
xyzhi, is mcelog not available on 18.04 anymore?01:32
sdezielxyz: see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=88974101:35
ubottuDebian bug 889741 in ftp.debian.org "RM: mcelog -- ROM; obsolete; no kernel support in testing" [Normal,Open]01:35
xyzthanks so I need to use rasdaemon now?01:40
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sarnoldxyz: thanks for the pointer :)02:28
xyzno problem sarnold let me know if you figure out how to use that02:34
sarnoldxyz: on my bionic laptop I did apt-get install rasdaemon ; systemctl start rasdaemon ; ras-mc-ctl --summary02:34
sarnoldno ecc on this thing so ras-mc-ctl --status didn't work (at least I think that's why it didn't work..)02:35
xyzhmm I see, for me --status just says "ras-mc-ctl: drivers are loaded."02:36
xyzso I guess it's working02:36
sarnoldit was a bit anti-climactic.. but I guess that's best, it's unfun to see machine check exceptions :)02:37
cpaelzergood morning04:53
lordievaderGood morning06:03
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hwpplayer1could you please suggest me an article for ubuntu 18.0411:08
hwpplayer1i read official article11:08
ChryzoGood morning, i have my DNS entries in the ethernet configuration: /etc/network/interfaces with dns-nameservers  but they are not getting picked up by resolv.conf. any idea why ?11:58
hwpplayer1could you please suggest me an article for ubuntu 18.04 i read official article12:30
tomreynhwpplayer1: what kind of article are you looking for?12:33
hwpplayer1tomreyn : something tells more detailed about new missions related cloud computing storage artificial intelligence especially machine learning with the view of canonical roadmap and critisitive12:48
tomreynhwpplayer1: i only know about https://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 regarding canonical's strategy.12:57
xnoxtomreyn, hwpplayer1 - i'd recommend https://blog.ubuntu.com/ specifically, e.g. https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/04/26/ubuntu-18-04-lts-optimised-for-security-multi-cloud-containers-ai & https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/04/27/whats-new-in-ubuntu-18-04-and-openstack-queens13:03
xnoxChryzo, which ubuntu release is this on?13:04
xnoxChryzo, and by not picked up... do you see them in $ systemd-resolve --status ?13:04
sdezielteward: I wrongly marked LP: #1578344 as fix release and can't undo this to triaged, sorry about that and could you please fix it for me?14:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1578344 in nginx (Ubuntu) "code duplication between nginx-*.postinst and init script" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157834414:17
Buoy172I don't know if this is the right channel to ask but...14:20
Buoy172I have this webserver that I can login to14:21
Buoy172and I can do 'ls' and see "bin boot data dev" ... etc14:21
Buoy172where's the website located at?14:21
Buoy172where's index.php?14:21
sdezielBuoy172: usually somewhere under /var/www14:22
Chryzoxnox, ubuntu 16 and 14 lts. I forcefully modified the header of the file for now. As for: systemd-resolve --status, my system does not recognized --status14:23
xnoxChryzo, typically you would not modify the header, you should modify files in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d and run $ resolvconf -u, to regenerate /etc/resolv.conf14:24
xnoxChryzo, you mean 16.04 LTS and 14.04 LTS, i presume, right?14:25
Chryzoby header i meant i modified /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head :)14:25
Chryzoxnox, yep14:25
xnoxah =) well done, that's support / the right things to do, if things fail to propagate =)14:25
xnoxah =) well done, that's supported / the right things to do, if things fail to propagate =)14:25
Chryzohad to push some ansible playbooks so had to fix it that way for now. When I have time i ll need to try and investigate why it happens though14:26
Buoy172How do I search for "index.html" location from the command line?14:26
Buoy172btw, there's no www folder in /var14:26
ChryzoBuoy172,  find / -name index.html14:28
tewardsdeziel: yep, fixed.  Sorry, i'm battling Sophos being stupid at the workplace so sorry for slow response15:10
sdezielteward: thanks15:10
tewardyep.  I've got a fix prepped for Cosmic.15:11
tewardso whenever I get up off my lazy butt I'll upload it.15:11
dr4c4nhi there, does anyone have a simple apparmor profile writing example?15:18
tewardapparmor profiles are by their nature 'not simple'15:18
sdezielSELinux isn't simple, Apparmor is much more accessible15:19
tewardsdeziel: creating the profile from scrach IIRC isn't easy either though15:19
sdezieldr4c4n: I have a small collection of profiles I use: https://github.com/simondeziel/aa-profiles/15:19
