
=== cmars_ is now known as cmars
=== Guest94286 is now known as katnip-
=== katnip- is now known as katnip
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
eraserpencilI'm reading some articles on snappy, and read that it's not possible to update snaps that are not hosting on the snap store..04:34
eraserpencilIs it a functionality I might be able to replicate if I hosted my own distribution network? currently, I'm manually copying snaps onto different machines and installing them but just thinking of how I might be able to update them04:36
mvohey mborzecki ! good morning05:22
mborzeckihm 15 reviews/week, i have a feeling we'll not bring bring down the PR count to say 20 in a reasonable time :)05:24
mupPR snapd#5166 opened: tests: go must be installed as a classic snap <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5166>05:26
mvomborzecki: *cough* yeah, but hopefully we do better over the coming days05:26
mborzeckimvo: #5156 can be merged now?05:55
mupPR #5156: core-fixup: address review feedback from #5147 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5156>05:55
mvomborzecki: yes, done. thank you!05:57
mupPR snapd#5156 closed: core-fixup: address review feedback from #5147 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5156>05:58
mupPR snapd#5167 opened: tests: cherry-pick more GCE commits <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5167>05:59
mupPR snapd#5166 closed: tests: go must be installed as a classic snap <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5166>06:00
mupPR snapd#5160 closed: snapstate: make TestDoPrereqRetryWhenBaseInFlight less brittle <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5160>06:01
zygagood morning06:04
mupPR snapd#5061 closed: tests: ensure interfaces-network-bind daemon is stopped early <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5061>06:16
zygamvo: I will be off for 5 work days, starting tomorrow06:17
mupPR snapd#4562 closed: debian: add a zenity|kdialog suggests <Reviewed> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4562>06:18
mvozyga: nice! will you go on vac?06:19
zygamvo: ish, yes, we need to go and wrap up some stuff in Catalonia06:20
zygamvo: but also some vac hopefully, a surprise birthday party for our close friend there06:20
zyga(she doesn't know we're coming yet :)06:20
mvozyga: ha! nice06:21
zygaI will take my laptop (obviously) so I can still help land stuff while nothing better to do around06:21
zygathis reminds me, I need to find my Vodafone SIM and install it06:21
* zyga installed an air filter yesterday 06:23
zygaand ... shockingly, it worsk06:23
mborzeckiair filter where?06:23
zygamy desk was covered in dust every morning, driving me insane06:23
zygait's a pretty big box standing right next to me06:23
zygaI moved my hand across the desk and keyboard this morning and it was clean as if wiped a moment ago06:24
mborzeckiah, that dust, isn't that some pollen or the mythical sands from sahara dragged over europe?06:24
zygabefore it was always full of fine powdery dust06:24
zygawell, whatever it is, the machine works :)06:24
mborzeckimake sure to clean the filter regularly, otherwise you may have a close encounter with fungi spores dispersed in the air06:27
zygamborzecki: yeah, I need to learn proper maintenance06:28
zygait has a nice phone app to measure stuff though, it will surely remind me of everything :)06:28
mborzeckizyga: xiaomi?06:28
zygamodel 206:28
zygait was 200zł off the normal price to celebrate a new store that opened in warsaw06:29
mupPR snapd#5167 closed: tests: cherry-pick more GCE commits <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5167>06:30
mborzeckiaah yes, 'big event' :), well whatever people say, they have a better track updating their firmware than most vendors06:30
zygahehe, yes, it had a firmware update out of the box06:30
zygaso far I'm happy, it is quiet on auto and seems to solve my biggest annoyance with home office,06:31
mborzeckiso morphis found some issues with egl support, i'm looking into that06:31
zygaI saw06:31
zygait's interesting06:31
zygamaybe run a strace -e open06:32
zygaand see what else is opened by sample app06:32
zygathen sort -u the paths06:32
zygathere should be a handful of things really06:32
mborzeckiit should be easy to fix06:32
mborzeckiat least it's saner than what vulkan setup did06:32
mborzecki(though the mechanism is similar)06:32
mborzeckimvo: shall we do `xmessage -buttons Yes:0,No:1 -default Yes -nearmouse "shall we do xmessage?" -timeout 10` ?06:35
mvomborzecki: as a fallback if zenity or kdialog are not around? probably a good idea but its pretty hardcore06:36
mvomborzecki: I mean, Xaw06:37
mborzeckihaha yes06:37
* zyga requests a review for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/515906:47
