
BigFontsHALPHi. 18.04 mate. Fresh install. After I installed nvidia(with sudo ubuntu-driver autoinstall) a login after reboot has LARGE DPI00:19
BigFontsHALPI cannot use the system.. Anyone tell me where to change it?00:20
BigFontsHALPI need to know where the font settings are in MATE00:21
pragomer1in ubuntu mate the apps (like caja, mate-terminal) always open in the left upper corner. can I set this to open always in middle of the screen?14:22
vkarehpragomer1: `gsettings set org.mate.Marco.general center-new-windows true`14:26
pragomer1super cool. thank you so much :-)14:28
vkarehyou're welcome :)14:29
lapagaalso in control center look and feel windows placement center new window14:56
nripenis internet slow on pi 2 ubuntu mate14:57
nripeni have 75nbos connection and it doesnt go beyond 20mbps on speed test14:57
nripen0the witcher 1  is the worst game i have ever played. bullshit game15:03
markie-how do i destroy my system21:36
m4t:(){:|:&};: <-- don't run that21:45
m4talso --no-preserve-root is helpful21:46
m4ti got a bunch of other ideas too but will refrain from sharing21:47
markie-m4t: my laptop is defective but i need to make it more defective, so when i take it bk tomorrow it'll be no probs22:43
m4thook up a much higher voltage power supply22:44
m4tthat'll do 'er22:44
m4tor even reversing polarity *might* do it.22:44
m4tprolly has protection diodes though, i'd hope.22:45
markie-thats bit over kill,just need a software issue so it wont start up22:45
m4tzero out the mbr/gpt22:45
markie-they mightturn it on in shop etc22:45
m4teverything else would still be on the hdd though22:45
markie-yeah the hdd is clean of personal content, dont care if they discover linux on it later down the road22:46
m4tif you wanted it to be software only, you could brick the bios with a bad flash. maybe edit a legit bios/uefi and remove some necessary uefi drivers etc.22:46
m4they wait a minute, i'm not going to be an accomplice in this22:46
markie-we go down together buddy22:47
m4tnot if i rat you out first >:D22:48
markie-it's not a bad machine but i think i can get something better22:48
m4tbut yeah. modding a bios to make it unbootable (but reflashable) would be a soft brick. like if you opened it up in uefitool and deleted the ahci/sata module. it'd refuse to boot from hdd22:48
m4tif you were careful it'd be recoverable through a bios reflash e.g. from a usb stick22:49
markie-i think just deleting some critical files would do it right22:49
m4ti mean, yeah...but wouldn't they try to reinstall?22:50
m4tthey could easily confirm it being software vs hardware22:50
markie-i would be long gone by then22:50
m4tyeah just nuke the mbr/gpt then22:50
m4ti usually use wipefs to clear remnants of old partition tables/filesystems from a drive without doing a full dd if=/dev/zero22:51
markie-what system do you have22:52
m4tdesktop pc, custom built22:52
markie-nice. im thinking of replacing my mini laptop with android tablet,but dont know how i feel about using it like a pc22:53
m4tif you want a "tablet" i'd wait until the new chromeos powered ones come out22:54
markie-this is just for bedside stuff22:54
m4tthey'll probably run android apps AND have a functional desktop22:54
markie-what about a windows tab with mate on it>22:54
markie-bad idea?22:54
m4tif it's native boot it might be okay, i have no idea what it'd be like to try to navigate via touch (without a mouse)22:55
m4ti messed around for a bit getting debian+mate running inside a chroot on my samsung tablet22:55
m4tit ran *inside* android with x11 being an sdl-based android app, so poor graphics performance. and w/stock samsung kernel, sudo etc. didn't work even when suid22:55
m4ti had a bluetooth keyboard and mouse22:56
markie-yeah the touch thing bothers me22:56
m4tafaik the unity desktop environment was designed with touch in mind22:57
m4ti haven't used that outside of a live cd in a long time though22:57
markie-hmm i guess its the future22:57
markie-i might be able to get use to it22:58
m4tsoft keyboards are a pita too for any real typing. especially linux cmdline22:58

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