
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:14
SlidingHornmornin lotuspsychje  :)05:18
lotuspsychjehey SlidingHorn how are you05:18
SlidingHornnot too bad, just got tipped off to a bunch of sites with free ebooks :)05:19
lotuspsychjeah cool05:20
lotuspsychjefrom reading to free music, do you know jamendo?05:20
SlidingHornrings a bell05:21
lotuspsychjepretty nice copyrighted free music05:21
SlidingHornoh yeah that's why I remembered it...05:22
SlidingHornthere's also a nice YouTube channel with over 700 pieces of free music05:22
SlidingHornAudio Library05:22
EriC^morning all05:42
lotuspsychjehey EriC^05:42
lotuspsychjehow are you mate05:42
EriC^hey lotuspsychje05:43
EriC^great you?05:43
lotuspsychjefine, bit tired from amsterdam weekend :p05:44
EriC^nice :D05:45
ducassegood morning05:46
lotuspsychjehey ducasse05:46
EriC^morning ducasse , how's it going?05:47
ducassemorning lotuspsychje, EriC^ - fine here thanks, how are you?05:49
lotuspsychjefine here ducasse on the coffee :p05:50
EriC^great thanks05:51
ducasseany plans for the day, guys?05:56
lotuspsychjebreakfast now and working day here :p05:56
lotuspsychjeyou got plans ducasse ?05:56
ducassenot until tonight, invited to a friend's house for dinner05:59
lordievaderGood morning06:03
EriC^morning lordievader06:04
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
lordievaderHey EriC^06:05
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:05
EriC^^great thanks yourself?06:05
ducassehi lordievader - all well?06:07
lordievaderDoing good here :)06:07
jink'sup, n00bs?06:12
lotuspsychjebbl breakfast06:13
ducasseenjoy, lotuspsychje :)06:14
lotuspsychjeit does bring back weird memorys07:22
ducassethat was a long time ago07:23
lotuspsychjesaw a docu on this recently, its crazy07:29
lotuspsychje500 smart city projects comming up07:30
ducassemaybe they can also do something about human rights and leave tibet alone...07:32
lotuspsychjeguiverc: you skared him away :p07:50
guivercnot the first time either :(07:51
JimBuntugood job guiverc , I was about to ask them a question... no TAB auto-complete... :-(07:51
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BluesKajHi folks10:56
ducassehi BluesKaj - all well today?10:58
BluesKajHey ducasse, yeah, ok here. How about you?11:01
ducasseall good, thanks. just about to make lunch.11:03
BluesKajanother idiot in #ubuntu with a stupid sexually suggestive nick,  funny or not, i think that shouldn't be allowed , call it censorship if you want, but in this I think it applies11:16
BluesKajoops not  #ubuntu , ##linux11:17
JimBuntuI, I saw that. It's not even suggestive, it's beyond that11:18
BluesKajthank goodness they k-lined him11:18
BluesKajor her , who knows11:19
JimBuntuI have all the extra notifications turned off, didn't see that they did... whoever will no doubt be back11:19
BluesKaj'Morning JimBuntu11:19
JimBuntu'Morning to you too BluesKaj11:19
BluesKajyeah, I have hide nick joins/parts except watched nicks and those active within the last 24hrs...helps keep the page clean and readable11:24
JimBuntuI started thinking about looking for a more scriptable IRC client the other day. There *should* be one that let's me really drill down with filters.11:26
JimBuntuI started up my bouncer about a week ago, but haven't gotten around to really messing with it yet11:26
BluesKajKonversation has always been my favourite , tried lots of others including hexchat, quassel and the shells like irssi and weechat etc, but I always return to good ol' Konversation.11:30
BluesKajirssi is handy when the desktop won't load due to issues of some kind11:34
JimBuntuI'm going to check out Konversation. I normally use X-Chat, but have a few others installed.11:35
JimBuntuI may look into Python IRC libraries, as it shouldn't be hard to interact with IRC... then I can have the GUI display whatever I want.11:36
BluesKajthink Konversation comes with a lot of KDE "baggage" , read kde dependencies11:40
tomreynpragmaticenigma: about, you say it is "not recommended for full time use". can you rewfer to some official statement on this?14:55
pragmaticenigmaQuad 9 goal is to provide secure, private, highly available DNS services via the address. is their unsecured address which is only a DNS resolver, it does not block malicious sites, offer dnssec, or any of the other features of Quad 914:59
pragmaticenigmaUnsecured IP: Provides: No security blocklist, DNSSEC, sends EDNS Client-Subnet. If your DNS software requires a Secondary IP address, please use the unsecured secondary address of
pragmaticenigmaSecure IP: Provides: Security blocklist, DNSSEC, No EDNS Client-Subnet sent. If your DNS software requires a Secondary IP address, please use the secure secondary address of
pragmaticenigmaThe recommend using the Unsecured IP for troubleshooting their Secured IP services for false positives15:00
tomreynpragmaticenigma: personally i prefer the raw beast. i don't like to promote the use of a filter bubbles by default.15:02