mupPR #5159: testutil: record system call errors / return values <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5159>06:47
zygait went through an iteration with chipaca already06:47
mborzeckiwe seem to be globbing the right egl libraries already, so what's missing is the vedor files only07:00
mborzeckii've built https://github.com/dv1/eglinfo and running some tests with it now07:00
zygamvo: do you plan any more 2.32.x?07:00
zygamborzecki: if so that would feel like an update to backport07:00
mborzeckior .33 material07:01
zyga2.33 is not branched yet so it's full master07:02
mborzeckizyga: have you made any attempts at building nvidia snap?07:03
zygamborzecki: no but after doing some research I would say we should split the responsibility of the snap07:03
zygamborzecki: it should be a snap that only handles non-kmod aspect07:03
zygaso just userspace07:03
mborzeckizyga: yes, that's what i understand as nvidia snap07:03
mborzeckione for each driver version07:04
mborzeckiactually that might be a track07:05
zygamborzecki: yes, it should be a track07:14
zygawhat if you have >1 card?07:15
zygaold and a new one07:15
zygais that even supported by the driver today/07:15
mupPR snapd#5115 closed: interfaces: add xdg-document-portal support to desktop interface <Created by jhenstridge> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5115>07:16
zygamvo: #5032 looks like a low hanging fruit07:18
mupPR #5032: repo: pass and return ConnRef via pointers <Simple> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5032>07:18
mborzeckizyga: each with different driver?07:19
mborzeckizyga: i think both cards have to be supported by the same driver, i.e. 9600gt and gt1030 setup is a no go07:20
zygamborzecki: well, it depends on the actual support with the existing drivers07:20
zygaif it's not supported at all then yeah, tracks are natural07:20
mborzeckibut gt730 and gt1030 is probably ok07:20
zygasnapd could have a hardware manager that looks at your cards and refreshes the right snap/track07:20
mborzeckiwe could pull in those snaps as dependencies (like with do with content now)07:21
zygathe OpenGL interface could be extended to do that07:21
zygait would behave as a content interface to the special-cased nvidia snap07:21
zygaall without any app changes that is :)07:21
pedronismvo: hi, this was the original  comment that prompted the expansion, no:  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5124#discussion_r18716785607:25
mupPR #5124: many: add wait command and seeded target <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5124>07:25
mborzeckicoffee and rhubarb pie :)07:25
zygapstolowski: some feedback on 451007:29
newbeeIn snapcraft how we clear the ppa:repository cache?07:30
pstolowskizyga: thanks07:37
* zyga -> breakfast07:38
pedroniszyga: pstolowski: I counter feedbacked07:39
pstolowskiyep, reading, thanks07:39
pedronispstolowski: I really don't see a reason to bring in the Mock* functions here07:40
mvopedronis: yeah, thats correct07:43
mvopedronis: sorry for the delay - I looked at the json package, the amount of  types is pretty small we need to support if we limit to it07:44
mvojust FYI - I will do a 2.23.9 which *just* contains the spread fixes so that we get working autopkgtests agian on 16.0407:45
pedronismvo: I think we have 3 options:   the json types, the yaml types (to be a bit more future proof and consistent with other similar code), everything but then it belong to some util package as mborzecki said and we need to consider some other cases07:46
pstolowskipedronis, zyga fair point about Mocks and just using Attrer interface, I'll change it, thanks!07:47
pedronismvo: btw  client uses   jsonutil.DecodeWithNumber07:48
mvopstolowski: is 5032 good to go?07:48
mvopedronis: yeah, I agree. I have not looked at the types that yaml uses yet, if we go with the option (2) I need to do that07:49
pedronismvo: so really only Number  can appear and  it's not documented in client  which probably should07:49
mvopedronis: what cases are missed for option(3) ? I know "nil" is missing right now, what else?07:49
pstolowskipedronis: yes07:49
mvopedronis: yeah, I noticed we use json.Number, so I can remove "int" support too, right?07:50
pedronismvo: yes, but you should go over client and see where it's relevant,   it's likely only conf and debug stuff ?07:50
pedronisand put in the docs07:50
mvopedronis: yeah, only conf even at this point (not even debug)07:51
pedronisI actually expect that to bite us at some point, I think the change was done indeed for conf stuff07:51
mvopedronis: what in particular will bite us?07:51
pedronisthat we write some code that forgets about it07:51
pedronisit's the only place we do that07:52
mvopedronis: sorry, I'm a bit slow this morning: "forgets about it" - whats the "it" here?07:53
pedronismvo: that decoding in client is using Number07:53
