
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:12
didrocksgood morning06:17
oSoMoNsalut didrocks06:21
didrockshey oSoMoN06:26
dufluMorning oSoMoN, didrocks, seb12807:18
seb128hey duflu07:23
seb128good morning desktopers07:23
seb128duflu, how are things? thanks for the trello/work summary email!07:23
didrockshey duflu, re seb12807:24
dufluseb128, you're welcome I think. Just nervous about that information getting duplicated outside on Trello now. So some of it will soon be out of date07:24
seb128duflu, I don't think we are duplicating anything?07:25
dufluseb128, only in email, if you count that07:25
seb128duflu, the emails are just to make sure that everyone is aware of what they have to do and also have an estimate of how much work they think they have/how long each feature will take, the trello isn't good at helping us with that07:26
seb128that helps me to see if team members could take on extra work or already have more than enough for the cycle07:27
dufluYes, fair enough. I will stop short of suggesting Gantt charts :)07:27
seb128planner is on the list of things to remove since it still uses gconf07:29
seb128that's the only gantt tool I tried on debian/ubuntu :)07:29
dufluseb128, is the difference between pending and current some smoke tests to pass? http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/07:35
seb128duflu, yes07:36
seb128I never remember where the log for those test is though :/07:37
dufluseb128, jibel would know...07:39
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
jibelduflu, logs are there https://platform-qa-jenkins.ubuntu.com/ but I didn't finish enabling smoke tests for cosmic yet07:43
duflujibel, no worries. I will come back to it at a later date07:44
willcookeduflu, no koza yet - so I assume no BT meeting07:45
dufluwillcooke, not sure. Once or twice he went straight into the meeting without logging into IRC. Although my only relevant comments are in the status report07:46
willcookeduflu, I have nothing at this point either.  Want to try the bluez snap path again, and heber is lined up to look in to that some more07:47
willcookeuntil then, nothing from me07:47
dufluwillcooke, also I will wait for cosmic smoke tests to pass before confusing the situation with a proposed update07:48
dufluThe most vocal users in favor of 5.49 already have it via the PPA, and are happy07:48
willcooke+1 thx07:49
dufluwillcooke, in other news upstream PulseAudio fixed BT audio skipping this week (after some years)07:49
seb128I don't think we need to wait for the iso to be current to update bluez07:49
dufluWill backport that too07:49
seb128but as you prefer07:49
dufluseb128, I prefer it to be usable before my dev machine uses it :)07:50
seb128we also have no hurry to update, it's not like cosmic had lot of users and that they needed it07:50
dufluseb128, I should have just said that I won't propose an update to cosmic until I have tested it on cosmic :)07:54
seb128that makes sense :)07:54
didrocksbluetooth always on on startup while you disable it in the previous boot is a feature/bug?07:56
seb128Trevinho, those gdm fixes, they seem a bit much for a SRU no? do you think there would be an easier way to fix the issue for bionic?07:56
seb128didrocks, I would say it's a bug but I'm unsure07:57
seb128or lack of feature to restore the status07:57
didrocksI would expect the previous enablement state to persist as well07:57
Trevinhoseb128: hey, the pure fix is just two lines... Or one. It's in the 1st commit07:58
TrevinhoI'll cherry pick them once landed07:58
seb128Trevinho, good morning :)07:58
seb128Trevinho, great, thanks!07:58
didrockshey Trevinho07:58
seb128Trevinho, how is the hackfest going?07:58
didrockshey Laney08:02
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:03
seb128didrocks, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=638117#c36 sounds like it should work08:03
ubot5Gnome bug 638117 in general "Remember off/on state between sessions" [Normal,Resolved: notgnome]08:04
Laneysalut french08:04
Laneyalright, it stopped being nice weather though08:04
didrockswould be great to see if someone else reproduce, to see if it's config related or not08:04
didrocksstill unnice weather here08:04
Laneywent out for the daily sawfly removal session and it was windy08:04
willcookeLaney, what are the flies eating?08:05
Laneythe gooseberry and redcurrant bush leaves08:05
Laneythese jerks08:06
willcookeso they strip the leaves and the plant dies?08:06
willcookelittle buggers08:06
seb128didrocks, https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/859008:06
ubot5-ngsystemd bug 8590 in systemd "Bluetooth state not respected between reboots (is on even if on previous boot I turned it off)" (comments: 2) [Needs-Reporter-Feedback ❓, Rfkill, Open]08:06
ubot5bug 8470 in linux-source-2.6.15 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #8590 Oops caused by ipw2200 driver" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/847008:06
LaneyI never let it get that far enough, but I guess so08:06