dr4c4nsdeziel: thanks ! I'm looking for an easy example, for understanding15:20
sdezieldr4c4n: if you want, pick a daemon/binary you know from that list https://github.com/simondeziel/aa-profiles/tree/master/16.04 and I'll be happy to answer your questions re its Apparmor profile15:22
dr4c4nI have a project idea, (sounds crazy) to write a conversion between an apparmor profile to an selinux policy15:24
sdezielteward: yeah starting from scratch can be tedious which is why I always copy from an existing profile ;) I'm lazy too15:25
sdezieldr4c4n: oh, that sounds pretty involved to me15:25
tewarddepends on which level of "lazy" though15:25
tewardsdeziel: and for what they *sound* like they're doing "tedious' is an understatement15:25
tewardBTW, thanks for your ongoing help with nginx bug triage15:25
tewardit's nice to be able to ignore most of the bugs because others help triage them :P15:26
tewardand by "ignore" I mean "acknowledge but not do anything with"15:26
sdezielteward: that's my way to say thanks for the SRUs you are doing :)15:26
tewardheh, well, that's just my job :)15:26
tewardall part of maintaining the software :)15:26
dr4c4nso there are somethings that selinux can't do, for instance confine NFS mounts specifically that apparmor can do, and selinux can enforce RBAC and sensitivity levels, that apparmor can't.15:26
teward*waits for his cosmic sbuild to finish*15:27
sdezieldr4c4n: not sure what you mean by confine NFS mounts. Got an Apparmor example of what you have in mind?15:29
Neo4what is version php have ubuntu by default? There written 7.0 and when I install I get 7.215:32
Neo4and then when install php5.6 apache can't run15:32
Neo4what is current version php in ubuntu?15:33
sdezielNeo4: the supported version differs from one Ubuntu release to the other15:33
Neo4sdeziel: I use 16.0415:33
sdezielthen it would be 7.0.3015:33
Neo4there apt-cache show php15:33
Neo4no, it 7.2?15:33
Neo4I now remove all and check15:33
sdezielIf you want 7.2 you need 18.0415:34
Neo4sdeziel: no, I want 5.615:34
Neo4many wordpress plugins doesn't' support even php 7.015:35
sdezielNeo4: that version was never officially supported on Ubuntu so you have to resort to PPA15:35
sdezielor even better find better maintained plugins15:35
Neo4sdeziel: yes, I load from ppa and before it works, not doesn't15:36
Neo4sdeziel: becaue now version 7.215:36
Neo4sdeziel: how to check which version?15:36
Neo4at first remove php:15:37
Neo4sudo apt-get purge php*15:37
Neo4then install15:37
Neo4sudo apt-get install php and check?15:37
sdezielNeo4: I don't know/use PPAs providing PHP15:38
tewardthere's one.15:38
sdezielOndrey Sury?15:38
tewardone *decent* one by one of the well-known people for their PHP contribs15:38
Neo4sdeziel: see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/c3MwdQCtqh/15:38
tewardthat's the only way to get the backported PHP versions to Xenial, unless you're me and are a power user backporting it in order to apply certain patches that PPAs and upstreams said no to for local envs :P15:39
Neo4how to check ubuntu version?15:39
sdezielNeo4: you installed the generic (non versioned) package so you got the latest from the PPA15:39
Neo4sdeziel: why not from official repository?15:41
Neo4sdeziel: see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qDBq32wTxJ/15:41
Neo4version and description php15:41
Neo4it shoudl be 7.015:41
Neo4sdeziel: that php7.2 break all my shell script15:41
sdezielNeo4: then don't install it15:41
Neo4sdeziel: no it work well when I install at first from official repository php 7.0 and then php 5.0 from not official15:42
Neo4it doesn't works because I don't install php7.015:42
Neo4sdeziel: can I somehow off that not official repository?15:43
sdezielNeo4: add-apt-repository --remove15:44
Neo4sdeziel: yes, :)15:44
Neo4sdeziel: I'm doing shell script that installing applications one by one15:47
Neo4sdeziel: see https://ibb.co/i2Vevd15:49
Neo4yes, now 7.0 load, nice15:50
Neo4sdeziel: listen, should I off repository after installation php 5.6?15:50
Neo4is php equal in both repository?15:50
Neo4i mean 7.015:50
sdezielNeo4: you need to keep the PPA if you want (security) updates which Ondrej seems to provide regularly15:51
tewardPHP is not equal in both the repos.  You cannot cohabitate the Repos PHP 7.0 with PPA 7.215:51
Neo4it should be equal in both and doesn't matter from where you load?15:51
tewardsdeziel: he also needs to install php 7.0 from Ondrej's repo as well, if co-usage is needed15:51
tewardthey fight each other otherwise15:51
sdezielNeo4: if all you need is 7.0 and 5.6, I'd use 7.0 from Ubuntu and 5.6 from Ondrej's PPA15:51
Neo4sdeziel: but I mean when I include ppa all libs for php7.0 load from this php, I load php7.0 from ubuntu and libs not15:51