mvopedronis: aha, right. let me check the client, I know we do it in the daemon everywhere(ish?)07:53
pedronismvo: ?07:54
pedronisI see only one call in non-test code to UseNumber07:54
mvopedronis: oh, let me check, sorry, then I must mis-remember07:54
pedronisit's only all config code07:55
pedronisthat uses it07:55
pedronisbut in client is everything07:55
mvopedronis: do you think it would be a good time to change this in the client?07:56
pedronisin which sense?07:56
mvopedronis: change the client code to not use numbers so that it won't bite us in the future07:56
pedroniswell,  we do it for good reasons for config07:57
mvopedronis: its for the float vs int which we normally won't have, right?07:57
mvopedronis: ok, I'm inclined to go with removing the extra code and just deal with the types that json produces (in the spirit of YAGNI)08:00
pedronismvo: the only problematic place for Number is Attrs in interfaces.go08:00
pedronishaving float64 for everything there is not good either though08:01
mvopedronis: indeed08:01
pedronisbut I think at least doSync  document should mention the fact that it uses Number08:01
mvopedronis: I can add this08:02
pedronisand the same in the documentation for Conf08:04
pedronismvo: ^08:06
mvopedronis: ta, I will push something new shortly08:07
pedronismvo: also I agree > 0  vs != 0  is a bit strange08:07
pedronisthat was zyga comment08:07
mupPR snapd#5032 closed: repo: pass and return ConnRef via pointers <Simple> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5032>08:08
mvopedronis: PR updated08:12
mvoyay, less than 40 PRs08:14
Chipacamvo: good morning08:14
mvoChipaca: good morning08:14
mupPR snapd#5164 closed: tests: increase timeouts to make tests reliable on slow boards <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5164>08:15
mvopedronis: pr is updated (and addressed zyga comments as well, sorry for the confusing behavior there)08:15
mvozyga: thank you, that was a nice catch08:16
zygamvo: one more nitpick08:18
mvozyga: sure, keep them coming08:18
pedronismvo: given the complexity you probably want a couple of end to end tests  about  1.1  0.0 0 and 108:20
mvopedronis: yeah, that makes sense08:21
mborzeckiwell egl is a bag of snakes apparently, i'm reading some presentation on egl external platform, afaict in the context of nvidia drivers it's only relevant for wayland now08:22
pedronisI mean RedirectClientToTestServer tests08:22
mvopedronis: thanks, yes, that is what I understood :)08:23
mvopedronis: +1 for this, will do that in a wee bit (doing the 2.32.9 SRU to unblock autopkgtests again)08:23
mvopedronis: but once that is done I will add the tests and zyga nitpicks08:23
pedronismvo: indeed  snap interface  --attrs  (which I didn't know about) is probably broken because of Number08:34
zygathere are tests for --attr so whatever it is, should be easy to check08:35
pedronisthey don't test the number case08:35
pedronisjust strings08:35
pedronisanyway the impl is a bit naive anyway08:35
pedronisbut Number isn't helping it08:36
mupPR snapd#5168 opened: release: 2.32.9 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5168>08:36
pedronisbecause of autopkgtests08:36
pedronismvo mentioned before here08:37
zygaah, a test-only release08:37
zygauff :)08:37
mvozyga: yeah, just tests, no further change08:37
pedronisso the kind of bug I expected in future, is already in the present/past08:38
mvoxnox: I get errors on s390x in cosmic in the snapd autopkgtests when trying to read /dev/kmsg - is that something new? afaict this test used to work. should we just blacklist it on s390x ?08:39
mvopedronis: I can have a look in a wee bit08:39
pedronisnot super important I suspect08:39
pedronisless important than progressing with the review sprint08:39
pedronisthe bug has been there since a long while08:40
mborzeckizyga: it feels like we should have the opengl interface produce mount entries for vulkan and egl08:40
zygamborzecki, yes, can you expand on that idea, I'd like to do that and ditch the nvidia code in snap-confine08:40
zygawe're now very much equipped to do that08:40
mborzeckizyga: why exactly the nvidia setup is done in snap-confine now? or is it just historical?08:45
zygajust historical08:45
zygasnap-confine is far older than snap-update-ns and mount profiles08:45
zygait dates back to 15.04 and before08:46
mvothe dawn of time!08:46
mborzeckii was afraid of some pivot_root play or whatever but if it's historical then maybe we could dump/trim it now08:46
zygamborzecki: now that we have full access to hostfs all nvidia setup can easily be done after pivot_root in a mount profile08:47
mborzeckiyes, that's what i'm looking into now08:47
zygamborzecki: my suggestion: how to update existing namespaces (we cannot easily)08:47
mborzeckiwe could pick out the libraries from the host, glob it nicely in go code08:47