didrocksseb128: nice finding foo! :)08:06
Laneyactually this year we caught the first lot quite early on so it's only been a few leaves08:06
didrocksok, keeping the tab opened08:09
didrockslogged what happens in the journal when shutting down bluetooth08:09
didrockstomorrow, at next boot, I'll file the rfkill info + anything I can find about bluetooth08:09
seb128good, I'm going to try that as well/see if it's persistant on my machine, I let you know next time I reboot08:23
Laneyback in a bit, got some errands to do </seb128>08:49
Trevinhoseb128: sorry I was walking to the venue...08:57
Trevinhoseb128: pretty good, lots of things planned more than done, but we've good plans at least08:57
seb128good improvements?08:58
Trevinhohopefully :), a good one which is almost done is the one about killing the g-s on gdm when logged in, so that it won't stay there for no reason09:02
seb128Trevinho, ah, is somebody working on that?09:04
seb128that would be great09:04
seb128they start catching up with unity :p09:04
ads20000'they' I mean, isn't this pretty much 'we' given Didier is a Board member ;)10:40
dufluOops. Drank afternoon coffee and missed dinner.10:49
dufluLater all10:49
didrocksWimpress: by any chance, have you ever tried to POST manually without ubuntu-report to the database? We have 4 records which are a little bit weird. distro is "ubuntu-mate" (and that doesn't exist, as it's the ID in os-release, which is ubuntu whenever flavor you are running), variant is hardcoded "desktop" for now, but it's set to "ubuntu", and version isn't the version id (like 18.04) but "desktop"11:38
didrocksthey were ran in a mate session as well :)11:39
didrocks(+ another record with correct variant, but distro still manually set to ubuntu-mate)11:41
andyrockgood morning!12:01
didrockshey andyrock!12:02
seb128hey andyrock, how are you? had a good flight?12:03
andyrockyeah long but all good12:03
seb128where are you exactly?12:04
TrevinhoHe follows his teacher 😂12:23
andyrockjbicha, seb128: btw I'm preparing an MP for gnome-control-center 3-2812:25
andyrockwe need a modified (and simpler patch)12:25
jbichacool, great12:25
seb128andyrock, thanks12:33
seb128andyrock, hope you enjoy south america :)12:34
Wimpressdidrocks Almost certainly me (the human) dicking around with ubuntu-report but not interaction between Welcome and ubuntu-report12:38
andyrockjbicha: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/merge_requests/49/diffs12:40
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 49 in gnome-control-center "night-ligth-dialog: Avoid dereferencing invalid pointer" (comments: 0) [Opened]12:40
andyrockI'm also preparing a new to fix the random warnings12:40
didrocksWimpress: ok, I think those were some direct curl usage, as in https://BASE_URL/distro/variante/version, you can only change BASE_URL from the tool12:40
jbichaandyrock: ok, I'll wait for that one then :)12:41
andyrockjbicha: and this one https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/merge_requests/50/diffs?commit_id=475548d0c9ea5814d8aabc11317466011146c76712:51
ubot5-ngGNOME bug (Merge request) 50 in gnome-control-center "night-light-dialog: Ignore G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED errors" (comments: 0) [Opened]12:51
andyrockthe second MP includes both commits to avoid rebasing12:52
andyrockjbicha, seb128 also if you could take care of this: https://code.launchpad.net/~azzar1/gnome-shell/fix-1768786/+merge/34520313:40
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
seb128andyrock, I don't know much about this patch but the commit message is confusing "Inhibit suspend if...screen lock on suspend is enabled "13:47
seb128why would we inhibit suspend?13:47
andyrockto lock before13:47
andyrockonce it's locked we unhibit it13:48
andyrockthe problem is that if you disable automatic login we still want to inhibit the suspend before13:48
andyrockbecause in ubuntu the lock on suspend is managed by another gsettings key13:48
seb128k, so "Inhibit suspend" is "Inhibit suspend until the screen is locked"?13:49
seb128andyrock, ^13:59
seb128andyrock, jbicha, the fix makes sense to me, I'm a bit unsure why we have that patch though. Upstream is not locking the screen on suspend? that seems a bit weird ot me14:02
seb128or is that about allowing to disable the locking on suspend?14:02
jibelFYI, automated smoke tests for cosmic are activated and first desktop image promoted to cosmic14:03
jibeland upgrades from bionic too14:03
seb128duflu left but maybe he noticed tomorrow :)14:03
jibelI'm sure he will14:03
andyrockseb128: guess we just need to replace or with and: "I"nhibit suspend if automatic screen lock is disabled and screen lock on suspend is enabled14:03
andyrockright now if automatic screen lock is disabled  we don't inhibit the suspend14:04
andyrockwe should if screen lock on suspend is enabled14:04
seb128I was just speaking about the wording of the changelog entry14:04
seb128it's a bit confusing as it is atm14:04
