
SlidingHorninb4 Rixter comes back in an hour complaining that Opera isn't installed after reboot00:02
oerhekswait, it does not stick ...00:15
oerheksSlidingHorn, we just blame nacc00:15
SlidingHornsimonizer is one of the contributors in a linux users' discord server - can't remember which one01:17
leftyfboh, linux users01:18
SlidingHornsame guy though01:18
SlidingHornI actually left that discord a couple days ago by accident and couldn't find a link to get back :/01:19
leftyfbI tried discord, too millennial for me :)01:21
SlidingHornI needed a discord server for my Twitch stream01:21
oerheksi see lots of bugreports about certificates..01:22
daftykinsisn't that only once you get popular :>01:22
SlidingHornwell, define "popular"  lol - got to being an affiliat01:23
daftykinshrmm dunno, 100 viewers regularly?01:23
SlidingHornthat's pretty rare, honestly01:24
* oerheks is populair by birth01:24
daftykinsi know some minor folk with maybe 40+ regularly01:24
SlidingHornI haven't been able to stream at all lately so my server's dropped in population quite a bit...was regularly around 50 folks online01:25
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:25
EriC^^morning all05:07
SlidingHornmorning EriC^^05:10
lordievaderGood morning05:57
lordievaderHey daftykins05:59
lordievaderHow are you doing?05:59
daftykinsnot too bad thanks :D all well with yourself?06:00
SlidingHorninteresting thing re: the Skype snap situation in main - In my software center (using 18.04 Studio) the version he ended up installing is what's available.  On the snapcraft.io website, the 8.20... version he originally installed is what's listed.06:03
daftykinswhich is newer? i can't follow along :>06:03
SlidingHornthe one in my software center is 8.22....06:04
lordievaderDoing good here 😁06:04
daftykinsi'm currently still amused by having taken a pair of scissors to my previously long hair, just earlier06:05
lordievaderSometimes it is good to cut it short.06:05
ducassegood morning06:05
lordievaderHey ducasse06:06
lordievaderHow are you?06:06
ducassehi daftykins, lordievader - all well here, thanks. you too, i hope?06:10
SlidingHornmornin ducasse06:11
ducassei shaved my hair off yesterday, daftykins - ready for summer :)06:11
daftykinso rly06:11
ducassehi SlidingHorn - all well?06:11
daftykinshow much did you have?06:11
daftykinsyip yip all well here, debating what to do for breakfast06:11
SlidingHornso far, so good06:12
lordievaderducasse: Yes, doing good :)06:12
ducassedaftykins: a few cm, i shave it regularly06:13
lotuspsychjehey ducasse lordievader06:57
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje06:57
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:57
lotuspsychjefine here received an email about gpdr from my banker lordievader06:57
lotuspsychjenew privacy law06:58
lordievaderYeah, you almost get a daily gpdr email these days.06:58
lotuspsychjelordievader: you understand whats it about in short?06:58
ducassemorning lotuspsychje06:58
ducassehow are you?06:59
lotuspsychjehey ducasse06:59
lordievaderIn short: more control to the user about his data. Sending out privacy data needs to have a valid cause.07:00
lotuspsychjei see07:00
lordievaderOh, and lots of stuff is now personal data. If you are able to relate a piece of data back to a person, it is personal data.07:00
lotuspsychjelordievader: so i have a blogger with customers database for newsletter, how would this influence me?07:01
lordievaderAs a company you need to document what you are storing and why you are storing it.07:01
lordievaderIf you can defend why you store something (it is necesary to save an email address for a newsletter, for example) it is okay.07:02
lotuspsychjeif not= big fines07:02
lotuspsychjelordievader: so the backdoor out of this, hiding your customers data from online?07:03
lordievaderDon't think that will happen very soon. This new law has been in effect for quite some time... just now they are starting to actually enforce the rules.07:03
