir and all kinds of other helpers?17:50
zygathose are telling snap-update-ns when to go ahead and write to the real filesystem and when to create a writable mimic and write to tmpfs instead17:50
niemeyerzyga: Is that allowance just for the inner workings of snap-update-ns?17:50
niemeyerzyga: Where do we block the remote snap from actually putting the layout on those places?  snpad?17:51
zygain snap/validate.go17:51
niemeyerAck, thanks17:51
mvocachio_: hm, hm, it looks like the timeout is a bit too tight, could you please set the kill-timeout to 6m and re-run the test?18:05
mvocachio_: and thanks for digging into this!18:06
cachio_mvo, I created a pr to move it to 518:06
cachio_it is working fine with 5m18:06
cachio_mvo, #516418:07
mupPR #5164: tests: increase timeouts to make tests reliable on slow boards <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5164>18:07
mvocachio_: \o/18:07
mvoa second review for 5163 would be awesome18:08
mvothis is important because our current SRU is blocked on failing autopkgtests18:08
cachio_mvo, sure18:09
mupPR snapd#5163 closed: tests: build spread in the autopkgtests with a more recent go <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5163>18:11
niemeyerzyga: Reviewed, asked some more questions18:12
zygaack, looking18:12
mvocachio_: do you think .8 is ready for candidate?18:13
mvocachio_: thanks for merging 516318:13
cachio_I am reviewing another teest and we need confirmation from cwayne18:13
cachio_mvo, our part is ok18:13
mvocachio_: great, thank you18:14
cachio_but still waiting to see if there is an issue on caracalla18:14
cwaynecachio_: mvo said earlier he let you know we were ok to push18:14
mvocwayne: indeed, sorry I think I pasted wrong18:15
cachio_cwayne, ah, ok, in this case I'll promote in few minutes18:15
cachio_re-running a test in pi218:15
cwayneah np sorry then, thought it was taken care of :)18:15
cprovjdstrand: review pages should not timeout now, still slow, but at least you are not blocked.18:46
mupPR snapd#4805 closed: daemon: add confinement-options to /v2/system-info <Created by robert-ancell> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4805>18:52
jdstrandcprov: nice! that makes the full fix way less urgent (to me anyway)18:53
jdstrandratliff: fyi ^18:53
ratliffjdstrand: great news, thanks cprov!18:54
cprovjdstrand, ratliff: np, sorry for the trouble the queue has grown a bit :-/18:56
* cachio_ afk19:02
jdstrandcprov: yeah-- we're trying to get people to look at the gadgets and kernels too19:04
Chipacaok, EOD for me19:09
mupPR snapcraft#2138 closed: ci: resurrect codecov <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2138>19:52
mupPR snapcraft#2139 opened: ci: remove unused cron tests <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2139>20:10
mupPR snapd#5151 closed: tests: use journalctl cursors instead rotating logs <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5151>20:41
mupPR snapd#5146 closed: tests: fix user mounts test for external systems <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5146>20:45
mupPR snapd#5165 opened: tests: fix user mounts test for external systems <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5165>20:45
threshis there a way to fetch all possible version of a snap? e.g. revisions?20:53
noise][thresh: as a publisher, you can get download links for all revisions from the snap revision pages on dashboard.snapcraft.io20:57
threshright.  what about other snaps?20:58
threshI'm mostly interested in trying out older core snaps20:58
noise][generally not, you can access the revisions currently in the various channels20:59
threshI mean since some time ago I've started having issues with VLC on KDE, which I thought is due to my changes20:59
threshbut apparently (trying out the stable which didnt have issues at the time) it's not me20:59
threshbut something changed in snap/apparmor or something20:59
threshso I wanted to bisect a bit21:00
noise][interesting, i'd suggest opening a topic on the forum - since it's the core snap you are after it shouldn't be a problem to help you get older revs21:00
noise][the restriction is in place mainly to respect publisher wishes of "what should be available" for their snaps21:01
threshah, undestandable21:02
noise][thresh: i'm at end of day, but post a topic and we can get someone to help out with that21:05
noise][you can @ me (noise on the forum)21:06
Pharaoh_Atemniemeyer, it's happening: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2018-05-15/serversig.2018-05-15-19.59.html21:09
niemeyerPharaoh_Atem: Congratulations, and thank you!21:10
Pharaoh_Atemniemeyer: this means we _gotta_ put some focus on getting things in place21:11
Pharaoh_Atemthe goal is to have all this ready by Fedora 2921:11
Pharaoh_Atemzyga and I will probably submit an official self-contained change (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Policy) for this once we've determined the work needed21:12
niemeyerPharaoh_Atem: Sounds great, and that aligns well with the focus of snapcraft work that we are going to have this cycle21:22
* zyga mentioned that during the meeting21:22
niemeyerBy the end of the cycle we want to have a very smooth  multi-base experience21:22
mwhudsona little bird tells me that snap info will start reporting the last update of a track/risk soon, is there some place i can track this?22:28
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