
mamarleyricotz: 390.59 has been released.  I can package it in a bit.18:37
mamarleyricotz: All done: https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages.  I also threw in an updated build of 396 with the changes from the latest release of 390 in the main repository forward-ported.20:18
ricotzmamarley, great, thank you20:19
mamarleyNo problem20:19
ricotzmamarley, no armhf builds?20:20
mamarleyricotz: Darn, I forgot I disabled that on -staging again.  Shall I re-upload?20:20
ricotzjust enable it and pocket binary-copy the built packages over their-selves20:21
ricotz*no need* to re-upload20:21
ricotzor even rebuild20:22
mamarleyCool, I didn't know you could do that.  Done.20:25
mamarleyIt looks like the armhf build queue is a bit jammed up right now though. :(20:26

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