lordievaderHiding? The whole point of gpdr is to make this sort of thing more transparent.07:04
daftykinsnah GDPR comes into force in a few days07:06
lotuspsychjeyeah saw the wiki lordievader but seems real complicated07:09
daftykinsah i should've qualified that with my home being outside of the EU so choosing to do it later, but at the same time as England07:10
lotuspsychjelordievader: tnx for the explain07:13
daftykinspretty horrifying it took 6 years xD07:13
lotuspsychjei dont like anything european07:14
lordievaderNo problem. However, do be sure to read the more official documents if you need a real answer. This might be  half my own interpretation 😋m07:14
lotuspsychjethis always fits in a big brother plan07:14
lotuspsychjethey got us first with the euro currency07:16
lotuspsychjeeverything 4 times more expensive07:17
BluesKajHowdy all10:05
SlidingHornmornin BluesKaj10:16
BluesKaj'Morning SlidingHorn10:23
BluesKajwas busy doing some banking for a few mins10:26
SlidingHornno worries10:29
JimBuntumorning BluesKaj10:58
BluesKajup early as usual10:59
BluesKajif I sleep past 6AM it's a bonus :-)11:01
JimBuntuI woke up at 4, I normally get up by 5 so I didn't see any point in going back to sleep.11:03
BluesKajJimBuntu, what do you mean by the  <TAB> in that line?12:04
JimBuntupress the TAB key12:04
JimBuntuThat's why I added the next line with what it would look like, just in-case.12:05
BluesKajok thanks12:09
BluesKajlordievader, funny how some users don't think of a reboot ...if it was windows they probly would since they're so used to having to do so12:57
lordievaderUsually  a reboot ain't necesary in Linux. That said, some computers are strange with their usb ports. Nothing connected at boot means they won't use it or something.... No idea what they are thinking.12:58
leftyfblordievader: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/BbRw5ty5ft/13:10
lordievaderleftyfb: Luckily I don't often see those kind of machines 😉13:11
SlidingHornpragmaticenigma: really? (about the clock thing)  I found an answer on StackExchange (it *was* for Fedora though..but under gnome)14:08
pragmaticenigmaSlidingHorn: I've seen that same support article, last person I recommended it to, it had no effect on their install.14:10
SlidingHornpragmaticenigma: guess it worked for them :/14:11
pragmaticenigmayep... weird14:12
pragmaticenigmaI'll update my notes :-)14:20
leftyfbkiriuha has been joining and posting garbage for a while now14:39
leftyfbsince the beginning of the month14:39
leftyfbalso, what's this client? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/8bXXpyCRMx/14:41
pragmaticenigmawhat client leftyfb ... I see what appears to be a list of handles.. not user agents14:42
leftyfblook at the idents and a good portion of the nick names14:43
pragmaticenigmaA reason that the #ubuntu channel should really start requiring nick registration is what I think it means14:44
leftyfbactually, ~u0_aXXX14:44
pragmaticenigmapossibly their all masked?14:44
leftyfbthat would cut down on the garbage, but it would also exclude a lot people legitimately looking for help14:45
leftyfbif they're masked, they're all masked the same way, I'm assuming the same client14:45
pragmaticenigmaI guess I don't know enough about IRC to make an educated guess. If that's from the main room... I would assume one of the freenode servers is doing something odd14:46
leftyfbFreenode doesn't do tha14:47
pragmaticenigmamagic and voodoo then14:48
leftyfbthis is the only thing anyone with the nick u0_a* has ever said https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/DTQfxM7sSD/14:50
leftyfbit's all garbage14:50
pragmaticenigmawhat channel are you in that you see that?14:50
pragmaticenigmai don't see any of those handles14:51
leftyfbit's all #ubuntu14:51
leftyfblook at the timestamps14:51
leftyfbthey're all sinch the beginning of the year14:52
pragmaticenigmaah... starting to piece things together... I'm scanning the current list up and down and not seeing any of those14:52