tomreyni do see how using rather than can be useful for others, but i still think they should be made aware of these filters before they are pointed to the filtered variant.15:03
pragmaticenigmaI agree... If it were me, I'd suggest google dns by default then15:04
tomreynwell not i, since i think privacy matters, too15:04
tomreynand that google is way too large15:04
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=== | is now known as pragmaticenigma
JimBuntuaw, no fair ;-)15:09
JimBuntubeing knows as |15:09
pragmaticenigmaoh, it was going to be shortlived... I got a stern message from nickserv15:10
pragmaticenigmacan anyone tell me how to verify that someone is running true ubuntu and not some unspoorted dirivative15:11
pragmaticenigmaI think we're being phished by codercat15:11
BluesKajcloudflare seems to be fastest to resolve DNS globally, no restrictions on malicious sites tho, https://medium.com/@nykolas.z/dns-resolvers-performance-compared-cloudflare-x-google-x-quad9-x-opendns-149e803734e515:14
pragmaticenigmaBluesKaj: cloudflare is also doing some filtering, it's minimal though. Most of these global DNS providers are filtering to some degree. Some in response to attacks, some just to reduce the propagation of malicious software15:15
BluesKajwell. tha's probly a good thing, judicious surfing is a "matter of taste" and what the resolvers definition is of family friendly sites etc15:19
pragmaticenigmaI've been using OpenDNS for many years now, with their utitilty to offer enhanced filtering for my network, and my parents. Since making that decision, I get a lot less frantic phones calls when Mom's computer goes AWOL, rarely see malware on their computers. In both locations I have some categories blocked (my network blocks parked domains; theirs, adult themed sites because of grandkids visiting)15:22
pragmaticenigmaI don't like filtering my parents internet, I feel bad for doing it. They are aware of the filters though and agree to keep them. Only once and a while do I get a question about why a site mysteriously stopped working, and I just whitelist it in their profile15:23
JimBuntupragmaticenigma, don't trust `lsb_release -a` ?15:26
pragmaticenigmaI don't know what part of it to request from a user to make sure I get the actual flavor15:27
BluesKajI've been the only user on my network except for my adult kids and my grown grandchildren (I'm old), so I'm lucky not to concern myself about "adult sites" . I never use them anyway.15:27
pragmaticenigmathey kept talking about libuntu (some esoteric derived copy of ubuntu) but I wanted to make sure it was a typo before telling them they couldn't be helped15:28
pragmaticenigmaThe grandkids don't go looking for it... The oldest goes in search of poetry and artwork and ends up in some sketchy parts of the web, were an advert has an adult ad which gets their curiosity15:29
pragmaticenigmathe grandkids haven't learned that anything past the first page of google results is best not looked at15:29
BluesKajunfortunately I'm a widower now and my wife was intelligent and knowledgeable enough to be careful on W7 when surfing the 'net15:30
pauljwhi everyone15:31
BluesKajhey pauljw15:32
pauljwhi BluesKaj :)15:32
pragmaticenigmafor us it's a delacate topic for my sibling to start talking to their kids about these topics... We haven't figured out a tactful approach to broach the subject15:32
pragmaticenigmahello pauljw15:32
pauljwhi pragmaticenigma15:32
tomreynre "true ubuntu", "lsb_release -ds", but this can be easily falsified, and what really tells you what they have is actually apt-cache policy (if run after "sudo apt update")15:36
pragmaticenigmatomreyn: wouldn't that just tell me what version by friendly name like trusty, xienal, bionic ??15:38
pragmaticenigmaI guess the _CODENAME value15:39
pragmaticenigmatruely anything can be falsified... And if you know how to ask in the first place, no one would be the wiser anyways15:40
tomreynpragmaticenigma: there's also /var/log/installer/lsb-release16:08
tomreynwhich tells you what the lsb_release for the installer was16:08
tomreynor /var/log/installer/media-info rather16:08
tomreyn(that's what apport uses)16:09
pragmaticenigmacrap.. they made themselves sound so knowledgable... and then don't know how to boot with nomodeset16:27
pragmaticenigmaI don't remember how to do it16:27
daftykinsused to be holding shift at boot time to stall GRUB, buuuut that was a long time ago :>16:27
pragmaticenigmaI don't know what 18.04 boot even looks like16:28
JimBuntuhold shift during boot, edit the kernel settings, place nomodeset after the root's drive declaration16:28
daftykinsso far in my tests it's looked very blank :)16:28
JimBuntuOh, I also don't know if it's diff in 18.0416:28
pragmaticenigmablind leading blind16:29
pragmaticenigmagoogle results for me talk about modifying the grub config file... which is hard to do when you can't get into ubuntu16:29
leftyfblive cd16:31
daftykinsthat's a mistake, you don't set it permanently when you don't know if it's going to help yet16:32
daftykinsgoodness me though, 2018 and still nomodeset hassles? YOLD!16:34