zygamborzecki: write a function for what you just said above, that computes the mount profile for various use-cases of nvidia08:48
zygamborzecki: and add a mode in snap-confine where nvidia is managed by snapd08:48
zygamborzecki: (maybe via --managed-nvidia or something)08:48
mborzeckiif system-key changes, the mount profile will be regenerated too?08:48
zygamborzecki: so that we can opt in/out08:48
zygamborzecki: yes but existing mount namespaces cannot be updated08:49
zygamborzecki: on a system that does snapd update with running apps it would pose a problem08:49
mborzeckiok, so PRIME (maybe) or old optimus then08:49
zygamborzecki: so what I'm saying, keep the old code for now for transition purpose08:49
zygamborzecki: but also keep in mind that we don't want to break apps on snapd update and that updating pre-pivot-root mount namespace is tricky08:49
zygamborzecki: so maybe don't try that, just wait for reboot or namespace invalidation08:50
zygamborzecki: it's an edge case that is better left as-is08:50
mborzeckizyga: the upside is that if you install/enable the driver, you have to reboot/stop all apps anyway08:51
xnoxmvo, it should work.... the kernel between bionic & cosmic should be the same, and i better hope that /dev/kmsg works....08:57
xnoxmvo, if you don't have it blacklisted on other releases, there is nothign special about cosmic...08:58
* zyga asks for a review of #515908:58
mupPR #5159: testutil: record system call errors / return values <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5159>08:58
mvoxnox: ok, I will dig into it then09:02
mvoxnox: thank you!09:02
sparkiegeekhmm, after pulling in 2.32.8+18.04 on my bionic machine I'm left without a running snapd service09:03
sparkiegeekhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Vx8SK2xmDW/ <- socket was stopped and not restarted?09:03
sparkiegeekdpkg.log https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZcwcH2pbtb/09:05
mvosparkiegeek: weeeh, but no install error or anything?09:05
sparkiegeekmvo: nope09:05
mvosparkiegeek: from what version did you upgrade? /var/log/apt/history.log should tell you09:05
sparkiegeekmvo: snapd:amd64 (2.32.5+18.04, 2.32.8+18.04)09:06
sparkiegeekahh Error: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)09:06
mvosparkiegeek: I just tested this on a spare bionic box and went from 2.32.6->.8 without this but that is quite scary09:06
mvosparkiegeek: puhh, at least an error - well, an error still sucks but the alternative would be worse09:06
sparkiegeekmvo: so, I just `dpkg --configure -a`09:06
sparkiegeekthat seems to have unblocked it09:06
mvosparkiegeek: can you paste me the details of the error please? either from /var/log/apt/term.log or history.log (former probably has more info)09:07
mvosparkiegeek: was the dpkg error related to snapd? or an unrelated package?09:07
sparkiegeekmvo: looks like dpkg lock issues, pasting09:07
mvosparkiegeek: if unrelated package thats "expected" (and one reason we like snaps), apt will just stop dpkg in this case and the daemons are usually stopped early09:08
mvosparkiegeek: thank you09:08
sparkiegeekmvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GMshWgdrSh/09:08
sparkiegeeknote that this wasn't interactive09:08
mvosparkiegeek: this was unattended-upgrades?09:08
mvosparkiegeek: was there anything else running at the same time? packagekit or gnome-software or anything like this? or was this on a server09:08
mvosparkiegeek: its not (strictly speaking) my turf but I don't like this :/09:09
sparkiegeekmvo: yeah, I think it might have been landscape...09:09
mvosparkiegeek: so any extra info about the system is appreciated09:09
mvosparkiegeek: aha, interessting09:09
sparkiegeek(now snapd is running, using my browser becomes easier!)09:10
pstolowskizyga: pedronis addressed your feedback re 451009:14
mvopedronis: I added the integration test you asked about in 515709:18
eraserpencilis making a gadget snap the only way to apply udev rules to a device?09:22
zygaLin-Buo-Ren: what changed in the before/after?09:26
zygaeraserpencil: one more way is to add an interface09:26
eraserpencilzyga: like exposing a serial port or usb port09:27
zygaeraserpencil: usb port?09:28
zygathose don't need to be exposed, what is the rule you are after?09:28
mupPR snapd#5169 opened: snap: fix `snap interface --attrs` output when numbers are used <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5169>09:29
eraserpencilassigning usb ports to usb devices if/when plugged in09:31
mupPR snapd#5168 closed: release: 2.32.9 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5168>09:33
eraserpencilzyga: actually, I'm more interested in exposing the serial port, which i read needs a gadget port09:38
zygaeraserpencil: yes, that's correct09:38
zygayou need a gadget for that09:38