pragmaticenigmanow it makes sense when I have a date to associate with the capture14:53
leftyfbthat's every nick that has had u0_a in it's nick/ident and everything they've ever said14:57
leftyfblooks like they might all be from Russia14:57
leftyfbok, maybe not just Russia14:58
leftyfbbut certainly mostly have issues with English14:58
SlidingHornleftyfb: there's another one... :/15:05
JimBuntugreat, now they are learning new commands. I was tempted to !ru > them15:06
SlidingHornthey're freakin evolving  D:15:07
JimBuntupretty slowly though.15:07
SlidingHornI mean...they're bots right?  What's their purpose?15:08
leftyfbthey're not bots15:08
SlidingHornhm...I don't see the "fun" in just posting random gibberish in a chat several times a day15:09
JimBuntuYou are SOOOO boring SlidingHorn, such a buzzkill, lol15:11
JimBuntuI don't get it either, some people actually have fun causing trouble. I guess that it makes them feel powerful or important or something15:11
SlidingHornwell, I mean...I get trolling, just not that brand, I guess...15:12
leftyfbit's just dumb kids with nothing better to do15:13
SlidingHornoh wow...did I miss the flood?  Drone got that one on its own15:24
BluesKajwe had a power interruption so I missed all the fun :/15:25
BluesKajthe next door neighbour's overgrown cedar hedge grew inti the electrical power distribution box and shorted out the lines connected to it ...think she'll be receiving a hefty bill from the local utility :-)15:39
* SlidingHorn is starting to think IntelCore is bugzie's kin15:54
leftyfbSlidingHorn: my eye twitched for a moment as well. We'll see15:57
leftyfbSlidingHorn: I don't think so .. IntelCore has been around for over a year15:58
leftyfbsame ip since January15:58
SlidingHornhow do you get that so easily?16:01
leftyfbfunny, I count 204 questions from IntelCore since exactly 1 year and 2 days ago16:01
* tomreyn just learnt that there is no mirroring infrsatructure for cdimage.ubuntu.com. unfortunately that's where the 'proper' server images are hosted. so better have a local copy in case this (canonical CDN?) goes down.18:33
SlidingHornjust making sure I don't give the wrong advice here - had the guy nomodeset, install nvidia drivers, and when he rebooted, it still went to black screen & nouveau still loaded.  At this point do I have him blacklist noveau in the grub config?19:08
SlidingHornah Bashing-om to the rescue, thanks :)19:09
Bashing-omSlidingHorn: Ahw ,, just a tad bit of experience with nvidia drivers :P19:13
SlidingHornsorry...inxi is my new favorite tool :P19:45
leftyfbI keep forgetting it's name :)19:45
Bashing-omSlidingHorn: By the same author .. check out the revamped pinxi : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2387337 .19:51
leftyfbpinxi isn't as useful if it's not available in the official repos.19:52
SlidingHornoooo...if we can get that released and packaged :P19:53
Bashing-omSlidingHorn: Yeah, getting pinxi to replace inxi is the goal .19:55
leftyfbpitty it's not going to be written in bash anymore19:57
leftyfbthat was the impressive part for me19:57
leftyfband I always planned to pull it apart to use some of it's data gathering in other scripts19:58
leftyfblooks like I need to keep a copy of it around for future refernce19:58
Bashing-omYeah, been my experience, if ya do not save it - ya loose it ( now just where did I save it at ??)20:01
oerheksBashing-om, all his symptoms looks like his machine has reached EOL... i had no issues yesterday installing 180420:36
oerhekstomorrow my desktop :-P20:36
Bashing-omoerheks: well, like this .. I installed 18.04's beta ubuntu and no issues, played with wayland - impressive . Installed xubuntu-core for testing and never went back to 16.04 . the core install is now my work horse .20:39
SlidingHornleftyfb: is there somewhere you pulled all that info from other than the log site?  Did you use some sort of script or something?21:03

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