andyrockseb128: so replacing or with and is fine for you?14:05
andyrockthat's what I did in the first place and for some reason I changed it later14:06
seb128andyrock, let me read it again :p14:07
Laneyuse more words14:07
seb128andyrock, that patch doesn't inhibit suspend, it only does until the screen is locked no?14:07
seb128I would stick to what I suggested14:08
seb128"Inhibit suspend until the screen is locked"14:08
seb128if that's what it does14:08
seb128then you can add the context14:08
seb128"Inhibit suspend until the screen is locked also in the case where <...> is used"14:08
seb128or something around those lines14:08
seb128popey, hey, can you approve https://community.ubuntu.com/t/canned-response-to-forwarding-files-bugs-upstream/5829/3?14:10
andyrockseb128: kk14:12
seb128andyrock, thx14:12
kenvandineanyone know about oem-config-prepare?14:18
kenvandineLaney, ^^ maybe?14:18
Laneybit open ended :-)14:19
kenvandineit's blowing up because there is no oem user, wondering how that should be created14:19
seb128the question to be more specific, is does anyone know what creates the oem user/session that is used on first boot after installation?14:19
kenvandineCreated symlink /etc/systemd/system/default.target → /lib/systemd/system/oem-config.target.14:19
kenvandinesudo: unknown user: oem14:19
kenvandinesudo: unable to initialize policy plugin14:19
seb128the context is that custom microsoft image, which is not built using ubiquity14:19
seb128the way it works in the ubiquity workflow is that it boots first into a temp oem user where the prepare icon on the desktop is clicked on after tweaking14:20
seb128we want to do that in the image build automatically there14:20
seb128should the build just adduser oem and start the prepare command then?14:20
kenvandineyeah, which prepare seems to be trying to sudo oem14:20
seb128or is there more magic to set up things?14:20
kenvandinei was surprised there was nothing in livecd-rootfs and ubiquity related to the oem user14:21
kenvandinethat i could find14:21
LaneyI think ubiquity creates it in oem_config mode14:22
Laneyit pilots that page of the installer14:22
Laneyone second, let me find the right bit14:22
popeyseb128: done14:25
seb128popey, thanks14:26
kenvandineLaney, thx14:27
kenvandineso i guess i just need to create the user myself14:27
Laneythis thing is using the oem mode somehow?14:28
LaneyI thought it was just supposed to boot to a preinstalled desktop14:28
kenvandineLaney, yeah, but we want oem-config to run14:28
kenvandineto setup the user, etc14:28
kenvandinei had it running g-i-s via gdm, which worked well14:29
kenvandinebut then we didn't get ubuntu welcome14:29
kenvandineLaney, so the oem user should be a regular user, probably uid 1000 right?14:31
kenvandinethen oem-config changes properties on it?14:31
Laneydon't think it should be 1000, that's the real user's uid14:32
Laneylook at ok_handler14:32
kenvandinei see it now14:33
Laneyno problemo14:33
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
jbichakenvandine: you could maybe hack g-i-s to still run the welcome wizard after logging in after completing new user mode14:45
jbichait might be a little annoying for GNOME users but we don't really have GNOME users for the new user mode14:46
jbichakenvandine: or — I forget if I mentioned it to you — but have you seen bug 1762287?14:47
ubot5bug 1762287 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu) "Offer Ubuntu customizations in new user mode too" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176228714:47
seb128LocutusOfBorg, hey, do you know how much libayatana-appindicator has been tested in other distros/desktops and where? and did they still use a different dbus namespace that libappindicator? if so how do things like unity or the gnome-shell extension handle the mix of client apps using one or the other?14:48
jbichasunweaver: ^ :)14:48
seb128jbicha, who is he?14:49
LaneyThe Debian maintainer14:50
jbichaupstream. He is perhaps the Debian version of flexion (maintainer for Debian MATE)14:50
seb128k, thx14:51
seb128jbicha, do you know if webkit2gtk strings are being displayed in user facing UIs? seems like we don't have much translations for it/launchpad import didn't work in bionic (https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/webkit2gtk)14:52
jbichaseb128: yes there are user strings. A simple test case is in Settings > Online Accounts and click to add a new Google account. The right-click options aren't translated in French14:56
seb128jbicha, ok, i'm adding that one to my list then :)14:57
jbichano templates available for xenial?14:57
seb128was that package source/name changed in between series?14:58
seb128or between xenial and xenial-security?14:58
jbichanot really, but it only entered main in Feb 201615:08
jbichaseb128: um, maybe it's as simple as that we don't built it --with translations or --with gnome15:11
jbichahere's the proposed fix for cosmic: https://salsa.debian.org/webkit-team/webkit/merge_requests/115:20