sdezieloh right15:52
tewardsdeziel: he'll have to remove the PPA to avoid PPA clobbering of php715:52
sdezielOndrej's version have the "+" in their version15:52
tewardassuming he's using the only PHP PPA usable.15:52
teward(the others are deprecated)15:52
Neo4teward: no, I remove before install php, in script , it's temporarely15:52
Neo4then script after install php5.6 add thsi ppa and it is left15:53
Neo4it was install by php , 7.2 version if we repeat run shell script15:53
tewardsdeziel: i should also point out PHP 5.x is dead, so I don't know if there's any security updates any more.15:53
tewardnot without lots of backport work15:53
teward... i need lunch, back in a while.15:53
sdezielteward: upstream is still putting out 5.6 versions15:53
sdezieldunno for how long though15:54
sdezielbut yeah, 5.x is close to dead15:54
Neo4teward: no, 5.6 isn't dead, I tried use php +7 and impossible with wordpress, blugins don't works15:54
Neo4php5.6 will live long15:54
tewardsdeziel: ah, well, it's probably 'dead' soon enough.  either way.  *lunchtime*15:54
sdezielblugins == plugins for blogs? :P15:55
sdezielor plugins full of bugs?15:55
Neo4I would use php7 if it worked15:56
Neo4php7 has more possibilities15:56
tewardit sounds to me like you need upgraded wordpress *and* upgraded plugins, because most of the plugins that worked in PHP 5.x work in updated Wordpress on PHP7, if you install the PHP7-compatible Wordpress15:59
teward(evidenced by the ten or so Wordpress deployments I maintain on PHP 7, just saying)15:59
sdezielIIRC, WP upstream now supports and recommends 7.216:00
Neo4sdeziel: ?16:03
Neo4teward: CMS supports but plugins not16:04
Neo4sdeziel: what do you use for install applications on server?16:05
Neo4sdeziel: do you want to test my script?16:05
sdezielNeo4: no thanks, I use Puppet16:05
Neo4sdeziel: I little read about puppet in one book16:05
Neo4sdeziel: can you create virtual hosts in puppet?16:06
Neo4something like select menu "add virtual host" and then follow tips input name and everything should be done16:07
Neo4sdeziel: really?16:07
Neo4sdeziel: what you can't do in puppet that I can do in shell?16:07
Neo4about repository, when we install ppa, ubuntu give priority packages from outside repository or which last in list?16:10
Neo4ok, it doesn't mater, it was by the way16:11
Neo4sdeziel: I will use "grandfather method" shell script for deploy :)16:11
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srulidoes a network card need to support nic bonding? i set it up yesterday on a server works fine, now i am trying on a old server but not working16:50
sdezielsruli: no, this is NIC agnostic AFAIK17:09
sdezielsruli: some bonding modes require cooperation from the switch ports though so maybe that's what different between the old/new servers17:09
srulisdeziel: bonding in 802.3ad, switch supports it, i have 1 server working fine with 4 bonded nics, dont know how to troubleshoot this, ubuntu 18.0417:11
sdeziel802.3ad support is a per-port thing so I'd double check this17:13
sdezielon the switch that is17:13
srulisdeziel: its configured correctly on the switch, even tried putting it in the ports that worked for the other server17:14
sdezielsruli: I have never really had to debug a bond but maybe this tool would hint you in the right direction: http://folk.uio.no/trondham/software/check_linux_bonding.html17:18
rbasaknacc: FYI, git-ubuntu snap builds are currently failing. Nothing changed in our repo. kyrofa is looking in to it but he's out this week.17:26
naccrbasak: yeah i saw the email17:29
rbasaknacc: no rush!17:29
rbasaknacc: my MP is separate to that.17:29
srulisdeziel: the tool output is "warning... number of AD ports (1) does not equal number of slaves (2)" however i have green lights on both nics and both ports on switch17:30
rbasakI'm not sure I'll want to land MPs without the snap build succeeding. But we could still make progress and get them to approved state on the assumption that we'll land once CI is passing again.17:30
rbasak(given that we're confident that the changes won't impact the snap build)17:30
naccrbasak: i'm fine with you taking your cleanup branch (for the tmpdir changes)17:31
naccrbasak: that one would be nice to land once CI works, since it does affect the bastion17:31
rbasaknacc: shall I file a superseding MP then? Would you like to review it, or was that your review? :)17:31
sdezielsruli: looks like one of the NIC was not able to setup LACP with the switch17:31
rbasaknacc: or would you prefer ahasenack to review?17:31
naccrbasak: file and i can review (ahasenack can too)17:31
srulisdeziel: will test each separately for regular dhcp and see where i get17:32
naccrbasak: looks like a patch changed17:34