Chipacamvo: want to link the "boot modes" doc from https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/documentation-outline/3781 ?09:39
Chipacamvo: building the case for a 'devices' heading in there soon :-)09:39
pedronisthat was what was about to say, there is no core specific content there yet09:39
Chipacapedronis: “Enabling swap on core devices” is on there09:40
pedronisin the wrong section09:40
Chipacapedronis: how do you figure09:41
Chipacapedronis: it's not "developing", and it's not "publishing"09:41
zygaI think device makers need a dedicated section09:41
Chipacapedronis: of the sections there are, it's under the right one09:41
zygathat's neither developing nor publishing09:41
pedronisChipaca: I don't know09:42
ChipacaI agree, but it's not going to happen unless we write  things for devices09:42
Chipacathus, my prompting mvo to link to the thing he wrote09:42
Chipacawith two device-specific entries, we could think of a section for them09:42
Chipacaalthough "Devicing" is not a word09:43
mvoChipaca: hm, yes. linking makes sense09:44
mvoChipaca: I added it under "Using" for now but I think we need niemeyer to discuss where to put ubuntu core specific bits, the current naming makes it a bit hard and I don't want to add somehting that is totally out of line09:46
pstolowskithere was a failure in master on snap-confine-from-core test: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/379596518/log.txt ; it seems we didn't match on "restarting into" in the journal09:55
zyga-- Logs begin at Wed 2018-05-16 08:21:06 UTC, end at Wed 2018-05-16 08:29:15 UTC. --09:57
zygaMay 16 08:29:04 may160809-192333 kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1526459344.395:475): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" profile="unconfined" name="snap.test-snapd-tools.head" pid=21848 comm="apparmor_parser"09:57
zygathis is the head of the log09:57
zygait feels to me like it is too late09:57
zygathe cursor logic may be inaccurate?09:58
pstolowskiI think the cursor changes landed quite some time ago? or is it a recent change?09:59
newbeeplease guide us how to add external jar in snapcraft.ymal file. for example to access postgres database i need postgres.jar in my project lib path, i want to add like that in my snap10:01
pstolowskinewbee: you need to add it as a part in your parts: section to have it bundled somewhere in the snap; then you will most likely want a wrapper shell script for your app that sets CLASSPATH properly10:04
newbee@pstolowski, ok, and just clarify us, in which part have to that, any example for this plese10:21
sparkiegeekmvo: just for completeness, my issue seems to have been a bad interaction between unattended upgrades and landscape, which I'm pursuing with the Landscape team10:25
mvosparkiegeek: I suspect the underlying issue is that apt needs a more global lock. right now it is using the dpkg lock but there is a race because apt needs to release that in order to let dpkg do the work. so a higher level /var/lib/apt/lock would be in order that everything libapt respects. this can then be kept being locked even when the lower-level dpkg lock is released10:31
zygamvo: thank you for the review on #5159, replied10:32
mvozyga: ta10:32
mupPR #5159: testutil: record system call errors / return values <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5159>10:32
zygamvo: as for Call and RCall, maybe we should call the function RECall10:33
zyga as or just Recall10:33
zygait would play nice on the Result, Error and Call10:33
zygaand it is also a word10:33
zygarecall what happened10:33
mvozyga: no strong opinion about this10:35
mvozyga: I was mostly curious if its something I should know10:35
sparkiegeekmvo: ack, waveform has found some /interesting/ lock behaviour in unattended-upgrades too10:38
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
pstolowskinewbee: see the advanced examples here https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/parts10:39
waveformmvo, I'm probably making a mistake but looking through unattended-upgrades, the Unlocked context manager looks ... unusual10:39
mvosparkiegeek: it will unlock the dpkg lock quite often as it runs many dpkg operations (it defaults to minimal upgrade mode nowdays)10:39
waveformit's called apt_pkg.pkgsystem_unlock on both __enter__ *and* __exit__10:39
mvowaveform: oh? let me see10:39
waveform(and it wraps both calls in bare try..except so a double-unlock will go unnoticed)10:39
pstolowskinewbee: one of your parts will be the jar file, and you will probably want to use dump plugin to have it copied into a specific place in the resulting snap; see https://docs.snapcraft.io/reference/plugins/dump10:39
mupPR snapd#5170 opened: interfaces/builtin: add adb-support interface <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5170>10:40