ubot5-ngWebKIt bug (Merge request) 1 in webkit "Build with gnome-pkg-tools for Ubuntu language packs" (comments: 0) [Opened]15:20
jbichaubot5-ng: why do you capitalize webkit like that?15:22
ubot5jbicha: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:22
ubot5-ngjbicha: Error: "why" is not a valid command.15:22
Laneyit's not the bot; the project/team/thing is capitalised in that way15:56
jbichathanks :)16:02
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
jibeltsimonq2, did you try todays lubuntu image? I get bug 1754174 with automated ubiquity tests of Ubuntu.16:27
ubot5bug 1754174 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Lubuntu] "Install Lubuntu" fails with several commands not found and permission denied" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175417416:27
tsimonq2jibel: That's because Lubuntu no longer uses Ubiquity.16:57
tsimonq2We use Calamares now.16:58
tsimonq2jibel: Unless... *please* don't tell me you were testing Bionic...16:58
tsimonq2If that's present on Bionic, please sound alarms.16:59
willcookenight all17:21
jibeltsimonq2, it's with cosmic and only with automated tests, manually it works fine17:40
LocutusOfBorgseb128, it is used in Debian since a lot of times and nobody reported issues so far, but I don't know.. let me check, did anybody complain so far? it  should be a dropin replacement18:28
tsimonq2jibel: OK18:39
oSoMoNgood night all18:40
robert_ancellandyrock, how do I show the logout menu in g-s?22:38
robert_ancellI'm on a details page but not seeing any change22:39
andyrockrobert_ancell: make sure you're running the built plugin (it could try to still load the old snapd plugin)22:46
andyrockmmm it should appear like this: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/NxC87T1b/image.png22:46
andyrockrobert_ancell: btw I fixed all your suggestions23:01
andyrockthx for the quick review23:01
robert_ancellandyrock, np23:02
robert_ancellThat screenshot says "Sing out" :)23:03
andyrockI just noticed that too23:03
robert_ancellIt should play some opera sound effect when you click on it23:03
robert_ancellI'm guessing the menu isn't showing because I haven't signed in?23:04
andyrockit should show23:04
andyrockbut it should allow you to sign in23:04
robert_ancelloh, ok. Must be something else...23:05
robert_ancellah, I stuffed up my git branch23:05
robert_ancellandyrock, was there a discussion about why it only shows on the details page?23:07
robert_ancellbecause login can also affect searches etc23:07
andyrocknope but gnome-software can have more than one auth23:07
andyrockat least in this way we can handle it defining a default auth23:08
robert_ancellthe default auth thing feels a bit odd - can't we just show all logged in accounts there (which will probably only be one in practice)23:09
andyrockrobert_ancell: that can be an option23:10
andyrockI'll look into that23:10
robert_ancellandyrock, something like gs_plugin_get_auths () that returns a GPtrArray (priv->auth_array).23:12
robert_ancellThen you can iterate over that and show each one.23:12
andyrockhow do we distinguish one auth from the other?23:13
andyrocke.g. doing like that we're going to have two auths now "snapd" and "ubuntuone"23:13
andyrockI understand that "ubuntuone" is going away at some point23:14
andyrockbut for the moment it is still there23:14
robert_ancellandyrock, you use gs_app_get_management_plugin which will return the Snap plugin. It only has one auth.23:15
robert_ancellThe Ubuntu One plugin has the other one, and wont be visible.23:15
andyrockthey're shared23:15
andyrockall the plugins share the same auth_array23:15
sarnold"sing out", well at least tha tmatches the optimism of the skype screenshot :023:16
andyrockrobert_ancell: it is this way because e.g. ubuntu-reviews use ubuntuone auth that comes from a different plugin23:17
robert_ancellandyrock, would it be an issue to show both accounts in that menu?23:17
robert_ancellBecause the U1 login could apply to the results (i.e. if we were using the Ubuntu review server for reviews).23:18
andyrockit would be odd to have something like that:23:18
andyrockSign in...23:18
andyrockSign Out23:18
andyrockSign in...23:18
andyrockSign Out23:19
andyrockin the same popover23:19
andyrockwe should at least agree on a way to distinguish the two23:19
andyrockSnap Store23:19
robert_ancell"Sign into Snap Store"23:20
robert_ancell"Sign into Ubuntu One"23:20
andyrockrobert_ancell: and "Signed into SnapStore as <xxx@xxx.xxx>"23:21
robert_ancellandyrock, I think what flagged this for me is gs_plugin_set_default_auth is adding public API to G-S, and Richard is probably going to scrutinize it. So a more generic solution is probably better.23:21
andyrockrobert_ancell: kk that works for me23:21
andyrockmy day is almost over23:22
andyrockso I'll likely update it tomorrow23:22
robert_ancellandyrock, worst case we can just distro patch out U1 for us, and we'll drop U1 in the near future23:22
robert_ancellandyrock, sure, thanks!23:22

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