naccrbasak: in snapcraft.yaml:          - -lib/python3.6/site-packages/lazr.restfulclient*17:34
naccrbasak: in the build log:          - -lib/python3.6/site-packages/lazr.restfulclient*17:34
naccin the build log: lib/python3.6/site-packages/lazr/restfulclient/__init__.py17:35
nacclazr/restfulclient vs. lazr.restfulclient17:35
nacc*possibly* we were getting away with a regex match before?17:35
rbasakIt sounds like you're onto something, but I'm not sure I follow.17:35
naccrbasak: our yaml does not stage (in the git-ubuntu part) the lazr.restfulclient package17:36
naccrbasak: because we know we get it from the launchpadlib part17:36
naccrbasak: perhaps snapcraft changed how it parses those paths, so, and allows for globbing only, and not arbitrary regex17:36
nacca simple test would be to change the yaml to be -lib/python3.6/site-packages/lazr*17:36
naccand see if cleanbuild works17:36
rbasakI'll try that, thanks.17:37
naccah there is also lazr/uri17:38
naccso you need to be on more path strict, sorry17:38
nacctry: -lib/python3.6/site-packages/lazr/restfulclient*17:39
naccrbasak: --^17:39
rbasakAs the only line that includes lazr?17:39
naccline 401 of the yaml17:39
rbasakRunning (as the only line)17:40
rbasakDinner's here. I'm not sure I'll be back later today.17:40
naccrbasak: np17:40
rbasakThanks. That's exactly what I'd guessed.17:40
srulisdeziel: independently each nic works fine, i am really stuck17:41
sdezielsruli: I'd check if both NICs negotiate the same duplex/speed17:44
sdezielbeyond that, you'll have to wait for others to help as I don't know LACP all that well17:44
srulisdeziel: just checked in the bios, option to enable embedded nic1 & nic2 or enable nic1/gb i guess they migh not be same speed, waiting for it too boot now will be able to check17:45
sdezielsruli: check with ethtool on each NICs17:46
srulisdeziel: thanks, will report in 2 min17:47
srulisdeziel: both nics reporting exact same17:59
sdezielsruli: oh well18:05
srulisdeziel: just tried bonding with 2 usb to eth, same issue, maybe some dependency missing? its a fresh install18:25
ChryzoBeen looking into clustering for HA without needing to control resources (just running a load balancer on the cluster members) which software would you recommend (Corosync, Heartbeat, other ?)18:46
Chryzoi just need to move an IP between them18:50
dpb1corosync+pacemaker is the usual solution to control a vip18:51
sdezielkeepalived works well for that too18:54
Chryzojust installed keepalived, super easy to configure and seems to work amazingly. I pretty much needed to just move a floating IP between 2 servers. Thanks for the help19:00
Chryzosome days you just gotta love linux :)19:01
sruli18.04 headless server, how do i renew dhcp lease? if i disconnect the eth cable i cannt reconnect it without a reboot19:37
tomreynsruli: does "systemctl restart networking" help?19:47
srulitomreyn: no, dhclient takes forever and does not renew, checking tcpdump form another tty shows its trying to get ip from but its definitely on the network as the dump shows all the traffic from other ip's on the network19:52
geniisruli: For clarification: Are you trying to renew the IP from the client, or are you trying to re-issue a number to the client  from the server?19:54
sruligenii: in respect of the ip the server is the client19:55
BluekingI have a question...  not sure where I can get info about this. But question are about plex server to get benifit from hardware accelerated feature from gpu (igp)  but if one got  motherboard that hasn't got hdmi or displayport output, then question are if  xeon cpu with igp on server mobo, would igp be disabled ?19:56
Bluekingor would plex sever get access to igp ?19:56
srulii guess will reintall 16.04 and see if i have the same issues20:05
rbasaknacc: snapcraft.yaml change> looks like it worked. Thanks!22:42
rbasaknacc: so what exactly changed?22:42
rbasak(to break it)22:42
naccrbasak: i'd need to talk to kyrofa about it23:29
naccrbasak: my initial guess is that before, snapcraft took the paths as regex, so we had a '.' that allowed for /23:29
naccrbasak: but something (presumably in snapcraft) changed and made it a literal '.'23:29
naccrbasak: alternatively, lazr.restfulclient's installed path change, but I find that harder to believe23:30
rbasaknacc: that makes sense, thanks. I'm not sure what to put in the commit message to fix it, but at least we have what looks like a fix then.23:38
rbasaknacc: kyrofa is out this week, but hopefully we can land a fix on Monday then?23:39
naccrbasak: yeah, i mean it's not 'wrong' to make the change even now23:39
naccas if the path 'happened' to work before, it's better to use the right path anyways :)23:40

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