
Unit193`join #ubuntu-flavors06:52
SinaCutieHello. May I have the IRC cloak of "ubuntu/member/sinacutie" ? My Launchpad is: https://launchpad.net/~sinacutie07:55
Unit193Looks all fine.08:09
Unit193SinaCutie: All set.08:18
SinaCutieThank you!08:18
fabio_ccHi. Is there any news about #lubuntu-it ?09:07
geniiMy inbox has a warning for expiry of #lubuntu-offtopic operator status, but no renew link. It suggests contacting jussi ( who I haven't seen around for a while now ) or irc council. Any team admins around ?18:03
hggdhgenii: LP id, please18:11
geniihggdh: https://launchpad.net/~mystic-scientist18:16
geniiAlso, the expiration dates on the emails all are different, each says 6 days from the day the email was sent18:17
genii( so someone might want to examine whatever makes those)18:18
hggdhgenii: renewed. The team setup has been was changed for offer self-renewal as well18:19
geniihggdh: Excellent, thanks :)18:19
hggdhgenii: your expiry was set for 2018-05-20, so -- in this case -- the 6 days was correct18:20
hggdh(don't know about the other teams, though)18:20
geniihggdh: Sunday "On 2018-05-19, 6 days from now" Yesterday "On 2018-05-21, 7 days from now" Today said 6 days with same expiry, but weird about the earlier18:23
geniiThe first one from Saturday says 7 days with 19th as expiry18:24
hggdhhuh, yeah. This is code inside launchpad. Since you you have the emails, perhaps you would not mind takling with the folks ar #launchpad, or opening a question against LP on answers.launchpad.net18:25
hggdhwe ourselves have no control over the process except for setting an expiry (which defaults to 1 year), and whether you just receive an email to contact an admin, or are allowed to self-renew18:26
geniiWill do, thanks18:27
hggdhfor the record, your expire date was set to 2018-05-2018:27
geniiIt's filed in a bug report now against Launchpad18:53
geniiIf anyone else has noticed the same issue, perhaps confirm the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/177140618:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1771406 in Launchpad itself "Wrong dates on team expiry emails" [Undecided,New]18:54
Flannelgenii: When did you invent a time machine, and why aren't you sharing?18:57
geniiPretty weird though, it says the day before and the day after but not the actual day it was set for19:01
Flannelgenii: I'll bet it's a timezone thing.19:03
FlannelOr it could be different code that sends the initial email vs reminders, that deal with dates differently.19:04
Flannelgenii: My last multiple-reminder emails were in 2017, and they don't seem to do it.  Fun fact: In 2011, they switched from spelled out to numerals.19:08
geniiMaybe I'll let the next one run for 5-6 and see if it re-occurs19:09
geniiUnit193: Launchpad bug report is in backscroll here if someone later wants to add to it20:24
Unit193Nothing I can do about LP except change settings.20:29
hggdhand pray20:30
hggdhI personaly have not got any expiry email for quite some time, so I cannot check on it20:36
Unit193Most recent one I got, I waited until the next day because when I loaded up the renewal page it claimed I wasn't expired/up for renewal.20:37
hggdhso there indeed be dragons20:46
Unit193Almost would wonder if one of the clocks is off.20:48
hggdhthis would actually surprise me, the IS folks were usually quite careful with clocks20:50
hggdhon the other hand... it does sounds a bit like a clock issue. But not by the amount of hours it would have taken for genii's emails20:51

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