JimBuntuyou can edit the kernel config from grub though, can't get into the grub menu?16:36
JimBuntuir did they take that away with 18.0416:36
BluesKajhey daftykins, some users are having them16:37
pragmaticenigmaturns out that the issue is nvidia drivers not liking wayland... no surprise there16:38
daftykinsreal surprise is why people are so impatient to use the damn thing16:39
pragmaticenigmaadd to that everyone saying go to tty1... which is no more in 18.0416:41
daftykinsheh i'm embarassed to admit i was pressing ctrl+alt+F1 a few times before i realised xD16:42
JimBuntutty1 is on CTRL+ALT+F7 now, isn't it?16:42
pragmaticenigmaor as it should be labeled tty716:43
daftykinson the 18.04 test install i have, i didn't appear to have a 1 - only 2 through 616:44
daftykinsthen X was on 116:44
daftykins(i suppose)16:44
JimBuntuis it though? I didn't realise the key-mapping needed to be tied to the tty, explicitly, would make sense though16:44
JimBuntuinteresting, a lot of changes were slapped into 18.04... I wonder how much will be reverted in the point release16:45
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:45
JimBuntu"oops, sorry peeps, we didn't mean to mess with tty1 and display manager output"16:45
JimBuntuhiya lotuspsychje16:45
lotuspsychjehey JimBuntu daftykins16:46
lotuspsychjeyou guys had a nice day?16:46
pragmaticenigmaJimBuntu: None, moving X to virt 1 is standard across all other distros... Ubuntu is late to the party16:47
pragmaticenigmaCentOS, RedHat have been doing it since 6.x release which is 8 years old16:47
JimBuntuI'm having a nice day, T-4h16:48
pragmaticenigmalotuspsychje: Wayland support for Nvidia isn't stable enough for mainstream use yet. Things might be promissing , but I wouldn't be recommending it anytime soon16:50
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: that doesnt mean a system cant tryout wayland properly right?16:51
pragmaticenigmalet's put it this way... no16:51
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: apt-cache search wayland gives nvidia-driver-39016:52
pragmaticenigmaIf you have a machine to play with , sure have at it... most of the people in channel are trying to get their main daily driver rigs up and running.16:52
lotuspsychjeyeah agree on that16:52
lotuspsychjeperhaps on .1 ?16:52
pragmaticenigmanot even then... I will not move to wayland until all the things I can do with X are carried over.16:53
pragmaticenigmaWayland largest defect is it does not support user privelage escalation. Meaning you cannot run GUI apps under a substitute user16:53
lotuspsychjeyeah thats bad indeed16:54
lotuspsychjeif that aint fixxed, no point yet to make the switch16:54
pragmaticenigmaexactly... I like many of the coming features of wayland, but they are missing some major legacy features16:55
lotuspsychjehey krytarik16:58
pragmaticenigmaoh no... krytarik is here... everyone act cool :-P17:13
BluesKaji don't need to act cool...I am :-)17:16
pragmaticenigmaturn up the heat then BluesKaj17:17
BluesKajtemperature has nothing to do with it17:18
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje17:32
lotuspsychjeheya BluesKaj all well on your side of the world?17:33
BluesKajyeah, everything seems normal...chaos as usual in the US, but here it's a nice day, but we still have a silly gov't  :-)17:36
BluesKajgoing to try one of those ethernet over house wiring adapters17:37
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: devolo style?17:38
BluesKaja friend uses one in his garage /studio due to poor wifi reception from his regular router17:42
lotuspsychjei got devolo and its pretty neat17:43
lotuspsychjei use it when updating customer boxes over eth17:43
* BluesKaj nods17:43
BluesKajlooks good as well17:45
BluesKajdon't have poor wifi, but moved a pc to my den that needs ethernet (no wifi nic) so that seems like an easy solution17:51
daftykinsthere are plenty of TP-Link ones17:56
lotuspsychjehmm bionic removed aptoncd?18:03
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd xenial18:03
ubot5aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (xenial), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB18:03
kostkon!info aptoncd bionic18:23
ubot5Package aptoncd does not exist in bionic18:23
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om SlidingHorn18:28
SlidingHornhey how's it going?18:28
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: :) .. Good to read ya - still here .. what's the session like ?18:29
lotuspsychjeup and off irc Bashing-om so idle/support for me18:33
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell19:06
ubot5gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.1-0ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 669 kB, installed size 7390 kB19:06
lotuspsychjethats some nice simultaneous idling :p19:14
lotuspsychjetv time guys19:19
lotuspsychjehave a nice119:19
SlidingHorntrolling hour has arrived, apparently23:32
oerheksmaybe update, baby!23:33

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