
Unit193Wait is the blue man gone?00:12
flocculantbluesabre: nope - not automatic - I've been patiently adding them ;)04:52
flocculantali1234: don't know if you're aware yet - but vlc in b-proposed and sru bug 177125905:24
ubottubug 1771259 in vlc (Ubuntu Bionic) "[SRU] Update to bugfix release 3.0.2 in Bionic" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177125905:24
ali1234doesn't seem related to any of the bugs i saw, but thanks05:25
ali1234i don't actually use vlc anyway, i find mpv to be much much better...05:25
flocculantI don't use it either :)05:26
flocculantknome: re dokuwiki - any way you know of to have contents of a wiki page like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing ?18:17
flocculantcurrently only method I can see is to have a landing page to act as contents - then seperate pages for each 'thing'18:24
knomeflocculant, you mean you'd like to show a ToC created from page headings?19:10
knomethat should be possible, either directly or via plugin19:11
flocculantaah - getting sensible search results from toc \o/19:12
* flocculant digs about a bit more 19:12
knomeMinimum amount of headlines that determines whether the TOC is built --> 319:12
* flocculant quickly checks that19:12
knomehttps://wiki.xubuntu.org/qa/isotesting should have that i think19:13
knomemaybe i edited the template not to print the toc? ;)19:13
flocculantfine tuning doesn't for sure19:14
knomeit's so long that i don't remember19:14
flocculantif you could have a look - that would be awesome19:14
knomei can look at it later, so if you need a page that does that, feel free to create it19:14
knomeand the toc will appear automatically later...19:14
knomeor at least after a page update :P19:14
knomei think that's how dokuwiki works19:14
flocculantwell the pages that need it - have the headings - so when you've looked can you let me know :)19:15
knomeyep, and when i look i'll very likely have to do my own testing as well19:15
flocculanttbh headings in dokuwiki don't make much sense to me :D19:16
knomeyou mean the markup?19:17
flocculantno - more what they actually look like 19:17
knomedon't they look a bit like the headings on the main website? :P19:17
knomeor, a better example, like the docs19:17
flocculantI guess - that doesn't always make much sense to me either19:17
knomethen i guess we should look at that19:17
akxwi-davelooking good though19:18
flocculantdokuwiki manual makes no mention of headings - so I guess they're not sure either :D19:19
Unit193xfce4-notifyd 0.4.2-1 uploaded by Yves-Alexis Perez (corsac)20:02
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