
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Just responded to Alexandrieu. He's not offering to help, and he's starting to get personal, so I recommend we stop that discussion. If he does get personal, we'll need to moderate him.14:42
ErichEickmeyerAnd thanks for taking the discussion to the ML as opposed to his private email he initially sent you. That was a good idea.14:42
SlidingHornjust saw that - well said14:54
ErichEickmeyerHey, I didn't get this degree in leadership for nothing. ;)14:56
SlidingHornMine was in pestering with a minor in troll.  Best I stay out of it :P14:57
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: I probably said more than was needed, sorry :)15:20
SlidingHornOvenWerks: I don't think you crossed any lines, personally15:21
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: No, you're okay. I've got your back. He's the one that needs to calm down.15:21
* ErichEickmeyer scampers off to work15:22

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