mvowaveform: yeah, that looks very broken10:41
waveformas far as I can tell Unlocked is only used by cache_commit, which is only used by do_install and do_auto_remove10:41
waveformso I don't *think* this would get called by a default config (which might explain why it's not been seen yet?)10:41
waveformstill, it looked rather weird to me!10:42
mvowaveform: very sure this is a bug10:42
waveformok, thanks - glad I'm not missing something!10:42
mvowaveform: I will propose a fix and followup with foundations about it10:43
mvowaveform: thank *you*10:43
waveformmvo, incidentally ... I couldn't figure out where the pkgsystem lock gets removed; main sets it (with pkgsystem_lock) but the only place pkgsystem_unlock is called (I think?) is in Unlocked which isn't *necessarily* called by main ...10:46
waveform... so I'm not sure if something higher level is dealing with that lock later, or if there's some logic for breaking stale locks somewhere ... either way, that was another bit that felt rather odd to me10:47
mvowaveform: when u-u exists the lock is automatically freeed but it holds it for its entire lifetime10:47
waveformah, that explains it10:48
pstolowskizyga: replied to your comments on 451010:48
mborzeckizyga: land #5159 ?10:48
mupPR #5159: testutil: record system call errors / return values <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5159>10:48
zygapstolowski: +110:49
zygamborzecki: yes please10:49
zygamborzecki: I will do follow ups that adjust things to move to RCall10:49
pstolowskizyga: ty!10:50
mupPR snapd#4510 closed: asserts: use Attrer in policy checks <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4510>10:50
mupPR snapd#5159 closed: testutil: record system call errors / return values <Created by zyga> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5159>10:50
pstolowskiyay, more PRs landing today10:51
mvowaveform, sparkiegeek thanks again for the report!10:51
zygamborzecki: about our earlier discussion10:56
mupPR #4889: cmd/snap-update-ns: don't trespass on host filesystem <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4889>10:56
zygathis made my day :-(10:56
mborzeckihm you mean x-snapd.role? is it always stored?11:00
zygamborzecki: we can tag our mounts11:00
zygaread the man page11:00
zygalook for X. and x.11:00
mborzeckiyeah, it's hairy, libmount tools etc11:00
zygalibmount is not the key, the key is that the kernel stores this11:01
mborzeckizyga: are you sure? just tried something, mount shows the options, /proc/$$/mount{s,info} does not11:03
pedronisthe man page lists places is not stored, not where it is11:03
pedronisa bit unclear11:04
pedronisis says it doesn't go to mount(2) though11:04
mborzeckiwonder where it keeps it though11:04
zygayes, I agree11:04
mborzeckiwouldn't be surprised if there's some shm just to store this11:05
zygait is /run/mount/utab11:06
pedronissearching for that gives references to this:  https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/v2.23/libmount-docs/libmount-Tables-update.html11:14
zygathis is certainly something to consider11:16
pedroniswe can always list the mimic paths in some /run file of our  own?11:18
zygayes, that's another option11:18
zygathough I think using the same file would have some advantages, e.g. mount would print that11:19
* zyga dog walk & lunch11:22
pedroniszyga: does it?  I don't see it listing in xenial11:23
zygaI checked artful11:25
pedronisin xenial that command line (in the PR) doesn't file but mount doesn't list anything11:25
pedronisand utab is there but empty11:25
pedronisunless I'm missing something11:25
mborzeckitoo old util-linux?11:35
Lin-Buo-Renzyga: The default font used to render the characters11:36
zygaSo the snap has changed?11:36
zygaWas the application snap the same or was it rebuilt?11:36
pedronismvo: what is stopping #5095 from being merged?11:39
mupPR #5095: snapstate: support getting new bases/default-providers on refresh <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5095>11:39
ads20000https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/support-for-appstream-id/2327/19 there's been nothing posted in here since February and is apparently a blocker for deduplicating Software listings, I don't normally like asking for progress but it's unclear to a non-technical user how finished this is? :)11:44
* cachio_ afk11:48
pedronismborzecki: don't know, but we need something that works also in xenial and trusty(?)11:52
* zyga waits for police to get a drunken guy off school yard11:52
zygaAlso, it started raining now11:54
pstolowskizyga: land #4968?12:01
mupPR #4968: ifacemgr: remove stale connections on startup <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4968>12:01
zygaIn the rain, returning home12:02
zygaBut yes12:02
mupPR snapd#4968 closed: ifacemgr: remove stale connections on startup <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4968>12:07
zygare, food and back to PRs12:15
mupPR snapd#5095 closed: snapstate: support getting new bases/default-providers on refresh <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5095>12:19
Lin-Buo-Renzyga: The snap is rebuilt with snapcraft.yaml constantly changing, so I can't tell12:34
Lin-Buo-RenI'm trying to rebuild the snap with old revision of desktop-helpers to see the issue can still be reproduced12:34
zygacan you install the old revision? are you the developer of that snap?12:34
Lin-Buo-Ren@zyga I don't keep the old builds but can rebuild them if needed; I'm working with upstream with the snap packaging12:46
zygaLin-Buo-Ren: if you are the developer of that snap (you can publish releases) then you can also install any old revision12:46
zygajust snap install -r12:46
zygasee if current snapd makes old revisions work correctly12:47
zygaif this is an issue with snapd or with the desktop helpers12:47
niemeyerads20000: There's just one piece missing which is the integration on snapd proper.. that's scheduled for this cycle12:48
Lin-Buo-Renzyga: I just successfully pushed a few releases on the store, I'll check it out12:48
niemeyerads20000: Updated the topic12:49
ads20000thank you niemeyer for the update! <312:49
niemeyerads20000: np12:50
mborzeckihmm gnome session got killed again12:57
zygamborzecki: what happens?12:57
mborzeckiagain when snaps were being installed12:57
popeymborzecki: is that when installing a snap? I find it happens when the opengl interface is connecting12:57
popeyyou on nvidia?12:57
threshmeh, fonts are invisible again12:58
mborzeckizyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/w42w3SW4RG/12:58
pstolowskisnapc-confine-core failed again in master; there is also test-snapd-python-webserver.test-snapd-python-webserver[21122]: ImportError: No module named 'contextlib' there12:58
threshsnap-ns-disccard thingie worked though, but I didnt use nvidia bumblebee/prime or whatever that is12:58
mborzeckiit's like Xorg was gone12:58
mborzeckipopey: yes, on nvidia12:58
popeysame as me, xorg goes bang12:58
niemeyerThat sounds pretty bad.. :/12:59
niemeyermborzecki: Please let us know what you find there12:59
niemeyerI won't be in the standup today as we have a conflicting meeting, and also have one right after it so we can't even reschedule12:59
mvozyga, pstolowski I have a conflicting13:00
popeyniemeyer: mborzecki https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/176010413:00
niemeyerpopey: Can't see it13:01
mborzeckipopey: me neither13:01
mvoand niemeyer also has the same conflicting meeting now13:01
popeymade it public13:01
popeyI have had this about 4 or 5 times now13:01
popeykinda annoying to have your entire session blown away when doing "snap install"13:01
zygapopey: we are discussing this in the standup now13:14
Son_Gokupopey, with nvidia and ogl, snaps cause the system to flicker every minute :/13:15
Son_Gokuthat happens on Fedora13:15
popeyooer, not seen that13:15
Son_Gokuit doesn't cause gnome session to crash, but I almost would have preferred that13:15
Son_Gokuthough I suspect it _would_ crash if I was using xorg13:15
mborzeckiSon_Goku: system to flicker, can you elaborate?13:16
popeymaybe get a video with a cell phone?13:17
Son_Gokumborzecki, display session looks like it's constantly refreshing slowly13:17
Son_Gokuthis is with free drivers, since my card is old enough13:17
Son_GokuI suspect it'd crash on f28 + nvidia + proprietary13:17
Son_Gokusnapd 2.32.413:18
zyga.4 oh gosh13:28
zygawe are at .813:28
Son_Gokudude, I haven't had any time13:29
mvowe are at .9 ;)13:29
Son_Gokuoh god13:29
Son_Gokuzyga, mvo: the next time I update snapd will be the last one for Fedora 2613:31
mborzeckizyga: yeah, it seems that udev rules are reloaded13:36
mborzeckiudevadm monitor is showing a change for each device13:36
zygaSon_Goku: that's fine13:37
zygawe are looking at F29 :)13:37
Son_Gokuzyga, you got the list from me on the stuff we need to touch, right?13:38
zygaI was wondering how to start13:38
zygashall we merge your code somewhere?13:38
mborzeckihahaha now my sound is gone13:38
mborzeckipcspkr works though13:38
Son_Gokuzyga, well, my code is pretty much PoC13:39
Son_Gokuto integrate into oz, koji, and pungi will require different code13:39
zygaSon_Goku: which tool shall we start with? koji?13:40
Son_Gokuit's the thing that actually makes the stuff13:40
zygais it easy to run?13:40
* Son_Goku shrugs13:40
Son_Gokulooks like it13:41
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
b_bcan anyone point me on a basic snap question ?14:15
b_bi'm trying to snap a python app14:15
b_bhttp://thetimelineproj.sourceforge.net/about.html this one14:15
b_bfor now i've got this yaml file14:16
b_band the app need python-wxgtk2.8 ubuntu package14:16
b_bi'm not sure how to write this dependencie14:17
b_bwith a stage-packages ?14:17
popey  - python-wxgtk2.814:18
b_bhttp://pastebin.fr/53664 like this ?14:19
b_bthx popey :)14:19
b_bso, i can try to prime it now14:20
popeyyeah, like that14:21
b_bi was missing a space14:21
b_bhmm prime wants to install libpython3-dev libpython3.5-dev python3-dev etc.14:23
b_bever if i add python-version: python214:23
popeydid you add that to both parts?14:24
b_b'k, got to add it to the two parts ^^14:24
b_bFailed to stage: Parts 'timeline' and 'humblewx' have the following files, but with different contents:14:34
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
b_bfor info, the provided zip for timeline doesn't need a build14:36
b_bcf http://thetimelineproj.sourceforge.net/installing.html#installing-from-source14:36
b_b'k, it seems i have to stage all thath files14:56
b_bhmmm timeline seems to be a "prebuilt app", so dump plugin will do the trick15:08
b_bsame error with this yaml  http://pastebin.fr/5366615:13
b_banyone know a working snap of this type of app that can provide me an exemple ?15:18
popeymight have more success on the forum15:21
mupPR snapd#5171 opened: ifacestate: unify reconnect and autoconnect methods <Simple> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5171>15:33
b_bgot it with http://pastebin.fr/5366715:44
pstolowskicachio_: you asked about faillog for journalctl issue? https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/379684074/log.txt15:48
mupPR snapcraft#2139 closed: ci: remove unused cron tests <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2139>15:51
mupPR snapd#5090 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: poke holes when creating source paths for layouts <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5090>15:55
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
cachio_pstolowski|afk, tx16:16
chzbaconhey guys, i'm having a time trying to get logged into a fresh install of core on a raspberry pi 3. might anyone be able to lend a hand?16:30
chzbaconcan i not connect locally? ie chzbacon@192.168.1.xx ?16:31
popeyonce it's setup, you can.16:31
popeyto do the setup you need to either connect a serial cable or keyboard/display16:31
chzbaconi'm trying to login from another local machine on the network (which i've uploaded the public key for). I still get prompted for a password though.16:31
popeyhave you been through the first run setup?16:32
chzbaconyeah i set it up last night using a kb and monitor16:32
popeyare you specifying the right username as well as the ip?16:32
chzbaconi didn't see any prompt for a password though. i think so. chzbacon@gmail.com16:33
popeyno, it uses ssh key not password16:34
chzbaconthat's what i thought. i've tried both a key with a passphrase and without.16:35
chzbaconi'll just go back through the steps once i get home. maybe i messed something up.16:52
b_bso my latester attempt works fine with prime17:43
b_bnow i need to copye the content of the zip somewhere in order to get this working17:44
b_bsince there is no setup.py in the zip17:44
b_banyone have a clue to do that ?17:44
b_bhttps://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/syntax#stage is maybe what i'm searching for ?17:46
b_bor maybe https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/syntax#prime17:47
jdstrandniemeyer: fyi, I didn't mention you in the response so you may not have seen it, but I responded in https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/htop-snap-unable-to-signal-aa-enforced-processes/5222/817:51
niemeyerjdstrand: Thanks, replied there18:48
* cachio_ afk18:56
b_bmy last attempt work fine until i try to lauch timeline command19:39
skomorokhIs a "classic" confinement snap just classic in the sense that it runs unconfined as the user when they load the app or does it also let the package maintainer run scripts as root like a .deb or similar?19:39
b_benough for this day :p19:39
jdstrandkjackal: hey, fyi, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/htop-snap-unable-to-signal-aa-enforced-processes/5222/920:45
jdstrandkjackal: it doesn't completely solve the microk8s problem, but does mean that the docker snap could be modified to have a 'signal (receive) peer=snap.*,' rule in its default container policy. with that, microk8s could 'plugs: [ process-control ]' and send signals to the docker snap's containers20:48
jdstrandkjackal: there are other options once you've decided what docker to use20:49
jdstrandkjackal: honestly, I still think that shipping your own docker is going to be the most robust snap implementation (since you don't have to worry about docker changing incompatibly from under you, and you can adjust its policies, etc)20:50
jdstrandkjackal: we can chat later at your convenience20:51

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